예제 #1
        public SiteConquered(List<Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)
            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                    case "ordinal": Ordinal = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
                    case "war_eventcol": ParentCollection = world.GetEventCollection(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "attacking_enid": Attacker = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_enid": Defender = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;


            if (Collection.OfType<PlunderedSite>().Any()) ConquerType = SiteConqueredType.Pillaging;
            else if (Collection.OfType<DestroyedSite>().Any()) ConquerType = SiteConqueredType.Destruction;
            else if (Collection.OfType<NewSiteLeader>().Any() || Collection.OfType<SiteTakenOver>().Any()) ConquerType = SiteConqueredType.Conquest;
            else ConquerType = SiteConqueredType.Unknown;

            if (ConquerType == SiteConqueredType.Pillaging) Notable = false;

            if (ParentCollection != null)
                (ParentCollection as War).DeathCount += Collection.OfType<HFDied>().Count();

                if (Attacker == (ParentCollection as War).Attacker) 
                    (ParentCollection as War).AttackerVictories.Add(this);
                    (ParentCollection as War).DefenderVictories.Add(this);

예제 #2
        public static HTMLPrinter GetPrinter(object printObject, World world)
            Type printType = printObject.GetType();
            if (printType == typeof(Battle))
                return new BattlePrinter(printObject as Battle, world);
            if (printType == typeof(BeastAttack))
                return new BeastAttackPrinter(printObject as BeastAttack, world);
            if (printType == typeof(Entity))
                return new EntityPrinter(printObject as Entity, world);
            if (printType == typeof(Era))
                return new EraPrinter(printObject as Era);
            if (printType == typeof(HistoricalFigure))
                return new HistoricalFigureHTMLPrinter(printObject as HistoricalFigure, world);
            if (printType == typeof(WorldRegion))
                return new RegionPrinter(printObject as WorldRegion, world);
            if (printType == typeof(SiteConquered))
                return new SiteConqueredPrinter(printObject as SiteConquered, world);
            if (printType == typeof(Site))
                return new SitePrinter(printObject as Site, world);
            if (printType == typeof(UndergroundRegion))
                return new UndergroundRegionPrinter(printObject as UndergroundRegion, world);
            if (printType == typeof(War))
                return new WarPrinter(printObject as War, world);
            if (printType == typeof(World))
                return new WorldStatsPrinter(world);
            if (printType == typeof(Artifact))
                return new ArtifactPrinter(printObject as Artifact);
            if (printType == typeof(WorldContruction))
                return new WorldConstructionPrinter(printObject as WorldContruction);

            if (printType == typeof(string))
                return new StringPrinter(printObject as string);

            throw new Exception("No HTML Printer for type: " + printObject.GetType().ToString());
예제 #3
 public XMLParser(World world, string xmlFile)
     World = world;
     StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(xmlFile, Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252"));
     XML = new XmlTextReader(reader);
     XML.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant;
예제 #4
 public EntityEntityLink(List<Property> properties, World world)
     Type = EntityEntityLinkType.Unknown;
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "type":
                 switch (property.Value)
                     case "CHILD":
                         Type = EntityEntityLinkType.Child;
                     case "PARENT":
                         Type = EntityEntityLinkType.Parent;
                         world.ParsingErrors.Report("Unknown Entity Entity Link Type: " + property.Value);
             case "target":
                 Target = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value));
             case "strength":
                 Strength = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value);
예제 #5
 public UndergroundRegion(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     Depth = 0;
     Type = "";
     Battles = new List<Battle>();
     Coordinates = new List<Location>();
     foreach (Property property in properties)
             case "depth": Depth = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
             case "type": Type = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "coords":
                 string[] coordinateStrings = property.Value.Split(new char[] { '|' },
                 foreach (var coordinateString in coordinateStrings)
                     string[] xYCoordinates = coordinateString.Split(',');
                     int x = Convert.ToInt32(xYCoordinates[0]);
                     int y = Convert.ToInt32(xYCoordinates[1]);
                     Coordinates.Add(new Location(x, y));
예제 #6
        public BeastAttack(List<Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)

            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                    case "ordinal": Ordinal = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
                    case "coords": Coordinates = Formatting.ConvertToLocation(property.Value); break;
                    case "parent_eventcol": ParentCollection = world.GetEventCollection(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "subregion_id": Region = world.GetRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "feature_layer_id": UndergroundRegion = world.GetUndergroundRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_enid": Defender = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;


