예제 #1
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
 /// <summary>
 /// Clones an existing context, except for the associated game state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldContext"></param>
 /// <param name="newState"></param>
 protected Context(Context oldContext, GameState newState)
     this.parent = oldContext.parent; // FIXME: only works if we don't save any contexts into state
     this.Game = oldContext.Game;
     this.GameState = newState;
     this.vars = new Dictionary<string, object>(oldContext.vars); // TODO: make sure there are only value types
예제 #2
 public object Call(GameState state, Context ctx, params object[] p)
     var l = new List<object>();
     return method.Invoke(null, l.ToArray());
예제 #3
 internal void RunAction(GameState state, Context ctx)
     if (action != null)
         action.Run(state, ctx);
예제 #4
 object ICallable.Call(GameState state, Context ctx, params object[] args)
     if (argList.Length != args.Length) throw new InvalidGameException("Invalid parameter count!");
     Context local = new Context(ctx);
     for (int i = 0; i < argList.Length; i++)
         local.SetVariable(argList[i], args[i]);
     body.Run(state, local);
     return local.GetVariable(state, "_Return");
예제 #5
 public static void DebugPrint(Context ctx, object o)
     Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: {0}", o);
예제 #6
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
        public Game(string rules, out GameState firstState)
                var input = new ANTLRStringStream(rules);
                var lexer = new BoardGameLexer(input);
                var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
                var parser = new BoardGameParser(tokens);

                var root = parser.parse();

                var errors = parser.GetErrors();

                if (errors.Length > 0)
                    var msg = string.Join("\n", errors);
                    throw new InvalidGameException(string.Format("Number of errors: {0} \n\n{1}", errors.Length, msg));

                var currentState = new GameState(this);
                currentState.GlobalContext = new GlobalContext(currentState);

                CommonTree t = (CommonTree)root.Tree;

                int playerCount = (int)t.GetChild("SETTINGS").GetChild("PlayerCount").GetOnlyChild().ParseExpr().Eval(currentState, currentState.GlobalContext);
                for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) players.Add(new Player(i+1));

                var size = (Coords)t.GetChild("SETTINGS").GetChild("BoardDimensions").GetOnlyChild().ParseExpr().Eval(currentState, currentState.GlobalContext);
                board = new Board(size);

                for (int i = 0; i < t.GetChild("SETTINGS").GetChild("PieceTypes").ChildCount; i++)
                    string pt = t.GetChild("SETTINGS").GetChild("PieceTypes").GetChild(i).Text;
                    currentState.GlobalContext.SetVariable(pt, pt);

                bool mirrorEvents = false;
                bool mirrorMoves = false;

                if (t.GetChild("SETTINGS").HasChild("RulesOfPlayer2"))
                    string value = t.GetChild("SETTINGS").GetChild("RulesOfPlayer2").GetOnlyChild().Text;
                    switch (value)
                        case "SameAsPlayer1":
                            mirrorEvents = true;
                            mirrorMoves = true;
                        case "RotationOfPlayer1":
                            mirrorEvents = true;
                            mirrorMoves = true;
                            board.Transformation = (asker, coord) =>
                                if (asker == GetPlayer(2))
                                    return new Coords(new int[] { Size[0] + 1 - coord[0], Size[0] + 1 - coord[1] }, coord.PlaceHolders);
                                    return coord;
                        case "MirrorOfPlayer1":
                            mirrorEvents = true;
                            mirrorMoves = true;
                            board.Transformation = (asker, coord) =>
                                if (asker == GetPlayer(2))
                                    return new Coords(new int[] { coord[0], Size[0] + 1 - coord[1] }, coord.PlaceHolders);
                                    return coord;
                            throw new InvalidGameException(string.Format("Unsupported rule transformation: {0}", value));

