예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
            mRenderTarget = new RenderTarget(mGraphics.GraphicsDevice, 1920, 1080, 2048);

            mMasterRenderer = new MasterRenderer(mGraphics.GraphicsDevice, Content);

            mTerrain = new Terrain(Content, "heightmap", "shitty-grass", mGraphics.GraphicsDevice);


            mTreeModel = Content.Load <Model>("tree");
            mTreeMesh  = new Mesh(mTreeModel);

            Random random = new Random();

            for (uint i = 0; i < 2000; i++) // number of trees

                var randomNumberX = (float)random.NextDouble();
                var randomNumberZ = (float)random.NextDouble();
                var location      = new Vector3(2.0f * randomNumberX - 1.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f * randomNumberZ - 1.0f) * 125.0f;

                location.Y = mTerrain.GetHeight(location);  // so every tree is on right height

                var actor = new Actor(mTreeMesh);

                actor.mModelMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(location);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,
        /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))


            // Does crash in -Z direction (when leaving terrain backwards)
            mCamera.mLocation.Y = mTerrain.GetHeight(mCamera.mLocation) + 2.0f;

            // TODO: Add your update logic here

            mFrustumCulling.CullActorsOutsideFrustum(mScene, mCamera);

            var nearestActor = RayCasting.CastRayFromMousePosition(mViewport, mCamera, mScene);

            var mouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            if (nearestActor != null && mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)

예제 #3
        private static RayIntersection BinarySearch(Ray ray, Terrain terrain, float start, float finish, int count, int maxRecursion)
            var half = start + (finish - start) / 2.0f;

            if (count >= maxRecursion)
                var position = ray.Position + ray.Direction * half;
                position.Y = terrain.GetHeight(position);
                return(new RayIntersection(terrain.Actor, position, half, true, true));

            if (IntersectionInRange(ray, terrain, start, half))
                return(BinarySearch(ray, terrain, start, half, count + 1, maxRecursion));
                return(BinarySearch(ray, terrain, half, finish, count + 1, maxRecursion));
예제 #4
        private static bool IsUnderground(Vector3 position, Terrain terrain)
            var height = terrain.GetHeight(position);

            return(height > position.Y);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a file, read relevant infos from it and build level
        /// </summary>
        public void Load(string filename)
            /* File is build up like this line by line(for now)
             * 1. Light information x,y,z
             * 1. Heightmap path
             * 2. Heightmap texture path
             * 3. M Mesh1 (including relative path to mesh? and other relevant informations)
             * 4. A Actor1 using Mesh1 is represented by following information: x,z,rotation,(scale?)
             * 5. A Actor2 using Mesh1 is represented by following information: x,z,rotation,(scale?)
             * 6. ......
             * n. Mesh2 (including relative path to mesh? and other relevant informations)
             * k. EOF (end of file, stream reader stops reading)
            var currentDirectoryPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (currentDirectoryPath.EndsWith("Content") || currentDirectoryPath.EndsWith("Content/") ||
            mLevelFilename = filename;
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(filename))
                    var directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);


                    // Load/build terrain
                    mTerrain = new Terrain(mContentManager, mDevice, sr.ReadLine(), sr.ReadLine());
                    mTerrain.mGrass.mActivated = Options.GraphicsQuality > 0 ? true : false;
                    var mCollisionRectangles = new List <CollisionRectangle>();

                    string line;

                    Mesh mesh = null;
                    // Load the rest (objects and actors and light)
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        var lineSub = line.Substring(2);

                        if (line.StartsWith("M "))
                            // Read the path to the mesh
                            mesh      = mModelLoader.LoadMesh(lineSub);
                            mesh.Path = lineSub;
                        else if (line.StartsWith("A "))
                            var strings       = lineSub.Split(' ');
                            var actorLocation = strings[0].Split(',');
                            var actorRotation = strings[1].Split(',');
                            var actorOffset   = strings[2];

                            var x = StringToFloat(actorLocation[0]);
                            var z = StringToFloat(actorLocation[1]);

                            var qX = StringToFloat(actorRotation[0]);
                            var qY = StringToFloat(actorRotation[1]);
                            var qZ = StringToFloat(actorRotation[2]);
                            var qW = StringToFloat(actorRotation[3]);

                            var offset = StringToFloat(actorOffset);

                            var vector = new Vector3(x, 0.0f, z);
                            vector.Y = mTerrain.GetHeight(vector) - offset;

                            var quaternion = new Quaternion(qX, qY, qZ, qW);

                            var matrix = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(quaternion) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(vector);
                            var actor  = new Actor(mesh)
                                ModelMatrix = matrix

