예제 #1
        public static Amnd.WSTransactionResponse[] GetTypes()
            Amnd.WSTransactionResponse[] LicTypes = null;

            Amnd.WSTransactionRequest   transObj = new Amnd.WSTransactionRequest();
            Amnd.WSTransactionRequest[] transAr  = new Amnd.WSTransactionRequest[] { transObj };

            AClient ac = new AClient("WSAmandaServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint");

            using (new OperationContextScope(ac.InnerChannel))
                HttpRequestMessageProperty requestProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                requestProperty.Headers["lid"] = Models.AmandaWS.Lid;
                OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestProperty;

                var types = ac.executeCustomTransaction(4002, transAr);
                LicTypes = types;

예제 #2
        protected void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int cnt = 0;

            err.Text              = "";
            lbresult.Text         = "";
            ShowSearchResult.Text = resultcont + row;
            string tempSNUMBER  = txt_SNumber.Text;
            bool   numeric      = true;
            string result       = ""; // pending
            int    pendingCnt   = 0;
            string licType      = "";
            string businessname = " ";
            string applicant    = " ";

            // status codes: 14 pending, 2 issued, 7 closed
            #region AmandaWS client and search criteria
            AClient ac = new AClient("WSAmandaServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint");

            using (new OperationContextScope(ac.InnerChannel))
                HttpRequestMessageProperty requestProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                requestProperty.Headers["lid"] = lid;
                OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestProperty;

                Amnd.WSValidOperator vo = ac.getValidOperators();

                ASearch fTypes = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "folderType",
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.IN,
                    value                       = new string[] { "BROK", "CBOX", "GL", "FWKS" },
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND

                ASearch expDate = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "expirydate",
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.GREATER_THAN,
                    value                       = new string[] { String.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Today.AddYears(-14)) },
                    negativeSpecified           = true,
                    negative                    = false,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND

                ASearch finalDate = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "finaldate",
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.IS_NULL,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND,
                    value = new string[] { vo.CLOSE_PARENTHESES.ToString() }

                ASearch exStatus = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "statuscode",
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.EQUAL,
                    value                       = new string[] { "7" },
                    negativeSpecified           = true,
                    negative                    = true,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE

                ASearch notPending = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "statuscode",
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.IN,
                    value                       = new string[] { "14", "126" },
                    negativeSpecified           = true,
                    negative                    = true,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND

                ASearch pendingSearch = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "statuscode",
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.IN,
                    value                       = new string[] { "14", "126" },
                    negativeSpecified           = true,
                    negative                    = false,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE

                ASearch bizSearch = new ASearch
                    tableName = "folderinfo",
                    fieldName = "infovalue",
                    value     = new string[] { " " },
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator          = vo.LIKE,
                    conjuctiveOperator = vo.AND

                ASearch   streetSearch = new ASearch();
                ASearch   civicNo      = new ASearch();
                ASearch[] query        = new ASearch[] { fTypes, expDate, streetSearch, civicNo, finalDate, notPending, exStatus }; // address + issued
                ASearch[] pendingQuery = new ASearch[] { fTypes, streetSearch, civicNo, pendingSearch };                            //  pending + address
                ASearch[] bizQuery     = new ASearch[] { fTypes, bizSearch, expDate, finalDate, notPending, exStatus };             // business name + issued
                ASearch[] pendingBiz   = new ASearch[] { fTypes, bizSearch, expDate, pendingSearch };                               // business name + pending

                #region Location Validity Check
                if ((txt_SNumber.Text.Length < 1) && (txtSName.Text.Length < 1) && (txtBName.Text.Length < 1))
                    err.Text    = err.Text + "<br />Please provide a location info or a business name.";
                    err.Visible = true;
                else if (((txt_SNumber.Text.Length > 1) || (txtSName.Text.Length > 1)) && (txtBName.Text.Length > 1))
                    err.Text    = err.Text + "<br />Please provide only a location info or a business name.";
                    err.Visible = true;
                else if (((txt_SNumber.Text.Length > 0) || (txtSName.Text.Length > 0) || (txtBName.Text.Length < 1)))
                    if (txt_SNumber.Text.Length > 0 || txtSName.Text.Length > 0)
                        if (txt_SNumber.Text.Trim() == "")
                            txt_SNumber.Text = "0";

