public ActionResult GetApostadores(JqGridRequest request) { //int equipoId = ViewBag.ApuestaId; int totalRecords = 0; List<Apostador> apuestas = repository.dal_apostador.GetApostadores(); ; totalRecords = apuestas.Count(); //Prepare JqGridData instance JqGridResponse response = new JqGridResponse() { //Total pages count TotalPagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.RecordsCount), //Page number PageIndex = request.PageIndex, //Total records count TotalRecordsCount = totalRecords }; foreach (Apostador apuesta in apuestas) { response.Records.Add(new JqGridRecord(Convert.ToString(apuesta.ApostadorId), new List<object>() { apuesta.ApostadorId, apuesta.Nombre, apuesta.Correo, apuesta.Puntaje })); } //Return data as json return new JqGridJsonResult() { Data = response }; }
public static string GetFilterExpression(JqGridRequest request, string ignoreString) { string result = string.Empty; if (request.SearchingFilter != null) return GetFilter(request.SearchingFilter.SearchingName, request.SearchingFilter.SearchingOperator, request.SearchingFilter.SearchingValue.Equals(ignoreString) ? "" : request.SearchingFilter.SearchingValue); else if (request.SearchingFilters != null) { StringBuilder filterExpressionBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string groupingOperatorToString = request.SearchingFilters.GroupingOperator.ToString(); foreach (JqGridRequestSearchingFilter element in request.SearchingFilters.Filters) { filterExpressionBuilder.Append(GetFilter(element.SearchingName, element.SearchingOperator, element.SearchingValue.Equals(ignoreString) ? "" : element.SearchingValue)); filterExpressionBuilder.Append(String.Format(" {0} ", groupingOperatorToString)); } if (filterExpressionBuilder.Length > 0) filterExpressionBuilder.Remove(filterExpressionBuilder.Length - groupingOperatorToString.Length - 2, groupingOperatorToString.Length + 2); result = filterExpressionBuilder.ToString(); } return result; }
public JqGridData FetchGroupsPersonIsNotInJQGrid(Person currentPerson, int personId, JqGridRequest request) { var groups = _personGroupRepository.GetPersonGroupViewModels(personId, currentPerson); var groupsPersonIsNotIn = groups.Where(g => g.IsInGroup==false); return CreateGridFromData(request, groupsPersonIsNotIn); }
public ActionResult Search(JqGridRequest request, String marketSearchBoxString) { int totalRecordsCount = CoinManager.GetCount(new MarketSearchBoxModel(marketSearchBoxString)); JqGridResponse response = new JqGridResponse() { TotalPagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecordsCount / (float)request.RecordsCount), PageIndex = request.PageIndex, TotalRecordsCount = totalRecordsCount }; IList<CoinViewModel> coins = new List<CoinViewModel>(); foreach (var coin in CoinManager.GetCoinsByMarketSearch( new MarketSearchBoxModel(marketSearchBoxString), String.Format("{0} {1}", request.SortingName, request.SortingOrder), request.PageIndex)) { response.Records.Add(new JqGridRecord<CoinViewModel>( Convert.ToString(coin.Id), new CoinViewModel(coin) )); } ViewBag.MarketSearchBoxString = marketSearchBoxString; return new JqGridJsonResult() { Data = response }; }
public ActionResult NameSpaces(JqGridRequest request) { using (var db = new ContentRepository()) { var nameSpaceQry = from n in db.NameSpaces orderby n.Id select n; var totalRecs = db.NameSpaces.Count(); var response = new JqGridResponse() { TotalPagesCount = (int) Math.Ceiling((float) totalRecs/(float) request.RecordsCount), PageIndex = request.PageIndex, TotalRecordsCount = totalRecs }; var nameSpaces = nameSpaceQry .Skip(request.PageIndex*request.RecordsCount) .Take((request.PagesCount.HasValue ? request.PagesCount.Value : 1)*request.RecordsCount).ToList(); var jqGridRecords = from n in nameSpaces select new JqGridRecord<NameSpaceGridModel>( n.Id.ToString(), new NameSpaceGridModel(n)); response.Records.AddRange(jqGridRecords); return new JqGridJsonResult() { Data = response }; } }
public JqGridJsonResult GetUsersGridModel(JqGridRequest request) { var enumerable = this.Manager.FindAll(new UserAll(true)); var users = new List<UserEntity>(enumerable); var totalRecordsCount = users.Count(); var list = (from u in users select new JqGridRecord<UserGridModel>( u.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), new UserGridModel { Id = u.Id, Name = u.Name, Email = u.Email, Login = u.UserPasswordCredential != null ? u.UserPasswordCredential.Login : string.Empty, })).ToList(); var response = new JqGridResponse { TotalPagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(totalRecordsCount / (float)request.RecordsCount), PageIndex = request.PageIndex, TotalRecordsCount = totalRecordsCount, }; response.Records.AddRange(list); return new JqGridJsonResult { Data = response }; }
public JqGridData FetchListOfChildren(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request, string[] selectedRoles) { IEnumerable<ChildReportDto> listOfChildren = new List<ChildReportDto>(); try { listOfChildren = _childrenReportsRepository.GetListOfChildrenForAChurch(currentPerson, ConversionService.ConvertSelectedRolesToListOfInts(selectedRoles)); } catch (Exception ex) { _emailService.SendExceptionEmail(ex); } var totalRecords = listOfChildren.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Age": { listOfChildren = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfChildren.OrderBy(p => p.Age).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfChildren.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Surname": { listOfChildren = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfChildren.OrderBy(p => p.Surname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfChildren.OrderByDescending(p => p.Surname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Firstname": { listOfChildren = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfChildren.OrderBy(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfChildren.OrderByDescending(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } } var childrenGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int) Math.Ceiling((float) totalRecords/request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in listOfChildren.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PersonId.ToString(), cell = new[] { p.PersonId.ToString(), p.Age.ToString(), p.Firstname, p.Surname, p.CellNo, p.GroupName, p.Father, p.Mother } }).ToArray() }; return childrenGridData; }
