예제 #1
        //Quickscope : Attempt to cast QE quickcombo to target position, pos : target position (use correctThisPos for optimal results), targettarget (1hp required) : the initial barrel to use, if the target barrel is within E range and distance to player is greater than 500 (avoid long backward walking) it will move to it before casting the combo
        public static void quickscope(BarrelsManager.Barrel target, Vector2 pos)
            bool canconnect = false;
            bool shouldmove = false;
            bool inposition = false;
            bool done       = false;

            //Verify if the wanted position is within range
            if (Program.Player.Position.Distance(pos.To3D()) < Program.E.Range)
                canconnect = true;
                canconnect = false;

            //Verify if we should move in order to get the combo
            if ((Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) > 610 && Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) < 1000) || (Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) < 590 && Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) > 500))
                shouldmove = true;
            else if (Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) >= 590 && Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) <= 610)
                shouldmove = false;
                inposition = true;
                shouldmove = false;

            //If requirements are K we move
            if (shouldmove && canconnect)
                Vector3 position    = Program.Player.Position;
                double  vX          = position.X - target.barrel.Position.X;
                double  vY          = position.Y - target.barrel.Position.Y;
                double  magV        = Math.Sqrt(vX * vX + vY * vY);
                double  aX          = Math.Round(target.barrel.Position.X + vX / magV * 600);
                double  aY          = Math.Round(target.barrel.Position.Y + vY / magV * 600);
                Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(Convert.ToInt32(aX), Convert.ToInt32(aY));
                if (position.Distance(target.barrel.Position) - 580 >= 50) //If correction is far from hero
                    Program.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, newPosition.To3D());
                else //If correction is within hero hitbox (wont move cauz distance too small)
                    Program.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, new Vector2(Program.Player.Position.X - 200, Program.Player.Position.Y - 200).To3D());
                    Utility.DelayAction.Add(50, () => Program.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, newPosition.To3D()));
            //If all is K we quickscope
            if (inposition && target.barrel.Health == 1 && !done)
                done = true;
예제 #2
        public static void autoAttack(BarrelsManager.Barrel targetBarrel)
            float time;

            if (Program.Player.Level < 7)
                time = 4f * 1000;
            else if (Program.Player.Level >= 7 && Program.Player.Level < 13)
                time = 2f * 1000;
                time = 1f * 1000;

            var qq = Environment.TickCount - targetBarrel.time + Program.Player.AttackDelay;

            if (targetBarrel.barrel.Distance(Program.Player) <= Program.Player.AttackRange)
                if (Utility.DelayAction.ActionList.Count == 0)
                    Utility.DelayAction.Add(Convert.ToInt32(time - qq), () => Program.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.AttackUnit, targetBarrel.barrel));
예제 #3
        public static void castQ(BarrelsManager.Barrel targetBarrel)
            float time;

            if (Program.Player.Level < 7)
                time = 4f * 1000;
            else if (Program.Player.Level >= 7 && Program.Player.Level < 13)
                time = 2f * 1000;
                time = 1f * 1000;

            var qq = Environment.TickCount - targetBarrel.time + (Program.Player.Distance(targetBarrel.barrel) / 2800f + Program.Q.Delay) * 700;

            if (targetBarrel.barrel.Distance(Program.Player) <= Program.Q.Range)
                if (Utility.DelayAction.ActionList.Count == 0)
                    Utility.DelayAction.Add(Convert.ToInt32(time - qq), () => Program.Q.CastOnUnit(targetBarrel.barrel));
예제 #4
        public static float GetQtime(BarrelsManager.Barrel targetBarrel)
            float time;

            if (Program.Player.Level < 7)
                time = 4f * 1000;
            else if (Program.Player.Level >= 7 && Program.Player.Level < 13)
                time = 2f * 1000;
                time = 1f * 1000;

            var qq     = Environment.TickCount - targetBarrel.time + (Program.Player.Distance(targetBarrel.barrel) / 2800f + Program.Q.Delay) * 700;
            var result = time - qq;