                        if (!IsNumeric(txt_SNumber.Text))
                            err.Text         = err.Text + "<br>" + "Street Number Must be Numric ";
                            txt_SNumber.Text = "";
                            numeric          = false;
                        #region Location Search
                            //sql = "SELECT * FROM property WHERE ";
                            if (txtSName.Text.Length > 0)
                                //string UpperSName = txtSName.Text.Replace("'", "''").ToUpper();
                                //sql = sql + " UPPER(propstreet) LIKE('%" + UpperSName + "%') AND";

                                streetSearch.tableName                   = "Property";
                                streetSearch.fieldName                   = "propStreetUpper";
                                streetSearch.value                       = new string[] { txtSName.Text.ToUpper().Trim() };
                                streetSearch.operatorSpecified           = true;
                                streetSearch.@operator                   = vo.LIKE;
                                streetSearch.conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true;
                                streetSearch.conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND;
                            if (txt_SNumber.Text.Length > 0 && txt_SNumber.Text != "0")
                                //sql = sql + " prophouse LIKE('" + txt_SNumber.Text + "') AND";

                                civicNo.tableName = "Property";
                                civicNo.fieldName = "propHouse";
                                civicNo.conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true;
                                civicNo.operatorSpecified           = true;
                                civicNo.@operator          = vo.LIKE;
                                civicNo.value              = new string[] { txt_SNumber.Text.Trim() };
                                civicNo.conjuctiveOperator = vo.AND;

                                //(new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(query.GetType())).Serialize(new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\temp\text.xml"), query);
                                cnt        = ac.searchFolderCount(query);
                                pendingCnt = ac.searchFolderCount(pendingQuery);

                                if (cnt > 200)
                                    if (err.Text != "")
                                        err.Text += " ";
                                    err.Text = err.Text + "More than " + cnt + " issued records" + "<br>";

                                if (cnt > 0)
                                    var folders = ac.searchFolder(query, 0, cnt, new string[] { "folder.folderRSN DESC", "folder.expiryDate DESC" });

                                    foreach (var f in folders)
                                            var p = ac.getProperty(Convert.ToInt32(f.propertyRSN));

                                            var bizname = ac.getFolderInfoByInfoCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 40020, 40049 });

                                            if (bizname != null)
                                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[0].infoValue))
                                                    businessname = bizname[0].infoValue;
                                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[1].infoValue))
                                                    applicant = bizname[1].infoValue;

                                            var fInfo = ac.getFolderFreeFormByCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 100 });

                                            if (fInfo == null)
                                                licType = " "; //TODO: custom query
                                                licType = fInfo[0].c01;

                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + box + inBox;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + TitleAdd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>PropID       : </b>" + f.propertyRSN + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Civic Number : </b>" + p.propHouse + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Street Name  : </b>" + p.propStreet + " " + p.propStreetType + liEnd;
                                            //ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Unit Number  : </b>" + p.propUnit + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Postal Code  : </b>" + p.propPostal + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + TitleLic;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>FolderID              : </b>" + f.folderRSN + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Type                  : </b>" + licType + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Business Name         : </b>" + businessname + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Applicant: </b>   " + applicant + liEnd;
                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>License Status        : </b>" + f.statusDesc + liEnd;

                                            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(f.indate))
                                                ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Application Date : " + "</b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.indate) + liEnd;

                                            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(f.issueDate))
                                                ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Issue Date : " + "</b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.issueDate) + liEnd;

                                            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(f.expiryDate))
                                                ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Expiry Date : " + "</b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.expiryDate) + liEnd;

                                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + ulEnd + divEnd + divEnd;
                                            // skip record if bad data

                                if (pendingCnt < 1)
                                    result += pendingPoint;
                                    //err.Text = err.Text + " No pending records." + "<br />";

                                if (pendingCnt > 200)
                                    if (err.Text != "")
                                        err.Text += " <br />";
                                    err.Text = err.Text + "More than " + pendingCnt + " Pending records" + "<br />";

                                if (pendingCnt > 0)
                                    var pending = ac.searchFolder(pendingQuery, 0, pendingCnt, new string[] { "folder.folderRSN DESC", "folder.expiryDate DESC" });