public static JqGridData FetchPermissionsForRoleJQGrid(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request, int roleId) { using (oikonomosEntities context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { var permissions = (from p in context.Permissions join pr in context.PermissionRoles on p.PermissionId equals pr.PermissionId join r in context.Roles on pr.RoleId equals r.RoleId where r.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId && (pr.RoleId == roleId) select p); if (!currentPerson.HasPermission(Permissions.SystemAdministrator)) { permissions = permissions.Where(p => p.IsVisible == true); } int totalRecords = permissions.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Permission": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { permissions = permissions.OrderBy(p => p.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { permissions = permissions.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } } JqGridData peopleGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in permissions.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PermissionId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { p.PermissionId.ToString(), p.Name } }).ToArray() }; return peopleGridData; } }
public JqGridResponse GetJqGridResponse(int totalRecordsCount, JqGridRequest request) { return new JqGridResponse { TotalPagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecordsCount / (float)request.RecordsCount), PageIndex = request.PageIndex, TotalRecordsCount = totalRecordsCount, UserData = new { sortexp = request.SortingName, sortdir = request.SortingOrder.ToString().ToLower() } }; }
public ActionResult GetTypeMembers(JqGridRequest request, string keyword) { var searchCriteria = new TypeMemberSearchCriteria(); var result = _typeMemberReportService.Search(searchCriteria, request.RecordsCount, request.PageIndex); var jsonData = new { total = (result.Count + request.RecordsCount - 1) / request.RecordsCount, page = request.PageIndex + 1, records = result.Count, rows = result.Items }; return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
private JqGridJsonResult GetJqGridJsonResult(JqGridRequest request, IEnumerable<Concurenta> records) { int totalRecordsCount = records.Count(); var result = GetJqGridResponse(totalRecordsCount, request); records = records.Skip((request.PageIndex) * request.RecordsCount).Take(request.RecordsCount).ToList(); foreach (var item in records) { result.Records.Add(item.ToJqGridRecord()); } return new JqGridJsonResult { Data = result }; }
public JqGridData FetchPeopleToBeRemindedJQGrid(Person currentPerson, string reminderType, JqGridRequest request) { var people = _reminderRepository.FetchPeopleToBeReminded(currentPerson.ChurchId, reminderType); var totalRecords = people.Count(); var sort = "Surname"; var sortList = request.sidx.Split(','); if (sortList.Count() > 1) sort = sortList[1].Trim(); switch (sort) { case "Firstname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Firstname) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Firstname); break; } case "Surname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Surname) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Surname); break; } } if (request.rows > 0) people = people.Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); else = 1; var peopleGridData = new JqGridData() { total = request.rows > 0 ? (int) Math.Ceiling((float) totalRecords/(float) request.rows) : 1, page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in people.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PersonId.ToString(), cell = new[] { p.PersonId.ToString(), p.Firstname, p.Surname, p.Email } }).ToArray() }; return peopleGridData; }
public ActionResult Employees(JqGridRequest request) { using (var proxy = new TimeCardServiceClient()) { var employees = proxy.SearchEmployees(null, null, null, false); var response = new JqGridResponse(); response.Records.AddRange(employees.Select(e => new JqGridRecord<EmployeeModel>(Convert.ToString(e.Id), e.ToModel()))); return new JqGridJsonResult { Data = response }; } }
private static JqGridData CreateGridFromData(JqGridRequest request, IEnumerable<PersonGroupViewModel> groupsPersonIsIn) { var totalRecords = groupsPersonIsIn.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Name": case "GroupName": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { groupsPersonIsIn = groupsPersonIsIn.OrderBy(g => g.GroupName) .Skip(( - 1)*request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } else { groupsPersonIsIn = groupsPersonIsIn .OrderByDescending(g => g.GroupName) .Skip(( - 1)*request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } break; } } var groupsGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int) Math.Ceiling((float) totalRecords/(float) request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from g in groupsPersonIsIn select new JqGridRow() { id = g.GroupId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { g.GroupId.ToString(), g.GroupName, g.IsPrimaryGroup.ToString() } }).ToArray() }; return groupsGridData; }
