public DlgEula() { InitializeComponent(); TextReader reader = null; string fileName = "LicenseBSD.txt"; string filePath = Project.GetMiscPath(fileName); try { if(File.Exists(fileName) && File.GetLastWriteTime(fileName).AddDays(Project.LICENSE_FILE_MAX_AGE_DAYS).CompareTo(DateTime.Now) > 0) { reader = new StreamReader(fileName); } else { // load the file remotely, don't hold diagnostics if load fails: string url = Project.MISC_FOLDER_URL + "/" + fileName; DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(url, fileName, false, true); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); reader = new StreamReader(fileName); } } catch {} if(reader == null) { reader = new StringReader(eulaText); // in case everything else fails } string strEula; while((strEula=reader.ReadLine()) != null) { eulaListBox.Items.Add(strEula); } Project.setDlgIcon(this); }
private void loadMarkImages() { if(!m_triedLoad) { m_triedLoad = true; // try loading image files: string starFilePath = Project.GetMiscPath("redstar.gif"); try { if(!File.Exists(starFilePath)) { // load the file remotely, don't hold diagnostics if load fails: string url = Project.MISC_FOLDER_URL + "/redstar.gif"; DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(url, starFilePath, false, true); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); } m_imageStar = new Bitmap(starFilePath); } catch {} } }
//private static Hashtable bitmaps = new Hashtable(); // bitmap by name public static Bitmap getVehicleImage(string sym) { if(sym == null || sym.Length == 0 || "none".Equals(sym)) { return null; } Bitmap ret = (Bitmap)bitmaps[sym]; if(ret != null) { return ret; } try { string filePath = Project.GetVehPath(sym + ".gif"); if(!File.Exists(filePath) && (tried[sym] == null || !(bool)tried[sym])) { tried[sym] = true; // load the file remotely, don't hold diagnostics if load fails: string url = Project.MISC_FOLDER_URL + "/vehicles/" + sym + ".gif"; DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(url, filePath, false, true); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); } if(File.Exists(filePath)) { ret = new Bitmap(filePath); bitmaps[sym] = ret; } } catch { return null; } return ret; }
public AboutForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "About " + Project.PROGRAM_NAME_HUMAN; versionLabel.Text = Project.PROGRAM_NAME_HUMAN + " version " + Project.PROGRAM_VERSION_HUMAN + " build " + Project.PROGRAM_VERSION_RELEASEDATE; licenseLabel.Text = "Open Source - no known origin"; Project.setDlgIcon(this); // try loading logo file: string logoFileName = Project.GetMiscPath("about.jpg"); try { if(!File.Exists(logoFileName)) { // load the file remotely, don't hold diagnostics if load fails: string url = Project.MISC_FOLDER_URL + "/about.jpg"; DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(url, logoFileName, false, true); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); } logoPictureBox.Image = new Bitmap(logoFileName); } catch {} }
private void showHelp() { string fileName = Project.GetMiscPath(Project.HELP_FILE_PATH); if(File.Exists(fileName) && (!Project.serverAvailable || File.GetLastWriteTime(fileName).CompareTo(Project.HELP_FILE_DATE) > 0)) { Help.ShowHelp(this, fileName); } else if(Project.serverAvailable) { // load the file remotely: DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(Project.HELP_FILE_URL, fileName, true, false); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Project.ErrorBox(this, "Need to connect to the Internet to download Help file"); } }
private void sampleFileZippedEnsureAndOpen(string url, string sampleZipFileName, string entryName) { string sampleZipFilePath = Project.GetSamplePath(sampleZipFileName); string sampleFilePath = Project.GetSamplePath(entryName); try { if(!File.Exists(sampleZipFilePath)) { // load the file remotely, don't hold diagnostics if load fails: DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(url, sampleZipFilePath, false, false); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); } if(File.Exists(sampleZipFilePath) && !File.Exists(sampleFilePath)) { FileAndZipIO.unzipOneFile(sampleZipFilePath, entryName, sampleFilePath); } if(File.Exists(sampleFilePath)) { string[] fileNames = new string[] { sampleFilePath }; bool anySuccess = FileAndZipIO.readFiles(fileNames); if(anySuccess) // we need to zoom into whole set of dropped files, or refresh in case of JPG { this.wptEnabled(true); if(!m_cameraManager.zoomToCorners()) { m_cameraManager.ProcessCameraMove(); // nowhere to zoom in - just refresh } } LibSys.StatusBar.Trace("* Ready"); } else { Project.ErrorBox(this, "Error: could not locate unzipped sample file " + sampleFilePath); } } catch { Project.ErrorBox(this, "Error: could not download sample file " + url); } }
private void loadSetDlgIcon() { // try loading icon file (will be used for Project.setDlgIcon() for all dialogs): string iconFileName = Project.GetMiscPath(Project.PROGRAM_NAME_HUMAN + ".ico"); try { if(!File.Exists(iconFileName)) { // load the file remotely, don't hold diagnostics if load fails: string url = Project.MISC_FOLDER_URL + "/" + Project.PROGRAM_NAME_HUMAN + ".ico"; DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(url, iconFileName, false, true); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); } this.Icon = new Icon(iconFileName); } catch {} }
public AboutForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "About " + Project.PROGRAM_NAME_HUMAN; versionLabel.Text = Project.PROGRAM_NAME_HUMAN + " version " + Project.PROGRAM_VERSION_HUMAN + " build " + Project.PROGRAM_VERSION_RELEASEDATE; this.gpsbabelLinkLabel.Text = Project.GPSBABEL_URL; creditsLabel.Text = "Included here is GPSBabel - a program by Robert Lipe\n\nPlease visit for more info."; Project.setDlgIcon(this); // try loading logo file: string logoFileName = Project.GetMiscPath("about.jpg"); try { if(!File.Exists(logoFileName)) { // load the file remotely, don't hold diagnostics if load fails: string url = Project.MISC_FOLDER_URL + "/about.jpg"; DloadProgressForm loaderForm = new DloadProgressForm(url, logoFileName, false, true); loaderForm.ShowDialog(); } logoPictureBox.Image = new Bitmap(logoFileName); } catch {} }