                                    foreach (var f in pending)
                                            var p       = ac.getProperty(Convert.ToInt32(f.propertyRSN));
                                            var bizname = ac.getFolderInfoByInfoCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 40020, 40049 });
                                            var fee     = ac.getFolderFee(new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN) }, true);
                                            var fInfo   = ac.getFolderFreeFormByCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 100 });

                                            if (bizname != null)
                                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[0].infoValue))
                                                    businessname = bizname[0].infoValue;
                                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[1].infoValue))
                                                    applicant = bizname[1].infoValue;

                                            double outFee = 0;
                                            if (fee != null)
                                                outFee = fee.totalOutstanding;

                                            if (fInfo == null)
                                                licType = " "; //TODO: custom query
                                                licType = fInfo[0].c01;

                                            result  = result + box + inBox;
                                            result += pendingPoint;

                                            result = result + pendingTitleAdd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Civic Number : </b>" + p.propHouse + liEnd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Street Name  : </b>" + p.propStreet + " " + p.propStreetType + liEnd;
                                            //result = result + item + "<b>Unit Number  : </b>" + p.propUnit + liEnd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>City         : </b>" + p.propCity + liEnd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Postal Code         : </b>" + p.propPostal + liEnd;

                                            result = result + pendingTitleLic;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Type                  : </b>" + licType + liEnd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Business Name        : </b>" + businessname + liEnd;
                                            //result = result + item + "<b>Applicant        : </b>" + applicant + liEnd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Status               : </b> Pending<br>";
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Application Date     : </b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.indate) + liEnd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Outstanding Fee      : </b>$" + outFee + liEnd;
                                            result = result + item + "<b>Outstanding Comments      : </b>" + f.folderCondition + liEnd;

                                            result = result + ulEnd + divEnd + divEnd;
                                            // skip if bad data
                            catch (Exception exp)
                                err.Visible = true;
                                err.Text    = err.Text + "<br>";
                                err.Text    = err.Text + "Error : " + exp.Message + "<br>";
                                err.Text    = err.Text + "Error Detail : " + exp.StackTrace + "<br>";

                        txtSName.Text    = txtSName.Text.Replace("''", "'");
                        txt_SNumber.Text = txt_SNumber.Text.Replace("''", "'");

                        if (cnt < 1 && numeric)
                            err.Text = err.Text + "No records for <b>location info " + txt_SNumber.Text + " " + txtSName.Text + "</b> in Issued records." + "<br/>";

                        else if (numeric)
                            if (cnt > 1)
                                lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<span class='badge'>" + cnt + "</span><span class='label label-primary'>  Issued records</span>";
                                lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<span class='badge'>" + cnt + "</span><span class='label label-primary'>  Issued record</span>";

                        if (pendingCnt > 1)
                            lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<br /><span class='badge'>" + pendingCnt + "</span><a href='#pending'><span class='label label-danger'>Pending records</span></a>";
                        else if (pendingCnt == 1)
                            lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<br /><span class='badge'>" + pendingCnt + "</span><a href='#pending'><span class='label label-danger'>Pending record</span></a>";

                            err.Text = err.Text + " No pending records." + "<br />";

                        if (IsNumeric(txt_SNumber.Text))
                            ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + result; //+ GetPendingLicenses(txt_SNumber.Text, txtSName.Text, txtUnit.Text, txtBName.Text);
                        txtBName.Text    = "";
                        txt_SNumber.Text = tempSNUMBER;
                } // Location search
                #region Business Name Search
                else if (((txt_SNumber.Text.Length < 1) && (txtSName.Text.Length < 1)) && (txtBName.Text.Length > 0))
                    err.Text = "";
                    ShowSearchResult.Text = "";
                    ShowSearchResult.Text = resultcont + row;

                    bizSearch.value = new string[] { txtBName.Text.TrimEnd() };

                    //(new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(query.GetType())).Serialize(new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\temp\text.xml"), query);

                        cnt        = ac.searchFolderCount(bizQuery);
                        pendingCnt = ac.searchFolderCount(pendingBiz);

                        if (cnt == 0)
                            err.Text = err.Text + "No records for <b>Business Name including " + txtBName.Text + "</b> in Issued records." + "<br />";

                        //else if (cnt == 0 && pendingCnt > 0)
                        //    err.Text = err.Text + "No records for <b>Business Name including " + txtBName.Text + "</b> in Issued records." + "<br />";