public JqGridData FormatCommentsForGrid(IEnumerable<CommentDto> comments, JqGridRequest request) { var totalRecords = comments.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Date": { comments = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? comments.OrderBy(e => e.CommentDate).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : comments.OrderByDescending(e => e.CommentDate).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Comment": { comments = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? comments.OrderBy(e => e.Comment).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : comments.OrderByDescending(e => e.Comment).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "CreatedBy": { comments = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? comments.OrderBy(e => e.CreatedByPerson).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : comments.OrderByDescending(e => e.CreatedByPerson).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } } var commentsForGrid = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from e in comments select new JqGridRow() { id = e.CommentId.ToString(), cell = new[] { e.CommentId.ToString(), e.CommentDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), e.Comment, e.CreatedByPerson } }).ToArray() }; return commentsForGrid; }
public void CanSortCommentsCorrectly() { IGridFormatter gridFormatter = new GridFormatter(); var request = new JqGridRequest { sidx = "Comment", rows = 2, page = 1, sord = "desc" }; var comments = new List<CommentDto> {new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment1", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1)}, new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment2", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 2, 1)}, new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment3", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 3, 1)}, new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment4", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 4, 1)} }; var result = gridFormatter.FormatCommentsForGrid(comments, request); Assert.That(result.rows[0].cell[1], Is.EqualTo("01 Apr 2012")); }
public void CanFormatCommentsCorrectly() { IGridFormatter gridFormatter = new GridFormatter(); var request = new JqGridRequest { sidx = "Date", rows = 2, page = 1, sord = "asc" }; var comments = new List<CommentDto> {new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment1", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1)}, new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment2", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 2, 1)}, new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment3", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 3, 1)}, new CommentDto {Comment = "Comment4", CommentDate = new DateTime(2012, 4, 1)} }; var result = gridFormatter.FormatCommentsForGrid(comments, request); Assert.That(result.rows.Length, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(result.records, Is.EqualTo(4)); }
public JqGridData FetchAnniversaryList(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request, int monthId, string[] selectedRoles) { IEnumerable<PersonViewModel> listOfAnniversaries = new List<PersonViewModel>(); try { listOfAnniversaries = _birthdayAndAnniversaryRepository.GetAnniversaryListForAMonth(monthId, selectedRoles, currentPerson.ChurchId); } catch (Exception ex) { _emailService.SendExceptionEmail(ex); } var totalRecords = listOfAnniversaries.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Firstname": { listOfAnniversaries = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfAnniversaries.OrderBy(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfAnniversaries.OrderByDescending(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Surname": { listOfAnniversaries = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfAnniversaries.OrderBy(p => p.Surname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfAnniversaries.OrderByDescending(p => p.Surname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Day": { listOfAnniversaries = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfAnniversaries.OrderBy(p => p.Anniversary_Value.Value.Day).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfAnniversaries.OrderByDescending(p => p.Anniversary_Value.Value.Day).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "MemberStatus": { listOfAnniversaries = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfAnniversaries.OrderBy(p => p.RoleName).ThenBy(p => p.Anniversary_Value.Value.Day).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfAnniversaries.OrderByDescending(p => p.RoleName).ThenBy(p => p.Anniversary_Value.Value.Day).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Email": { listOfAnniversaries = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? listOfAnniversaries.OrderBy(p => p.Email).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : listOfAnniversaries.OrderByDescending(p => p.Email).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } } var peopleGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in listOfAnniversaries.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PersonId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { p.PersonId.ToString(), p.Anniversary_Value.Value.Day.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), p.Firstname, p.Surname, p.RoleName, p.HomePhone, p.CellPhone, p.Email } }).ToArray() }; return peopleGridData; }
