public CommonForceUltimate(ZedMenu zedMenu, ZedSpells zedSpells, Orbwalking.Orbwalker orbwalker) { player = ObjectManager.Player; this.zedMenu = zedMenu; r = zedSpells.R; zedOrbwalker = orbwalker; mouseImage1 = new Render.Sprite(Resources.mouse1, new Vector2(0, 0)); mouseImage1.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); mouseImage1.Add(); mouseImage2 = new Render.Sprite(Resources.mouse2, new Vector2(0, 0)); mouseImage2.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); mouseImage2.Add(); denyMouseImage = new Render.Sprite(Resources.denymouse, new Vector2(0, 0)); denyMouseImage.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); denyMouseImage.Add(); denyMouseImage.Visible = false; Text.Add(); Text.Visible = false; Game.OnWndProc += CheckMouseButtons; Game.OnUpdate += ShowAnimation; }
private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { sImage = new Render.Sprite(ImageLoader.Load("kaczorek"), new Vector2(100, 100)); sImage.Scale = new Vector2(100, 100); sImage.Add(0); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
public static void Game_OnGameLoad() { try { foreach (var sName in SummonersNames) { SummonerTextures.Add(sName, GetSummonerTexture(sName)); } CdFrame = new Render.Sprite(Resources.hud, Vector2.Zero ); ReadyLine = new Render.Line(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, 2, Color.Black); Text = new Render.Text("", Vector2.Zero, 13, Color.Black); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(@"/ff can't load the textures: " + e); } Drawing.OnPresent += Drawing_OnEndScene; Drawing.OnPreReset += DrawingOnOnPreReset; Drawing.OnPostReset += DrawingOnOnPostReset; // Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnEndScene; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload; }
public AnnieButtons(Annie annie) { this.annie = annie; ShowEasyButton = (KoreanUtils.GetParamBool(annie.MainMenu, "showeeasybutton")); int posX = KoreanUtils.GetParamInt(annie.MainMenu, "easybuttonpositionx"); posX = (posX == 0) ? 50 : posX; int posY = KoreanUtils.GetParamInt(annie.MainMenu, "easybuttonpositiony"); posY = (posY == 0) ? 50 : posY; Vector2 pos = new Vector2(posX, posY); StunButtonOn = new Render.Sprite(Resources.StunON, pos); StunButtonOn.Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f); StunButtonOn.Add(); StunButtonOff = new Render.Sprite(Resources.StunOFF, pos); StunButtonOff.Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f); StunButtonOff.Add(); if (ShowEasyButton) { StunButtonOn.Visible = KoreanUtils.GetParamBool(annie.MainMenu, "savestunforcombo"); StunButtonOff.Visible = !StunButtonOn.Visible; } KoreanUtils.GetParam(annie.MainMenu, "savestunforcombo").ValueChanged += SaveStunForComboValueChanged; Game.OnWndProc += ButtonControl; }
private static void onGameLoad(EventArgs args) { Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; Obj_AI_Base.OnIssueOrder += GameObject_issueOrder; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Option = new Menu("StreamSharp", "Stream Sharp", true); Option.SubMenu("Keys").AddItem(new MenuItem("X", "LastHit").SetValue((new KeyBind("X".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)))); Option.SubMenu("Keys").AddItem(new MenuItem("C", "Harras").SetValue((new KeyBind("C".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)))); Option.SubMenu("Keys").AddItem(new MenuItem("V", "Clear").SetValue((new KeyBind("V".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)))); Option.SubMenu("Keys").AddItem(new MenuItem("Space", "Combo").SetValue((new KeyBind(32, KeyBindType.Press)))); Option.AddToMainMenu(); CursorAttack = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.Attack, new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2) - 500, (Drawing.Height / 2) - 350)); CursorAttack.Add(0); CursorAttack.Visible = false; CursorAttack.OnDraw(); CursorMove = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.normal, new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2) - 500, (Drawing.Height / 2) - 350)); CursorMove.Add(0); CursorMove.OnDraw(); }
