public static TSProject?Create(IDirectoryCache?dir, IDiskCache diskCache, ILogger logger, string?diskName, bool virtualProject = false) { if (dir == null) { return(null); } if (dir.Project != null) { return((TSProject)dir.Project); } var proj = new TSProject { Owner = dir, DiskCache = diskCache, Logger = logger, Name = diskName, Valid = true, ProjectOptions = new ProjectOptions() }; proj.Virtual = virtualProject; proj.ProjectOptions.Owner = proj; if (virtualProject) { proj.ProjectOptions.FillProjectOptionsFromPackageJson(null); } else { dir.Project = proj; } return(proj); }
public string ResolveRequire(string name, string from) { if (name.StartsWith("./") || name.StartsWith("../")) { return(PathUtils.Join(PathUtils.Parent(from), name) + ".js"); } var mname = PathUtils.EnumParts(name).First().name; var diskCache = Project.Owner.DiskCache; var moduleInfo = TSProject.FindInfoForModule(Project.Owner.Owner, diskCache.TryGetItem(PathUtils.Parent(from)) as IDirectoryCache, diskCache, Project.Owner.Logger, mname, out var diskName); if (moduleInfo == null) { Project.Owner.Logger.Error($"Bundler cannot resolve {name} from {@from}"); return(null); } if (mname.Length != name.Length) { return(PathUtils.ChangeExtension( PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, name.Substring(mname.Length + 1)), "js")); } var mainFile = PathUtils.ChangeExtension(PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.MainFile), "js"); return(mainFile); }
internal static TSProject CreateInvalid(string name) { var proj = new TSProject { Name = name, Valid = false }; return(proj); }
public string resolveModuleMain(string name, TSFileAdditionalInfo parentInfo) { var moduleInfo = TSProject.FindInfoForModule(_owner.Owner, _owner.DiskCache, name, out var diskName); if (moduleInfo == null) { return(null); } if (name != diskName) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, 2, "Module import has wrong casing '" + name + "' on disk '" + diskName + "'", 0, 0, 0, 0); } moduleInfo.LoadProjectJson(true); parentInfo.ImportingModule(moduleInfo); var mainFile = PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.MainFile); var item = _owner.DiskCache.TryGetItem(mainFile) as IFileCache; if (item == null || item.IsInvalid) { return(null); } var itemInfo = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(item, _owner.DiskCache); itemInfo.ImportedAsModule = name; AddSource(itemInfo); if (!IsTsOrTsx(mainFile)) { itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.JavaScript; CheckAdd(mainFile); if (moduleInfo.TypesMainFile != null) { var dtsPath = PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.TypesMainFile); item = _owner.DiskCache.TryGetItem(dtsPath) as IFileCache; itemInfo.DtsLink = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(item, _owner.DiskCache); if (item != null && !item.IsInvalid) { return(dtsPath); } } return(null); } itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.TypeScript; CheckAdd(item.FullPath); TryToResolveFromBuildCache(itemInfo); Crawl(); if (itemInfo.DtsLink != null && !ToCompile.Contains(item.FullPath)) { return(itemInfo.DtsLink.Owner.FullPath); } return(item.FullPath); }
public string ResolveRequire(string name, string from) { if (name.StartsWith("./") || name.StartsWith("../")) { return(PathUtils.Join(PathUtils.Parent(from), name) + ".js"); } var diskCache = Project.Owner.DiskCache; var moduleInfo = TSProject.FindInfoForModule(Project.Owner.Owner, diskCache, Project.Owner.Logger, name, out var diskName); if (moduleInfo == null) { return(null); } var mainFile = PathUtils.ChangeExtension(PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.MainFile), "js"); return(mainFile); }
public static TSProject Get(IDirectoryCache dir, IDiskCache diskCache, ILogger logger, string diskName) { if (dir == null) { return(null); } if (dir.AdditionalInfo == null) { var proj = new TSProject { Owner = dir, DiskCache = diskCache, Logger = logger, Name = diskName, ProjectOptions = new ProjectOptions() }; proj.ProjectOptions.Owner = proj; dir.AdditionalInfo = proj; } return((TSProject)dir.AdditionalInfo); }
public static TSProject Create(IDirectoryCache dir, IDiskCache diskCache, ILogger logger, string diskName) { if (dir == null) { return(null); } var proj = new TSProject { Owner = dir, DiskCache = diskCache, Logger = logger, Name = diskName, Valid = true, ProjectOptions = new ProjectOptions() }; proj.ProjectOptions.Owner = proj; return(proj); }
