예제 #1
        public static bool send(string message, string severity)

            var factory = new ConnectionFactory()
                HostName = ""

            using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
                using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
                    channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange: "direct_logs",
                                            type: "direct");

                    XmlSchemaSet schema = new XmlSchemaSet();

                    schema.Add("", "Userxsd.xsd"); //Change to Relative Path

                    XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(message, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);

                    bool xmlValidation = true;

                    string origin = XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "origin");

                    if (origin != "GUI")
                        xml.Validate(schema, (sender, e) =>
                            xmlValidation = false;

                    if (xmlValidation) //Change to XMLValidation
                        Console.WriteLine("Producer: valid");

                        var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
                        channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "direct_logs",
                                             routingKey: severity,
                                             basicProperties: null,
                                             body: body);

                        Console.WriteLine(" [x] Sent '{0}':'{1}'", severity, message);

                        XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(message);

                        Console.WriteLine("Producer: not valid");
예제 #2
        public static void getMessage()
            //Initialize instance to perform CRUD operation on the Active Directory DB
            CRUD = new CRUD();

            //Initialize new connection to the RabbitMQ server
            var factory = new ConnectionFactory()
                HostName = ""

            using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
                using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
                    //Declare Exchhange
                    channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange: "direct_logs",
                                            type: "direct");
                    var queueName = channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName;

                    //Bind to queue where to consume data from
                    channel.QueueBind(queue: queueName,
                                      exchange: "direct_logs",
                                      routingKey: Severity.AD.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine(" [*] Waiting for messages.");

                    //Declare consumer delegate to execute custom code on each event/message recieved
                    var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
                    consumer.Received += (model, ea) =>
                        //Convert message from bytes into a XML string
                        var body       = ea.Body.ToArray();
                        var message    = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
                        var routingKey = ea.RoutingKey;

                        Console.WriteLine(" [x] Recieved '{0}':'{1}'", routingKey, message);

                        XmlSchemaSet schema = new XmlSchemaSet();
                        schema.Add("", "Userxsd.xsd");
                        XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(message, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);

                        bool xmlValidation = true;
                        //If XML from the GUI, skip XML Validation as some XML formats are not valid and will throw errors
                        if (XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "origin") != "GUI")
                            xml.Validate(schema, (sender, e) =>
                                xmlValidation = false;

                        //Check if validation is true
                        if (xmlValidation)
                            Console.WriteLine("Consumer: valid");

                            //Check if the XML comes from the GUI or the UUID
                            if (XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "origin") == "GUI")
                                var oper = XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "method");
                                //Method that only comes from the GUI, it asks for more info on the user with only the Container name
                                if (oper.Equals("READ"))
                                    //Only 2 options, UPDATE or DELETE
                                    if (XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "goal").Equals("UPDATE"))
                                        //Return User data to GUI to able to display and change the data
                                        if (!ProducerGUI.send(XMLParser.ObjectToXML(CRUD.FindADUser(XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "cn")).ADObjectToIntraUserObject()), Severity.GUI.ToString()))
                                            Console.WriteLine($"#    Producing Message on Queue has FAILED       #");
                                        "DELETE".OperationToCRUD(CRUD.FindADUser(XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "cn")).ADObjectToIntraUserObject(), CRUD);
                                    oper.OperationToCRUD(XMLParser.XMLToObject <IntraUser>(message), CRUD);
                            else if (XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "origin") == "UUID")
                                 *  Both DELETE and UPDATE/CREATE have different formats XML that gets returned from the UUID
                                 *  This poses a problem when converting to different user objects.
                                 *  To be safe and alsow the problem with empty tags dissapearing,
                                 *  the outgoing XML is HARDCODED with dynamic user data
                                if (XMLParser.ReadXMLTag(message, "method") != "DELETE")
                                    var user = XMLParser.XMLToObject <ExtraUser>(message);

                                    //Replace attributes to send a new message on the Queue
                                    user.MetaData.Origin    = "AD";
                                    user.MetaData.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss%K");