public void LoadOKTW() { Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("logo", "Intro logo OKTW").SetValue(true)); if (Config.Item("logo").GetValue<bool>()) { Intro = new Render.Sprite(LoadImg("intro"), new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2) - 500, (Drawing.Height / 2) - 350)); Intro.Add(0); Intro.OnDraw(); } Utility.DelayAction.Add(7000, () => Intro.Remove()); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("disableDraws", "DISABLE UTILITY DRAWS").SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("championInfo", "Game Info").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowKDA", "Show flash and R CD").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowRecall", "Show recall").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("posX", "posX").SetValue(new Slider(20, 100, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("posY", "posY").SetValue(new Slider(10, 100, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("GankAlert", "Gank Alert").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("HpBar", "Dmg indicators BAR OKTW© style").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowClicks", "Show enemy clicks").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("SS", "SS notification").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("RF", "R and Flash notification").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("showWards", "Show hidden objects, wards").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("minimap", "Mini-map hack").SetValue(true)); if (Program.AIOmode != 2) { Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("spellFarm", "OKTW spells farm").SetValue(true)).Show(); Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("spellFarmMode", "SPELLS FARM TOGGLE MODE").SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Scroll down", "Scroll press", "Key toggle", "Disable" }, 1))); Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("spellFarmKeyToggle", "Key toggle").SetValue(new KeyBind("N".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Toggle))); Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("showNot", "Show notification").SetValue(true)); Config.Item("spellFarm").Permashow(true); } Tahoma13B = new Font( Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Tahoma13 = new Font( Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); TextBold = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription {FaceName = "Impact", Height = 30, Weight = FontWeight.Normal, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType}); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; }
public static void Initialize() { AdSprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.PopBlanc, AdPosition); AdSprite.Add(); adDisplayed = LeagueSharp.Common.Utils.TickCount; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; }
public Overlay() { if(Drawing.Width != 1920 || Drawing.Height != 1080 || Utility.Map.GetMap()._MapType != Utility.Map.MapType.SummonersRift) return; Program.Menu.AddSubMenu(new Menu("HUD", "HUD")); Program.Menu.SubMenu("HUD").AddItem(new MenuItem("showHud", "Show HUD").SetValue(true)); Hud = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.Overlay2, new Vector2(1, 1)); Hud.Add(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the sprite reference. To be called when the assembly is loaded. /// </summary> internal static void InitalizeSprite() { sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.ScopeSprite, new Vector2()); { sprite.Scale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); sprite.PositionUpdate = () => RTargetPosition; sprite.VisibleCondition = s => DrawCondition; } sprite.Add(); }
private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { config = new Menu("Custom Overlay", "Custom Overlay", true); config.AddItem(new MenuItem("slider", "Choose Overlay").SetValue(new Slider(1, 1, 42))); sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.hud_1, new Vector2(1, 1)); sprite.Add(0); Game.PrintChat("<font color='#FF00BF'>Custom Overlay Loaded By</font> <font color='#FF0000'>The</font><font color='#FFFF00'>Kush</font><font color='#40FF00'>Style</font>"); Game.OnGameUpdate += OnGameUpdate; }
