public static void findByType() { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter Type - HardCopy or SoftCopy ?: "); string keyword = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); List <Book> books = ExternalFile.getData(); if (string.Equals(keyword, "hardcopy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || (string.Equals(keyword, "softcopy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { Console.WriteLine("Here is the list for type - " + keyword); foreach (Book book in books) { if (string.Equals(keyword, book.getType(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine(book.getName() + ": " + book.getType()); } } Console.WriteLine("********************************************************"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The type you are looking for is unavailable"); } }
public static void findByGenre() { Console.WriteLine("enter Genre"); string keyword = Console.ReadLine(); List <Book> books = ExternalFile.getData(); List <Book> matchingBooks = new List <Book>(); foreach (Book book in books) { if (book.getGenre().Equals(keyword, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { matchingBooks.Add(book); } } if (matchingBooks.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, we don't have books in genre - " + keyword); } else { foreach (Book book in matchingBooks) { Console.WriteLine(book.getName() + ":" + book.getAuthor() + ":" + book.getGenre() + ":" + book.getType()); } } Console.WriteLine("********************************************************"); }
public static void findByName() { List <Book> books = ExternalFile.getData(); List <Book> matchingBooks = new List <Book>(); Console.Write("Enter book name : "); string bookName = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (Book book in books) { if (book.getName().Equals(bookName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { matchingBooks.Add(book); } } if (matchingBooks.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, we don't have books titled - " + bookName); } else { foreach (Book book in matchingBooks) { Console.WriteLine(book.getName() + ":" + book.getAuthor() + ":" + book.getGenre() + ":" + book.getType()); } } Console.WriteLine("********************************************************"); }
public static void deleteBook() { var externalFile = new ExternalFile(); List <Book> books = ExternalFile.getData(); findAllBooks(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a book number"); var bookNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Details of the book you choose"); Console.WriteLine(books[bookNum - 1].getName() + ":" + books[bookNum - 1].getAuthor() + ":" + books[bookNum - 1].getGenre() + ":" + books[bookNum - 1].getType() + Environment.NewLine); books.RemoveAt(bookNum - 1); externalFile.writeAllBooks(books); Console.WriteLine("********************************************************"); }
public static void editBook() { var externalFile = new ExternalFile(); List <Book> books = ExternalFile.getData(); findAllBooks(); var bookNum = InputCheck.CheckInteger("Please enter a book number : ", books.Count); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Details of the book you choose"); Console.WriteLine(books[bookNum - 1].getName() + ":" + books[bookNum - 1].getAuthor() + ":" + books[bookNum - 1].getGenre() + ":" + books[bookNum - 1].getType()); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Enter new Book Author"); string editAuthor = Console.ReadLine(); books[bookNum - 1].setAuthor(editAuthor); externalFile.writeAllBooks(books); Console.WriteLine("Here is the updated Library\n"); Console.WriteLine("***************************\n"); findAllBooks(); }
public static void findAllBooks() { Console.WriteLine(); var externalFile = new ExternalFile(); List <Book> books = ExternalFile.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < books.Count; i++) { if (books[i].GetType().ToString().Equals("LibraryManagement.Hardcopy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var hardcopy = (Hardcopy)books[i]; Console.WriteLine(i + 1 + ") " + books[i].getName() + ":" + books[i].getAuthor() + ":" + books[i].getGenre() + ":" + books[i].getType() + ":" + hardcopy.getYear()); } else { var softcopy = (Softcopy)books[i]; Console.WriteLine(i + 1 + ") " + books[i].getName() + ":" + books[i].getAuthor() + ":" + books[i].getGenre() + ":" + books[i].getType() + ":" + softcopy.getVersion()); } } Console.WriteLine("********************************************************"); }