private void TabControl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { MemLabel.Text = ParamsHelper.BytesToMegs(IOHelper.GetStorageSpace(ParamsHelper.InstallPath)).ToString("0.##") + " МБ"; } catch (ArgumentNullException) { MemLabel.Text = "0 байт"; } }
private void CleanBufferButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IOHelper.CleanBuffer(); UsedTempSizeLabel.Text = "Занято сейчас: " + ParamsHelper.BytesToMegs(IOHelper.GetDirectorySize(ParamsHelper.TempPath)).ToString("0.###") + " МБ"; } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a package information from the FTP server /// </summary> /// <param name="URI"></param> /// <param name="AppName"></param> /// <returns>The file info as a string</returns> static public string LoadInfo(Uri URI, string AppName) { Uri InfoUri = new Uri(URI.ToString() + "/" + AppName + ".info"); Uri FileUri = new Uri(URI.ToString() + "/" + AppName + ".zip"); Uri LogoUri = new Uri(URI.ToString() + "/Logo.png"); string AppSize = ""; string AppInfo = ""; string AppScrShot = null; string AppLogo = null; int bufferSize = 1024; int readCount; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; try { using (Stream FTPReader = CreateDownloadRequest(InfoUri)) { readCount = FTPReader.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize); while (readCount > 0) { AppInfo += Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, bufferSize); readCount = FTPReader.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize); } } } catch { AppInfo = null; } try { AppSize = ParamsHelper.BytesToMegs(GetFileSizeRequest(FileUri)).ToString("0.##") + " МБ"; } catch { throw; AppSize = null; } return(AppSize + "\n" + AppInfo + "\n" + AppLogo + "\n" + AppScrShot); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a package information from the FTP server /// </summary> /// <param name="URI"></param> /// <param name="AppName"></param> /// <returns>The file info as a string</returns> static public string LoadInfo(Uri URI, string AppName) { FTP Ftp = new FTP(URI.Host, URI.Port); string FileName = AppName + ".zip"; string InfoName = AppName + ".info"; string ScrShotName = AppName + ".png"; string LogoName = "Logo.png"; string FileSize; string BufferPath = ParamsHelper.TempPath + "\\" + AppName; string AppInfo; if (!Directory.Exists(BufferPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(BufferPath); } Ftp.Connect(URI.UserInfo, ""); try { Ftp.ChangeDirectory(URI.AbsolutePath); FileSize = Ftp.GetFileSize(FileName); FileSize = ParamsHelper.BytesToMegs((ulong)Convert.ToInt64(FileSize)).ToString("0.###") + " МБ"; } catch { FileSize = null; } try { Ftp.GetFile(InfoName, BufferPath + "\\" + InfoName, true); InfoName = BufferPath + "\\" + InfoName; } catch { File.Delete(BufferPath + "\\" + InfoName); InfoName = null; } try { Ftp.GetFile(LogoName, BufferPath + "\\" + LogoName, true); LogoName = BufferPath + "\\" + LogoName; } catch { File.Delete(BufferPath + "\\" + LogoName); LogoName = null; } try { Ftp.GetFile(ScrShotName, BufferPath + "\\" + ScrShotName, true); ScrShotName = BufferPath + "\\" + ScrShotName; } catch { File.Delete(BufferPath + "\\" + ScrShotName); ScrShotName = null; } AppInfo = FileSize + "\n" + InfoName + "\n" + LogoName + "\n" + ScrShotName; Ftp.Disconnect(); return(AppInfo); }
private void ParamsBox_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DownloadPathBox.Text = ParamsHelper.DownloadPath; OverwriteDirsBox.Checked = ParamsHelper.IsOverwrite; AutoInstallBox.Checked = ParamsHelper.IsAutoInstall; RmPackageBox.Checked = ParamsHelper.IsRmPackage; TempSizeBox.Text = ParamsHelper.BytesToMegs(ParamsHelper.TempSize).ToString("0.##"); UsedTempSizeLabel.Text = "Занято сейчас: " + ParamsHelper.BytesToMegs(IOHelper.GetDirectorySize(ParamsHelper.TempPath)).ToString("0.###") + " МБ"; List <string> StoragesNames = IO.GetAllRemovableStorages(); if (!(StoragesNames.Count == 0)) { int ButtonTop; int ButtonLeft; int ButtonWidth; if (this.Width == 480) { ButtonTop = 303; ButtonLeft = 14; ButtonWidth = 400; } else { ButtonTop = 140; ButtonLeft = 7; ButtonWidth = 200; } int i = 1; foreach (string storage in StoragesNames) { RadioButton StorageButton = new RadioButton(); StorageButton.Left = ButtonLeft; StorageButton.Top = ButtonTop; StorageButton.Width = ButtonWidth; StorageButton.Text = storage; StorageButton.Name = "StorageButton" + i; StorageButton.CheckedChanged += StorageButton_CheckedChanged; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ParamsHelper.InstallPath)) { if (storage == ParamsHelper.InstallPath.Split('\\')[1]) { StorageButton.Checked = true; } } InstallTabPage.Controls.Add(StorageButton); if (this.Width == 480) { ButtonTop += 46; } else { ButtonTop += 23; } i++; } } else { DeviceInstallButton.Checked = true; } }