public SpriteBox(Bitmap bitmap, Vector2 position) { MainSprite = new Render.Sprite(bitmap, position) { VisibleCondition = sender => Key.LeftShift.IsKeyPressed() || Key.RightShift.IsKeyPressed() }; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CPSlider" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="x"> /// The X. /// </param> /// <param name="y"> /// The Y. /// </param> /// <param name="height"> /// The Height. /// </param> /// <param name="percent"> /// The Percent. /// </param> public CPSlider(int x, int y, int height, float percent = 1) { this.xPos = x; this.yPos = y; this.Height = height - Resources.CPActiveSlider.Height; this.percent = percent; this.ActiveSprite = new Render.Sprite(Resources.CPActiveSlider, new Vector2(this.X, this.Y)); this.InactiveSprite = new Render.Sprite(Resources.CPInactiveSlider, new Vector2(this.X, this.Y)); this.ActiveSprite.Add(2); this.InactiveSprite.Add(2); }
public Camp(int campId, string name, Vector2 position, int respawnTime) { _respawnDuration = respawnTime * 60 * 1000; _isMajor = IsMajorCamp(name); Name = name; Sprite = GetMapSprite(Name, position); RenderText = GetRenderText(position, _isMajor); RespawnTime = 0; foreach (var obj in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Minion>().Where(obj => obj.CampNumber == campId)) CampObject = obj; Game.OnGameUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; }
private static void OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { UpdateImage((Bitmap)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(string.Format("hud_{0}", config.Item("slider").GetValue<Slider>().Value))); CustomEvents.Game.OnGameLoad += eventArgs => { config = new Menu("Custom Overlay", "Custom Overlay", true); config.AddItem(new MenuItem("slider", "Choose Overlay").SetValue(new Slider(1, 1,42))); sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.hud_1, new Vector2(1, 1)); sprite.Add(0); Game.PrintChat("<font color='#FF00BF'>Custom Overlay Loaded By</font> <font color='#FF0000'>The</font><font color='#FFFF00'>Kush</font><font color='#40FF00'>Style</font>"); }; }
private static void Game_Load(EventArgs args) { HUD = LoadHUD(); Camps = Camp.GetCamps(_pos, _scale); foreach (var camp in Camps) { camp.Value.Draw(); camp.Value.Kill(0); } Game.OnGameProcessPacket += Game_OnGameProcessPacket; }
public ZedComboSelector(ZedMenu zedMenu) { this.zedMenu = zedMenu; theLineImage = new Render.Sprite(Resources.ZedTheLine, new Vector2(1F, 1F)); theLineImage.Scale = new Vector2(0.9f, 0.9f); theLineImage.Add(); theLineImage.Visible = false; allStarImage = new Render.Sprite(Resources.ZedStar, new Vector2(1F, 1F)); allStarImage.Scale = new Vector2(0.9f, 0.9f); allStarImage.Add(); allStarImage.Visible = false; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; }
private static Render.Sprite loadleaguesharp() { _posLsharp = GetScaledVector(_posLsharp); var loadlsharp = new Render.Sprite(Resources.lsharpicon, _posLsharp) { Scale = _scale, Color = new ColorBGRA(255f, 255f, 255f, 20f) }; loadlsharp.Position = GetPosition(loadlsharp.Width - 700); loadlsharp.Show(); loadlsharp.Add(0); return loadlsharp; }
public HeroTracker(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Bitmap bmp) { Hero = hero; RecallStatus = Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Unknown; Hero = hero; var image = new Render.Sprite(bmp, new Vector2(0, 0)); image.GrayScale(); image.Scale = new Vector2(MinimapHack.Instance().Menu.IconScale, MinimapHack.Instance().Menu.IconScale); image.VisibleCondition = sender => !hero.IsVisible && !hero.IsDead; image.PositionUpdate = delegate { Vector2 v2 = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(LastLocation); v2.X -= image.Width / 2f; v2.Y -= image.Height / 2f; return v2; }; image.Add(0); LastSeen = 0; LastLocation = hero.ServerPosition; PredictedLocation = hero.ServerPosition; BeforeRecallLocation = hero.ServerPosition; Text = new Render.Text(0, 