public static DrugCompanyUser FindByProfile(UserProfile p) { if (p == null || !p.ID.HasValue) return null; return FindByProfile(p.ID.Value); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserInfo = Manager.GetUser(); UserProfile = UserProfile.FindByUser(UserInfo); if(UserProfile.PrimaryAddressID.HasValue) PrimaryAddress = UserProfile.PrimaryAddress; if(UserProfile.PrimaryContactID.HasValue) PrimaryContact = UserProfile.PrimaryContact; if(Manager.HasRole("view_prescriber", true)) { Prescriber = Prescriber.FindByProfile(UserProfile); PrescriberProfiles = PrescriberProfile.FindByPrescriber(Prescriber); Addresses = (from pp in PrescriberProfiles select pp.Address).ToList(); Contacts = (from pp in PrescriberProfiles select pp.Contact).ToList(); States = State.FindAll(); Specialities = Speciality.FindAll(); SpecialityId = Prescriber.SpecialityID ?? 0; } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { long providerUserId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["provider-user-id"]); if(providerUserId <= 0) { ProviderUser = new ProviderUser(); UserProfile = new UserProfile(); Contact = new Contact(); Address = new Lib.Data.Address(); User = new Framework.Security.User(); Account = new Account { ExpiresOn = DateTime.Now }; } else { ProviderUser = new ProviderUser(providerUserId); UserProfile = ProviderUser.Profile; User = UserProfile.User; Contact = UserProfile.PrimaryContact; Address = UserProfile.PrimaryAddress; Account = GetAccountByUserProfile(UserProfile); } }
public static IList<DistributionList> FindByUserProfile(UserProfile profile) { Database db = Database.Get("FDARems"); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append("SELECT * "); sql.Append("FROM "+db.DelimTable("DistributionLists")+" "); sql.Append("WHERE "+db.DelimColumn("UserProfileId")+" = "+db.DelimParameter("ProfileId")+" "); sql.Append("ORDER BY "+db.DelimColumn("Name")+" ASC;"); List<Parameter> ps = new List<Parameter> { new Parameter("ProfileId", profile.ID) }; return db.ExecuteQuery<DistributionList>(sql.ToString(), ps.ToArray()); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { RequireRole( "view_prescriber" ); string input = Request.QueryString["id"]; long prescriberId; if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(input) || !long.TryParse(input, out prescriberId)) RedirectHash( "prescriber/profiles/list", true, "Invalid Prescriber Profile" ); else PrescriberProfile = new Lib.Data.PrescriberProfile(prescriberId); UserInfo = Framework.Security.Manager.GetUser(); UserProfile = UserProfile.FindByUser(UserInfo); Address = PrescriberProfile.Address; Contact = PrescriberProfile.Contact; Provider = PrescriberProfile.Provider; //Facility = PrescriberProfile.Facility; PrescriberTypes = PrescriberType.FindAll(); TypeId = PrescriberProfile.PrescriberTypeID ?? 0; }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { long providerUserId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["provider-user-id"]); long organizationId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["organization-id"]); Organization = _orgSvc.Get(organizationId); if(providerUserId <= 0) { ProviderUser = new ProviderUser(); UserProfile = new UserProfile(); Contact = new Contact(); Address = new Address(); User = new Framework.Security.User(); } else { ProviderUser = new ProviderUser(providerUserId); UserProfile = ProviderUser.Profile; User = UserProfile.User; Contact = UserProfile.PrimaryContact; Address = UserProfile.PrimaryAddress; } }
public static ProviderUser FindByProfile(UserProfile p) { if (p == null || !p.ID.HasValue) return null; return FindByProfile(p.ID.Value); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { long prescriberProfileId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["prescriber-profile-id"]); States = State.FindAll(); Specialities = Speciality.FindAll(); PrescriberTypes = PrescriberType.FindAll(); if(prescriberProfileId <= 0) { PrescriberProfile = new PrescriberProfile(); Prescriber = new Lib.Data.Prescriber(); SpecialityId = 0; TypeId = 0; User = new Framework.Security.User(); Account = new Account { ExpiresOn = DateTime.Now }; } else { PrescriberProfile = new PrescriberProfile(prescriberProfileId); Prescriber = PrescriberProfile.Prescriber; SpecialityId = Prescriber.SpecialityID ?? 0; TypeId = PrescriberProfile.PrescriberTypeID ?? 0; UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(Prescriber.ProfileID); User = userProfile.User; Account = _accountSvc.GetByUserProfileId(userProfile.ID ?? 0); } }