public static JqGridData FetchPeopleNotInAHomeGroupJQGrid(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request) { using (var context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { var includedRoles = context .PermissionRoles .Where(pr => pr.PermissionId == (int)Permissions.IncludeInNotInGroupList) .Select(pr => pr.RoleId) .ToList(); var peopleNotInGroups = (from p in context.People join c in context.PersonChurches on p.PersonId equals c.PersonId join pg in context.PersonGroups on p.PersonId equals pg.PersonId into tList from pgEmpty in tList.DefaultIfEmpty() where pgEmpty.GroupId == null && c.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId && includedRoles.Contains(c.RoleId) select p); var totalRecords = peopleNotInGroups.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Firstname": { peopleNotInGroups = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? peopleNotInGroups.OrderBy(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : peopleNotInGroups.OrderByDescending(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Surname": { peopleNotInGroups = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? peopleNotInGroups.OrderBy(p => p.Family.FamilyName).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : peopleNotInGroups.OrderByDescending(p => p.Family.FamilyName).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Site": { peopleNotInGroups = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? peopleNotInGroups.OrderBy(p => p.Site.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : peopleNotInGroups.OrderByDescending(p => p.Site.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } } var sitesGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in peopleNotInGroups.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PersonId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { p.PersonId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), p.Firstname, p.Family.FamilyName, p.Family.HomePhone, p.PersonOptionalFields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.OptionalFieldId == (int)OptionalFields.CellPhone)==null?"":p.PersonOptionalFields.Where<PersonOptionalField>(c => c.OptionalFieldId == (int)OptionalFields.CellPhone).FirstOrDefault().Value, p.Email, p.Site==null?string.Empty:p.Site.Name } }).ToArray() }; return sitesGridData; } }
public static JqGridData FetchPeopleInGroupJQGrid(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request, int groupId) { using (var context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { var people = FetchPeopleInGroup(currentPerson, groupId, context); if (request._search) { foreach (var rule in request.filters.rules) { var ruleData =; //If we use throughout we get some strange errors in the SQL that Linq generates switch (rule.field) { case "Firstname": { people = (from p in people where p.Firstname.ToLower().Contains(ruleData) select p); break; } case "Surname": { people = (from p in people where p.Surname.ToLower().Contains(ruleData) select p); break; } } } } var totalRecords = people.Count(); var sort = "Surname"; var sortList = request.sidx.Split(','); if (sortList.Count() > 1) sort = sortList[1].Trim(); switch (sort) { case "Firstname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.RoleName).ThenBy(p => p.Firstname) : people.OrderBy(p => p.RoleName).ThenByDescending(p => p.Firstname); break; } case "Surname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.RoleName).ThenBy(p => p.Surname) : people.OrderBy(p => p.RoleName).ThenByDescending(p => p.Surname); break; } } if (request.rows > 0) people = people.Skip(( - 1)*request.rows).Take(request.rows); else = 1; var peopleGridData = new JqGridData() { total = request.rows>0 ? (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.rows) : 1, page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in people.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PersonId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { p.PersonId.ToString(), p.Firstname, p.Surname, p.HomePhone, p.CellPhone, p.Email, p.RoleName } }).ToArray() }; return peopleGridData; } }
public static JqGridData FetchHomeGroupsJQGrid(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request, int? selectedGroupId, bool? useGroupId) { if (!(currentPerson.HasPermission(Permissions.EditOwnGroups) || currentPerson.HasPermission(Permissions.EditAllGroups))) { throw new Exception("Invalid security Role"); } using (var context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { var rules = request.filters == null ? null : request.filters.rules; var groups = FetchGroupList(currentPerson, request._search, rules, context); var sortedGroups = sortGroupList(request, groups).ToList(); if (useGroupId.HasValue && useGroupId.Value) { if (selectedGroupId.HasValue && selectedGroupId.Value == 0) = 1; else if(selectedGroupId.HasValue) { var result = sortedGroups .Select((x, i) => new {Item = x, Index = i}) .FirstOrDefault(itemWithIndex => itemWithIndex.Item.GroupId == selectedGroupId); = 1; if (result != null) = ((result.Index + request.rows)/request.rows); } } var totalRecords = sortedGroups.Count(); var filteredGroups = sortedGroups.Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows).ToList(); var sitesGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from g in filteredGroups.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = g.GroupId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { g.GroupId.ToString(), g.Name, g.Leader==null? string.Empty : g.Leader.Firstname + " " + g.Leader.Family.FamilyName, g.Administrator==null? string.Empty : g.Administrator.Firstname + " " + g.Administrator.Family.FamilyName, g.Address==null? string.Empty : g.Address.ChurchSuburb==null?g.Address.Line3:g.Address.ChurchSuburb.Suburb, g.GroupClassification==null? string.Empty :g.GroupClassification.Name, g.PersonLinkedToGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description == CacheNames.OverseeingElder)==null? string.Empty : g.PersonLinkedToGroups.First(p => p.Description == CacheNames.OverseeingElder).Person.Firstname + " " + g.PersonLinkedToGroups.First(p => p.Description == CacheNames.OverseeingElder).Person.Family.FamilyName } }).ToArray() }; return sitesGridData; } }