public string resolveModuleMain(string name, TSFileAdditionalInfo parentInfo) { var moduleInfo = TSProject.FindInfoForModule(_owner.Owner, _owner.DiskCache, _owner.Logger, name, out var diskName); if (moduleInfo == null) { return(null); } if (name != diskName) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -2, "Module import has wrong casing '" + name + "' on disk '" + diskName + "'", 0, 0, 0, 0); } moduleInfo.LoadProjectJson(true); parentInfo.ImportingModule(moduleInfo); var mainFile = PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.MainFile); var item = _owner.DiskCache.TryGetItem(mainFile) as IFileCache; if (item == null || item.IsInvalid) { return(null); } var itemInfo = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(item, _owner.DiskCache); moduleInfo.MainFileInfo = itemInfo; itemInfo.ImportedAsModule = name; itemInfo.MyProject = moduleInfo; var parentProject = parentInfo.MyProject; if (parentProject.IsRootProject && ((parentProject.Dependencies == null || !parentProject.Dependencies.Contains(name)) && (parentProject.DevDependencies == null || !parentProject.DevDependencies.Contains(name)))) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -12, "Importing module " + name + " without being in package.json as dependency", 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (moduleInfo.ProjectOptions?.ObsoleteMessage != null) { if (!PragmaParser.ParseIgnoreImportingObsolete(parentInfo.Owner.Utf8Content).Contains(name)) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -14, "Importing obsolete module: " + moduleInfo.ProjectOptions?.ObsoleteMessage, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } AddSource(itemInfo); if (!IsTsOrTsx(mainFile)) { itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.JavaScript; CheckAdd(mainFile); if (moduleInfo.TypesMainFile != null) { var dtsPath = PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.TypesMainFile); item = _owner.DiskCache.TryGetItem(dtsPath) as IFileCache; itemInfo.DtsLink = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(item, _owner.DiskCache); if (item != null && !item.IsInvalid) { return(dtsPath); } } return(null); } itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.TypeScript; CheckAdd(item.FullPath); TryToResolveFromBuildCache(itemInfo); if (itemInfo.DtsLink != null && !ToCompile.Contains(item.FullPath) && !itemInfo.NeedsCompilation()) { return(itemInfo.DtsLink.Owner.FullPath); } return(item.FullPath); }
public string resolveModuleMain(string name, TSFileAdditionalInfo parentInfo) { if (!_owner.ProjectOptions.AllowModuleDeepImport) { if (!parentInfo.Owner.Name.EndsWith(".d.ts") && (name.Contains('/') || name.Contains('\\'))) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(true, -10, "Absolute import '" + name + "' must be just simple module name", 0, 0, 0, 0); return(null); } } var mname = PathUtils.EnumParts(name).First().name; var moduleInfo = TSProject.FindInfoForModule(_owner.Owner, parentInfo.Owner.Parent, _owner.DiskCache, _owner.Logger, mname, out var diskName); if (moduleInfo == null) { return(null); } if (mname != diskName) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -2, "Module import has wrong casing '" + mname + "' on disk '" + diskName + "'", 0, 0, 0, 0); } moduleInfo.LoadProjectJson(true); if (mname.Length != name.Length) { return(ResolveLocalImport(PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, name.Substring(mname.Length + 1)), parentInfo, moduleInfo, name)); } parentInfo.ImportingModule(moduleInfo); var mainFile = PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.MainFile); var item = _owner.DiskCache.TryGetItemPreferReal(mainFile) as IFileCache; if (item == null || item.IsInvalid) { return(null); } var itemInfo = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(item, _owner.DiskCache); moduleInfo.MainFileInfo = itemInfo; itemInfo.ImportedAsModule = name; itemInfo.MyProject = moduleInfo; var parentProject = parentInfo.MyProject; if (parentProject != null && parentProject.IsRootProject && !parentInfo.Owner.FullPath.Contains("/node_modules/") && ((parentProject.Dependencies == null || !parentProject.Dependencies.Contains(name)) && (parentProject.DevDependencies == null || !parentProject.DevDependencies.Contains(name)))) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -12, "Importing module " + name + " without being in package.json as dependency", 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (moduleInfo.ProjectOptions?.ObsoleteMessage != null) { if (!PragmaParser.ParseIgnoreImportingObsolete(parentInfo.Owner.Utf8Content).Contains(name)) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -14, "Importing obsolete module: " + moduleInfo.ProjectOptions?.ObsoleteMessage, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } AddSource(itemInfo); if (!IsTsOrTsx(mainFile)) { if (moduleInfo.MainFileNeedsToBeCompiled) { itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.EsmJavaScript; CheckAdd(mainFile); TryToResolveFromBuildCache(itemInfo); } else { itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.JavaScript; CheckAdd(mainFile); } if (moduleInfo.TypesMainFile != null) { var dtsPath = PathUtils.Join(moduleInfo.Owner.FullPath, moduleInfo.TypesMainFile); item = _owner.DiskCache.TryGetItem(dtsPath) as IFileCache; itemInfo.DtsLink = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(item, _owner.DiskCache); if (item != null && !item.IsInvalid) { return(dtsPath); } } return(null); } itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.TypeScript; CheckAdd(item.FullPath); TryToResolveFromBuildCache(itemInfo); if (itemInfo.DtsLink != null && !ToCompile.Contains(item.FullPath) && !itemInfo.NeedsCompilation()) { var fp = itemInfo.DtsLink.Owner.FullPath; _readFileMap[fp] = itemInfo.DtsLink.Owner; return(fp); } return(item.FullPath); }