                if (t.HasChild("FUNCDEFLIST"))
                    var functions = t.GetChild("FUNCDEFLIST");
                    for (int i = 0; i < functions.ChildCount; i++)
                        var funcNode = functions.GetChild(i);
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(funcNode.Text == "FUNCDEF");
                        string name = funcNode.GetChild("REF").GetOnlyChild().Text;
                        var paramList = new List<string>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < funcNode.GetChild("PARAMLIST").ChildCount; j++)
                        var body = funcNode.GetChild("STATEMENTS").ParseStmtList();
                        var func = new UserFunction(paramList.ToArray(), body);
                        currentState.GlobalContext.SetVariable(name, func);

                if (t.HasChild("INIT"))
                    var stmt = t.GetChild("INIT").GetChild("STATEMENTS").ParseStmtList();
                    stmt.Run(currentState, currentState.GlobalContext);

                if (t.HasChild("STARTINGBOARD"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < t.GetChild("STARTINGBOARD").ChildCount; i++)
                        var ch = t.GetChild("STARTINGBOARD").GetChild(i);
                        switch (ch.Text)
                            case "Invalid":
                                board.Valid = Board.RuleType.Invalid;
                                for (int j = 0; j < ch.ChildCount; j++)
                            case "Valid":
                                board.Valid = Board.RuleType.Valid;
                                for (int j = 0; j < ch.ChildCount; j++)
                            case "STARTINGPIECES":
                                int ownerInt = (int)ch.GetChild("PLAYERREF").GetOnlyChild().ParseExpr().Eval(currentState, currentState.GlobalContext);
                                Player owner = GetPlayer(ownerInt);
                                currentState.CurrentPlayerID = ownerInt - 1;

                                for (int j = 0; j < ch.GetChild("LIST").ChildCount; j++)
                                    ITree pieceNode = ch.GetChild("LIST").GetChild(j);
                                    string type = pieceNode.Text;
                                    if (!IsValidPiece(type))
                                        throw new InvalidGameException(pieceNode.FileCoords() + " - Invalid piece type '" + type + "'");
                                    Coords coords = null;
                                    if (pieceNode.HasChild("LIT_COORDS"))
                                        coords = (Coords)pieceNode.GetChild("LIT_COORDS").ParseExpr().Eval(currentState, currentState.GlobalContext);
                                    else if (pieceNode.HasChild("Offboard"))
                                    { /* Do nothing */ }
                                        throw new Exception("Cannot happen");
                                    var p = new Piece(type, owner, this);
                                    if (coords == null)
                                        currentState.CurrentPlayer.AddOffboard(currentState, p);
                                    else if (!board.TryPut(currentState, coords, p, null))
                                        throw new InvalidGameException(pieceNode.FileCoords() + " - Invalid coords for '" + type + "'");
                                    if (pieceNode.HasChild("TAG"))
                                        string tag = pieceNode.GetChild("TAG").GetOnlyChild().Text;
                                        currentState.GlobalContext.SetVariable(tag, p);


                if (t.HasChild("PATTERNS"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < t.GetChild("PATTERNS").ChildCount; i++)
                        var patternNode = t.GetChild("PATTERNS").GetChild(i);
                        var patternName = patternNode.GetChild("PATTERNNAME").GetOnlyChild().Text;
                        var elements = new List<RegExp.PatternElement>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < patternNode.GetChild("PATTERNPARTS").ChildCount; j++)
                            var elementNode = patternNode.GetChild("PATTERNPARTS").GetChild(j);
                            RegExp.PatternElement element = new RegExp.PatternElement();
                            var predNode = elementNode.GetChild("PATTERNPREDICATE").GetOnlyChild();
                            if (predNode.Text == "Empty")
                                element.Predicate = (state, coords) => board.PieceAt(state, coords, state.CurrentPlayer) == null;
                                Expression expr = predNode.ParseExpr();
                                element.Predicate = (state, coords) =>
                                    Context ctx = new Context(state.GlobalContext);
                                    ctx.SetXYZ(coords, state.CurrentPlayer);
                                    var retVal = expr.Eval(state, ctx);
                                    Player pl = retVal as Player;
                                    if (pl != null)
                                        Piece piece = board.PieceAt(state, coords, state.CurrentPlayer);
                                        if (piece == null) return false;
                                        return piece.Owner == pl;
                                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unsupported pattern predicate: {0}", retVal));
                            var countNode = elementNode.GetChild("PATTERNCOUNT").GetOnlyChild();
                            if (countNode.Text == "Target")
                                element.IsTarget = true;
                                element.Count = new int[] { 1 };
                                Context ctx = new Context(currentState.GlobalContext);
                                Expression expr = countNode.ParseExpr();
                                object count = expr.Eval(currentState, ctx);
                                if (count is int)
                                    element.Count = new int[] { (int)count };
                                else if (count is IEnumerable<int>)
                                    element.Count = (IEnumerable<int>)count;
                                else if (count is IEnumerable<object>)
                                    element.Count = from obj in (IEnumerable<object>)count
                                                    select (int)obj;
                                    throw new InvalidGameException("Invalid value for pattern range.");
                        var pattern = new RegExp.Pattern(elements);
                        currentState.GlobalContext.SetVariable(patternName, pattern);

