private void makeUnrelatedDataGridStyle() { if(m_unrelatedTS != null) { return; } //STEP 1: Create a DataTable style object and set properties if required. m_unrelatedTS = new DataGridTableStyle(); //specify the table from dataset (required step) m_unrelatedTS.MappingName = "unrelated"; //m_unrelatedTS.RowHeadersVisible = false; // Set other properties (optional step) //m_unrelatedTS.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightBlue; int colCount = 0; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext[m_unrelatedDS, "unrelated"].GetItemProperties(); //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["id"], "i", true); csIDInt.MappingName = "id"; csIDInt.HeaderText = ""; csIDInt.Width = 1; m_unrelatedTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a button-like column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle ViewCol = new MyDataGridButtonColumn(); ViewCol.MappingName = "view"; ViewCol.HeaderText = "View"; ViewCol.Width = 35; //hook the new event to our handler in the grid ((MyDataGridButtonColumn)ViewCol).CellButtonClick += new CellButtonClickEventHandler(HandleUnrelatedViewBtn); m_unrelatedTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(ViewCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle NameCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); NameCol.MappingName = "name"; //from dataset table NameCol.HeaderText = "Name"; NameCol.Width = 150; m_unrelatedTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(NameCol); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle TimeCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); TimeCol.MappingName = "time"; //from dataset table TimeCol.HeaderText = "Time"; TimeCol.Width = 170; m_unrelatedTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(TimeCol); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle SourceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SourceCol.MappingName = "source"; //from dataset table SourceCol.HeaderText = "Source"; SourceCol.Width = 800; m_unrelatedTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SourceCol); colCount++; unrelatedDataGrid.CaptionVisible = false; //STEP 8: Add the tablestyle to your datagrid's tablestlye collection: unrelatedDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(m_unrelatedTS); }
private void makeGeotiffDataGridStyle() { if(m_geotiffTS != null) { return; } //STEP 1: Create a DataTable style object and set properties if required. m_geotiffTS = new DataGridTableStyle(); //specify the table from dataset (required step) m_geotiffTS.MappingName = "geotiff"; // Set other properties (optional step) //m_geotiffTS.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightBlue; int colCount = 0; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext[m_geotiffDS, "geotiff"].GetItemProperties(); //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["id"], "i", true); csIDInt.MappingName = "id"; csIDInt.HeaderText = ""; csIDInt.Width = 30; csIDInt.ReadOnly = true; m_geotiffTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle NameCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); NameCol.MappingName = "name"; //from dataset table NameCol.HeaderText = "Name"; NameCol.Width = Math.Max(10, Project.nameColWidthCm); NameCol.ReadOnly = true; m_geotiffTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(NameCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Add the checkbox DataGridColumnStyle boolCol = new MyDataGridBoolColumn(colCount); boolCol.MappingName = "displayed"; boolCol.HeaderText = "Shown"; //hook the new event to our handler in the grid ((MyDataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).BoolValueChanged += new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(HandleCustomMapShowChanges); //uncomment this line to get a two-state checkbox ((DataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).AllowNull = false; boolCol.Width = 45; m_geotiffTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(boolCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Add the checkbox DataGridColumnStyle boolCol2 = new MyDataGridBoolColumn(colCount); boolCol2.MappingName = "persist"; boolCol2.HeaderText = "Load on start"; //hook the new event to our handler in the grid ((MyDataGridBoolColumn)boolCol2).BoolValueChanged += new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(HandleCustomMapPersistChanges); //uncomment this line to get a two-state checkbox ((DataGridBoolColumn)boolCol2).AllowNull = false; boolCol2.Width = 80; m_geotiffTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(boolCol2); colCount++; //STEP 4: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DescrCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); DescrCol.MappingName = "descr"; //from dataset table DescrCol.HeaderText = "Description"; //DescrCol.Width = Math.Max(10, Project.descColWidthCm); DescrCol.Width = 1; DescrCol.ReadOnly = true; m_geotiffTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(DescrCol); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle SourceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SourceCol.MappingName = "source"; //from dataset table SourceCol.HeaderText = "Source"; int colWidthLeft = Math.Max(100, this.Width - csIDInt.Width - NameCol.Width - boolCol.Width - DescrCol.Width - 140); SourceCol.Width = Math.Max(colWidthLeft, 100); // Project.sourceColWidthCm); SourceCol.ReadOnly = true; m_geotiffTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SourceCol); colCount++; geotiffDataGrid.CaptionVisible = false; //STEP 6: Add the tablestyle to your datagrid's tablestlye collection: geotiffDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(m_geotiffTS); /* how to test for checked checkboxes: if((bool)geotiffDataGrid[row, column]) MessageBox.Show("I am true"); else MessageBox.Show("I am false"); */ }
