public ActionResult Create(int memberID, FormCollection coll) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var member = Utilities.Members.getMember(Session, memberID, Utilities.Members.MemberType.Staff); if (!member.IsLibrarian) throw new Exception("You do not have permissions to this page"); var books = Utilities.Inventory.GetAllInventory(Session, Utilities.Inventory.InventoryTypes.Books); var book = new Book(Utilities.Inventory.getNextID(books)) { Author = coll["Author"], Title = coll["Title"], BookCopies = new List<LibrarySystem.Areas.Inventory.Models.Book.Copy>() }; books.Add(book); Dictionary<String, List<InventoryItemBase>> inventory = Session["Inventory"] as Dictionary<String, List<InventoryItemBase>>; inventory[Utilities.Inventory.InventoryTypes.Books.ToString()] = books; Session["Inventory"] = inventory; return RedirectToAction(Utilities.Members.MemberType.Staff.ToString(), "Default", new { mid = memberID }); } return View(memberID); }
public Copy(int id, Book book, bool isAvailable) { this.isAvailable = isAvailable; this.isBorrowed = false; = book; = id; }
public Copy(int id, Book book) : this(id, book, false) { }