예제 #1
        public TradeView Convert(Trade trade, string lang)
            SkuView   relatedSku = new SkuViewController().Get(trade.SkuGuid, lang);
            OrderView orderView  = new OrderViewController().Get(trade.OrderGuid, lang);

            return(new TradeView
                Guid = trade.Guid,
                TradeCode = trade.TradeCode,
                BuyerGuid = trade.BuyerGuid,
                BuyerUserName = trade.BuyerUserName,
                BuyerLanguageCode = trade.BuyerLanguageCode,
                BuyerPhoneNumber = trade.BuyerPhoneNumber,
                SellerGuid = trade.SellerGuid,
                SellerLanguageCode = trade.SellerLanguageCode,
                SellerUserName = trade.SellerUserName,
                SellerPhoneNumber = trade.SellerPhoneNumber,
                Created = trade.Created,
                Currency = trade.Currency,
                OrderGuid = trade.OrderGuid,
                ProductColourGuid = orderView.ProductColourGuid,
                ProductColourName = orderView.ProductColourName,
                ProductCondition = orderView.ProductCondition,
                ProductConditionName = orderView.ProductConditionName,
                Price = trade.Price,
                LastModified = trade.LastModified,
                Status = trade.Status,
                Quantity = trade.Quantity,
                SkuGuid = trade.SkuGuid,
                SkuFullName = relatedSku.FullName,
                Total = trade.Total
예제 #2
        public TradeOfferView Get(Guid tradeOfferGuid, string lang = "en-US")
            //you can only view if you are the to party
            Account account = AccountController.GetAccountByUsername(User.Identity.Name);

            using (DatabaseContext context = new DatabaseContext())
                var offer = (from o in context.TradeOffers
                             where o.Guid == tradeOfferGuid
                             select o).FirstOrDefault();

                if (offer == null)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

                if (offer.ToAccountGuid != account.Guid &&
                    offer.FromAccountGuid != account.Guid)
                    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

                OrderView orderView  = new OrderViewController().Get(offer.OrderGuid, lang);
                SkuView   relatedSku = new SkuViewController().Get(orderView.SkuGuid, lang);
                Account   from       = (from a in context.Accounts
                                        where a.Guid == offer.FromAccountGuid
                                        select a).First();

                Account to = (from a in context.Accounts
                              where a.Guid == offer.ToAccountGuid
                              select a).First();

                TradeOfferView converted = new TradeOfferView
                    Guid                 = offer.Guid,
                    Created              = offer.Created,
                    Currency             = offer.Currency,
                    FromAccountGuid      = offer.FromAccountGuid,
                    LastModified         = offer.LastModified,
                    OrderGuid            = offer.OrderGuid,
                    Price                = offer.Price,
                    ProductColourGuid    = orderView.ProductColourGuid,
                    ProductColourName    = orderView.ProductColourName,
                    ProductCondition     = orderView.ProductCondition,
                    ProductConditionName = orderView.ProductConditionName,
                    Location             = orderView.Location,
                    LocationName         = orderView.LocationName,
                    Quantity             = offer.Quantity,
                    SkuGuid              = orderView.SkuGuid,
                    SkuImageUrl          = orderView.ImageSrc,
                    SkuFullName          = orderView.SkuFullName,
                    Total                = offer.Quantity * offer.Price,
                    TradeCode            = offer.TradeCode,
                    Type                 = orderView.Type,
                    FromUserName         = from.Username,
                    ToAccountGuid        = offer.ToAccountGuid,
                    ToUserName           = to.Username,
                    CancelReason         = offer.CancelReason,
                    Status               = GetStatus(offer),
                    Deadline             = offer.Deadline
