public Labyrinth( LabyrinthMap m, LabyrinthPos start ) { if (LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x == m [start]) { throw new AccessViolationException (); } map = m; pos = start; map [start] = LabyrinthMap.mapItem.P; }
private void Move(ref LabyrinthMap dstMap, LabyrinthPos currentPos, LabyrinthMap.mapItem dst) { if ( currentPos.x < 0 || currentPos.x >= dstMap.w || currentPos.y < 0 || currentPos.y >= dstMap.h || dstMap [currentPos] < 0 ) { // Current position is outside map or on obsticle return; } if (dstMap [currentPos] > 0 && dstMap [currentPos] <= dst) { return; } dstMap [currentPos] = dst; Move (ref dstMap, new LabyrinthPos(currentPos.x-1, currentPos.y), dst+1); Move (ref dstMap, new LabyrinthPos(currentPos.x+1, currentPos.y), dst+1); Move (ref dstMap, new LabyrinthPos(currentPos.x, currentPos.y-1), dst+1); Move (ref dstMap, new LabyrinthPos(currentPos.x, currentPos.y+1), dst+1); }
public LabyrinthPos(LabyrinthPos pos) { x = pos.x; y = pos.y; }
public mapItem this[LabyrinthPos pos] { get { return map[pos.y,pos.x]; } set { map[pos.y,pos.x] = value; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleKeyInfo Key; do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine ("Select:"); Console.WriteLine ("1. Sum and average"); Console.WriteLine ("2. Sorting words"); Console.WriteLine ("3. Longest subsequence"); Console.WriteLine ("4. Remove odd occurences"); Console.WriteLine ("5. Count occurences"); Console.WriteLine ("6. Reversed list"); Console.WriteLine ("7. Linked list"); Console.WriteLine ("8. Calcualting distance in labyrinth."); Console.WriteLine ("q - Quit"); Key = Console.ReadKey (); Console.WriteLine(); switch (Key.KeyChar) { case '1': // Sum and avararge Console.WriteLine ("Sum and Average. Enter space separated integers: "); try { var ints = new Integers (Console.ReadLine ()); Console.WriteLine ("Sum={0:G}; Average={1:G}", ints.Sum (), ints.Avg ()); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine (e.Message); } break; case '2': // Sort words Console.WriteLine ("Sorting words. Enter space separated words: "); { var words = new Words (Console.ReadLine ()); Console.WriteLine (words.Sort ()); } break; case '3': // Longest subsequence Console.WriteLine ("Longest subsequence. Enter space separated integers: "); try { var ints = new Integers (Console.ReadLine ()); ints.LongestSeq ().ForEach (i => Console.Write ("{0} ", i)); Console.Write ("\n"); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine (e.Message); } break; case '4': // Remove odd occurences Console.WriteLine ("Remove odd occurences. Enter space separated integers: "); try { var ints = new Integers (Console.ReadLine ()); ints.RemoveOddOcc ().ForEach (i => Console.Write ("{0} ", i)); Console.Write ("\n"); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine (e.Message); } break; case '5': // Count occurences Console.WriteLine ("Count occurences. Enter space separated integers between 0 and 1000: "); try { var ints = new Integers (Console.ReadLine (), 0, 1000); foreach (var pair in ints.CountOcc()) { Console.WriteLine ("{0} -> {1} times ", pair.Key, pair.Value); } } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine (e.Message); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { Console.WriteLine (e.Message); } break; case '6': // Reversed list Console.WriteLine ("Revered list. Adding elements 1,2,3,4 and changing index 0."); { var revList = new ReversedList<int> (); revList.Add (1); revList.Add (2); revList.Add (3); revList.Add (4); foreach (var item in revList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); revList.Remove (0); foreach (var item in revList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); revList.Add (4); foreach (var item in revList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); revList [0] = 44; foreach (var item in revList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); Console.Write (revList [0]); Console.Write ("\n"); } break; case '7': // Linked list Console.WriteLine ("Lnked list. Adding ints 1,2,3,4,2,5,6. Removing index 5, 2 and 0."); { var linkedList = new LinkedList<int> (); linkedList.Add (1); linkedList.Add (2); linkedList.Add (3); linkedList.Add (4); linkedList.Add (2); linkedList.Add (5); linkedList.Add (6); foreach (var item in linkedList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); linkedList.Remove (5); foreach (var item in linkedList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); linkedList.Remove (2); foreach (var item in linkedList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); linkedList.Remove (0); foreach (var item in linkedList) { Console.Write ("{0} ", item); } Console.Write ("\n"); Console.WriteLine ("Head {0}", linkedList.Head.val); Console.WriteLine ("Tail {0}", linkedList.Tail.val); Console.WriteLine ("First index of 2 is {0}", linkedList.FirstIndexOf (2)); Console.WriteLine ("Last index of 2 is {0}", linkedList.LastIndexOf (2)); } break; case '8': // Distance in labyrinth Console.WriteLine ("Calcualting distance in labyrinth."); { var map = new LabyrinthMap (new LabyrinthMap.mapItem[,] { { LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x}, { LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x}, { LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o}, { LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o}, { LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o}, { LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.o, LabyrinthMap.mapItem.x} }); try { var start = new LabyrinthPos (1, 2); var labyrinth = new Labyrinth (map, start); (); var dst = labyrinth.calcDistances (); dst.MarkFreeAsU (); dst.Print (); } catch (AccessViolationException) { Console.WriteLine ("Invalid start position selected"); } } break; }// switch Console.ReadKey (); }// do while (Key.KeyChar != 'q'); }