private string BuildProviderSendToList(UserProfile userProfile) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ProviderUser providerUser = ProviderUser.FindByProfile(userProfile); IList<PrescriberProfile> sendTo = PrescriberProfile.FindByProvider(providerUser.Provider); sb.Append("[{label: 'All Prescribers', value: 0},"); foreach(PrescriberProfile prescriberProf in sendTo) { UserProfile userProf = UserProfile.FindByPrimaryContact(prescriberProf.ContactID); sb.Append(String.Format("{{label: '{0}, {1}', value: {2}}},", prescriberProf.Contact.LastName, prescriberProf.Contact.FirstName, userProf.UserID)); } sb.Append("]"); return sb.ToString(); }
public static ReturnObject Update(HttpContext context, long id, long facility_id, string agree_to_terms, string new_password, string confirm_password, string watched_video, string prescriber_type, long prescriber_speciality, string npi, string first_name, string last_name, string title, string email, string phone, string fax, string street_1, string city, string state, long issuer, string zip, string country, string prefix = null, string postfix = null, string street_2 = null, string state_id = null) { // load the profile we're finishing PrescriberProfile profile = new PrescriberProfile(id); // save the contact Contact contact = new Contact() { Prefix = prefix, FirstName = first_name, LastName = last_name, Postfix = postfix, Email = email, Phone = phone, Fax = fax, Title = title }; contact.Save(); // save the address Address address = new Address() { Street1 = street_1, Street2 = street_2, City = city, State = state, Country = country, Zip = zip }; address.Save(); profile.PrimaryFacilityID = facility_id; // get the prescriber type PrescriberType type = PrescriberType.FindByDisplayName(prescriber_type); if(type != null) profile.PrescriberTypeID = type.ID; profile.Save(); // see if the prescriber is already in the system Lib.Data.Prescriber prescriber = Lib.Data.Prescriber.FindByStateId(issuer, state_id); if(prescriber != null) { // tie the new profile to the existing prescriber profile.PrescriberID = prescriber.ID; profile.Save(); // login the existing user so they don't get bounced to the login page. Framework.Security.Manager.Login(prescriber.Profile.User); return new ReturnObject { Result = null, Redirect = new ReturnRedirectObject { //Hash = "dashboard" Url = "Default.aspx#dashboard" }, Growl = new ReturnGrowlObject { Type = "default", Vars = new ReturnGrowlVarsObject { text = "The profile has been attached to your account.", title = "Profile Updated" } } }; } // create the new prescriber String error; User user = Framework.Security.Manager.CreateUser(contact.FirstName.Substring(0,1)+contact.LastName, new_password, email, out error); user.Save(); Group g1 = new Group(2); Group g2 = new Group(3); user.AddGroup(g1); user.AddGroup(g2); UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile() { PrimaryAddressID = address.ID, PrimaryContactID = contact.ID, Created = DateTime.Now, UserID = user.ID ?? 0, UserTypeID = 3 }; userProfile.Save(); prescriber = new Data.Prescriber { NpiId = npi, StateId = state_id, StateIdIssuer = issuer, ProfileID = userProfile.ID, SpecialityID = prescriber_speciality == 0 ? (long?)null : prescriber_speciality }; prescriber.Save(); // set the prescriber id profile.PrescriberID = prescriber.ID; profile.Save(); // setup the default user peferences UserPreferences prefs = new UserPreferences { UserId = user.ID ?? 0, EmailNotifications = true }; prefs.Save(); Framework.Security.Manager.Login(user); //prescriber. return Success( "Profile Updated", "Your profile has been updated.", null, "Locked.aspx#prescriber/wizards/etasu-selections"); }