                ITree moveRoot = t.GetChild("MOVES");
                if (mirrorMoves)

                for (int i = 0; i < t.GetChild("MOVES").ChildCount; i++)
                    var moveNode = t.GetChild("MOVES").GetChild(i);
                    string piece = moveNode.Text;
                    var moveOpNode = moveNode.GetChild("OP_MOVE");
                    var moveFromNode = moveOpNode.GetChild("MOVE_FROM");

                    CoordExpr moveFrom = null;
                    CoordExpr moveTo = null;

                    if (!moveFromNode.HasChild("Offboard"))
                        moveFrom = (CoordExpr)moveFromNode.GetOnlyChild().ParseExpr();
                    var moveToNode = moveOpNode.GetChild("MOVE_TO");
                    if (!moveToNode.HasChild("Offboard"))
                        moveTo = (CoordExpr)moveToNode.GetOnlyChild().ParseExpr();
                    var moveOptionsNode = moveOpNode.GetChild("MOVE_OPTIONS");
                    bool emptyTarget = moveOptionsNode.HasChild("Empty");

                    string label = null;
                    if (moveOpNode.HasChild("Label"))
                        label = moveOpNode.GetChild("Label").GetOnlyChild().Text;
                        currentState.GlobalContext.SetVariable(label, label);

                    Expression condition = null;
                    if (moveOpNode.HasChild("IF"))
                        condition = moveOpNode.GetChild("IF").GetOnlyChild().ParseExpr();

                    Statement stmt = null;
                    if (moveOpNode.HasChild("STATEMENTS"))
                        stmt = moveOpNode.GetChild("STATEMENTS").ParseStmtList();

                    var rule = new MoveRule(piece, moveFrom, moveTo, emptyTarget, label, condition, stmt, this);

                if (mirrorEvents)

                for (int i = 0; i < t.GetChild("EVENTS").ChildCount; i++)
                    var eventNode = t.GetChild("EVENTS").GetChild(i);
                    var stmt = eventNode.GetChild("STATEMENTS").ParseStmtList();

                    // Register event for all players
                    for (int eventI = 0; eventI < eventNode.GetChild("EVENTTYPES").ChildCount; eventI++)
                        var eventTypeNode = eventNode.GetChild("EVENTTYPES").GetChild(eventI);
                        Player p = (Player)eventTypeNode.GetChild("PLAYERREF").ParseExpr().Eval(currentState, new Context(currentState));
                        string eventType = eventTypeNode.GetChild(1).Text;
                        switch (eventType)
                            case "CannotMove":
                            case "FinishedMove":
                            case "BeforeMove":
                                throw new InvalidGameException("Invalid event: " + eventType);