                        var folders = ac.searchFolder(bizQuery, 0, cnt, new string[] { "folder.folderRSN DESC", "folder.expiryDate DESC" });

                        if (cnt > 200)
                            if (err.Text != "")
                                err.Text += " ";
                            err.Text = err.Text + "More than " + cnt + " records" + "<br />";

                        if (cnt > 0)
                            foreach (var fold in folders)
                                    var f = ac.getFolder(Convert.ToInt32(fold.folderRSN));
                                    var p = ac.getProperty(Convert.ToInt32(f.propertyRSN));

                                    var bizname = ac.getFolderInfoByInfoCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 40020, 40049 });
                                    var fInfo   = ac.getFolderFreeFormByCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 100 });

                                    if (bizname != null)
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[0].infoValue))
                                            businessname = bizname[0].infoValue;
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[1].infoValue))
                                            applicant = bizname[1].infoValue;

                                    if (fInfo == null)
                                        licType = " "; //TODO: custom query
                                        licType = fInfo[0].c01;

                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + box + inBox;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + TitleAdd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>PropID       : </b>" + f.propertyRSN + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Civic Number : </b>" + p.propHouse + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Street Name  : </b>" + p.propStreet + " " + p.propStreetType + liEnd;
                                    //ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Unit Number  : </b>" + p.propUnit + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Postal Code  : </b>" + p.propPostal + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + TitleLic;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>FolderID              : </b>" + f.folderRSN + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Type                  : </b>" + licType + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Business Name         : </b>" + businessname + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Applicant: </b>   " + applicant + liEnd;
                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>License Status        : </b>" + f.statusDesc + liEnd;

                                    if (!Convert.IsDBNull(f.indate))
                                        ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Application Date : " + "</b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.indate) + liEnd;

                                    if (!Convert.IsDBNull(f.issueDate))
                                        ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Issue Date : " + "</b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.issueDate) + liEnd;

                                    if (!Convert.IsDBNull(f.expiryDate))
                                        ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + item + "<b>Expiry Date : " + "</b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.expiryDate) + liEnd;

                                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + ulEnd + divEnd + divEnd;
                                    // skip if bad data

                        #region Pending Search
                        if (pendingCnt > 200)
                            if (err.Text != "")
                                err.Text += " <br />";
                            err.Text = err.Text + "More than " + pendingCnt + " Pending records" + "<br />";

                        if (pendingCnt < 1)
                            result  += pendingPoint;
                            err.Text = err.Text + " No pending records." + "<br />";

                        if (pendingCnt > 0 && pendingCnt < 200)
                            var pending = ac.searchFolder(pendingBiz, 0, pendingCnt, new string[] { "folder.folderRSN DESC", "folder.expiryDate DESC" });

                            foreach (var f in pending)
                                    var p       = ac.getProperty(Convert.ToInt32(f.propertyRSN));
                                    var bizname = ac.getFolderInfoByInfoCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 40020, 40049 });
                                    var fee     = ac.getFolderFee(new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN) }, true);
                                    var fInfo   = ac.getFolderFreeFormByCode(Convert.ToInt32(f.folderRSN), new int[] { 100 });

                                    if (bizname != null)
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[0].infoValue))
                                            businessname = bizname[0].infoValue;
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname[1].infoValue))
                                            applicant = bizname[1].infoValue;

                                    if (fInfo == null)
                                        licType = " "; //TODO: custom query
                                        licType = fInfo[0].c01;

                                    double outFee = 0;
                                    if (fee != null)
                                        outFee = fee.totalOutstanding;

                                    result  = result + box + inBox;
                                    result += pendingPoint;

                                    result = result + pendingTitleAdd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Civic Number : </b>" + p.propHouse + liEnd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Street Name  : </b>" + p.propStreet + " " + p.propStreetType + liEnd;
                                    //result = result + item + "<b>Unit Number  : </b>" + p.propUnit + liEnd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>City         : </b>" + p.propCity + liEnd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Postal Code         : </b>" + p.propPostal + liEnd;