private static IEnumerable<Group> sortGroupList(JqGridRequest request, IQueryable<Group> groups) { switch (request.sidx) { case "GroupName": { return request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? groups.OrderBy(g => g.Name) : groups.OrderByDescending(g => g.Name); } case "LeaderName": { return request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? groups.OrderBy(g => g.Leader.Firstname) : groups.OrderByDescending(g => g.Leader.Firstname); } case "Administrator": { return request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? groups.OrderBy(g => g.Administrator.Firstname) : groups.OrderByDescending(g => g.Administrator.Firstname); } case "Suburb": { return request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? groups.OrderBy(g => g.Address.ChurchSuburb.Suburb).ThenBy(g => g.Address.Line3) : groups.OrderByDescending(g => g.Address.ChurchSuburb.Suburb) .ThenByDescending(g => g.Address.Line3); } case "GroupClassification": { return request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? groups.OrderBy(g => g.GroupClassification.Name) : groups.OrderByDescending(g => g.GroupClassification.Name); } case "OverseeingElder": { return request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? groups.OrderBy(g => g.PersonLinkedToGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description == CacheNames.OverseeingElder).Person.Firstname).ThenBy(g => g.PersonLinkedToGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description == CacheNames.OverseeingElder).Person.Family.FamilyName) : groups.OrderByDescending(g => g.PersonLinkedToGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description == CacheNames.OverseeingElder).Person.Firstname).ThenByDescending(g => g.PersonLinkedToGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description == CacheNames.OverseeingElder).Person.Family.FamilyName); } } throw new Exception("Invalid sort parameter"); }
public static JqGridData FetchGroupAttendanceJQGrid(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request) { using (oikonomosEntities context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { JqGridData attendanceGridData = new JqGridData(); ObjectResult<FetchGroupAttendance_Result> results = context.FetchGroupAttendance(currentPerson.ChurchId); var toSort = results.AsEnumerable(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Name": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Jan": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C1).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C1).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Feb": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C2).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C2).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Mar": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C3).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C3).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Apr": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C4).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C4).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "May": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C5).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C5).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Jun": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C6).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C6).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Jul": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C7).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C7).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Aug": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C8).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C8).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Sep": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C9).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C9).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Oct": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C10).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C10).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Nov": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C11).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C11).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } case "Dec": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { toSort = toSort.OrderBy(g => g.C12).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } else { toSort = toSort.OrderByDescending(g => g.C12).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); } break; } } int currentMonth = DateTime.Now.Month; int totalRecords = (from g in context.Groups where g.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId select g).Count(); JqGridData sitesGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from g in toSort select new JqGridRow() { id = g.GroupId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { g.Name, currentMonth==1 ? (g.C8.HasValue ? (g.C8.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==2 ? (g.C9.HasValue ? (g.C9.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==3 ? (g.C10.HasValue ? (g.C10.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==4 ? (g.C11.HasValue ? (g.C11.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==5 ? (g.C12.HasValue ? (g.C12.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==6 ? (g.C1.HasValue ? (g.C1.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==7 ? (g.C2.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==8 ? (g.C3.HasValue ? (g.C3.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==9 ? (g.C4.HasValue ? (g.C4.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==10 ? (g.C5.HasValue ? (g.C5.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==11 ? (g.C6.HasValue ? (g.C6.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==12 ? (g.C7.HasValue ? (g.C7.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : "0", currentMonth==1 ? (g.C9.HasValue ? (g.C9.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==2 ? (g.C10.HasValue ? (g.C10.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==3 ? (g.C11.HasValue ? (g.C11.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==4 ? (g.C12.HasValue ? (g.C12.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==5 ? (g.C1.HasValue ? (g.C1.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==6 ? (g.C2.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==7 ? (g.C3.HasValue ? (g.C3.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==8 ? (g.C4.HasValue ? (g.C4.