            //--------Attacking Beast is calculated after parsing event collections in ParseXML()
            //--------So that it can also look at eventsList from duel sub collections to calculate the Beast

            //-------Fill in some missing event details with details from collection
            //-------Filled in after parsing event collections in ParseXML()
예제 #7
        public HistoricalFigureLink(List<Property> properties, World world)
            Strength = 0;
            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                    case "hfid":
                        int id = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value);
                        HistoricalFigure = world.GetHistoricalFigure(id);
                        if (HistoricalFigure == null)
                            notYetLoadedHFID = id;
                    case "link_strength": Strength = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
                    case "link_type":
                        HistoricalFigureLinkType linkType = HistoricalFigureLinkType.Unknown;
                        if (!Enum.TryParse(Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value), out linkType))
                            Type = HistoricalFigureLinkType.Unknown;
                            world.ParsingErrors.Report("Unknown HF Link Type: " + property.Value);
                            Type = linkType;

            //XML states that deity links, that should be 100, are 0.
            if (Type == HistoricalFigureLinkType.Deity && Strength == 0)
                Strength = 100;
예제 #8
 public WorldContruction(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     Name = "Untitled";
     Coordinates = new List<Location>();
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "type": Type = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "coords":
                 string[] coordinateStrings = property.Value.Split(new char[] { '|' },
                 foreach (var coordinateString in coordinateStrings)
                     string[] xYCoordinates = coordinateString.Split(',');
                     int x = Convert.ToInt32(xYCoordinates[0]);
                     int y = Convert.ToInt32(xYCoordinates[1]);
                     Coordinates.Add(new Location(x, y));
예제 #9
 public Duel(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "ordinal": Ordinal = String.Intern(property.Value); break;
             case "coords": Coordinates = Formatting.ConvertToLocation(property.Value); break;
             case "parent_eventcol": ParentCollection = world.GetEventCollection(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "subregion_id": Region = world.GetRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "feature_layer_id": UndergroundRegion = world.GetUndergroundRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "attacking_hfid": Attacker = world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "defending_hfid": Defender = world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
     //foreach (WorldEvent collectionEvent in Collection) this.AddEvent(collectionEvent);
     if (ParentCollection != null && ParentCollection.GetType() == typeof(Battle))
         foreach (HFDied death in Collection.OfType<HFDied>())
             Battle battle = ParentCollection as Battle;
             if (battle.NotableAttackers.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure))
                 battle.Attackers.Single(squad => squad.Race == death.HistoricalFigure.Race).Deaths++;
                 (battle.ParentCollection as War).AttackerDeathCount++;
             else if (battle.NotableDefenders.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure))
                 battle.Defenders.Single(squad => squad.Race == death.HistoricalFigure.Race).Deaths++;
                 (battle.ParentCollection as War).DefenderDeathCount++;
             (ParentCollection.ParentCollection as War).DeathCount++;
예제 #10
        public Theft(List<Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)
            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                    case "ordinal": Ordinal = String.Intern(property.Value); break;
                    case "coords": Coordinates = Formatting.ConvertToLocation(property.Value); break;
                    case "parent_eventcol": ParentCollection = world.GetEventCollection(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "subregion_id": Region = world.GetRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "feature_layer_id": UndergroundRegion = world.GetUndergroundRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "attacking_enid": Attacker = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_enid": Defender = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

            foreach (ItemStolen theft in Collection.OfType<ItemStolen>())
                theft.Site = Site;
                Site.Events = Site.Events.OrderBy(ev => ev.ID).ToList();
                if (Attacker.SiteHistory.Count == 1)
                    theft.ReturnSite = Attacker.SiteHistory.First().Site;
                    theft.ReturnSite.Events = theft.ReturnSite.Events.OrderBy(ev => ev.ID).ToList();

예제 #11
 protected EventCollection(List<Property> properties, World world)
     World = world;
     foreach(Property property in properties)
             case "id": this.ID = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); property.Known = true; break;
             case "start_year": this.StartYear = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); property.Known = true; break;
             case "start_seconds72": this.StartSeconds72 = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); property.Known = true; break;
             case "end_year": this.EndYear = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); property.Known = true; break;
             case "end_seconds72": this.EndSeconds72 = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); property.Known = true; break;
             case "type": this.Type = Formatting.InitCaps(String.Intern(property.Value)); property.Known = true; break;
             case "event":
                 WorldEvent collectionEvent = world.GetEvent(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value));
                 //Some Events don't exist in the XML now with 34.01? 
                 ///TODO: Investigate EventCollection Events that don't exist in the XML, check if they exist in game or if this is just errors.
                 if (collectionEvent != null)
                     collectionEvent.ParentCollection = this;
                     this.Collection.Add(collectionEvent); property.Known = true;
             case "eventcol": this.CollectionIDs.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); property.Known = true; break;
             default: break;
예제 #12
 public HTMLControl(object htmlObject, DwarfTabControl tabControl, World world)
     World = world;
     HTMLObject = htmlObject;
     Printer = HTMLPrinter.GetPrinter(htmlObject, world);
     Title = Printer.GetTitle();
     TabControl = tabControl;
예제 #13
 public Journey(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "ordinal": Ordinal = String.Intern(property.Value); break;
예제 #14
        public dlgHF(World world)

