private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String connString = "Database=" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatabase + ";Data Source=" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatasource + ";Integrated Security=False;User ID='" + Properties.Settings.Default.user + "';Password='******';connect timeout = 10"; String queryCheck = "USE [" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatabase + "] SELECT name FROM sys.tables"; try { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmdCheck = new SqlCommand(queryCheck, connection); SqlDataReader reader = cmdCheck.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Conexión Establecida satisfactoriamente", "Sunplusito", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { config form = new config(); form.ShowDialog(); // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sin conexión", "Sunplusito", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } catch (Exception) { config form = new config(); form.ShowDialog(); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sin conexión", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } /* try { // Open the text file using a stream reader. using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("settings.txt")) { String line = sr.ReadToEnd(); Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatasource = line; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.ToString(); }*/ this.connStringSun = "Database=" + Properties.Settings.Default.databaseFiscal + ";Data Source=" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatasource + ";Integrated Security=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User ID='" + Properties.Settings.Default.user + "';Password='******';connect timeout = 60"; checarSiElSourceLeFaltoDeLigarElDiario(); checarSiLacuentaEsDeIngresoODeEgreso(); // listaDeCandidatos.MouseDoubleClick += listaDeCandidatos_MouseDoubleClick; if(tipoDeContabilidadGlobal==1) { detectLabel.Text = "Gastos"; } else { if(tipoDeContabilidadGlobal==2) { detectLabel.Text = "Ingresos"; } else { detectLabel.Text = "Balanza"; } } noPermitas = false; if(Properties.Settings.Default.predefinidoTodaLaCantidad.Equals("1")) { todaLaCantidadCheckBox.Checked = true; } else { todaLaCantidadCheckBox.Checked = false; } String decimalesC = cantidadGlobal.Substring(cantidadGlobal.Length - 3, 3); cantidadGlobal = cantidadGlobal.Substring(0, cantidadGlobal.Length - 3)+"."+decimalesC; labelDiario4.Text = "Cantidad que falta a ligar: $ " + cantidadGlobal; cantidadQueFalta = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(cantidadGlobal), 2); if (cantidadQueFalta==0.0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR: la cantidad no puede ser 0, trata de grabar esa linea y luego volver a dar click al boton de Ligar Facturas", "Sunplusito", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (System.Windows.Forms.Application.MessageLoop) { // WinForms app System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit(); } else { // Console app System.Environment.Exit(1); } } labelDiario4.Text = "Cantidad que falta a ligar: $ " + cantidadQueFalta; lineaLabel.Text = Convert.ToInt32(lineaGlobal).ToString(); sourceLabel.Text = sourceGlobal; cuentaLabel.Text = cuentaGlobal; debitCreditLabel.Text = debitCreditGlobal; cantidadLabel.Text = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(cantidadGlobal), 2).ToString(); unidadDeNegocioLabel.Text = unidadDeNegociosGlobal; listaDeCandidatos.MultiSelect = false; /*listaDeCandidatos.AllowDrop = true; listaDeCandidatos.MouseDown+=listaDeCandidatos_MouseDown; labelDiario4.AllowDrop = true; labelDiario4.DragEnter+=labelDiario4_DragEnter; labelDiario4.DragDrop+=labelDiario4_DragDrop;*/ listaUUIDEnlazados = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>(); contextMenu2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu(); menuItem1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); menuItem2 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); menuItem3 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); contextMenu2.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { menuItem1, menuItem2, menuItem3 }); menuItem1.Index = 0; menuItem1.Text = "Ver PDF"; menuItem2.Index = 1; menuItem2.Text = "Ver XML"; menuItem1.Click += funcionVerPDF;// new SystemHandler(this.funcionVerPDF); menuItem2.Click += funcionVerXML; menuItem3.Index = 2; menuItem3.Text = "Asociar factura"; menuItem3.Click += asociarFactura; listaDeCandidatos.ContextMenu = contextMenu2; contextMenu3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu(); menuItem31 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); menuItem32 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); menuItem33 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); contextMenu3.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { menuItem31, menuItem32 ,menuItem33}); menuItem31.Index = 0; menuItem31.Text = "Ver PDF"; menuItem32.Index = 1; menuItem32.Text = "Ver XML"; menuItem33.Index = 2; menuItem33.Text = "Eliminar de las facturas asignadas al asiento contable"; menuItem31.Click += funcionVerPDF3; menuItem32.Click += funcionVerXML3; menuItem33.Click += eliminarFacturaDeLaLista; facturasAsignadasList.ContextMenu = contextMenu3; //! if(!lineaGlobal.Equals("ERROR")) { var source = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); var sourceRazonesSociales = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); List<String> rfcS = new List<String>(); List<String> razonesSocialeS = new List<String>(); String connString1 = "Database=" + Properties.Settings.Default.databaseFiscal + ";Data Source=" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatasource + ";Integrated Security=False;User ID='" + Properties.Settings.Default.user + "';Password='******';connect timeout = 10"; try { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString1)) { connection.Open(); String queryXML = ""; if(tipoDeContabilidadGlobal==1) { queryXML = "SELECT rfc,SUM(total) as total,razonSocial, count(*) as cuantos FROM [SU_FISCAL].