0, "", MinimapHack.Instance().Menu.SSTimerSize, Color.White) { VisibleCondition = sender => !hero.IsVisible && !Hero.IsDead && MinimapHack.Instance().Menu.SSTimer && LastSeen > 20f && MinimapHack.Instance().Menu.SSTimerStart <= Game.ClockTime - LastSeen, PositionUpdate = delegate { Vector2 v2 = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(LastLocation); v2.Y += MinimapHack.Instance().Menu.SSTimerOffset; return v2; }, TextUpdate = () => Program.Format(Game.ClockTime - LastSeen), OutLined = true, Centered = true }; Text.Add(0); Obj_AI_Base.OnTeleport += Obj_AI_Base_OnTeleport; Game.OnGameUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; }
static HbTracker() { try { foreach (var sName in SummonersNames) { SummonerTextures.Add(sName, GetSummonerTexture(sName)); } CdFrame = new Render.Sprite(Resources.hud, Vector2.Zero); ReadyLine = new Render.Line(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, 2, Color.Black); Text = new Render.Text("", Vector2.Zero, 13, Color.Black); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(@"/ff can't load the textures: " + e); } Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnEndScene; }
/*private Vector2 TextPos { get { return Drawing.WorldToScreen(new Vector2(Pos.X,Pos.Y+25).To3D()); } } private String GetHp { get { var condition = (Hero != null && PennyJinx.IsMenuEnabled("SpriteDraw") && PennyJinx._r.IsReady()); return condition?"Killable! " + Hero.Health + " HP":"Error getting HP"; } }*/ //Constructor public ScopeSprite() { _texture = Texture.FromMemory( Drawing.Direct3DDevice, (byte[])new ImageConverter().ConvertTo(Resources.scope, typeof(byte[])), 300, 300, 0, Usage.None, Format.A1, Pool.Managed, Filter.Default, Filter.Default, 0); _sprite = new Render.Sprite(_texture, new Vector2(0, 0)) { VisibleCondition = s => Condition, PositionUpdate = () => Pos, Scale = new Vector2(0.65f, 0.65f) }; _sprite.Add(0); Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; Drawing.OnPreReset += Drawing_OnPreReset; Drawing.OnPostReset += Drawing_OnPostReset; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomainOnDomainUnload; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomainOnDomainUnload; }
public CommonForceUltimate(ICommonChampion champion) { this.champion = champion; MouseImage1 = new Render.Sprite(Resources.Mouse1, new Vector2(0, 0)); MouseImage1.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); MouseImage1.Add(); MouseImage2 = new Render.Sprite(Resources.Mouse2, new Vector2(0, 0)); MouseImage2.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); MouseImage2.Add(); DenyMouseImage = new Render.Sprite(Resources.DenyMouse, new Vector2(0, 0)); DenyMouseImage.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); DenyMouseImage.Add(); DenyMouseImage.Visible = false; text.Add(); text.Visible = false; Game.OnWndProc += CheckMouseButtons; Game.OnUpdate += ShowAnimation; }
private static void GameOnOnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { _greenBar = new Render.Sprite(Resource1.bar_green, new Vector2(Drawing.Width / 2 - ImgWidth / 2, 100)); _redBar = new Render.Sprite(Resource1.bar_red, new Vector2(Drawing.Width / 2 - ImgWidth / 2, 100)); _leftText = new Render.Text( "2375", _redBar.X - Drawing.GetTextExtent("2375").Width, _redBar.Y, 12, Color.White); _middleText = new Render.Text( "50%", Drawing.Width / 2 - Drawing.GetTextExtent("50%").Width / 2, _redBar.Y, 12, Color.White); _rightText = new Render.Text( "2375", _redBar.X + Drawing.GetTextExtent("2375").Width, _redBar.Y, 12, Color.White); _redBar.Add(); _greenBar.Add(); _leftText.Add(); _middleText.Add(); _rightText.Add(); UpdateDrawings(); Game.OnProcessPacket += Game_OnGameProcessPacket; Game.PrintChat("Golderino by ChewyMoon loaded."); }
private void InitSummonerImage(Bitmap bmp) { Game.OnUpdate += Drawing_OnDraw; sImage = new Render.Sprite(bmp, new Vector2(0, 0)); //sImage.Scale = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); sImage.VisibleCondition = sender => !(!hero.IsHPBarRendered || (hero.IsAlly && !"TrackAllyCooldown").GetValue<bool>()) || (hero.IsEnemy && !"TrackEnemyCooldown").GetValue<bool>())); sImage.PositionUpdate = delegate { var summoner2OffSet = isSummoner1 ? 0 : sImage.Height; var startX = heroHPBarPosition.X - 9; var startY = heroHPBarPosition.Y + summoner2OffSet + (hero.IsAlly ? Tracker.allyOffsetY : Tracker.enemyOffsetY); return new Vector2(startX, startY); }; sImage.Add(0); }
