private static void passionsTest() { var passionList = new List<IPassion>(); var david = new BaseStar(passionList); david.Name = "David"; var passionCats = new BasePassion(); passionCats.PassionValue = 10; passionCats.PassionName = "Cats"; passionCats.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Cat-like affinity", "Your burgeoning love for cats has allowed for this bonus to manifest.", 10)); passionCats.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Cat-like reflexes", "Your reflexes are no longer like that of a dead cat. More like a live one. Or something like that.", 20)); passionCats.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Dog-like affinity", "Your burgeoning love for dogs has brough this burden on you.", -10)); passionCats.Likes.Add(PassionValue.Cats); passionCats.Hates.Add(PassionValue.Dogs); david.Passions.Add(passionCats); Console.WriteLine("David before event."); foreach (var thresh in passionCats.ThresholdsHit()) { Console.WriteLine(thresh); } var actionListener = new ActionListener(); actionListener.ManagedPassions.Add(david.Passions.First()); actionListener.FireEvent(PassionValue.Dogs, 10); Console.WriteLine("David after event."); foreach (var thresh in passionCats.ThresholdsHit()) { Console.WriteLine(thresh); } Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void villageTest() { BaseVillage testVillage = new BaseVillage(); testVillage.VillageName = "Test Town"; List<IStar> stars = new List<IStar>(); var david = new BaseStar(); david.Name = "David"; var passionCats = new BasePassion(); passionCats.PassionValue = 10; passionCats.PassionName = "Cats"; passionCats.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Cat-like affinity", "Your burgeoning love for cats has allowed for this bonus to manifest.", 10)); passionCats.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Cat-like reflexes", "Your reflexes are no longer like that of a dead cat. More like a live one. Or something like that.", 20)); passionCats.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Dog-like affinity", "Your burgeoning love for dogs has brough this burden on you.", -10)); passionCats.Likes.Add(PassionValue.Cats); passionCats.Hates.Add(PassionValue.Dogs); david.Passions.Add(passionCats); //-------------------------------untested----------------------------------------------------// var trent = new BaseStar(); trent.Name = "Trent"; var passionNoodles = new BasePassion(); passionNoodles.PassionName = "Noodles"; passionNoodles.PassionValue = 15; passionNoodles.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Noodle liker", "Your love of noodles is beginning to become hard to contain", 10)); passionNoodles.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Noodle connoisseur", "Only the greatest of noodles can satiate your tastes", 50)); passionNoodles.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Rice lover", "Not a sex thing... probably", -25)); trent.Passions.Add(passionNoodles); var testBoy = new BaseStar(); testBoy.Name = "Testy"; var passionTest = new BasePassion(); passionTest.PassionName = "Testing"; passionTest.PassionValue = 10; passionTest.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Testing affinity", "You can test like a tester", 5)); passionTest.Thresholds.Add(new BaseThreshold("Testing Mastery", "Testing with the best of them", 50)); testBoy.Passions.Add(passionTest); // actual village testing // PassionManager seems like a good name? var passionManager = new ActionListener(); passionManager.ManagedPassions.Add(passionCats); passionManager.ManagedPassions.Add(passionNoodles); passionManager.ManagedPassions.Add(passionTest); // Add the stars, and shoot for them testVillage.Stars.Add(trent); testVillage.Stars.Add(david); testVillage.Stars.Add(testBoy); Console.WriteLine("Village setup complete"); Console.WriteLine("Village before testing"); Console.WriteLine(testVillage.ToString()); // Now do some stuff to the stars. passionManager.FireEvent(PassionValue.Cats, 20); Console.WriteLine("Village after testing"); Console.WriteLine(testVillage); Console.ReadLine(); }