                                    result = result + pendingTitleLic;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Type                  : </b>" + licType + liEnd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Business Name        : </b>" + businessname + liEnd;
                                    //result = result + item + "<b>Applicant        : </b>" + applicant + liEnd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Status               : </b> Pending<br>";
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Application Date     : </b>" + String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", f.indate) + liEnd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Outstanding Fee      : </b>$" + outFee + liEnd;
                                    result = result + item + "<b>Outstanding Comments      : </b>" + f.folderCondition + liEnd;

                                    result = result + ulEnd + divEnd + divEnd;
                                    // skip if bad data

                        if (cnt == 1)
                            lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<span class='badge'>" + cnt + "</span><span class='label label-primary'>  Issued record</span>";
                        else if (cnt > 1)
                            lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<span class='badge'>" + cnt + "</span><span class='label label-primary'>  Issued records</span>";

                        if (pendingCnt > 1)
                            lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<br /><span class='badge'>" + pendingCnt + "</span><a href='#pending'><span class='label label-danger'>Pending records</span></a>";
                        else if (pendingCnt == 1)
                            lbresult.Text = lbresult.Text + "<br /><span class='badge'>" + pendingCnt + "</span><a href='#pending'><span class='label label-danger'>Pending record</span></a>";

                        //} // else
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        err.Visible = true;
                        err.Text    = err.Text + "<br>";
                        err.Text    = err.Text + "Error : " + ex.Message + "<br>";
                        err.Text    = err.Text + "Error Detail : " + ex.StackTrace + "<br>";


                    ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + result;
                }//Business name search

                ShowSearchResult.Text = ShowSearchResult.Text + divEnd;
                err.ForeColor         = Color.Red;
        } // using
예제 #3
        // primary function when the Search button is clicked on the Finder (query) page
        public void ExecuteQuery()
            displayInfoList = new List <DisplayInfomation>();
            string licNoQuery = " ";
            string licYrQuery = " ";

            // creates a SOAP client to perform the Web service methods
            AClient ac = new AClient("WSAmandaServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint");

            using (new OperationContextScope(ac.InnerChannel))
                HttpRequestMessageProperty requestProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                requestProperty.Headers["lid"] = Models.AmandaWS.Lid;
                OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestProperty;

                #region SearchCriteria
                Amnd.WSValidOperator vo = ac.getValidOperators();

                ASearch fTypes = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "folderType",
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.IN,
                    value                       = new string[] { "GM", "CTR", "NEWS", "RVE" },
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE

                ASearch firstName = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "People",
                    fieldName                   = "nameFirst",
                    value                       = null,
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.LIKE,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true

                ASearch lastName = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "People",
                    fieldName                   = "nameLast",
                    value                       = null,
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.LIKE,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true

                ASearch orgName = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "People",
                    fieldName                   = "organizationName",
                    value                       = null,
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.LIKE,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true

                ASearch licenceType = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "folder",
                    fieldName                   = "subCode",
                    value                       = null,
                    @operator                   = vo.EQUAL,
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,

                ASearch licYear = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "folderYear",
                    @operator                   = vo.EQUAL,
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.AND,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true

                ASearch licenceNo = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "Folder",
                    fieldName                   = "foldersequence",
                    @operator                   = vo.EQUAL,
                    operatorSpecified           = true,
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true

                ASearch opNameSearch = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "FolderInfo",
                    fieldName                   = "infoValue",
                    infoCode                    = 40020,
                    infoCodeSpecified           = true,
                    value                       = new string[] { searchData.opName },
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.LIKE,
                    operatorSpecified           = true

                ASearch VinSearch = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "FolderInfo",
                    fieldName                   = "infoValue",
                    infoCode                    = 40102,
                    infoCodeSpecified           = true,
                    value                       = new string[] { searchData.vin },
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.LIKE,
                    operatorSpecified           = true

                ASearch ONPlate = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "FolderInfo",
                    fieldName                   = "infoValue",
                    infoCode                    = 40103,
                    infoCodeSpecified           = true,
                    value                       = new string[] { searchData.plateNumber },
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.LIKE,
                    operatorSpecified           = true

                ASearch CityPlate = new ASearch
                    tableName                   = "FolderInfo",
                    fieldName                   = "infoValue",
                    infoCode                    = 40104,
                    infoCodeSpecified           = true,
                    value                       = new string[] { searchData.cityPlateNumber },
                    conjuctiveOperator          = vo.NONE,
                    conjuctiveOperatorSpecified = true,
                    @operator                   = vo.LIKE,
                    operatorSpecified           = true