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==9 ? (g.C5.HasValue ? (g.C5.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==10 ? (g.C6.HasValue ? (g.C6.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==11 ? (g.C7.HasValue ? (g.C7.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==12 ? (g.C8.HasValue ? (g.C8.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : "0", currentMonth==1 ? (g.C10.HasValue ? (g.C10.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==2 ? (g.C11.HasValue ? (g.C11.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==3 ? (g.C12.HasValue ? (g.C12.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==4 ? (g.C1.HasValue ? (g.C1.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==5 ? (g.C2.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==6 ? (g.C3.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==7 ? (g.C4.HasValue ? (g.C4.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==8 ? (g.C5.HasValue ? (g.C5.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==9 ? (g.C6.HasValue ? (g.C6.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==10 ? (g.C7.HasValue ? (g.C7.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==11 ? (g.C8.HasValue ? (g.C8.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==12 ? (g.C9.HasValue ? (g.C9.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : "0", currentMonth==1 ? (g.C11.HasValue ? (g.C11.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==2 ? (g.C12.HasValue ? (g.C12.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==3 ? (g.C1.HasValue ? (g.C1.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==4 ? (g.C2.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==5 ? (g.C3.HasValue ? (g.C3.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==6 ? (g.C4.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==7 ? (g.C5.HasValue ? (g.C5.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==8 ? (g.C6.HasValue ? (g.C6.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==9 ? (g.C7.HasValue ? (g.C7.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==10 ? (g.C8.HasValue ? (g.C8.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==11 ? (g.C9.HasValue ? (g.C9.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==12 ? (g.C10.HasValue ? (g.C10.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : "0", currentMonth==1 ? (g.C12.HasValue ? (g.C12.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==2 ? (g.C1.HasValue ? (g.C1.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==3 ? (g.C2.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==4 ? (g.C3.HasValue ? (g.C3.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==5 ? (g.C4.HasValue ? (g.C4.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==6 ? (g.C5.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==7 ? (g.C6.HasValue ? (g.C6.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==8 ? (g.C7.HasValue ? (g.C7.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==9 ? (g.C8.HasValue ? (g.C8.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==10 ? (g.C9.HasValue ? (g.C9.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==11 ? (g.C10.HasValue ? (g.C10.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==12 ? (g.C11.HasValue ? (g.C11.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : "0", currentMonth==1 ? (g.C1.HasValue ? (g.C1.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==2 ? (g.C2.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==3 ? (g.C3.HasValue ? (g.C3.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==4 ? (g.C4.HasValue ? (g.C4.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==5 ? (g.C5.HasValue ? (g.C5.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==6 ? (g.C6.HasValue ? (g.C2.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==7 ? (g.C7.HasValue ? (g.C7.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==8 ? (g.C8.HasValue ? (g.C8.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==9 ? (g.C9.HasValue ? (g.C9.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==10 ? (g.C10.HasValue ? (g.C10.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==11 ? (g.C11.HasValue ? (g.C11.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : currentMonth==12 ? (g.C12.HasValue ? (g.C12.Value*100M).ToString("0") + "%" : "nc") : "0" } }).ToArray() }; return sitesGridData; } }
public ActionResult GetEquipos(JqGridRequest request) { //int equipoId = ViewBag.ApuestaId; int totalRecords = 0; List<Equipo> equipos = repository.dal_equipo.GetEquipos(); ; totalRecords = equipos.Count(); //Prepare JqGridData instance JqGridResponse response = new JqGridResponse() { //Total pages count TotalPagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.RecordsCount), //Page number PageIndex = request.PageIndex, //Total records count TotalRecordsCount = totalRecords }; foreach (Equipo equipo in equipos) { response.Records.Add(new JqGridRecord(Convert.ToString(equipo.Equipo_ID), new List<object>() { equipo.Equipo_ID, equipo.Grupo, equipo.Equipo_desc, equipo.Ptos, equipo.PJ, equipo.PG, equipo.PE, equipo.PP, equipo.GF, equipo.GC, equipo.DG, })); } //Return data as json return new JqGridJsonResult() { Data = response }; }
public ActionResult GetPartidosUpdate(JqGridRequest request) { //int equipoId = ViewBag.ApuestaId; int totalRecords = 0; List<PartidoLog> partidos = repository.dal_partido_log.GetPartidos(); totalRecords = partidos.Count(); //Prepare JqGridData instance JqGridResponse response = new JqGridResponse() { //Total pages count TotalPagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.RecordsCount), //Page number PageIndex = request.PageIndex, //Total records count TotalRecordsCount = totalRecords }; foreach (PartidoLog partido in partidos) { response.Records.Add(new JqGridRecord(Convert.ToString(partido.Id), new List<object>() { partido.Id, partido.PartidoId, partido.UserId, partido.UpdateDate.ToString("yy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"), partido.Partido.EquipoIdLocal, partido.Partido.EquipoDescLocal, partido.Partido.GolesLocal, partido.Partido.Resultado, partido.Partido.EquipoIdVisita, partido.Partido.EquipoDescVisita, partido.Partido.GolesVisita })); } //Return data as json return new JqGridJsonResult() { Data = response }; }