public string ResolveLocalImport(string name, TSFileAdditionalInfo parentInfo, TSProject moduleInfo, string importedAsModule) { var dirPath = PathUtils.Parent(name); var fileOnly = name.Substring(dirPath.Length + 1); var dc = _owner.DiskCache.TryGetItemPreferReal(dirPath) as IDirectoryCache; if (dc == null || dc.IsInvalid) { return(null); } var isJson = false; var isCss = false; IFileCache item = null; if (fileOnly.EndsWith(".json")) { item = dc.TryGetChild(fileOnly, true) as IFileCache; if (item != null) { isJson = true; } } if (fileOnly.EndsWith(".css")) { item = dc.TryGetChild(fileOnly, true) as IFileCache; if (item != null) { isCss = true; } } if (item == null) { item = (parentInfo.Type == FileCompilationType.EsmJavaScript ? ExtensionsToImportFromJs : ExtensionsToImport).Select(ext => dc.TryGetChild(fileOnly + ext, true) as IFileCache) .FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && !i.IsInvalid); } if (item == null) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -15, "Cannot resolve import '" + name + "'", 0, 0, 0, 0); return(null); } if (item.FullPath.Substring(0, name.Length) != name) { parentInfo.ReportDiag(false, -1, "Local import has wrong casing '" + name + "' on disk '" + item.FullPath + "'", 0, 0, 0, 0); } var itemInfo = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(item, _owner.DiskCache); parentInfo.ImportingLocal(itemInfo); itemInfo.MyProject = moduleInfo ?? parentInfo.MyProject; if (importedAsModule != null) { itemInfo.ImportedAsModule = importedAsModule; } if (isCss) { itemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.ImportedCss; AddSource(itemInfo); CheckAdd(item.FullPath); var po = itemInfo.MyProject.ProjectOptions; if (!po.BundleCss) { if (itemInfo.OutputUrl == null) { itemInfo.OutputUrl = po.AllocateName(PathUtils.Subtract(item.FullPath, po.Owner.Owner.FullPath)); } } return(null); } if (IsDts(item.Name)) { if (dc.TryGetChild(fileOnly + ".js", true) is IFileCache jsItem) { var jsItemInfo = TSFileAdditionalInfo.Get(jsItem, _owner.DiskCache); jsItemInfo.Type = FileCompilationType.JavaScript; jsItemInfo.MyProject = itemInfo.MyProject; parentInfo.ImportingLocal(jsItemInfo); CheckAdd(jsItem.FullPath); } // implementation for .d.ts file does not have same name, it needs to be added to build by b.asset("lib.js") and cannot have dependencies } else { itemInfo.Type = isJson ? FileCompilationType.Json : parentInfo.Type; AddSource(itemInfo); } if (LocalResolveCache.TryGetValue(name, out var res)) { return(res); } CheckAdd(item.FullPath); TryToResolveFromBuildCache(itemInfo); if (itemInfo.DtsLink != null && !ToCompile.Contains(item.FullPath) && !itemInfo.NeedsCompilation()) { res = itemInfo.DtsLink.Owner.FullPath; } else { res = item.FullPath; } LocalResolveCache.Add(name, res); return(res); }
TSProject GetDirectoryInfo(IDirectoryCache dir) { return(TSProject.Get(dir, _owner.DiskCache, _owner.Logger)); }
public TSProject?ResolveModule(string name) { if (Result.Modules.TryGetValue(name, out var module)) { if (module.IterationId == IterationId) { return(module.Valid ? module : null); } for (uint i = 0; i < module.NegativeChecks.Count; i++) { if (CheckItemExistence(module.NegativeChecks[i])) { goto again; } } if (module.Valid) { module.LoadProjectJson(true, Owner.ProjectOptions); if (module.PackageJsonChangeId == -1) { goto again; } } module.IterationId = IterationId; return(module.Valid ? module : null); } again :; var negativeChecks = new BTDB.Collections.StructList <string>(); var dir = Owner.Owner.FullPath; while (dir.Length > 0) { var dc = Owner.DiskCache.TryGetItem(dir + "/node_modules/" + name) as IDirectoryCache; if (dc == null || dc.IsInvalid) { negativeChecks.Add(dir + "/node_modules/" + name); } else { if (dc.FullPath != dir + "/node_modules/" + name) { // Create it with proper casing return(ResolveModule(dc.Name)); } module = TSProject.Create(dc, Owner.DiskCache, Owner.Logger, name); module.LoadProjectJson(true, Owner.ProjectOptions); if (module.PackageJsonChangeId != -1) { module.NegativeChecks.AddRange(negativeChecks.AsSpan()); module.IterationId = IterationId; Result.Modules[name] = module; return(module); } } dir = PathUtils.Parent(dir).ToString(); } module = TSProject.CreateInvalid(name); module.NegativeChecks.TransferFrom(ref negativeChecks); module.IterationId = IterationId; Result.Modules[name] = module; return(null); }