                ASearch[] search = new ASearch[] { firstName, lastName, licenceType, orgName, fTypes };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.firstName))
                    firstName.value = new string[] { searchData.firstName };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.lastName))
                    lastName.value = new string[] { searchData.lastName };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.orgName))
                    orgName.value = new string[] { searchData.orgName };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.licenseType))
                    //licenceType.value = new string[] { searchData.licenseType };

                    licenceType.value = new string[] { searchData.SubCode[Array.IndexOf(searchData.LicTypes, searchData.licenseType)] };

                search = search.Where(c => c.value != null).ToArray(); //removes empty search criteria fields

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.cityPlateNumber))
                    search = null;
                    search = new ASearch[] { CityPlate };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.plateNumber))
                    search = null;
                    search = new ASearch[] { ONPlate };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.vin))
                    search = null;
                    search = new ASearch[] { VinSearch };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.opName))
                    search = null;
                    search = new ASearch[] { opNameSearch };

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchData.licenseNumber))
                    if (searchData.licenseNumber.Length > 2) // exact search
                        // separates the search data for the folder year and folder sequence searches
                        licNoQuery      = Char.IsNumber(searchData.licenseNumber, 2) ? searchData.licenseNumber.Substring(2) : searchData.licenseNumber.Substring(3);
                        licYrQuery      = searchData.licenseNumber.Substring(0, 2); // searches folderYear column
                        search          = null;
                        licenceNo.value = new string[] { licNoQuery };
                        licYear.value   = new string[] { licYrQuery };
                        search          = new ASearch[] { licYear, licenceNo };
                    else // possibility to search license year with other criteria, if only to avoid app crashes when 2 chars are entered
                        search        = null;
                        licYear.value = new string[] { searchData.licenseNumber };
                        search        = new ASearch[] { licYear, firstName, lastName, orgName, licenceType, fTypes };
                        search        = search.Where(c => c.value != null).ToArray();

                //(new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(search.GetType())).Serialize(new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\temp\text.xml"), search);
                int             cnt = ac.searchFolderCount(search);
                Amnd.WSFolder[] result;

                if (cnt > 10)
                    result  = ac.searchFolder(search, 0, 10, new string[] { "folder.folderRSN DESC", "folder.expiryDate DESC" });
                    OverTen = true;
                    result  = ac.searchFolder(search, 0, cnt, new string[] { "folder.folderRSN DESC", "folder.expiryDate DESC" });
                    OverTen = false;

                if (cnt > 0)
                    foreach (var r in result)
                        string vin       = " ";
                        string plate     = " ";
                        string modelyear = " ";
                        string make      = " ";
                        string cityLic   = " ";
                        string alias     = " ";

                        var p = ac.getFolderPeople(Convert.ToInt32(r.folderRSN));

                        if (p != null)
                            // DOB
                            var      pInfo = ac.getPeopleInfo(Convert.ToInt32(p[0].peopleRSN));
                            string   dob   = " ";
                            DateTime dobDb = DateTime.Today;

                            Amnd.WSPeopleInfo dobRow = null;

                            if (pInfo[0] != null && pInfo != null)
                                dobRow = Array.Find(pInfo, col => col.infoCode.Equals(40117));

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dobRow.infoValue))
                                    if (DateTime.Parse(dobRow.infoValue) < DateTime.Today)
                                        dobDb = DateTime.Parse(dobRow.infoValue).Date;
                                        dob   = String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", dobDb);
                            // license type
                            var    fFree   = ac.getFolderFreeFormByCode(Convert.ToInt32(r.folderRSN), new int[] { 100 });
                            string licType = (fFree == null && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fFree[0].c01)) ? " " : fFree[0].c01;

                            // vehicle details/InfoCode
                            var fInfo = ac.getFolderInfoByInfoCode(Convert.ToInt32(r.folderRSN), new int[] { 40020, 40101, 40100, 40102, 40103, 40104 });

                            Amnd.WSFolderInfo aliasRow, modYrRow, mkRow, vinRow, ontRow, ctyRow;