                                    //<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                    string xmlmessage = "<user><header>" +
                                                        "<UUID>" + user.MetaData.UUIDMaster + "</UUID>" +
                                                        "<method>" + user.MetaData.Methode + "</method>" +
                                                        "<origin>" + user.MetaData.Origin + "</origin>" +
                                                        "<version>" + user.MetaData.Version + "</version>" +
                                                        "<sourceEntityId></sourceEntityId>" +
                                                        "<timestamp>" + user.MetaData.TimeStamp + "</timestamp>" +
                                                        "</header>" +
                                                        "<body>" +
                                                        "<firstname>" + user.UserData.FirstName + "</firstname>" +
                                                        "<lastname>" + user.UserData.LastName + "</lastname>" +
                                                        "<email>" + user.UserData.Email + "</email>" +
                                                        "<birthday>" + user.UserData.BirthDay + "</birthday>" +
                                                        "<role>" + user.UserData.Role + "</role>" +
                                                        "<study>" + user.UserData.Study + "</study>" +

                                    //Produce a message on the User queue
                                    if (!ProducerV2.Send(xmlmessage, Severity.user.ToString()))
                                        Console.WriteLine($"# Producing Message on the User Queue has FAILED #");
                                    var user = XMLParser.XMLToObject <UUIDUser>(message);

                                    //Replace attributes to send a new message on the Queue
                                    user.MetaData.Origin    = "AD";
                                    user.MetaData.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss%K");

                                    //<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                    string xmlmessage = "<user><header>" +
                                                        "<UUID>" + user.MetaData.UUIDMaster + "</UUID>" +
                                                        "<method>" + user.MetaData.Methode + "</method>" +
                                                        "<origin>" + user.MetaData.Origin + "</origin>" +
                                                        "<version></version>" +
                                                        "<sourceEntityId></sourceEntityId>" +
                                                        "<timestamp>" + user.MetaData.TimeStamp + "</timestamp>" +
                                                        "</header>" +
                                                        "<body>" +
                                                        "<firstname>" + user.UserData.FirstName + "</firstname>" +
                                                        "<lastname>" + user.UserData.LastName + "</lastname>" +
                                                        "<email>" + user.UserData.Email + "</email>" +
                                                        "<birthday>" + user.UserData.BirthDay + "</birthday>" +
                                                        "<role>" + user.UserData.Role + "</role>" +
                                                        "<study>" + user.UserData.Study + "</study>" +

                                    //Produce a message on the User queue
                                    if (!ProducerV2.Send(xmlmessage, Severity.user.ToString()))
                                        Console.WriteLine($"# Producing Message on the User Queue has FAILED #");
                                //If the origin of the XML string is not known or not handled, than an alert will be fired
                                Console.WriteLine($"#  ALERT: an XML String comes from the outside   #");
                                Console.WriteLine($"#         and has NOT been handled!              #");
                            //When the XML string is not valid, another check will be taken place
                            Console.WriteLine("Consumer: not valid");
                            //xsd validation error
                            schema = new XmlSchemaSet();
                            schema.Add("", "Errorxsd.xsd");
                            xml           = XDocument.Parse(message, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
                            xmlValidation = true;

                            //Validating XML with new XSD Scheme
                            xml.Validate(schema, (sender, e) =>
                                xmlValidation = false;

                            //If valid, a log will be send on the Queue
                            if (xmlValidation)
                                string error = "<error>" +
                                               "<header>" +
                                               "<code>2000</code>" +
                                               "<origin>AD</origin>" +
                                               "<timestamp>" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss%K") + "</timestamp>" +
                                               "</header>" +
                                               "<body>" +
                                               "<objectUUID></objectUUID>" +
                                               "<objectSourceId></objectSourceId>" +
                                               "<objectOrigin>AD</objectOrigin>" +
                                               "<description>Something went wrong when adding to the UUID master, DB error:</description>" +
                                               "</body>" +
                                ProducerGUI.send(error, Severity.logging.ToString());
                            //If not, an error will be displayed (Same principal as the error catch from the ReadXMLTag Method inside the XMLParser.class)
                            XDocument xmlUser                = XDocument.Parse(message);
                            string    errorDescription       = "";
                            IEnumerable <XElement> xElements = xmlUser.Descendants("description");
                            foreach (var element in xElements)
                                errorDescription = element.Value;
                    //Declare consumer delegate to the channel so some code gets executed when a new message is recieved
                    channel.BasicConsume(queue: queueName,
                                         autoAck: true,
                                         consumer: consumer);

                    Console.WriteLine(" Press [enter] to exit.");
                    //Readline to suspend program to receieve messages, if any key is entered, the Consumer will Exit(0)