                currentState.CurrentPlayerID = 0;
                firstState = currentState;
            catch (InvalidGameException)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidGameException(e);
예제 #7
 public static void DebugBreak(Context ctx)
예제 #8
 public static void Place(Context ctx, string piecetype, Coords c)
     Piece p = new Piece(piecetype, ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayer, ctx.Game);
     ctx.Game.board.TryPut(ctx.GameState, c, p, ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayer);
예제 #9
 public static void Win(Context ctx, Player p)
     p.Won = true;
예제 #10
 public static bool Match(Context ctx, Coords from, Coords target, RegExp.Pattern.Direction direction, RegExp.Pattern pattern)
     return pattern.Match(ctx.GameState, target, from, direction);
예제 #11
 public static void NextPlayer(Context ctx, Player p)
     ctx.GameState.OverrideNextPlayer = p;
예제 #12
 public static void ForEach(Context ctx, IEnumerable<object> set, ICallable func)
     foreach (var obj in set)
         func.Call(ctx.GameState, ctx, new[] { obj });
예제 #13
 public static bool IsEmpty(Context ctx, Coords c)
     return ctx.Game.board.PieceAt(ctx.GameState, c, ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayer) == null;
예제 #14
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
        internal bool MoveIsValidGlobal(GameState currentState, Coords from, Coords to, Context ctx)
            if (from != null && !board.IsValidPlace(currentState, from)) return false;
            if (to != null && !board.IsValidPlace(currentState, to)) return false;
            if (from == null && to == null) return false;

            if (from != null)
                Piece piece = board.PieceAt(currentState, from, null);

                // Cannot move empty square
                if (piece == null) return false;

                // Cannot move opponent's piece
                if (piece.Owner != currentState.CurrentPlayer) return false;

                // Cannot stay in place
                // Why not? :)
                //if (Coords.Match(from, to)) return false;

            return true;
예제 #15
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
        internal bool MoveIsValidForRule(GameState currentState, MoveRule rule, Piece piece, Coords from, Coords to, Context ctx)
            if (from != null) piece = board.PieceAt(currentState, from, currentState.CurrentPlayer);
            Piece oppPiece = board.PieceAt(currentState, to, currentState.CurrentPlayer);

            // Rule must be applicable to current piece
            if (rule.PieceType != piece.Type) return false;

            // Target should be empty
            if (rule.TargetMustBeEmpty && oppPiece != null) return false;

            if (rule.Condition != null)
                bool cond = (bool)rule.Condition.Eval(currentState, ctx);
                if (!cond) return false;

            if (rule.From == null)
                if (!currentState.CurrentPlayer.GetOffboard(currentState).Contains(piece)) return false;
                //var toT = board.Transformation(CurrentPlayer, to);
                ///var toTExpr = board.Transformation(CurrentPlayer, (Coords)rule.To.Eval(ctx));
                if (!Coords.Match(to, (Coords)rule.To.Eval(currentState, ctx))) return false;
            else if (rule.To == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
                // Check coords
                //var fromT = board.Transformation(CurrentPlayer, from);
                //var toT = board.Transformation(CurrentPlayer, to);
                //var fromTExpr = board.Transformation(CurrentPlayer, (Coords)rule.From.Eval(ctx));
                //var toTExpr = board.Transformation(CurrentPlayer, (Coords)rule.To.Eval(ctx));

                if (!Coords.Match(from, (Coords)rule.From.Eval(currentState, ctx))) return false;
                if (!Coords.Match(to, (Coords)rule.To.Eval(currentState, ctx))) return false;
            return true;
예제 #16
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
        public GameState TryMakeMoveFromOffboard(GameState oldState, Piece piece, Coords to)
            GameState newState = oldState.Clone();
            Context ctx = new Context(newState.GlobalContext);
            ctx.SetVariable("to", Transform(to, newState.CurrentPlayer));
            ctx.SetVariable("NewGameState", newState);

