public async Task<DomainTrackingUrl> AddAsync(DomainTrackingUrl trackingUrl) { // Get subscription CompanySubscription subscription = await _subscriptionService.GetAsync(trackingUrl.SubscriptionId); // Check redirect url if (trackingUrl.RedirectUrl == null) { throw new ArgumentException("RedirectUrl required"); } if (!string.Equals(trackingUrl.RedirectUrl.Host, subscription.SiteHostname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw new BadRequestException( string.Format("Client subscription {0} allows only URLs starting with {1}: {2}", subscription.Id, subscription.SiteHostname, trackingUrl.RedirectUrl)); } // Add tracking url TrackingUrlEntity entity = _mappingEngine.Map<DomainTrackingUrl, TrackingUrlEntity>(trackingUrl); entity = await _trackingUrlRepository.AddAsync(entity); DomainTrackingUrl result = _mappingEngine.Map<TrackingUrlEntity, DomainTrackingUrl>(entity); result.Key = _urlShortenerService.Encode(Int64.Parse(result.Id)); return result; }
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post(TrackingUrlModel model) { var trackingUrl = new DomainTrackingUrl { ProjectId = model.ProjectId, SubscriptionId = model.SubscriptionId, RedirectUrl = new Uri(model.Url) }; trackingUrl = await _service.AddAsync(trackingUrl); string linkUri = Url.Link(ApiName, new { id = trackingUrl.Key }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkUri)) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not generate url for link: {0}", trackingUrl.Key)); } var uri = new Uri(linkUri); HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, uri.ToString()); response.Headers.Location = uri; return response; }
public async Task<UrlTrackingResult> TrackAsync(DomainTrackingUrl trackingUrl) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trackingUrl.Id)) { trackingUrl.Id = _urlShortenerService.Decode(trackingUrl.Key).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } TrackingUrlEntity entity = _mappingEngine.Map<DomainTrackingUrl, TrackingUrlEntity>(trackingUrl); entity = await _trackingUrlRepository.GetAsync(entity); if (entity == null) { throw new NotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find tracking url with id {0} and key {1}", trackingUrl.Id, trackingUrl.Key)); } // Build portal url link string projectUrl = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(entity.ProjectId); // We should keep requested schema in redirect link var projectUri = new UriBuilder(projectUrl) { Scheme = trackingUrl.RequestUri.Scheme, Port = trackingUrl.RequestUri.Port }; // Default redirect to Portal var result = new UrlTrackingResult { ProjectId = entity.ProjectId, SubscriptionId = entity.SubscriptionId, IsAccountable = false, Redirect = projectUri.Uri }; DomainCompany company; CompanySubscription subscription; try { company = await _companyService.FindBySubscriptionAsync(entity.SubscriptionId); subscription = await _subscriptionService.GetAsync(entity.SubscriptionId); } catch (ForbiddenException) { // blocked company or subscription - portal redirect return result; } catch (NotFoundException) { // deleted or unexisting company or subscription - portal redirect return result; } // Checking custom subscription type if (subscription.Type == SubscriptionType.Pro || subscription.Type == SubscriptionType.Custom) { // always redirect to client site result.Redirect = new Uri(entity.RedirectUrl); result.IsAccountable = true; } else if (subscription.Type == SubscriptionType.Basic) { // checking company balance if (subscription.IsManuallyEnabled || subscription.HasTrialClicks || (await _balanceService.GetBalanceAsync(company.Id)) > 0) { result.Redirect = new Uri(entity.RedirectUrl); result.IsAccountable = true; } } return result; }