private void makeWaypointsDataGridStyle() { if(m_waypointsTS != null) { return; } //STEP 1: Create a DataTable style object and set properties if required. m_waypointsTS = new DataGridTableStyle(); //specify the table from dataset (required step) m_waypointsTS.MappingName = "waypoints"; // Set other properties (optional step) //m_waypointsTS.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightBlue; int colCount = 0; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext[m_waypointsDS, "waypoints"].GetItemProperties(); //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["id"], "i", true); csIDInt.MappingName = "id"; csIDInt.HeaderText = ""; csIDInt.Width = 1; m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt); colCount++; //STEP 7: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle SymbolCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SymbolCol.MappingName = "sym"; //from dataset table SymbolCol.HeaderText = "Symbol"; SymbolCol.Width = Math.Max(10, Project.symbolColWidth); m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SymbolCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle NameCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); NameCol.MappingName = "wptname"; //from dataset table NameCol.HeaderText = "Name"; NameCol.Width = Math.Max(10, Project.nameColWidth); m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(NameCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle UrlNameCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); UrlNameCol.MappingName = "urlname"; //from dataset table UrlNameCol.HeaderText = "URL Name"; UrlNameCol.Width = Math.Max(10, Project.urlNameColWidth); m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(UrlNameCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DescCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); DescCol.MappingName = "desc"; //from dataset table DescCol.HeaderText = "Description"; DescCol.Width = Math.Max(10, Project.descColWidth); m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(DescCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle CommentCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); CommentCol.MappingName = "comment"; //from dataset table CommentCol.HeaderText = "Comment"; CommentCol.Width = Math.Max(10, Project.commentColWidth); m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(CommentCol); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle TimeCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); TimeCol.MappingName = "time"; //from dataset table TimeCol.HeaderText = "Time"; TimeCol.Width = 1; m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(TimeCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle LocationCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); LocationCol.MappingName = "location"; //from dataset table LocationCol.HeaderText = "Location"; LocationCol.Width = 180; m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(LocationCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle DistanceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); DistanceCol.MappingName = "distance"; //from dataset table DistanceCol.HeaderText = "Distance from Camera"; // won't fit in 80 pixels DistanceCol.Width = 80; m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(DistanceCol); colCount++; /* //STEP 3: Add the checkbox DataGridColumnStyle boolCol = new MyDataGridBoolColumn(colCount); boolCol.MappingName = "displayed"; boolCol.HeaderText = "Shown"; //hook the new event to our handler in the grid //((MyDataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).BoolValueChanged += new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(HandleBoolChanges); //uncomment this line to get a two-state checkbox ((DataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).ReadOnly = true; ((DataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).AllowNull = false; boolCol.Width = 55; m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(boolCol); colCount++; */ //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle FoundCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); FoundCol.MappingName = "found"; //from dataset table FoundCol.HeaderText = "Found"; FoundCol.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; FoundCol.Width = 45; m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(FoundCol); colCount++; //STEP 7: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle SourceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SourceCol.MappingName = "source"; //from dataset table SourceCol.HeaderText = "Source"; SourceCol.Width = 800; m_waypointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SourceCol); colCount++; waypointsDataGrid.CaptionVisible = false; //STEP 8: Add the tablestyle to your datagrid's tablestlye collection: waypointsDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(m_waypointsTS); }