            var hfByRace = world.HistoricalFigures.GroupBy(hf => hf.Race).Select(hf => hf.Key).OrderBy(hf => hf);
            foreach (var race in hfByRace)
예제 #15
 public XMLParser(World world, string xmlFile) : this(xmlFile)
     World = world;
     string xmlPlusFile = xmlFile.Replace(".xml", "_plus.xml");
     if (File.Exists(xmlPlusFile))
         xmlPlusParser = new XMLPlusParser(world, xmlPlusFile);
         World.Log.AppendLine("Found LEGENDS_PLUS.XML!");
         World.Log.AppendLine("Parsed additional data...\n");
예제 #16
 protected WorldObject(List<Property> properties, World world)
     ID = -1;
     Events = new List<WorldEvent>();
     foreach(Property property in properties)
             case "id": ID = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); property.Known = true; break;
             default: break;
예제 #17
 public WorldRegion(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     Battles = new List<Battle>();
     foreach(Property property in properties)
             case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "type": Type = String.Intern(property.Value); break;
예제 #18
        public Artifact(List<Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)
            foreach(Property property in properties)
                    case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
                    case "item": Item = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;

예제 #19
파일: Era.cs 프로젝트: Riock/Legends-Viewer
 public Era(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     this.ID = world.Eras.Count;
     foreach(Property property in properties)
             case "start_year": StartYear = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
             case "name": Name = property.Value; break;
예제 #20
 public Entity(World world)
     ID = -1; Name = "INVALID ENTITY"; Race = "Unknown";
     Parent = null;
     Worshipped = new List<HistoricalFigure>();
     LeaderTypes = new List<string>();
     Leaders = new List<List<HistoricalFigure>>();
     Groups = new List<Entity>();
     SiteHistory = new List<OwnerPeriod>();
     Wars = new List<War>();
     Populations = new List<Population>();
예제 #21
파일: Era.cs 프로젝트: Riock/Legends-Viewer
 public Era(int startYear, int endYear, World world)
     this.ID = world.Eras.Count - 1 + world.TempEras.Count;
     StartYear = startYear; EndYear = endYear; Name = "";
     Events = world.Events.Where(ev => ev.Year >= StartYear && ev.Year <= EndYear).OrderBy(events => events.Year).ToList();
     Wars = world.EventCollections.OfType<War>().Where(war => (war.StartYear >= StartYear && war.EndYear <= EndYear && war.EndYear != -1) //entire war between
                                                                                             || (war.StartYear >= StartYear && war.StartYear <= EndYear) //war started before & ended
                                                                                             || (war.EndYear >= StartYear && war.EndYear <= EndYear && war.EndYear != -1) //war started during
                                                                                             || (war.StartYear <= StartYear && war.EndYear >= EndYear) //war started before & ended after
                                                                                             || (war.StartYear <= StartYear && war.EndYear == -1)).ToList();
예제 #22
 public UndergroundRegion(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     Depth = 0;
     Type = "";
     Battles = new List<Battle>();
     foreach(Property property in properties)
             case "depth": Depth = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
             case "type": Type = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
예제 #23
 public EntityReputation(List<Property> properties, World world)
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "entity_id": Entity = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "unsolved_murders": UnsolvedMurders = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
             case "first_ageless_year": FirstSuspectedAgelessYear = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
             case "first_ageless_season_count": FirstSuspectedAglessSeason = Formatting.TimeCountToSeason(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
예제 #24
 public Purge(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "ordinal": Ordinal = String.Intern(property.Value); break;
             case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "adjective": Adjective = property.Value; break;
예제 #25
 public dlgPopulation(World world)
     var populationGrouped = from population in world.SitePopulations
                             group population by population.Race into popType
                             select new { Type = popType.Key, Count = popType.Sum(population => population.Count) };
     populationGrouped = populationGrouped.OrderBy(population => population.Type);
     foreach (var population in populationGrouped)
         listPopulations.Items.Add(population.Type + ": " + population.Count);
         Populations.Add(new Population(population.Type, population.Count));
예제 #26
 public Structure(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "name2": AltName = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "type": Type = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
예제 #27
        public XMLParser(World world, string xmlFile)
            World = world;
            XML = new XmlTextReader(new StreamReader(xmlFile));
            XML.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant;
            //TODO: Error Handling, fixing missing root element from dwarf fortress versions 31.12 and under exports
            //    ParseXML(XML);
            //catch (System.Xml.XmlException xmlError)
            //    XML.Close();
            //    File.Move(xmlFile, xmlFile + ".bad");
            //    using (StreamReader badXML = new StreamReader(xmlFile + ".bad", Encoding.Default))
            //    {
            //        using (StreamWriter fixedXML = new StreamWriter(xmlFile, false))
            //        {
            //            string CurrentLine = "";
            //            while (!badXML.EndOfStream)
            //            {
            //                CurrentLine = badXML.ReadLine();
            //                fixedXML.WriteLine(CurrentLine);
            //                if (CurrentLine == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding='UTF-8'?>") fixedXML.WriteLine("<df_world>");
            //            }
            //            fixedXML.WriteLine("</df_world>");

