This is the Secure Remote Password Protocol Verification object. Claire and Bob need to validate all their computed and received information. So, they use all their information on both ends to validate all the information on the opposed end.
상속: Packet
예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Actually verifies received verification data (initiated locally)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verification"></param>
        private Boolean VerificationOfPassiveParty(NetSRP.Verification verification)
            if ((Handshake.State.AllowVerification & this.HandshakeState) != this.HandshakeState)

            // Hello I am the one that tries to connect. So let's generate the
            // value M2 I should have in the SRPPackedData Object.
            Byte[] M2 = NetSRP.CalcM2(_cache.A, _verification.M, _cache.K);

            // Compare
            if (!NetUtility.ArraysEqual(M2, verification.M2))
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Failed;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Username or password invalid.", new ArgumentException("Generated M2 does not match received M2"));

            // Check expiration
            if (_cache.ExpirationTime.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Expired;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Hand was not shaken before it expired.");

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Actually verifies received verification data (initiated remotely) + generates response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verification"></param>
        private NetSRP.Verification VerificationOfActiveParty(NetSRP.Verification verification)
            if ((Handshake.State.AllowVerificating & this.HandshakeState) != this.HandshakeState)
                return(_verification); // double
            // Set State
            this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Verificating;

            // Hello I am the one that is being connected to. So let's generate
            // the value M I should have in the SRPPackedData Object.
            Byte[] M = NetSRP.CalcM(N, g, _request.Username, _response.Salt, _request.A, _cache.B, _cache.K);

            // Compare
            if (!NetUtility.ArraysEqual(M, verification.M))
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Denied | State.Failed;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Invalid proof of Key. Username or password invalid.", new InvalidOperationException("Generated M does not match received M"));

            // Ok, so their verification passed. Now let's proof that mine will to.
            _verification = new NetSRP.Verification(NetSRP.CalcM2(_request.A, verification.M, _cache.K));

            // Check expiration (maybe use timer?)
            if (_cache.ExpirationTime.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Expired;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Hand was not shaken before it expired.");

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finishes the handshake by processing the verification data received
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Incomming message with verification data</param>
        internal static NetSRP.Verification FinishHandshakeFromActive(NetIncomingMessage msg)
            // Get Verification
            NetSRP.Verification verification = new NetSRP.Verification();

            // Try to verify data
            return((msg.SenderConnection.Tag as Handshake).VerificationOfActiveParty(verification));
        /// <summary>
        /// Finishes the handshake by processing the verification data received
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Incomming message with verification data</param>
        internal static Boolean FinishHandshakeFromPassive(NetIncomingMessage msg)
            // Get Verification
            NetSRP.Verification verification = new NetSRP.Verification();

            // Try to verify data
            return (msg.SenderConnection.Tag as Handshake).VerificationOfPassiveParty(verification);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates Session key from response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        /// <response></response>
        private NetSRP.Verification KeyFromResponse(NetSRP.Response response)
            if ((Handshake.State.AllowVerificating & this.HandshakeState) != this.HandshakeState)
                return(_verification); // Double Request
            // When we get the response, get their public key B
            if (response.B.Mod(N).IntValue == 0)
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Failed;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Response contains invalid data", new ArgumentException("B mod N is zero."));

            // Shared random scrambler
            NetBigInteger u = NetSRP.Calcu(_cache.A, response.B);

            if (u.IntValue == 0)
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Failed;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Response contains invalid data", new ArgumentException("u is zero."));

            // Private key x
            NetBigInteger x = NetSRP.Calcx(response.Salt, _request.Username, _cache.UserData);

            // Cache Response;
            _response = response;

            // Session key
            _cache.S = NetSRP.CalcSClient(N, g, response.B, k, x, _cache.a, u);
            _cache.K = NetSRP.CalcK(_cache.S);

            // Create the verification
            _verification = new NetSRP.Verification(NetSRP.CalcM(N, g, _request.Username, response.Salt, _cache.A, response.B, _cache.K));

            // Set State
            this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Verificating;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates Session key from response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response"></param>
        /// <response></response>
        private NetSRP.Verification KeyFromResponse(NetSRP.Response response)
            if ((Handshake.State.AllowVerificating & this.HandshakeState) != this.HandshakeState)
                return _verification; // Double Request

            // When we get the response, get their public key B
            if (response.B.Mod(N).IntValue == 0)
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Failed;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Response contains invalid data", new ArgumentException("B mod N is zero."));

            // Shared random scrambler
            NetBigInteger u = NetSRP.Calcu(_cache.A, response.B);
            if (u.IntValue == 0)
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Failed;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Response contains invalid data", new ArgumentException("u is zero."));

            // Private key x
            NetBigInteger x = NetSRP.Calcx(response.Salt, _request.Username, _cache.UserData);

            // Cache Response;
            _response = response;

            // Session key
            _cache.S = NetSRP.CalcSClient(N, g, response.B, k, x, _cache.a, u);
            _cache.K = NetSRP.CalcK(_cache.S);

            // Create the verification
            _verification = new NetSRP.Verification(NetSRP.CalcM(N, g, _request.Username, response.Salt, _cache.A, response.B, _cache.K));

            // Set State
            this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Verificating;
            return _verification;
        /// <summary>
        /// Actually verifies received verification data (initiated remotely) + generates response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verification"></param>
        private NetSRP.Verification VerificationOfActiveParty(NetSRP.Verification verification)
            if ((Handshake.State.AllowVerificating & this.HandshakeState) != this.HandshakeState)
                return _verification; // double

            // Set State
            this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Verificating;

            // Hello I am the one that is being connected to. So let's generate
            // the value M I should have in the SRPPackedData Object.
            Byte[] M = NetSRP.CalcM(N, g, _request.Username, _response.Salt, _request.A, _cache.B, _cache.K);

            // Compare
            if (!NetUtility.ArraysEqual(M, verification.M))
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Denied | State.Failed;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Invalid proof of Key. Username or password invalid.", new InvalidOperationException("Generated M does not match received M"));

            // Ok, so their verification passed. Now let's proof that mine will to.
            _verification = new NetSRP.Verification(NetSRP.CalcM2(_request.A, verification.M, _cache.K));

            // Check expiration (maybe use timer?)
            if (_cache.ExpirationTime.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.Expired;
                throw new NetSRP.HandShakeException("Hand was not shaken before it expired.");

            return _verification;