예제 #1
        private async Task ConfirmCommand(object password)
            // Check that both passwordboxes are filled
            if ((password as IHavePassword).SecurePassword == null || (password as INewPassword).SecondPassword == null ||
                (password as IHavePassword).SecurePassword.Length < 4 || (password as INewPassword).SecondPassword.Length < 4)
                IsNotFilledCorrectly = true;

            if (await LoginHelpers.UpdatePassword(IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().CurrentUser.personalNumber,
                                                  (password as IHavePassword).SecurePassword, (password as INewPassword).SecondPassword))
                IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().CloseSubPopUp();
                IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().OpenSubPopUp(PopUpContents.Success);
                await Task.Delay(700);

                IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().CloseSubPopUp();
                IsNotFilledCorrectly = false;
                IsNotFilledCorrectly = true;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Logging in the user if credentials are correct
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task LoginAsUserCommandAsync(object password)
            // Hide the textbox in the control
            ShowLoginFailedText = false;

            // Checking if the login is already running, used to avoid overload
            if (UserLoginIsRunning)

            // Indicate that the login is running
            UserLoginIsRunning = true;

            // The actual login trial
                // Temporarily used waiter to simulate animation
                await Task.Delay(500);

                // Check for inputs
                if (PNumber == null || (password as IHavePassword).SecurePassword == null)

                // Get a user object from the database
                var loggedInUser = (await LoginHelpers.AttemptLogin(PNumber, (password as IHavePassword).SecurePassword));

                // If no user is returned...
                if (loggedInUser == null)
                    // Show the textbox in the control
                    ShowLoginFailedText = true;

                var NewUser = loggedInUser.ToModel <IUser, UserViewModel>();

                // Set the logged in user
                IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().CurrentUser = NewUser;
                IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().SetCurrentUserRole();

                await CheckNotifications();

                // If the login is made from the start screen we go to the book page
                if (IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().CurrentPage == ApplicationPages.MainPage)
                    IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().GoToPage(ApplicationPages.BookPage);

                // Closes the popup if we're not in firstload-mode
                if (!IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().IsLoading&& IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().CurrentPage != ApplicationPages.MainPage)
                    IoC.CreateInstance <ApplicationViewModel>().ClosePopUp();

                IoC.CreateInstance <MyProfileControlViewModel>().GetMyLoansAndReservations();

                // Reset input properties
                ViewModelHelpers.ResetInputProperties <UserLoginControlViewModel>(nameof(PNumber));

                // When the login is done, no matter if it succeeds or not, the flag will be set to false
                UserLoginIsRunning = false;