public static ReturnObject Edit( HttpContext context, long provider_id, long profile_id, string first_name, string last_name, string email, string phone, string street_1, string city, string state, string zip, string npi, string state_id, long issuer, long speciality, long prescriber_type, string username, string password, string confirm_password, string expires_on, string is_enabled, string street_2 = null, string fax = null) { IAccountService accountSvc = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IAccountService>(); UserProfile userProfile; PrescriberProfile prescriberProfile; Data.Prescriber prescriber; Address address; Contact contact; Account account; Framework.Security.User user; if (profile_id > 0) { prescriberProfile = new PrescriberProfile(profile_id); prescriber = prescriberProfile.Prescriber; userProfile = prescriber.Profile; user = userProfile.User; address = userProfile.PrimaryAddress; contact = userProfile.PrimaryContact; account = accountSvc.GetByUserProfileId(userProfile.ID ?? 0); } else { userProfile = new UserProfile(); userProfile.Created = DateTime.Now; prescriberProfile = new PrescriberProfile(); prescriber = new Data.Prescriber(); contact = new Contact(); user = new Framework.Security.User(); address = new Address(); account = new Account { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now }; } if (!user.ID.HasValue && string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { return new ReturnObject() { Error = true, StatusCode = 200, Message = "If you are creating a new prescriber, you must enter a password." }; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ) { if (password != confirm_password) { return new ReturnObject() { Error = true, StatusCode = 200, Message = "The passwords you entered do no match." }; } else { user.PasswordSalt = Framework.Security.Manager.GetRandomSalt(); user.Password = Framework.Security.Hash.GetSHA512(password + user.PasswordSalt); } } user.Username = username; user.Email = email; user.Save(); IList<Framework.Security.Group> userGroups = user.GetGroups(); if(!userGroups.Any(x => x.ID == 2)) user.AddGroup(new Framework.Security.Group(2)); if(!userGroups.Any(x => x.ID == 3)) user.AddGroup(new Framework.Security.Group(3)); contact.Email = email; contact.Phone = phone; contact.FirstName = first_name; contact.LastName = last_name; contact.Save(); DateTime expiresOn; if(!DateTime.TryParse(expires_on, out expiresOn)) { return new ReturnObject() { Error = true, StatusCode = 200, Message = "Invalide expiration date." }; } address.Street1 = street_1; address.Street2 = street_2; address.City = city; address.State = state; address.Zip = zip; address.Country = "United States"; address.Save(); userProfile.UserID = user.ID.Value; userProfile.UserTypeID = 0; userProfile.PrimaryAddressID = address.ID.Value; userProfile.PrimaryContactID = contact.ID.Value; userProfile.IsEcommerce = true; userProfile.Save(); prescriber.ProfileID = userProfile.ID.Value; prescriber.SpecialityID = speciality; prescriber.NpiId = npi; prescriber.StateId = state_id; prescriber.StateIdIssuer = issuer; prescriber.Save(); prescriberProfile.PrescriberID = prescriber.ID; prescriberProfile.ProviderID = provider_id; prescriberProfile.AddressID = address.ID.Value; prescriberProfile.ContactID = contact.ID.Value; prescriberProfile.PrescriberTypeID = prescriber_type; prescriberProfile.PrimaryFacilityID = 0; prescriberProfile.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); prescriberProfile.OrganizationId = provider_id; prescriberProfile.Guid = Guid.NewGuid(); prescriberProfile.Save(); account.UserProifleId = userProfile.ID ?? 0; account.ExpiresOn = expiresOn; account.IsEnabled = is_enabled == "yes"; accountSvc.Save(account); return new ReturnObject() { Result = prescriber, Growl = new ReturnGrowlObject() { Type = "default", Vars = new ReturnGrowlVarsObject() { text = "You have successfully saved this Prescriber.", title = "Prescriber Saved" } } }; }
protected Account GetAccountByUserProfile(UserProfile userProfile) { return _accountSvc.GetByUserProfileId(userProfile.ID ?? 0); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { long prescriberProfileId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["prescriber-profile-id"]); ProviderId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["provider-id"]); Organization org = _orgSvc.Get(ProviderId); Facilities = org.Facilities; States = State.FindAll(); Specialities = Speciality.FindAll(); PrescriberTypes = PrescriberType.FindAll(); PrescriberProfile = new PrescriberProfile(prescriberProfileId); Prescriber = PrescriberProfile.Prescriber; SpecialityId = Prescriber.SpecialityID ?? 0; TypeId = PrescriberProfile.PrescriberTypeID ?? 0; UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(Prescriber.ProfileID); User = userProfile.User; }
public static Prescriber FindByProfile(UserProfile profile) { if (!profile.ID.HasValue) return null; return FindByProfile(profile.ID.Value); }