private void makeTracksDataGridStyle() { if(m_tracksTS != null) { return; } //STEP 1: Create a DataTable style object and set properties if required. m_tracksTS = new DataGridTableStyle(); //specify the table from dataset (required step) m_tracksTS.MappingName = "tracks"; // Set other properties (optional step) //m_tracksTS.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightBlue; int colCount = 0; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext[m_tracksDS, "tracks"].GetItemProperties(); //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["id"], "i", true); csIDInt.MappingName = "id"; csIDInt.HeaderText = ""; csIDInt.Width = 30; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle NameCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); NameCol.MappingName = "name"; //from dataset table NameCol.HeaderText = "Name"; NameCol.Width = 150; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(NameCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Add the checkbox DataGridColumnStyle boolCol = new MyDataGridBoolColumn(colCount); boolCol.MappingName = "displayed"; boolCol.HeaderText = "Shown"; //hook the new event to our handler in the grid ((MyDataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).BoolValueChanged += new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(HandleTrackShowChanges); //uncomment this line to get a two-state checkbox ((DataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).AllowNull = false; boolCol.Width = 60; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(boolCol); colCount++; //STEP 4: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csLegsInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["legs"], "i", true); csLegsInt.MappingName = "legs"; csLegsInt.HeaderText = "Legs"; csLegsInt.Width = 50; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csLegsInt); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle StartCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); StartCol.MappingName = "start"; //from dataset table StartCol.HeaderText = "Start"; StartCol.Width = 170; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(StartCol); colCount++; //STEP 6: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle EndCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); EndCol.MappingName = "end"; //from dataset table EndCol.HeaderText = "End"; EndCol.Width = 170; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(EndCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle DistanceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); DistanceCol.MappingName = "distance"; //from dataset table DistanceCol.HeaderText = ""; // won't fit in 80 pixels DistanceCol.Width = 50; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(DistanceCol); colCount++; //STEP 7: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle SourceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SourceCol.MappingName = "source"; //from dataset table SourceCol.HeaderText = "Info"; SourceCol.Width = 800; m_tracksTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SourceCol); colCount++; tracksDataGrid.CaptionVisible = false; //STEP 8: Add the tablestyle to your datagrid's tablestlye collection: tracksDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(m_tracksTS); /* how to test for checked checkboxes: if((bool)tracksDataGrid[row, column]) MessageBox.Show("I am true"); else MessageBox.Show("I am false"); */ }
private void makeTrackpointsDataGridStyle() { bool fromRoutes = this.prevSelectedTab == this.routesTabPage; if(m_trackpointsTS == null) { //STEP 1: Create a DataTable style object and set properties if required. m_trackpointsTS = new DataGridTableStyle(); //specify the table from dataset (required step) m_trackpointsTS.MappingName = "trackpoints"; //m_trackpointsTS.RowHeadersVisible = false; // Set other properties (optional step) //m_trackpointsTS.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightBlue; int colCount = 0; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext[m_trackpointsDS, "trackpoints"].GetItemProperties(); //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["id"], "i", true); csIDInt.MappingName = "id"; csIDInt.HeaderText = ""; csIDInt.Width = 1; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt); colCount++; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csTrackIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["trackid"], "i", true); csTrackIDInt.MappingName = "trackid"; csTrackIDInt.HeaderText = "Track Id"; csTrackIDInt.Width = 1; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csTrackIDInt); colCount++; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csWptIdxInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["wptidx"], "i", true); csWptIdxInt.MappingName = "wptidx"; csWptIdxInt.HeaderText = "Wpt Idx"; csWptIdxInt.Width = 1; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csWptIdxInt); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle NameCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); NameCol.MappingName = "name"; //from dataset table NameCol.HeaderText = "Name"; NameCol.Width = 150; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(NameCol); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle TimeCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); TimeCol.MappingName = "time"; //from dataset table TimeCol.HeaderText = "Time"; TimeCol.Width = 170; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(TimeCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle LocationCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); LocationCol.MappingName = "location"; //from dataset table LocationCol.HeaderText = "Location"; LocationCol.Width = 180; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(LocationCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle SpeedCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SpeedCol.MappingName = "speed"; //from dataset table SpeedCol.HeaderText = "Speed"; SpeedCol.Width = 80; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SpeedCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle HeadingCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); HeadingCol.MappingName = "heading"; //from dataset table HeadingCol.HeaderText = "heading"; HeadingCol.Width = 80; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(HeadingCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle LegCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); LegCol.MappingName = "leg"; //from dataset table LegCol.HeaderText = "Leg"; LegCol.Width = 60; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(LegCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle DistanceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); DistanceCol.MappingName = "distance"; //from dataset table DistanceCol.HeaderText = "Odometer"; DistanceCol.Width = 80; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(DistanceCol); colCount++; //STEP 4: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle TrackCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); TrackCol.MappingName = "track"; //from dataset table TrackCol.HeaderText = "Track"; TrackCol.Width = 150; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(TrackCol); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle SourceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SourceCol.MappingName = "source"; //from dataset table SourceCol.HeaderText = "Source"; SourceCol.Width = 800; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SourceCol); colCount++; trackpointsDataGrid.CaptionVisible = false; //STEP 8: Add the tablestyle to your datagrid's tablestlye collection: trackpointsDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(m_trackpointsTS); } //m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles[4].Width = fromRoutes ? 3 : 170; // need to leave clickable area for sorting m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles[6].Width = fromRoutes ? 1 : 80; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles[7].Width = fromRoutes ? 60 : 1; //m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles[8].Width = fromRoutes ? 60 : 1; m_trackpointsTS.GridColumnStyles[10].HeaderText = fromRoutes ? "Route" : "Track"; }
private void makeDataGridTableStyle() { this.dataGridTableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle(); this.dataGridTableStyle.DataGrid = this.favoritesDataGrid; this.dataGridTableStyle.HeaderForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText; this.dataGridTableStyle.MappingName = "favoritesTable"; // // nameDataGridTextBoxColumn // DataGridTextBoxColumn nameDataGridTextBoxColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); nameDataGridTextBoxColumn.Format = ""; nameDataGridTextBoxColumn.FormatInfo = null; nameDataGridTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Name"; nameDataGridTextBoxColumn.MappingName = "name"; nameDataGridTextBoxColumn.NullText = ""; nameDataGridTextBoxColumn.Width = 200; this.dataGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(nameDataGridTextBoxColumn); // // locationDataGridTextBoxColumn // DataGridTextBoxColumn locationDataGridTextBoxColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); locationDataGridTextBoxColumn.Format = ""; locationDataGridTextBoxColumn.FormatInfo = null; locationDataGridTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Location / Camera Altitude"; locationDataGridTextBoxColumn.MappingName = "location"; locationDataGridTextBoxColumn.NullText = ""; locationDataGridTextBoxColumn.Width = 350; this.dataGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(locationDataGridTextBoxColumn); // Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle // this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext[favoritesDataSet, "favoritesTable"].GetItemProperties(); //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["id"], "i", true); csIDInt.MappingName = "id"; csIDInt.HeaderText = ""; csIDInt.Width = 1; dataGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt); /* // // latDataGridTextBoxColumn // DataGridTextBoxColumn latDataGridTextBoxColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); latDataGridTextBoxColumn.Format = ""; latDataGridTextBoxColumn.FormatInfo = null; latDataGridTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Latitude"; latDataGridTextBoxColumn.MappingName = "lat"; latDataGridTextBoxColumn.NullText = ""; latDataGridTextBoxColumn.Width = 75; this.dataGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(latDataGridTextBoxColumn); // // lngDataGridTextBoxColumn // DataGridTextBoxColumn lngDataGridTextBoxColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); lngDataGridTextBoxColumn.Format = ""; lngDataGridTextBoxColumn.FormatInfo = null; lngDataGridTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Longitude"; lngDataGridTextBoxColumn.MappingName = "lng"; lngDataGridTextBoxColumn.NullText = ""; lngDataGridTextBoxColumn.Width = 75; this.dataGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(lngDataGridTextBoxColumn); // // elevDataGridTextBoxColumn // DataGridTextBoxColumn elevDataGridTextBoxColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); elevDataGridTextBoxColumn.