                            if (fInfo != null) //&& (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fInfo[0].infoValue) || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fInfo[0].infoValue)))
                                aliasRow = fInfo.FirstOrDefault(col => col.infoCode == 40020);
                                alias    = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aliasRow.infoValue) ? " " : aliasRow.infoValue;

                                if (fInfo.Length > 2)
                                    mkRow = fInfo.FirstOrDefault(col => col.infoCode == 40101);
                                    make  = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mkRow.infoValue) ? " " : mkRow.infoValue;

                                    modYrRow  = fInfo.FirstOrDefault(col => col.infoCode == 40100);
                                    modelyear = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modYrRow.infoValue) ? " " : modYrRow.infoValue;

                                    vinRow  = fInfo.FirstOrDefault(col => col.infoCode == 40102);
                                    vin     = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vinRow.infoValue) ? " " : vinRow.infoValue;
                                    ontRow  = fInfo.FirstOrDefault(col => col.infoCode == 40103);
                                    plate   = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ontRow.infoValue) ? " " : ontRow.infoValue;
                                    ctyRow  = fInfo.FirstOrDefault(col => col.infoCode == 40104);
                                    cityLic = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctyRow.infoValue) ? " " : ctyRow.infoValue;

                            // license number
                            string licNo = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.folderYear) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.folderSequence)) ? " " : (r.folderYear + " " + r.folderSequence);

                            // first & last & org names
                            string firstNm = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].nameFirst) ? (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[1].nameFirst) ? " " : p[1].nameFirst) : p[0].nameFirst;
                            string lastNm  = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].nameLast) ? (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[1].nameLast) ? " " : p[1].nameLast) : p[0].nameLast;
                            string orgNm   = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].organizationName) ? (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[1].organizationName) ? " " : p[1].organizationName) : p[0].organizationName;

                            // address
                            string addLine1 = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].addressLine1) ? " " : p[0].addressLine1;
                            string cityStr  = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].addrCity) ?
                                              (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].addressLine2) ? " " :
                                               p[0].addressLine2.Substring(0, p[0].addressLine2.Length - 7)) : p[0].addrCity;
                            string postStr = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].addrPostal) ?
                                             (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[0].addressLine2) ? " " :
                                              p[0].addressLine2.Substring(p[0].addressLine2.Length - 7)) : p[0].addrPostal;

                            DisplayInfomation displayInfo = new DisplayInfomation()
                                person = new Person(),
                                card   = new Card()

                            displayInfo.person.personId         = Convert.ToString(p[0].peopleRSN); //+ Convert.ToString(r.folderRSN); this actually doesn't matter
                            displayInfo.person.firstName        = firstNm;
                            displayInfo.person.lastName         = lastNm;
                            displayInfo.person.organizationName = orgNm;
                            displayInfo.person.dateOfBirth      = String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", dob);
                            displayInfo.person.address          = addLine1;
                            displayInfo.person.city             = cityStr;
                            displayInfo.person.postalCode       = postStr;
                            displayInfo.person.operatingName    = alias;
                            displayInfo.card.CardId             = Convert.ToString(r.folderRSN);
                            displayInfo.card.licenseNumber      = licNo;
                            displayInfo.card.vehicleMaker       = make;
                            displayInfo.card.vehicleModelYear   = modelyear;
                            displayInfo.card.issueDate          = String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", r.indate);
                            displayInfo.card.expiryDate         = String.Format("{0:MMM d, yyyy}", r.expiryDate);
                            displayInfo.card.licenseType        = licType;
                            displayInfo.card.vehiclePlateNumber = plate;
                            displayInfo.card.cityLicensePlate   = cityLic;
                            displayInfo.card.vin      = vin;
                            displayInfo.card.personId = Convert.ToString(p[0].peopleRSN);

                            //get photo
                                var fa = ac.getFolderAttachment(Convert.ToInt32(r.folderRSN));

                                if (fa[0] != null)
                                    var attach = Array.Find(fa, col => col.attachmentCode.Equals(40005));
                                    //displayInfo.person.personId = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(attach.attachmentRSN));
                                    var pic = ac.getAttachmentContent(Convert.ToInt32(attach.attachmentRSN));

                                    displayInfo.card.imageData = pic.content;
                            catch //(FaultException)
                                // abort photo check if no image exists or the file server cannot be accessed
                                displayInfo.card.imageData = null;

            } // using