public ObjectAddMoreAttributesDlg(ADObjectAddDlg objectAddDlg, IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : this(container, parentPage) { this._objectAddDlg = objectAddDlg; InitializeComponent(); InitializePages(); }
public ResetPassword(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, bool bPwdNeverExpires, string user) : this() { this.IPlugInContainer = container; this.bNeverExpiresPwd = bPwdNeverExpires; this.sUser = user; }
/// <summary> /// Gets all class attributes from the Schema template and add them to the treeview /// </summary> /// <param name="objectAddDlg"></param> public ObjectAddWelcomePage(ADObjectAddDlg objectAddDlg, ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode, IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : this() { this._objectAddDlg = objectAddDlg; this.dirnode = dirnode; this._container = container; this._parentPage = parentPage; if (_objectAddDlg.objectClasses != null) { if (treeView1.Nodes != null) { treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); } foreach (string node in _objectAddDlg.objectClasses) { if (node != null) { SchemaType schemaType = _objectAddDlg.schemaCache.GetSchemaTypeByObjectClass(node); LdapClassType ldapClassType = schemaType as LdapClassType; String[] mandatoryAttributes = ldapClassType.MandatoryAttributes; TreeNode schemeNode = new TreeNode(); schemeNode.Text = schemaType.AttributeDisplayName; schemeNode.Tag = mandatoryAttributes; treeView1.Nodes.Add(schemeNode); treeView1.Sort(); } } } treeView1.HideSelection = true; }
public ObjectSelectDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, Hostinfo hn, IPlugIn plugin) : this() { this.IPlugInContainer = container; //this.AddPage(new DomainConnectPage(this, hn, plugin, container)); this.AddPage(new ObjectSelectPage(this, plugin, container)); }
public NewGroupDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage,Hostinfo hn, IPlugIn plugin) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); // Create an instance of a ListView column sorter and assign it // to the ListView control. lvwColumnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(); this.lvMembers.ListViewItemSorter = lvwColumnSorter; this.ButtonCancel.Text = "Cancel"; this.ButtonOK.Text = "Create"; this.SetAllValueChangedHandlers(this); localParent = (LUGPage)parentPage; if (localParent == null) { throw new ArgumentException("NewGroupDlg constructor: (LUGPage) parentPage == null"); } this._hn = hn; this._plugin = (LUGPlugIn)plugin; ((EditDialog)this).btnApply.Visible = false; users = new Hashtable(); this.tbGroupName.Select(); }
//private Hostinfo hn = null; #endregion #region Constructors public GroupPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, IPlugIn plugin) : base(container, parentPage) { this.plugin = plugin; InitializeComponent(); InitializePages(); }
public ADRenameDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage , string name,string objclass) : this() { this.IPlugInContainer = container; objname = name; RenametextBox.Text = name; obj_type = objclass; }
public GenericPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, bool IsGeneralPageReq) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "{0} Properties"; this.bIsGeneralpageReq = IsGeneralPageReq; InitializePages(); }
/// <summary> /// The preferred constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="container">Back reference to the PlugInContainer</param> /// <param name="el">Reference to the log being viewed</param> public LogPropertiesPage(IPlugInContainer container, EventLogRecord el, IPlugIn plgin, StandardPage parentPage) : this() { this.pageID = "LogProperities"; this._container = container; this.el = el; this._plugin = plgin as EventlogPlugin; this._parentPage = parentPage; }
public DomainPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, ADUCPlugin plugin) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "{0} Properties"; _plugin = plugin; _container = container; InitializePages(); }
public ADGroupPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, ADUCPlugin plugin,ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode) : base(container, parentPage) { this.Text = "{0} Properties"; this._dirnode = dirnode; InitializeComponent(); _plugin = plugin; _container = container; InitializePages(); }
public UserPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : base(container, parentPage) { Groups = new List<ListViewItem>(); InitializeComponent(); InitializePages(); }
public MultiItemPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, ADUCPlugin plugin, List<object> ObjectCounts) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); this.ObjectCounts = ObjectCounts; _plugin = plugin; _container = container; InitializePages(); }
public SharePropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, FileShareManagerIPlugIn plugin, Hostinfo hn) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "{0} Properties"; this._hn = hn; _plugin = plugin; _container = container; InitializePages(); }
public ServicePropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, ServiceManagerPlugin plugin, string serviceName) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = serviceName; _container = container; _plugin = plugin; InitializePages(serviceName); }
public ADGroupAddDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode) : this() { int ret = -1; this.IPlugInContainer = container; this._dirnode = dirnode; if (dirnode != null) { List<LdapEntry> ldapEntries = null; ret = dirnode.LdapContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous (dirnode.DistinguishedName, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.BASE, "(objectClass=*)", null, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries == null || ldapEntries.Count == 0) { return; } LdapEntry ldapNextEntry = ldapEntries[0]; //As of now we are not getting canonicalName attribute in the list because of paging issue //LdapValue[] attr = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("canonicalName", dirnode.LdapContext); //if (attr != null && attr.Length > 0) // this.lblCreatein.Text = "Create in: " + attr[0].stringData; //As of now we are taking "DistinguishedName" and spliting and displaying it. string[] sData = dirnode.DistinguishedName.Split(','); string sOutput = ""; for (int i = sData.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sData[i].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("DC", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { sOutput = sData[i].ToString().Trim().Substring(3) + "." + sOutput; } else if (sData[i].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("OU", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || sData[i].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("CN", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { sOutput += "/" + sData[i].ToString().Trim().Substring(3); } } if (sOutput.EndsWith(".")) { sOutput += "/"; } sOutput = sOutput.Replace("./", "/"); this.txtcreatein.Text = "Create in: " + sOutput; } }
/// <summary> /// Overriden constructor gets all class schema attributes from AD Schema template /// </summary> /// <param name="container"></param> /// <param name="parentPage"></param> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="schemaCache"></param> public NewShareWizardDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, IPlugIn plugin) : this() { this.plugin = plugin as FileShareManagerIPlugIn; this.shareInfo = new ShareInfo(); shareInfo.hostName = this.plugin.HostInfo.hostName; sharedFolderList = new List<ShareInfo>(); this.AddPage(new NewShareWelcomePage(this, plugin, container)); this.AddPage(new NewShareFolderSetUpPage(this, plugin, container)); this.AddPage(new NewSharePermissionsPage(this, plugin, container)); this.AddPage(new NewShareFinishPage(this, plugin, container)); }
public EventPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, EventlogPlugin plugin,ListView lvEvents) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); btnApply.Visible = false; btnCancel.Visible = false; btnOK.Location = btnApply.Location; this.Text = "Event Properties"; _plugin = plugin; _container = container; _eventsListView = lvEvents; InitializePages(); }
public NewUserDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); ButtonCancel.Text = "Cancel"; ButtonOK.Text = "Create"; SetAllValueChangedHandlers(this); tbFullName.MaxLength = 256; localParent = (LUGPage) parentPage; this.tbUserName.Select(); }
/// <summary> /// Overriden constructor gets all class schema attributes from AD Schema template /// </summary> /// <param name="container"></param> /// <param name="parentPage"></param> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="schemaCache"></param> public ADObjectAddDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, string text, LDAPSchemaCache schemaCache, ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode) : this() { this.IPlugInContainer = container; this.Text = text; string[] objectClasses = null; string[] attrs = { "name", "allowedAttributes", "allowedChildClasses", null }; if (schemaCache != null && dirnode != null) { List<LdapEntry> ldapEntries = null; int ret = dirnode.LdapContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous (dirnode.DistinguishedName, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.BASE, "(objectClass=*)", attrs, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries == null) { return; } LdapEntry ldapNextEntry = ldapEntries[0]; LdapValue[] ldapValues = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("allowedChildClasses", dirnode.LdapContext); if (ldapValues != null && ldapValues.Length > 0) { objectClasses = new string[ldapValues.Length]; int index = 0; foreach (LdapValue Oclass in ldapValues) { objectClasses[index] = Oclass.stringData; index++; } } } this.objectClasses = objectClasses; this.schemaCache = schemaCache; this.choosenClass = null; this.objectInfo = new ObjectInfo(); this.AddPage(new ObjectAddWelcomePage(this, dirnode, container, parentPage)); }
/// <summary> /// Override constructor gets the Plugin node and all its childs /// Adds the all nodes to the treeview /// </summary> /// <param name="container"></param> /// <param name="parentPage"></param> /// <param name="plugin"></param> /// <param name="origTreeview"></param> public ADMoveObjectPage(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, ADUCPlugin plugin, LWTreeView origTreeview) : this() { this.IPlugInContainer = container; _addplugin = plugin; _origLWTreeView = origTreeview; _aducRootnode = _addplugin.GetPlugInNode(); if (_aducRootnode.Nodes.Count > 0) { /*TreeNode[] newTreeArray = new TreeNode[_aducRootnode.Nodes.Count]; // Iterate through the root nodes in the Nodes property. _aducRootnode.Nodes.CopyTo(newTreeArray, 0); foreach (TreeNode node in newTreeArray) { LACTreeNode lacnode = node as LACTreeNode; // treeView1.Nodes.Add(lacnode.DeepCopy() as TreeNode); }*/ ADUCDirectoryNode rootNode = ADUCDirectoryNode.GetDirectoryRoot(_addplugin.GetpluginContext(), _addplugin.GetRootDN(), Resources.ADUC, typeof (ADUCPage), _addplugin); if (rootNode != null) { treeView1.Nodes.Add(rootNode); ADUCDirectoryNode[] childNodes = rootNode.ListContainerChildren(rootNode); if (childNodes != null) rootNode.Nodes.AddRange(childNodes); treeView1.ExpandAll(); } } else { Logger.Log("The LWTreeView control does not have any nodes."); } }
public LogPropertiesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, EventlogPlugin plugin, ListView lvEvents, EventLogRecord el, EventFilter ef, string pageID) : base(container, parentPage) { InitializeComponent(); btnApply.Enabled = true; this.DataChanged = true; _plugin = plugin; _container = container; this._parentPage = parentPage; _eventsListView = lvEvents; _el = el; _ef = ef; sShowPage = pageID; if (parentPage != null && parentPage.LMCTree != null && parentPage.LMCTree.SelectedNode != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentPage.LMCTree.SelectedNode.Text)) { this.Text = parentPage.LMCTree.SelectedNode.Text + " " + "Properties"; } InitializePages(); }
public MPContainer(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : base(container, parentPage) { Initialize(); this.Icon = Resources.likewise; }
public EditDialog(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) { this.container = container; this.parentPage = parentPage; InitializeComponent(); }
public EditDialog(StandardPage parentPage) { this.parentPage = parentPage; InitializeComponent(); }
public ObjectAddMoreAttributesDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage) : base(container, parentPage) { }
public void SetViewStyle(StandardPage.ViewStyle view) { Logger.Log("Manage.SetViewStyle", Logger.manageLogLevel); if (currentViewStyle != view) { currentViewStyle = view; if (controlVisible is StandardPage) { ((StandardPage)controlVisible).SetViewStyle(view); } } }
/// <summary> /// Shows the Manage form and directs it at a particular /// machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="sHostname">The machine to manage</param> /// <param name="viewStyle">The style of list view to use, if a listview is used</param> /// <returns>TRUE if was able to manage the given machine. FALSE if a /// network or credential error occured. </returns> public bool ManageHost(string sHostname, StandardPage.ViewStyle viewStyle) { // first, normalize the incoming hostname Hostinfo hn = new Hostinfo(sHostname); // now, set the host type if (!CheckHostInfo(hn)) { string sMsg = string.Format(Resources.Error_InvalidComputerType, sHostname); ShowError(sMsg, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return false; } // do this first so that we can do any slow stuff before we start // changing pages if (!controlManage.ManageHost(hn)) return false; SetViewStyle(viewStyle); // show the management control ShowManage(); string str = String.Format(Resources.Connected_As, hn.creds.UserName, hn.hostName); controlManage.SetStatusMesaage(str, 1); return true; }
public void SetViewStyle(StandardPage.ViewStyle view) { if (currentViewStyle != view) { currentViewStyle = view; controlManage.SetViewStyle(view); } }
public ADUserAddDlg(IPlugInContainer container, StandardPage parentPage, string text, ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode, bool bAcountDisable, bool bNeverExpiresPwd, bool bMustChangePwd, bool bUserCannotChange, string copyfrom) : this() { this.IPlugInContainer = container; this.userInfo = new UserInfo(); if (dirnode != null) { int ret = -1; List<LdapEntry> ldapEntries = null; ret = dirnode.LdapContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous (dirnode.DistinguishedName, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.BASE, "(objectClass=*)", null, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries == null || ldapEntries.Count == 0) { return; } LdapEntry ldapNextEntry = ldapEntries[0]; //As of now we are not getting canonicalName attribute in the list because of paging issue //LdapValue[] attr = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("canonicalName", dirnode.LdapContext); //if (attr != null && attr.Length > 0) // this.lblCreatein.Text = "Create in: " + attr[0].stringData; //As of now we are taking "DistinguishedName" and spliting and displaying it. string[] sData = dirnode.DistinguishedName.Split(','); string sOutput = ""; for (int i = sData.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sData[i].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("DC", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { sOutput = sData[i].ToString().Trim().Substring(3) + "." + sOutput; } else if (sData[i].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("OU", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || sData[i].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("CN", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { sOutput += "/" + sData[i].ToString().Trim().Substring(3); } } if (sOutput.EndsWith(".")) { sOutput += "/"; } sOutput = sOutput.Replace("./", "/"); this.userInfo.OUPath = sOutput; this.userInfo.domainName = dirnode.LdapContext.DomainName; } this.userInfo.bAcountDisable = bAcountDisable; this.userInfo.bMustChangePwd = bMustChangePwd; this.userInfo.bNeverExpiresPwd = bNeverExpiresPwd; this.userInfo.bCannotChangePwd = bUserCannotChange; this.userInfo.copyfrom = copyfrom; this.Text = text; this.AddPage(new UserAddWelcomePage(this,dirnode)); this.AddPage(new UserAddpasswordPage(this)); this.AddPage(new UserAddFinishPage(this, dirnode)); }