public static JqGridData FetchPeopleJQGrid(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request, int roleId) { using (var context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { var people = (from p in context.People.Include("Family").Include("PersonGroups") from pc in p.PersonChurches where pc.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId && (pc.RoleId == roleId) select p); if (request._search) { foreach (var rule in request.filters.rules) { var ruleData =; //If we use throughout we get some strange errors in the SQL that Linq generates switch (rule.field) { case "Group": { var groupIds = (from g in context.Groups where g.Name.Contains(ruleData) select g.GroupId).ToList(); people = (from p in people from pg in p.PersonGroups where groupIds.Contains(pg.GroupId) select p); break; } case "Firstname": { people = (from p in people where p.Firstname.Contains(ruleData) select p); break; } case "Surname": { people = (from p in people where p.Family.FamilyName.Contains(ruleData) select p); break; } case "Date": { DateTime dStart; if (DateTime.TryParse(ruleData, out dStart)) { var dEnd = dStart.AddDays(1); people = (from p in people where p.Created >= dStart && p.Created < dEnd select p); } break; } case "Site": { people = (from p in people where p.Site.Name.Contains(ruleData) select p); break; } case "HomePhone": { people = (from p in people where p.Family.HomePhone.Contains(ruleData) select p); break; } case "CellPhone": { people = (from p in people from po in p.PersonOptionalFields where (po.OptionalFieldId == (int)OptionalFields.CellPhone && po.Value.Contains(ruleData)) select p); break; } case "Email": { people = (from p in people where p.Email.Contains(ruleData) select p); break; } } } } int totalRecords = people.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Firstname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Surname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Family.FamilyName).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Family.FamilyName).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Date": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Created).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Created).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Group": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.PersonGroups.FirstOrDefault().Group.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.PersonGroups.FirstOrDefault().Group.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Site": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Site.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Site.Name).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "HomePhone": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Family.HomePhone).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Family.HomePhone).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Email": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Email).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Email).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } } var peopleGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in people.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PersonId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { p.PersonId.ToString(), p.Firstname, p.Family.FamilyName, p.Family.HomePhone, p.PersonOptionalFields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.OptionalFieldId == (int)OptionalFields.CellPhone)==null?"":p.PersonOptionalFields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.OptionalFieldId == (int)OptionalFields.CellPhone).Value, p.Email, p.Created.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), p.PersonGroups.Count > 1 ? "Multiple" : (p.PersonGroups.Count==0 ? "None" : p.PersonGroups.First().Group.Name), p.Site== null ? string.Empty : p.Site.Name } }).ToArray() }; return peopleGridData; } }
public static JqGridData FetchGroupsForPersonJQGrid(Person currentPerson, int personId, JqGridRequest request) { using (var context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { IEnumerable<PersonGroupModel> groups = (from g in context.Groups join pg in context.PersonGroups on g.GroupId equals pg.GroupId where pg.PersonId == personId && g.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId select new PersonGroupModel { PersonId = pg.PersonId, GroupId = g.GroupId, Name = g.Name, Type = g.GroupType.Name, Administrator = g.Administrator.Firstname + " " + g.Administrator.Family.FamilyName, Leader = g.Leader.Firstname + " " + g.Leader.Family.FamilyName }) .ToList(); foreach (PersonGroupModel pg in groups) { string groupIdAsString = pg.GroupId.ToString(); DateTime lastDateAttended = (from e in context.OldEvents where e.Reference == personId && e.Value == groupIdAsString orderby e.EventDate descending select e.EventDate) .FirstOrDefault(); pg.LastAttended = lastDateAttended == DateTime.MinValue ? "Never" : lastDateAttended.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); var groupClassification = context.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.GroupId == pg.GroupId).GroupClassification; if (groupClassification != null) pg.Type = groupClassification.Name; } int totalRecords = groups.