            //        }
            //    }

            //    File.Delete(xmlFile + ".bad");
            //    XML = new XmlTextReader(xmlFile);
            //    try { ParseXML(XML); }
            //    catch
            //    {
            //        throw;
            //    }

            //    throw;
            //    XML.Close();
예제 #28
 public Abduction(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "ordinal": Ordinal = String.Intern(property.Value); break;
             case "coords": Coordinates = Formatting.ConvertToLocation(property.Value); break;
             case "parent_eventcol": ParentCollection = world.GetEventCollection(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "subregion_id": Region = world.GetRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "feature_layer_id": UndergroundRegion = world.GetUndergroundRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "attacking_enid": Attacker = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
             case "defending_enid": Defender = world.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
예제 #29
 public Artifact(List<Property> properties, World world)
     : base(properties, world)
     Name = "Untitled";
     foreach(Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "item": Item = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "item_type": Type = property.Value; break;
             case "item_subtype": SubType = property.Value; break;
             case "item_description": Description = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
             case "mat": Material = property.Value; break;
예제 #30
 public EntityLink(List<Property> properties, World world)
     Strength = 0;
     StartYear = -1;
     EndYear = -1;
     foreach (Property property in properties)
         switch (property.Name)
             case "entity_id":
                 int id = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value);
                 Entity = world.GetEntity(id);
             case "position_profile_id": PositionID = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
             case "start_year": 
                 StartYear = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value);
                 Type = EntityLinkType.Position;
             case "end_year": 
                 EndYear = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value);
                 Type = EntityLinkType.FormerPosition;
             case "link_strength": Strength = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value); break;
             case "link_type":
                 EntityLinkType linkType;
                 if (!Enum.TryParse(Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value), out linkType))
                     switch (property.Value)
                         case "former member": Type = EntityLinkType.FormerMember; break;
                         case "former prisoner": Type = EntityLinkType.FormerPrisoner; break;
                         case "former slave": Type = EntityLinkType.FormerSlave; break;
                             Type = EntityLinkType.Unknown;
                             world.ParsingErrors.Report("Unknown Entity Link Type: " + property.Value);
                     Type = linkType;
예제 #31
        public Entity(List <Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)
            Name        = "";
            Race        = "Unknown";
            Parent      = null;
            Worshipped  = new List <HistoricalFigure>();
            LeaderTypes = new List <string>();
            Leaders     = new List <List <HistoricalFigure> >();
            Groups      = new List <Entity>();
            SiteHistory = new List <OwnerPeriod>();
            SiteLinks   = new List <EntitySiteLink>();
            EntityLinks = new List <EntityEntityLink>();
            Wars        = new List <War>();
            Populations = new List <Population>();
            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;

                case "race":
                    var race = property.Value.Replace("_", " ").Replace("man", "Men");
                    Race = Formatting.InitCaps(race);

                case "type":
                    switch (property.Value)
                    case "civilization":
                        Type = EntityType.Civilization;

                    case "religion":
                        Type = EntityType.Religion;

                    case "sitegovernment":
                        Type = EntityType.SiteGovernment;

                    case "nomadicgroup":
                        Type = EntityType.NomadicGroup;

                    case "outcast":
                        Type = EntityType.Outcast;

                    case "migratinggroup":
                        Type = EntityType.MigratingGroup;

