public static void Shop_Purchase(Player _player, Friendly _Merchant, string sentence01, string sentence02) { int x = 0; List <string> item_names = new List <string>(); string itemchoice; Console.Clear(); Draw_UI.Draw_UI_Shop_Buy(_Merchant, _player); Console.WriteLine("Back - (Type 'back')"); while (x < _Merchant.NPC_Inventory.Count()) { do { Console.Write("Purchase Item: "); itemchoice = Console.ReadLine(); } while (itemchoice.Any(char.IsLetter) == false); if (itemchoice == "Back" || itemchoice == "back" || itemchoice == "BACK") { Shop_Show_Items(_player, _Merchant, sentence01, sentence02); } else { foreach (Item item in _Merchant.NPC_Inventory) { item_names.Add(item.Item_Name); } if (item_names.Contains(itemchoice)) { foreach (Item item in _Merchant.NPC_Inventory) { if (itemchoice == item.Item_Name) { x = x + 1; if (_player.Char_Gold >= item.Item_Buy) { Console.WriteLine("You have purchased " + item.Item_Name + " for " + item.Item_Buy + " Gold coins"); Remove_Merchant_Items(_Merchant, itemchoice); _player.Char_Gold -= item.Item_Buy; _Merchant.Shop_Gold += item.Item_Buy; } else { Console.WriteLine("You do not have enough gold."); } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Item not found."); } } } }
public static void Shop_Show_Items(Player _player, Friendly _Merchant, string sentence01, string sentence02) { Draw_UI.Draw_UI_Shop_Main(_Merchant, _player); string Input; do { Console.Write("Input: "); Input = Console.ReadLine(); } while (Input.All(char.IsDigit) == false); switch (Input) { case "1": Shop_Purchase(_player, _Merchant, sentence01, sentence02); break; case "2": Shop_Sell(_Merchant, _player, sentence01, sentence02); break; case "3": break; } }