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] WHERE STATUS = '1' GROUP BY rfc,razonSocial order by rfc asc"; } else { if(tipoDeContabilidadGlobal==2) { queryXML = "SELECT rfc,SUM(total) as total,razonSocial, count(*) as cuantos FROM [SU_FISCAL].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] WHERE STATUS = '2' GROUP BY rfc,razonSocial order by rfc asc"; } else { queryXML = "SELECT rfc,SUM(total) as total,razonSocial, count(*) as cuantos FROM [SU_FISCAL].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] WHERE STATUS in('1', '2') GROUP BY rfc,razonSocial order by rfc asc"; } } using (SqlCommand cmdCheck = new SqlCommand(queryXML, connection)) { SqlDataReader reader = cmdCheck.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { double total = Convert.ToDouble(Math.Abs(reader.GetDecimal(1))); String rfc = reader.GetString(0); String razonSocial = reader.GetString(2); rfcS.Add(rfc); razonesSocialeS.Add(razonSocial); } }//if reader } } } catch (SqlException ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error Title", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } source.AddRange(rfcS.ToArray()); sourceRazonesSociales.AddRange(razonesSocialeS.ToArray()); rfcTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = source; rfcTextBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; rfcTextBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; razonSocialText.AutoCompleteCustomSource = sourceRazonesSociales; razonSocialText.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; razonSocialText.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; // rfcTextBox.KeyPress += rfcTextBox_KeyPress; //presupuesto String connString3 = "Database=" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatabase + ";Data Source=" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatasource + ";Integrated Security=False;User ID='" + Properties.Settings.Default.user + "';Password='******';connect timeout = 10"; try { using (SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connString3)) { connection1.Open(); String queryXML = "SELECT SUM(AMOUNT) as amount FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatabase + "].[dbo].[" + unidadDeNegociosGlobal + "_" + Properties.Settings.Default.presupuesto + "_SALFLDG] WHERE ACCNT_CODE = '" + cuentaGlobal + "' AND PERIOD = " + periodoGlobal + ""; using (SqlCommand cmdCheck = new SqlCommand(queryXML, connection1)) { SqlDataReader reader = cmdCheck.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) { presupuestoMensual.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(Math.Abs(reader.GetDecimal(0)))); } else { presupuestoMensual.Text = "sin info"; } } } reader.Close(); } String queryXML2 = "SELECT SUM(AMOUNT) as amount FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatabase + "].[dbo].[" + unidadDeNegociosGlobal + "_" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunLibro + "_SALFLDG] WHERE ACCNT_CODE = '" + cuentaGlobal + "' AND PERIOD = " + periodoGlobal + ""; using (SqlCommand cmdCheck2 = new SqlCommand(queryXML2, connection1)) { SqlDataReader reader2 = cmdCheck2.ExecuteReader(); if (reader2.HasRows) { while (reader2.Read()) { if (!reader2.IsDBNull(0)) { mensualGastado.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(Math.Abs(reader2.GetDecimal(0)))); } else { mensualGastado.Text = "sin info"; } } reader2.Close(); } } String queryXML3 = "SELECT SUM(AMOUNT) as amount FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatabase + "].[dbo].[" + unidadDeNegociosGlobal + "_" + Properties.Settings.Default.presupuesto + "_SALFLDG] WHERE ACCNT_CODE = '" + cuentaGlobal + "' AND SUBSTRING( CAST(PERIOD AS NVARCHAR(7)),1,4) = '" + periodoGlobal.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + "'"; using (SqlCommand cmdCheck3 = new SqlCommand(queryXML3, connection1)) { SqlDataReader reader3 = cmdCheck3.ExecuteReader(); if (reader3.HasRows) { while (reader3.Read()) { if (!reader3.IsDBNull(0)) { presupuestoAnual.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(Math.Abs(reader3.GetDecimal(0)))); } else { presupuestoAnual.Text = "sin info"; } } reader3.Close(); } } String queryXML4 = "SELECT SUM(AMOUNT) as amount FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunDatabase + "].[dbo].[" + unidadDeNegociosGlobal + "_" + Properties.Settings.Default.sunLibro + "_SALFLDG] WHERE ACCNT_CODE = '" + cuentaGlobal + "' AND SUBSTRING( CAST(PERIOD AS NVARCHAR(7)),1,4) = '" + periodoGlobal.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + "'"; using (SqlCommand cmdCheck4 = new SqlCommand(queryXML4, connection1)) { SqlDataReader reader4 = cmdCheck4.ExecuteReader(); if (reader4.HasRows) { while (reader4.Read()) { if (!reader4.IsDBNull(0)) { anualGastado.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(Math.Abs(reader4.GetDecimal(0)))); } else { anualGastado.Text = "sin info"; } } reader4.Close(); } } } } catch (SqlException ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Sunplusito", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } }
private void configuraciónToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { config form = new config(); form.Show(); }