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Name": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { groups = groups.OrderBy(g => g.Name) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } else { groups = groups .OrderByDescending(g => g.Name) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } break; } case "Type": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { groups = groups.OrderBy(g => g.Type) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } else { groups = groups .OrderByDescending(g => g.Type) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } break; } case "LastAttended": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { groups = groups.OrderBy(g => g.LastAttended) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } else { groups = groups .OrderByDescending(g => g.LastAttended) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } break; } case "Leader": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { groups = groups.OrderBy(g => g.Leader) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } else { groups = groups .OrderByDescending(g => g.Leader) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } break; } case "Administrator": { if (request.sord.ToLower() == "asc") { groups = groups.OrderBy(g => g.Administrator) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } else { groups = groups .OrderByDescending(g => g.Administrator) .Skip(( - 1) * request.rows) .Take(request.rows) .ToList(); } break; } } JqGridData groupsGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from g in groups select new JqGridRow() { id = g.GroupId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { g.GroupId.ToString(), g.Name, g.Type, g.LastAttended, g.Leader, g.Administrator } }).ToArray() }; return groupsGridData; } }
public ActionResult Partidos(JqGridRequest request) { _logger.Info("START Partidos"); JqGridResponse response; try { int totalRecords = 0; List<PartidosView> partidos = repository.dal_partido.GetPartidosView(0); totalRecords = partidos.Count(); //Prepare JqGridData instance response = new JqGridResponse() { //Total pages count TotalPagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)request.RecordsCount), //Page number PageIndex = request.PageIndex, //Total records count TotalRecordsCount = totalRecords }; foreach (PartidosView partido in partidos) { response.Records.Add(new JqGridRecord(Convert.ToString(partido.PartidoId), new List<object>() { partido.PartidoId, partido.EquipoIdLocal, partido.EquipoDescLocal, partido.GolesLocal, partido.Resultado, partido.EquipoIdVisita, partido.GolesVisita, partido.EquipoDescVisita })); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error("Error : ", ex); throw; } finally { } //Return data as json return new JqGridJsonResult() { Data = response }; }
public ActionResult GetOrders(JqGridRequest request, string keyword) { var searchCriteria = new OrderingSearchCriteria(){PersonId = (Guid)Session["Person"]}; var result = _orderingReportService.OrderingRetailOrders(searchCriteria, request.RecordsCount, request.PageIndex); var jsonData = new { total = (result.Count + request.RecordsCount - 1) / request.RecordsCount, page = request.PageIndex + 1, records = result.Count, rows = result.Items }; return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public static JqGridData FetchChurchListJQGrid(Person currentPerson, JqGridRequest request) { using (oikonomosEntities context = new oikonomosEntities(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["oikonomosEntities"].ConnectionString)) { var rolesToInclude = context .PermissionRoles .Where(p => p.PermissionId == (int)Permissions.IncludeInChurchList && p.Role.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId) .Select(p=>p.RoleId) .ToList(); var people = (from p in context.People.Include("Family").Include("PersonOptionalFields") from c in p.PersonChurches where c.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId && rolesToInclude.Contains(c.RoleId) select p); if (!(currentPerson.HasPermission(Permissions.ViewChurchContactDetails))) { if(!currentPerson.HasPermission(Permissions.ViewGroupContactDetails)) throw new Exception("You do not have permission to view contact details"); //Get the groups var groups = (from pg in context.PersonGroups where pg.PersonId == currentPerson.PersonId select pg.GroupId).ToList(); people = (from p in people from pg in p.PersonGroups where groups.Contains(pg.GroupId) select p); } if (request._search) { switch (request.searchField) { case "search": { people = Filters.ApplyNameSearch(request.searchString, people); break; } case "homegroup": { var homegroupId = (from pg in context.PersonGroups where pg.PersonId == currentPerson.PersonId select pg.GroupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (homegroupId > 0) { people = (from p in context.People.Include("Family").Include("PersonOptionalFields") from c in p.PersonChurches join pg in context.PersonGroups on p.PersonId equals pg.PersonId where c.ChurchId == currentPerson.ChurchId && pg.GroupId == homegroupId select p); } break; } } } int totalRecords = people.Count(); switch (request.sidx) { case "Firstname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Firstname).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Surname": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Family.FamilyName).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Family.FamilyName).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } case "Email": { people = request.sord.ToLower() == "asc" ? people.OrderBy(p => p.Email).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows) : people.OrderByDescending(p => p.Email).Skip(( - 1) * request.rows).Take(request.rows); break; } } var membersGridData = new JqGridData() { total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / request.rows), page =, records = totalRecords, rows = (from p in people.AsEnumerable() select new JqGridRow() { id = p.PersonId.ToString(), cell = new string[] { p.PersonId.ToString(), p.Firstname, p.Family.FamilyName, p.Family.HomePhone, p.PersonOptionalFields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.OptionalFieldId == (int)OptionalFields.CellPhone)==null?"":p.PersonOptionalFields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.OptionalFieldId == (int)OptionalFields.CellPhone).Value, p.Email } }).ToArray() }; return membersGridData; } }