                            // We dont want to allow actors which hover above the ground to be in the collision caluc
                            if (-offset < mesh.mMeshData.mBoundingSphere.Radius && actor.mBoundingRectangle.mCollidable)
                                mQuadTree.Insert(actor, actor.mBoundingRectangle.GetAxisAlignedRectangle(1));

                        else if (line.StartsWith("L "))
                            var strings = lineSub.Split(' ');

                            var time         = strings[0];
                            var lightColor   = strings[1].Split(',');
                            var lightAmbient = strings[2];

                            var light = mSky.Light;

                            mSky.mTime = StringToFloat(time);

                            light.mColor.X = StringToFloat(lightColor[0]);
                            light.mColor.Y = StringToFloat(lightColor[1]);
                            light.mColor.Z = StringToFloat(lightColor[2]);

                            light.mAmbient = StringToFloat(lightAmbient);
                        else if (line.StartsWith("B "))
                            var strings = lineSub.Split(' ');

                            var threshold = strings[0];
                            var power     = strings[1];
                            var intensity = strings[2];

                            mPostProcessing.mBloom.mThreshold = StringToFloat(threshold);
                            mPostProcessing.mBloom.mPower     = StringToFloat(power);
                            mPostProcessing.mBloom.mIntensity = StringToFloat(intensity);
                        else if (line.StartsWith("F "))
                            var strings = lineSub.Split(' ');

                            var lumaThreshold    = strings[0];
                            var lumaThresholdMin = strings[1];

                            mPostProcessing.mFxaa.mLumaThreshold    = StringToFloat(lumaThreshold);
                            mPostProcessing.mFxaa.mLumaThresholdMin = StringToFloat(lumaThresholdMin);
                        else if (line.StartsWith("T "))
                            mLevelTitle = lineSub;
                        else if (line.StartsWith("S "))
                            var story = lineSub.Replace('|', '\n');
                            mLevelStory = story;
                        else if (line.StartsWith("H "))
                            var strings     = lineSub.Split(' ');
                            var hutLocation = strings[0].Split(',');
                            var hutRotation = strings[1].Split(',');
                            var hutHp       = strings[2];

                            var x = StringToFloat(hutLocation[0]);
                            var z = StringToFloat(hutLocation[1]);

                            var qX = StringToFloat(hutRotation[0]);
                            var qY = StringToFloat(hutRotation[1]);
                            var qZ = StringToFloat(hutRotation[2]);
                            var qW = StringToFloat(hutRotation[3]);

                            var hp = Convert.ToInt32(hutHp);

                            var vector = new Vector3(x, 0.0f, z);
                            vector.Y = mTerrain.GetHeight(vector);

                            var quaternion = new Quaternion(qX, qY, qZ, qW);

                            var matrix = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(quaternion) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(vector);

                            var hut = new Hut(mHutMesh, mLumberjackMesh, mDoubleAxeKillerMesh, mAxeMesh, mSilverback, this, hp, 15.0f, 30.0f, false);
                            hut.Actor.ModelMatrix = matrix;

                            if (!mEditMode)
                                mQuadTree.Insert(hut.Actor, hut.Actor.mBoundingRectangle.GetAxisAlignedRectangle(1));
                                hut.Actor.IActor = null;

                        else if (line.StartsWith("W "))
                            var strings = lineSub.Split(' ');

                            var fogColor    = strings[0].Split(',');
                            var fogDistance = strings[1];

                            mFog.mColor.X = StringToFloat(fogColor[0]);
                            mFog.mColor.Y = StringToFloat(fogColor[1]);
                            mFog.mColor.Z = StringToFloat(fogColor[2]);

                            mFog.mDistance = StringToFloat(fogDistance);
                        else if (line.StartsWith("N "))
                            mNextLevelFilename = lineSub;
                        else if (line.StartsWith("P "))
                            if (mSpawnablePrimatesCount == -1)
                                mSpawnablePrimatesCount = Convert.ToInt32(lineSub);
                        else if (line.StartsWith("I "))
                            var strings = lineSub.Split(',');

                            var x = StringToFloat(strings[0]);
                            var z = StringToFloat(strings[1]);

                            var location = new Vector3(x, 0.0f, z);
                            location.Y = mTerrain.GetHeight(location);

                            mInitialSilverbackLocation = location;

                            mSilverback.Actor.ModelMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(location);


                    mVisibilityGraph = new Pathfinding.VisibilityGraph(mCollisionRectangles, new Rectangle(-128, -128, 256, 256), 1.0f, false);

            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                Console.WriteLine("This file could not be read:");