            // piece cannot be null
            if (piece == null) return null;
            // Cannot move opponent's piece
            if (piece.Owner != newState.CurrentPlayer) return null;

            bool isInlist = EnumerateMovesFromOffboard(newState, piece).Any(
                md => md.From == null && Coords.Match(md.To, to) && md.PieceType == piece.Type);
            if (!isInlist) return null;

            if (!MoveIsValidGlobal(newState, null, to, ctx)) return null;

            Piece oppPiece = board.PieceAt(newState, to, null);
            foreach (var rule in moveRules)
                // Only offboard rules here
                if (!rule.OffboardRule) continue;

                if (!MoveIsValidForRule(newState, rule, piece, null, to, ctx)) continue;

                // Move is valid
                rule.RunAction(newState, ctx);

                // Perform the move
                if (!newState.CurrentPlayer.RemoveOffBoard(newState, piece))
                    // Original piece was removed, should not happen!
                    throw new InvalidGameException("Cannot move from offboard, piece " + oppPiece.ToString() + " was removed!");
                if (!board.TryPut(newState, to, piece, null))
                    // Piece was not captured
                    throw new InvalidGameException("Cannot move to " + to.ToString() + ", piece " + oppPiece.ToString() + " is in the way!");

                ctx.SetXYZ(to, newState.CurrentPlayer);

                // Move was performed

                newState.CurrentPlayer.PostMove(newState, ctx);

                return newState;
            // No suitable rule found.
            return null;
예제 #17
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
        public GameState TryMakeMove(GameState oldState, Coords from, Coords to)
            GameState newState = oldState.Clone();
            Context ctx = new Context(newState.GlobalContext);
            // Special vars x, y are from coordinates
            ctx.SetXYZ(from, newState.CurrentPlayer);
            ctx.SetVariable("from", Transform(from, newState.CurrentPlayer));
            ctx.SetVariable("to", Transform(to, newState.CurrentPlayer));
            ctx.SetVariable("NewGameState", newState);

            if (!MoveIsValidGlobal(newState, from, to, ctx)) return null;

            Piece piece = board.PieceAt(newState, from, null);
            Piece oppPiece = board.PieceAt(newState, to, null);

            bool isInlist = EnumerateMovesFromCoord(newState, from).Any(
                md => Coords.Match(md.From, from) && Coords.Match(md.To, to));
            if (!isInlist) return null;

            foreach (var rule in moveRules)
                // No offboard rules here
                if (rule.OffboardRule) continue;

                var fromT = Transform(from, newState.CurrentPlayer);
                var toT = Transform(to, newState.CurrentPlayer);
                if (!MoveIsValidForRule(newState, rule, null, fromT, toT, ctx)) continue;

                // Move is valid
                rule.RunAction(newState, ctx);

                // Perform the move
                piece = board.PieceAt(newState, from, null);
                if (!board.TryRemove(newState, from, null))
                    // Original piece was removed, should not happen!
                    throw new InvalidGameException("Cannot move from " + from.ToString() + ", piece " + oppPiece.ToString() + " was removed!");
                if (!board.TryPut(newState, to, piece, null))
                    // Piece was not captured
                    throw new InvalidGameException("Cannot move to " + to.ToString() + ", piece " + oppPiece.ToString() + " is in the way!");

                ctx.SetXYZ(to, newState.CurrentPlayer);

                // Move was performed

                newState.CurrentPlayer.PostMove(newState, ctx);

                return newState;
            // No suitable rule found.
            return null;
예제 #18
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
        public IEnumerable<MoveDefinition> EnumeratePossibleMoves(GameState state)
            HashSet<MoveDefinition> moves = new HashSet<MoveDefinition>();