                        Type = EntityType.Unknown;
                        world.ParsingErrors.Report("Unknown Entity Type: " + property.Value);

                case "child":
                    property.Known = true;

                case "site_link":
                    SiteLinks.Add(new EntitySiteLink(property.SubProperties, world));

                case "entity_link":
                    property.Known = true;
                    foreach (Property subProperty in property.SubProperties)
                        subProperty.Known = true;
                    world.AddEntityEntityLink(this, property);

                case "worship_id":
                    property.Known = true;
예제 #32
        public Battle(List<Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)


            List<string> attackerSquadRace, defenderSquadRace;
            List<int> attackerSquadEntityPopulation, attackerSquadNumbers, attackerSquadDeaths, attackerSquadSite,
                         defenderSquadEntityPopulation, defenderSquadNumbers, defenderSquadDeaths, defenderSquadSite;
            NotableAttackers = new List<HistoricalFigure>(); NotableDefenders = new List<HistoricalFigure>();
            AttackerSquads = new List<Squad>(); DefenderSquads = new List<Squad>();
            attackerSquadRace = new List<string>(); attackerSquadEntityPopulation = new List<int>(); attackerSquadNumbers = new List<int>(); attackerSquadDeaths = new List<int>();
            attackerSquadSite = new List<int>();
            defenderSquadRace = new List<string>(); defenderSquadEntityPopulation = new List<int>(); defenderSquadNumbers = new List<int>(); defenderSquadDeaths = new List<int>();
            defenderSquadSite = new List<int>();
            Attackers = new List<Squad>();
            Defenders = new List<Squad>();
            NonCombatants = new List<HistoricalFigure>();
            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                    case "outcome": switch (property.Value)
                            case "attacker won": Outcome = BattleOutcome.AttackerWon; break;
                            case "defender won": Outcome = BattleOutcome.DefenderWon; break;
                            default: Outcome = BattleOutcome.Unknown; world.ParsingErrors.Report("Unknown Battle Outcome: " + property.Value); break;
                        } break;
                    case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;
                    case "coords": Coordinates = Formatting.ConvertToLocation(property.Value); break;
                    case "war_eventcol": ParentCollection = world.GetEventCollection(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "subregion_id": Region = world.GetRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "feature_layer_id": UndergroundRegion = world.GetUndergroundRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "attacking_hfid": NotableAttackers.Add(world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value))); break;
                    case "defending_hfid": NotableDefenders.Add(world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value))); break;
                    case "attacking_squad_race": attackerSquadRace.Add(Formatting.FormatRace(property.Value)); break;
                    case "attacking_squad_entity_pop": attackerSquadEntityPopulation.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "attacking_squad_number": attackerSquadNumbers.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "attacking_squad_deaths": attackerSquadDeaths.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "attacking_squad_site": attackerSquadSite.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_squad_race": defenderSquadRace.Add(Formatting.FormatRace(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_squad_entity_pop": defenderSquadEntityPopulation.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_squad_number": defenderSquadNumbers.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_squad_deaths": defenderSquadDeaths.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "defending_squad_site": defenderSquadSite.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;
                    case "noncom_hfid": NonCombatants.Add(world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value))); break;

            if (Collection.OfType<AttackedSite>().Count() > 0)
                Attacker = Collection.OfType<AttackedSite>().First().Attacker;
                Defender = Collection.OfType<AttackedSite>().First().Defender;
            else if (Collection.OfType<FieldBattle>().Count() > 0)
                Attacker = Collection.OfType<FieldBattle>().First().Attacker;
                Defender = Collection.OfType<FieldBattle>().First().Defender;

            foreach (HistoricalFigure attacker in NotableAttackers) attacker.Battles.Add(this);
            foreach (HistoricalFigure defender in NotableDefenders) defender.Battles.Add(this);
            foreach (HistoricalFigure nonCombatant in NonCombatants) nonCombatant.Battles.Add(this);

            for (int i = 0; i < attackerSquadRace.Count; i++)
                AttackerSquads.Add(new Squad(attackerSquadRace[i], attackerSquadNumbers[i], attackerSquadDeaths[i], attackerSquadSite[i], attackerSquadEntityPopulation[i]));
            for (int i = 0; i < defenderSquadRace.Count; i++)
                DefenderSquads.Add(new Squad(defenderSquadRace[i], defenderSquadNumbers[i], defenderSquadDeaths[i], defenderSquadSite[i], defenderSquadEntityPopulation[i]));

