// on user thread
        // the message must not be sent already
        private NetSendResult SendFragmentedMessage(
            NetOutgoingMessage message,
            IEnumerable <NetConnection?> recipients,
            NetDeliveryMethod method,
            int sequenceChannel)
            // determine minimum mtu for all recipients
            int mtu = GetMTU(recipients, out int recipientCount);

            if (recipientCount == 0)

            int group = GetNextFragmentGroup();

            // do not send msg; but set fragmentgroup in case user tries to recycle it immediately
            message._fragmentGroup = group << 2 | 1;

            // create fragmentation specifics
            int totalBytes = message.ByteLength;

            int bytesPerChunk = NetFragmentationHelper.GetBestChunkSize(group, totalBytes, mtu);

            int numChunks = totalBytes / bytesPerChunk;

            if (numChunks * bytesPerChunk < totalBytes)

            var retval = NetSendResult.Sent;

            int bitsPerChunk = bytesPerChunk * 8;
            int bitsLeft     = message.BitLength;

            byte[] buffer = message.GetBuffer();

            for (int i = 0; i < numChunks; i++)
                NetOutgoingMessage chunk = CreateMessage();
                chunk.SetBuffer(buffer, false);
                chunk.BitLength = Math.Min(bitsLeft, bitsPerChunk);

                chunk._fragmentGroup          = group << 2 | 1;
                chunk._fragmentGroupTotalBits = totalBytes * 8;
                chunk._fragmentChunkByteSize  = bytesPerChunk;
                chunk._fragmentChunkNumber    = i;

                LidgrenException.Assert(chunk.BitLength != 0);
                LidgrenException.Assert(chunk.GetEncodedSize() <= mtu);

                Interlocked.Add(ref chunk._recyclingCount, recipientCount);

                foreach (NetConnection?recipient in recipients.AsListEnumerator())
                    if (recipient == null)

                    NetSendResult result = recipient.EnqueueMessage(chunk, method, sequenceChannel).Result;
                    if (result > retval)
                        retval = result; // return "worst" result

                bitsLeft -= bitsPerChunk;