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Right; elevDataGridTextBoxColumn.Format = ""; elevDataGridTextBoxColumn.FormatInfo = null; elevDataGridTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Camera Altitude"; elevDataGridTextBoxColumn.MappingName = "elev"; elevDataGridTextBoxColumn.NullText = ""; elevDataGridTextBoxColumn.Width = 120; this.dataGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add(elevDataGridTextBoxColumn); */ favoritesDataGrid.CaptionVisible = false; }
private void makeEqDataGridStyle() { if(m_eqTS != null) { return; } //STEP 1: Create a DataTable style object and set properties if required. m_eqTS = new DataGridTableStyle(); //specify the table from dataset (required step) m_eqTS.MappingName = "eq"; m_eqTS.RowHeadersVisible = false; // Set other properties (optional step) //m_eqTS.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightBlue; int colCount = 0; //STEP 1: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle //this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext[m_eqDS, "eq"].GetItemProperties(); //now created a formated column using the pdc DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["id"], "i", true); csIDInt.MappingName = "id"; csIDInt.HeaderText = ""; csIDInt.Width = 1; csIDInt.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a double column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle MagnCol = new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["magn"], "F1", true); MagnCol.MappingName = "magn"; //from dataset table MagnCol.HeaderText = "Magn"; MagnCol.Width = 40; MagnCol.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(MagnCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle LocCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); LocCol.MappingName = "location"; //from dataset table LocCol.HeaderText = "Location"; LocCol.Width = 200; LocCol.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(LocCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle QCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); QCol.MappingName = "quality"; //from dataset table QCol.HeaderText = "Quality"; QCol.Width = 1; QCol.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(QCol); colCount++; //STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle ComCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); ComCol.MappingName = "comment"; //from dataset table ComCol.HeaderText = "Comment"; ComCol.Width = 270; ComCol.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(ComCol); colCount++; //STEP 5: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle m_timeCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); m_timeCol.MappingName = "time"; //from dataset table m_timeCol.HeaderText = "Time " + (Project.useUtcTime ? "[UTC]" : "[your computer]"); m_timeCol.Width = 170; m_timeCol.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(m_timeCol); colCount++; //STEP 3: Add the checkbox //DataGridColumnStyle boolCol = new MyDataGridBoolColumn(colCount); DataGridColumnStyle boolCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); boolCol.MappingName = "displayed"; boolCol.HeaderText = "Shown"; //hook the new event to our handler in the grid //((MyDataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).BoolValueChanged += new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(HandleEarthquakeShowChanges); //uncomment this line to get a two-state checkbox //((DataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).AllowNull = false; boolCol.Width = 60; boolCol.ReadOnly = true; boolCol.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(boolCol); colCount++; //STEP 7: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle SourceCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); SourceCol.MappingName = "source"; //from dataset table SourceCol.HeaderText = "Source"; SourceCol.Width = 100; SourceCol.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(SourceCol); colCount++; //STEP 7: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle DataGridColumnStyle UrlCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); UrlCol.MappingName = "url"; //from dataset table UrlCol.HeaderText = "URL"; UrlCol.Width = 500; UrlCol.ReadOnly = true; m_eqTS.GridColumnStyles.Add(UrlCol); colCount++; eqDataGrid.CaptionVisible = false; //STEP 8: Add the tablestyle to your datagrid's tablestlye collection: eqDataGrid.TableStyles.Clear(); eqDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(m_eqTS); /* how to test for checked checkboxes: if((bool)eqDataGrid[row, column]) MessageBox.Show("I am true"); else MessageBox.Show("I am false"); */ }