/// <summary>Implementation of the routine which gets the factory of the Entity type with the .NET type passed in</summary> /// <param name="typeOfEntity">The type of entity.</param> /// <returns>the entity factory of the entity type or null if not found</returns> protected override IEntityFactoryCore GetFactoryImpl(Type typeOfEntity) { return(EntityFactoryFactory.GetFactory(typeOfEntity)); }
/// <summary>Implementation of the routine which gets the factory of the Entity type with the Let3arafo.Data.EntityType value passed in</summary> /// <param name="entityTypeValue">The entity type value.</param> /// <returns>the entity factory of the entity type or null if not found</returns> protected override IEntityFactoryCore GetFactoryImpl(int entityTypeValue) { return(EntityFactoryFactory.GetFactory((Let3arafo.Data.EntityType)entityTypeValue)); }