private static Render.Sprite GetSpriteFromFile(string filePath) { var sprite = new Render.Sprite(filePath, Vector2.Zero); return sprite; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the render objects. /// </summary> public void CreateRenderObjects() { TextObject = new Render.Text((int)Drawing.WorldToScreen(Position).X, (int)Drawing.WorldToScreen(Position).Y, "", 17, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 255)) { VisibleCondition = sender => Render.OnScreen(Drawing.WorldToScreen(Position)) && WardTrackerBase.moduleMenu["dz191.dza.ward.track"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue, PositionUpdate = () => new Vector2(Drawing.WorldToScreen(Position).X, Drawing.WorldToScreen(Position).Y + 12), TextUpdate = () => (Environment.TickCount < startTick + WardTypeW.WardDuration && WardTypeW.WardDuration < float.MaxValue) ? (Utils.FormatTime(Math.Abs(Environment.TickCount - (startTick + WardTypeW.WardDuration)) / 1000f)) : string.Empty }; TextObject.Add(0); MinimapSpriteObject = new Render.Sprite(MinimapBitmap, new Vector2()) { PositionUpdate = () => MinimapPosition, VisibleCondition = sender => WardTrackerBase.moduleMenu["dz191.dza.ward.track"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue && Environment.TickCount < this.startTick + this.WardTypeW.WardDuration, Scale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f) }; MinimapSpriteObject.Add(0); }
public static void InitSprites(bool bypass = false) { try { if (!MenuExtensions.GetItemValue<bool>("") && !bypass) { return; } HudSprite = new Render.Sprite(Resources.TFHelperBG, CurrentPosition) { PositionUpdate = () => CurrentPosition, VisibleCondition = delegate { return ShouldBeVisible; }, }; HudSprite.Crop(0, 0, (int) SpriteWidth, CroppedHeight); ExpandShrinkButton = new Render.Sprite(Resources.Expand, CurrentPosition) { PositionUpdate = () => new Vector2(CurrentPosition.X + SpriteWidth - 20, CurrentPosition.Y + CroppedHeight - 20), Scale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f), VisibleCondition = delegate { return ShouldBeVisible; } }; ExpandShrinkButton.Add(1); HudSprite.Add(0); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.AddToLog(new LogItem("Hud_Init", ex, LogSeverity.Error)); } }
private static void OnWndProc(WndEventArgs args) { if (HudSprite == null || !ShouldBeVisible) { return; } if (IsDragging) { Variables.Menu.Item("dz191.dza.hud.x") .SetValue(new Slider((int)(Utils.GetCursorPos().X - XDistanceFromEdge), 0, Drawing.Direct3DDevice.Viewport.Width)); Variables.Menu.Item("dz191.dza.hud.y") .SetValue(new Slider((int)(Utils.GetCursorPos().Y - YDistanceFromEdge), 0, Drawing.Direct3DDevice.Viewport.Height)); } if (IsInside(Utils.GetCursorPos()) && args.Msg == (uint)WindowsMessages.WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { if (!IsDragging) { if (InitialDragPoint == new Vector2()) { InitialDragPoint = CurrentPosition; XDistanceFromEdge = Math.Abs(InitialDragPoint.X - Utils.GetCursorPos().X); YDistanceFromEdge = Math.Abs(InitialDragPoint.Y - Utils.GetCursorPos().Y); } IsDragging = true; } } else if (IsDragging && args.Msg == (uint)WindowsMessages.WM_LBUTTONUP) { HudSprite.PositionUpdate = () => CurrentPosition; Variables.Menu.Item("dz191.dza.hud.x") .SetValue(new Slider((int)(Utils.GetCursorPos().X - XDistanceFromEdge), 0, Drawing.Direct3DDevice.Viewport.Width)); Variables.Menu.Item("dz191.dza.hud.y") .SetValue(new Slider((int)(Utils.GetCursorPos().Y - YDistanceFromEdge), 0, Drawing.Direct3DDevice.Viewport.Height)); InitialDragPoint = new Vector2(); XDistanceFromEdge = 0; YDistanceFromEdge = 0; IsDragging = false; } if (args.Msg == (uint) WindowsMessages.WM_LBUTTONUP) { if ( Utils.GetCursorPos() .Distance(new Vector2(CurrentPosition.X + SpriteWidth - 15, CurrentPosition.Y + CroppedHeight - 15)) < 7) { if (CurrentStatus == SpriteStatus.Shrinked) { CurrentStatus = SpriteStatus.Expanded; HudSprite.Crop(0, 0, (int) SpriteWidth, (int)SpriteHeight); ExpandShrinkButton.Remove(); ExpandShrinkButton = new Render.Sprite(Resources.Shrink, CurrentPosition) { PositionUpdate = () => new Vector2(CurrentPosition.X + SpriteWidth - 20, CurrentPosition.Y + CroppedHeight - 20), Scale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f), VisibleCondition = delegate { return ShouldBeVisible; } }; ExpandShrinkButton.Add(1); } else { CurrentStatus = SpriteStatus.Shrinked; HudSprite.Crop(0, 0, (int)SpriteWidth, CroppedHeight); ExpandShrinkButton.Remove(); ExpandShrinkButton = new Render.Sprite(Resources.Expand, CurrentPosition) { PositionUpdate = () => new Vector2(CurrentPosition.X + SpriteWidth - 20, CurrentPosition.Y + CroppedHeight - 20), Scale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f), VisibleCondition = delegate { return ShouldBeVisible; } }; ExpandShrinkButton.Add(1); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Notification" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="Text"> /// The text. /// </param> /// <param name="Bit"> /// The bit. /// </param> public Notification(string Text, Bitmap Bit) { this.Sprite = new Render.Sprite(Bit, new Vector2(X, Y)); this.Text = new Render.Text( Text, new Vector2(X, Y), 12, new ColorBGRA(this.PresetColor.R, this.PresetColor.G, this.PresetColor.B, this.PresetColor.A)); this.Text.Centered = true; this.Text.Add(); this.Sprite.Add(); }
public static void InitKillSprite(OnKillSprite sprite) { if (IsDrawing) { CurrentSprite = null; IsDrawing = false; sprite.IsDrawing = true; sprite.Sprite.Visible = false; sprite.Sprite.Remove(); } IsDrawing = true; sprite.IsDrawing = true; sprite.Sprite.Visible = true; sprite.Sprite.Scale = new Vector2(Scale, Scale); sprite.Sprite.VisibleCondition = delegate { return sprite.IsDrawing; }; sprite.Sprite.Position = new Vector2(X, Y); sprite.Sprite.PositionUpdate += () => new Vector2(X, Y); CurrentSprite = sprite.Sprite; sprite.Sprite.Add(); Utility.DelayAction.Add( WaifuSharp.Menu.Item("waifusharp.options.duration").GetValue<Slider>().Value, () => { CurrentSprite = null; IsDrawing = false; sprite.IsDrawing = true; sprite.Sprite.Visible = false; sprite.Sprite.Remove(); }); }
public LastPosition(Obj_AI_Hero hero) { Hero = hero; var mPos = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(hero.Position); var spawnPoint = ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>().FirstOrDefault(s => s is Obj_SpawnPoint && s.IsEnemy); _sprite = new Render.Sprite( (Bitmap) Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(string.Format("LP_{0}", hero.ChampionName)) ?? Resources.LP_Aatrox, new Vector2(mPos.X, mPos.Y)) { VisibleCondition = delegate { try { if (hero.IsVisible) { Recalled = false; } return Active && !Hero.IsVisible && !Hero.IsDead; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return false; } }, PositionUpdate = delegate { try { if (Recall && Recalled) { if (!Equals(spawnPoint, default(Obj_SpawnPoint))) { var p = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(spawnPoint.Position); return new Vector2(p.X - (_sprite.Size.X/2), p.Y - (_sprite.Size.Y/2)); } } var pos = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(hero.Position); return new Vector2(pos.X - (_sprite.Size.X/2), pos.Y - (_sprite.Size.Y/2)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return default(Vector2); } }, }; _recallSprite = new Render.Sprite(Resources.LP_Recall, new Vector2(mPos.X, mPos.Y)) { VisibleCondition = delegate { try { return Active && !Hero.IsVisible && !Hero.IsDead && Recall && IsRecalling; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return false; } }, PositionUpdate = delegate { try { var pos = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(hero.Position); return new Vector2(pos.X - (_recallSprite.Size.X/2), pos.Y - (_recallSprite.Size.Y/2)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return default(Vector2); } }, }; }