            foreach (var p in state.CurrentPlayer.GetOffboard(state))
                foreach (var c in board.EnumerateCoords(state, null))
                    foreach (var rule in this.moveRules)
                        if (rule.From != null) continue;
                        Context ctx = new Context(state.GlobalContext);
                        ctx.SetXYZ(c, state.CurrentPlayer);
                        var cT = Transform(c, state.CurrentPlayer);
                        ctx.SetVariable("to", cT);
                        if (MoveIsValidGlobal(state, null, c, ctx) && MoveIsValidForRule(state, rule, p, null, cT, ctx))
                            moves.Add(new MoveDefinition(pieceType: p.Type, label: rule.Label, from: null, to: c, game: this));
            foreach (var from in board.EnumerateCoords(state, null))
                foreach (var to in board.EnumerateCoords(state, null))
                    foreach (var rule in this.moveRules)
                        if (rule.OffboardRule) continue;
                        Context ctx = new Context(state.GlobalContext);
                        ctx.SetXYZ(from, state.CurrentPlayer);
                        var fromT = Transform(from, state.CurrentPlayer);
                        var toT = Transform(to, state.CurrentPlayer);
                        ctx.SetVariable("from", fromT);
                        ctx.SetVariable("to", toT);
                        if (MoveIsValidGlobal(state, from, to, ctx) && MoveIsValidForRule(state, rule, null, fromT, toT, ctx))
                            moves.Add(new MoveDefinition(pieceType: board.PieceAt(state, from, null).Type, label: rule.Label, from: from, to: to, game: this));
            return state.AllowedMoves == null ? moves : moves.Intersect(state.AllowedMoves);
예제 #19
 public static IEnumerable<object> GetMatching(Context ctx, Coords from, Coords target, int direction, RegExp.Pattern pattern)
     IEnumerable<Coords> c;
     if (pattern.CaptureAll(ctx.GameState, target, from, RegExp.Pattern.Direction.Any, out c))
         return c;
         return new List<object>();
예제 #20
 public static int Abs(Context ctx, int i)
     return Math.Abs(i);
예제 #21
 public static void Lose(Context ctx, Player p)
     p.Lost = true;
예제 #22
 public static IEnumerable<object> AddToSet(Context ctx, IEnumerable<object> set, object obj)
     return set.Union(new[] { obj });
예제 #23
 public static object Min(Context ctx, IEnumerable<object> set)
     return set.Min();
예제 #24
 public static Piece ChoosePiece(Context ctx, Player p, IEnumerable<object> set)
     if (set.Count() == 0)
         return null;
     var pieces = set.OfType<Piece>();
     int currentPlayerID = ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayerID;
     ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayerID = p.ID - 1;
     Piece pi = ctx.Game.AskForPiece(ctx.GameState, pieces);
     ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayerID = currentPlayerID;
     return pi;
예제 #25
 public static Piece PieceAt(Context ctx, Coords c)
     return ctx.Game.board.PieceAt(ctx.GameState, c, ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayer);
예제 #26
 public static bool Contains(Context ctx, IEnumerable<object> set, object obj)
     return set.Contains(obj);
예제 #27
 public static void RemovePiece(Context ctx, object toRemove)
     Coords c = toRemove as Coords;
     if (c != null)
         ctx.Game.board.TryRemove(ctx.GameState, c, ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayer);
     Piece p = toRemove as Piece;
     if (p != null)
         ctx.Game.board.TryRemove(ctx.GameState, p.GetPosition(ctx.GameState, ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayer), ctx.GameState.CurrentPlayer);
예제 #28
 public static int Count(Context ctx, IEnumerable<object> set)
     return set.Count();
예제 #29
파일: Board.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
 private bool IsValidByRules(GameState state, Coords c)
     Context ctx = new Context(state);
     ctx.SetXYZ(c, null);
     if (Valid == RuleType.Valid)
         // We must match at least one rule
         foreach (var exp in ruleList)
             bool b = (bool)exp.Eval(state, ctx);
             if (b) return true;
         return false;
         // We mustn't match any rule
         foreach (var exp in ruleList)
             bool b = (bool)exp.Eval(state, ctx);
             if (b) return false;
         return true;
예제 #30
파일: Context.cs 프로젝트: hgabor/boardgame
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates am empty context with the specified parent
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"></param>
 internal Context(Context parent)
     this.parent = parent;
     this.Game = parent.Game;
     this.GameState = parent.GameState;