public void StartLoadedScript(GameInterface game) { if (isRunning) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Script is already running"); } else { = game; unstuckDictionary = new Dictionary <DateTime, WowPoint>(); isRunning = true; precision2D = 3f; loopPath = false; startFromNearestPoint = false; int tCounter = 0; DoActionType[] predefinedSettings = new[] { DoActionType.SetLoopPath, DoActionType.SetStartFromNearestPoint }; while (predefinedSettings.Contains(actionsList[tCounter].ActionType)) { switch (actionsList[tCounter].ActionType) { case DoActionType.SetLoopPath: loopPath = bool.Parse(actionsList[tCounter].Data); break; case DoActionType.SetStartFromNearestPoint: startFromNearestPoint = bool.Parse(actionsList[tCounter].Data); break; } tCounter++; } this.LogPrint($"<Loop path> is set to {loopPath}"); this.LogPrint($"<StartFromNearestPoint> is set to {startFromNearestPoint}"); if (startFromNearestPoint) { WoWPlayerMe localPlayer = game.GetGameObjects(); if (localPlayer != null) { DoAction nearestPoint = actionsList.Aggregate((minItem, nextItem) => localPlayer.Location.Distance(minItem.WowPoint) < localPlayer.Location.Distance(nextItem.WowPoint) ? minItem : nextItem); counter = actionsList.IndexOf(nearestPoint); } else { counter = 0; } } else { counter = 0; } (timer = this.CreateTimer(RESOLUTION_INTERVAL, game, DoAction)).Start(); } }
private void DoAction() { List <WowObject> wowObjects = new List <WowObject>(); List <WowNpc> wowNpcs = new List <WowNpc>(); WoWPlayerMe me = game.GetGameObjects(wowObjects, null, wowNpcs); if (me != null) { DoAction action = actionsList[counter]; if (action.ActionType != DoActionType.Move) { unstuckDictionary.Clear(); } switch (action.ActionType) { case DoActionType.Move: double distance2D = me.Location.Distance2D(action.WowPoint); double distance3D = me.Location.Distance(action.WowPoint); if (me.IsFlying && (distance3D > precision3D || (distance3D <= precision3D && GetNextAction().ActionType != DoActionType.Move && me.IsMoving))) { UnstuckIfNeeded(me.Location, action.ActionType); this.LogPrint($"Flying to point --> [{action.WowPoint}]; distance: {distance3D}"); game.Move3D(action.WowPoint, precision3D, precision3D, 1000, true, GetNextAction().ActionType == DoActionType.Move); } else if (!me.IsFlying && (distance2D > precision2D || (distance2D <= precision2D && GetNextAction().ActionType != DoActionType.Move && me.IsMoving))) { UnstuckIfNeeded(me.Location, action.ActionType); this.LogPrint(string.Format("Moving to point --> [{0}]; my loc: [{3}]; distance2D: {1}; speed: {2}", action.WowPoint, distance2D, me.Speed, me.Location)); game.Move2D(action.WowPoint, precision2D, 1000, true, GetNextAction().ActionType == DoActionType.Move); } else { IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); } break; case DoActionType.StopProfile: if (loopPath) { IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); } break; case DoActionType.RunLua: Thread.Sleep(500); // player should be stopped before interact game.SendToChat("/run " + string.Concat(action.Data.TakeWhile(l => l != '\r' && l != '\n'))); IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.SendChat: Thread.Sleep(500); // player should be stopped before interact game.SendToChat(action.Data); IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.SelectGossipOption: Thread.Sleep(1000); // player should be stopped before interact game.SelectDialogOption(action.Data); IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.Interact: WowObject[] objectsWithCorrectName = wowObjects.Where(l => l.Name == action.Data).ToArray(); if (objectsWithCorrectName.Length > 0) { WowObject nearestObject = objectsWithCorrectName.Aggregate((minItem, nextItem) => me.Location.Distance(minItem.Location) < me.Location.Distance(nextItem.Location) ? minItem : nextItem); Thread.Sleep(500); // player should be stopped before interact nearestObject.Interact(); } WowNpc[] npcsWithCorrectName = wowNpcs.Where(l => l.Name == action.Data).ToArray(); if (npcsWithCorrectName.Length > 0) { WowNpc nearestNpc = npcsWithCorrectName.Aggregate((minItem, nextItem) => me.Location.Distance(minItem.Location) < me.Location.Distance(nextItem.Location) ? minItem : nextItem); Thread.Sleep(500); // player should be stopped before interact nearestNpc.Interact(); } IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.Wait: int timeToWait = int.Parse(action.Data); while (timeToWait > 0 && timer.IsRunning) { Thread.Sleep(100); timeToWait -= 100; } IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.SetPrecision2D: if (!float.TryParse(action.Data, out precision2D)) { precision2D = 3f; } IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.SetPrecision3D: if (!float.TryParse(action.Data, out precision3D)) { precision3D = 8f; } IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.WaitWhile: if (!game.LuaIsTrue(action.Data)) { IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(action.AdditionalData) && int.TryParse(action.AdditionalData, out int lag)) { Thread.Sleep(lag); } break; case DoActionType.SendToChatWhile: string[] p = action.Data.Split(new[] { "##@##" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string _action = p[0]; string condition = p[1]; if (game.LuaIsTrue(condition)) { game.SendToChat(_action); } else { IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); } break; case DoActionType.StopProfileIf: if (game.LuaIsTrue(action.Data)) { counter = actionsList.Count - 1; } IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.NotifyUser: this.ShowNotify(action.Data, false, false); IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; case DoActionType.NotifyUserIf: if (game.LuaIsTrue(action.AdditionalData)) { this.ShowNotify(action.Data, false, false); } IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; default: IncreaseCounterAndDoAction(); break; } } else { this.LogPrint("Local player is null"); } }