예제 #1
        //Preconditions: click Insert>Book
        //Postconditions: pops up a dialog box for user to enter book information. stores the information as a book in the library
        private void bookSubMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BookDialogBox bookDBox = new BookDialogBox();     //create object for BookDialogBox

            bookDBox.ShowDialog();                            //pulls up the BookDialogBox

            theLibrary.AddLibraryBook(bookDBox.AddTitle, bookDBox.AddPublisher, bookDBox.AddCopyrightYear,
                                      bookDBox.AddLoanPeriod, bookDBox.AddCallNumber, bookDBox.AddAuthor);
예제 #2
        //Preconditions: click Report>List Items
        //Postconditions: goes through a loop to display all items stored in the library
        private void itemListSubMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BookDialogBox bookDBox = new BookDialogBox();

            outputTextBox.Text = "";   //clears textbox

            outputTextBox.Text = "Count of items: " + theLibrary.GetItemCount() + System.Environment.NewLine +

            for (int k = 0; k < theLibrary._items.Count; k++)   //loops through the library and displaying items
                outputTextBox.Text += theLibrary._items[k] + System.Environment.NewLine +