            var groupedAttackerSquads = from squad in AttackerSquads
                                        group squad by squad.Race into squadRace
                                        select new { Race = squadRace.Key, Count = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Numbers), Deaths = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Deaths) };
            foreach (var squad in groupedAttackerSquads)
                Attackers.Add(new Squad(squad.Race, squad.Count + NotableAttackers.Count(attacker => attacker.Race == squad.Race), squad.Deaths + Collection.OfType<HFDied>().Count(death => death.HistoricalFigure.Race == squad.Race && NotableAttackers.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure)), -1, -1));
            foreach (var attacker in NotableAttackers.Where(hf => Attackers.Count(squad => squad.Race == hf.Race) == 0).GroupBy(hf => hf.Race).Select(race => new { Race = race.Key, Count = race.Count() }))
                Attackers.Add(new Squad(attacker.Race, attacker.Count, Collection.OfType<HFDied>().Count(death => NotableAttackers.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure) && death.HistoricalFigure.Race == attacker.Race), -1, -1));
            AttackersAsList = new List<string>();
            foreach (Squad squad in Attackers)
                for (int i = 0; i < squad.Numbers; i++)

            var groupedDefenderSquads = from squad in DefenderSquads
                                        group squad by squad.Race into squadRace
                                        select new { Race = squadRace.Key, Count = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Numbers), Deaths = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Deaths) };
            foreach (var squad in groupedDefenderSquads)
                Defenders.Add(new Squad(squad.Race, squad.Count + NotableDefenders.Count(defender => defender.Race == squad.Race), squad.Deaths + Collection.OfType<HFDied>().Count(death => death.HistoricalFigure.Race == squad.Race && NotableDefenders.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure)), -1, -1));
            foreach (var defender in NotableDefenders.Where(hf => Defenders.Count(squad => squad.Race == hf.Race) == 0).GroupBy(hf => hf.Race).Select(race => new { Race = race.Key, Count = race.Count() }))
                Defenders.Add(new Squad(defender.Race, defender.Count, Collection.OfType<HFDied>().Count(death => NotableDefenders.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure) && death.HistoricalFigure.Race == defender.Race), -1, -1));
            DefendersAsList = new List<string>();
            foreach (Squad squad in Defenders)
                for (int i = 0; i < squad.Numbers; i++)

            Deaths = new List<string>();
            foreach (Squad squad in Attackers.Concat(Defenders))
                for (int i = 0; i < squad.Deaths; i++)

            AttackerDeathCount = Attackers.Sum(attacker => attacker.Deaths);
            DefenderDeathCount = Defenders.Sum(defender => defender.Deaths);

            if (Outcome == BattleOutcome.AttackerWon) Victor = Attacker;
            else if (Outcome == BattleOutcome.DefenderWon) Victor = Defender;

            War parentWar = ParentCollection as War;
            if (parentWar != null)
                if (parentWar.Attacker == Attacker)
                    parentWar.AttackerDeathCount += AttackerDeathCount;
                    parentWar.DefenderDeathCount += DefenderDeathCount;
                    parentWar.AttackerDeathCount += DefenderDeathCount;
                    parentWar.DefenderDeathCount += AttackerDeathCount;
                parentWar.DeathCount += attackerSquadDeaths.Sum() + defenderSquadDeaths.Sum() + Collection.OfType<HFDied>().Count();

                if (Attacker == parentWar.Attacker && Victor == Attacker) parentWar.AttackerVictories.Add(this);
                else parentWar.DefenderVictories.Add(this);

            if (Site != null) Site.Warfare.Add(this);
            if (Region != null) Region.Battles.Add(this);
            if (UndergroundRegion != null) UndergroundRegion.Battles.Add(this);

            if ((attackerSquadDeaths.Sum() + defenderSquadDeaths.Sum() + Collection.OfType<HFDied>().Count()) == 0)
                Notable = false;
            if ((attackerSquadNumbers.Sum() + NotableAttackers.Count) > ((defenderSquadNumbers.Sum() + NotableDefenders.Count) * 10) //NotableDefenders outnumbered 10 to 1
                && Victor == Attacker
                && AttackerDeathCount < ((NotableAttackers.Count + attackerSquadNumbers.Sum()) * 0.1)) //NotableAttackers lossses < 10%
                Notable = false;