public ScrollView LoadLore(ChampionStatic champion) { var loreView = new ScrollView(); if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou")) { var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; loreView = new ScrollView { Content = new StackLayout { Children = { adView, new HtmlLabel { Text = champion.Lore } } } }; } else { loreView = new ScrollView { Content = new StackLayout { Children = { new HtmlLabel { Text = champion.Lore } } } }; } return(loreView); }
public PreviousGamePage(ObservableCollection <GroupedPrevious> grouped) { Title = "Previous Game"; var imageTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ExpandedGameCell)); listView = new ListView { IsGroupingEnabled = true, ItemTemplate = imageTemplate, ItemsSource = grouped, HasUnevenRows = true, GroupDisplayBinding = new Binding("LongName") }; if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou")) { var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; listView.Header = adView; } Content = listView; }
public ScrollView LoadTips(ChampionStatic champion) { var tipsView = new ScrollView(); var stack = new StackLayout(); if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou")) { var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; stack.Children.Add(adView); } stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel { Text = "<u>Ally Tips</u>", FontSize = 20 }); for (int i = 0; i < champion.AllyTips.Count; i++) { stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel { Text = champion.AllyTips[i] + "\n\n" }); } stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel { Text = "<u>Enemy Tips</u>", FontSize = 20 }); for (int i = 0; i < champion.EnemyTips.Count; i++) { stack.Children.Add(new HtmlLabel { Text = champion.EnemyTips[i] + "\n\n" }); } tipsView.Content = stack; return(tipsView); }
public DownloadImages(Summoner summoner) { NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true); ToolbarItems.Add(infoIcon); Title = summoner.Name; infoIcon.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if ((App.FavoriteDatabase.GetItems().Where(item => item.Name == summoner.Name && item.Region == summoner.Region.ToString().ToUpper()).ToList().Count > 0)) { UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync(summoner.Name + " is already in your favorites, do you really love them that much? ;)", "Error", "Okay"); } else { UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync(summoner.Name + " has been added to your favorites", "Favorite Added", "Okay"); App.FavoriteDatabase.SaveItem(new SearchesAndFavorites { Name = summoner.Name, Region = summoner.Region.ToString().ToUpper(), Icon = icon, summonerID = (int)summoner.Id }); } }; var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; var stackLayout = new StackLayout { Children = { grid, memeTest, contentVue, adView } }; Content = stackLayout; }
public SearchTabPage() { searchBar = new CustomSearchBar { Placeholder = "Search Summoner" }; searchBar.SearchButtonPressed += async(sender, e) => { string searchText = searchBar.Text.Replace(" ", ""); searchBar.Text = ""; searchBar.Unfocus(); try { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading", MaskType.Black); var summoner = await App.api.GetSummonerAsync(region, searchText); icon = string.Format(icon, summoner.Region, summoner.Id); var test = new SearchedSummonerPage(summoner, summoner.Region); UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); await Navigation.PushAsync(test); } catch { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); await UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Try again", "Summoner not found!", "Okay"); } }; picker = new Picker(); picker.Title = "Region"; picker.Items.Add(Region.euw.ToString().ToUpper()); picker.Items.Add(Region.eune.ToString().ToUpper()); picker.Items.Add(; picker.Items.Add(; picker.Items.Add(; picker.Items.Add(Region.lan.ToString().ToUpper()); picker.Items.Add(Region.las.ToString().ToUpper()); picker.Items.Add(Region.oce.ToString().ToUpper()); picker.Items.Add(; picker.Items.Add(; picker.SelectedIndex = 0; picker.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) => { switch (picker.SelectedIndex) { case 0: region = Region.euw; break; case 1: region = Region.eune; break; case 2: region =; break; case 3: region =; break; case 4: region =; break; case 5: region = Region.lan; break; case 6: region = Region.las; break; case 7: region = Region.oce; break; case 8: region =; break; case 9: region =; break; } }; var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; Content = new StackLayout { Children = { searchBar, picker, adView } }; }
//Loads the current game if there is one public static async Task <ContentView> loadCurrentGameView(Summoner summoner, Region region, Page SearchPage) { var gameView = new ContentView(); var currentTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ImageCell)); currentTemplate.SetBinding(TextCell.TextProperty, "Name"); currentTemplate.SetBinding(ImageCell.ImageSourceProperty, "Icon"); currentTemplate.SetBinding(TextCell.DetailProperty, "Rank"); try { var currentGame = await api.GetCurrentGameAsync(App.PlatformToRegion(region), summoner.Id); grouped = new ObservableCollection <GroupedSummoners>(); var blueTeam = new GroupedSummoners { LongName = "Blue Team", ShortName = "B" }; var redTeam = new GroupedSummoners { LongName = "Red Team", ShortName = "R" }; var list = new ListView(); var idList = new List <string>(); summoners = new List <Summoner>(); for (int i = 0; i < currentGame.Participants.Count; i++) { idList.Add(currentGame.Participants[i].SummonerName); } summoners = await api.GetSummonersAsync(region, idList); for (int i = 0; i < currentGame.Participants.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < summoners.Count; j++) { if (currentGame.Participants[i].SummonerName == summoners[j].Name) { var champPlayed = await staticApi.GetChampionAsync(region, (int)currentGame.Participants[i].ChampionId, new List <ChampionData> { ChampionData.image }); try { allLeagues = await api.GetLeaguesAsync(region, new List <int> { (int)summoners[j].Id }); ranked5v5League = allLeagues[summoners[j].Id].Single(x => x.Queue == Queue.RankedSolo5x5); div = ranked5v5League.Entries.Where(x => x.PlayerOrTeamId == summoners[j].Id.ToString()).Select(x => x.Division).Single(); if (currentGame.Participants[i].TeamId == 100) { blueTeam.Add(new CurrentGamePlayers(summoners[j].Name, ranked5v5League.Tier + " " + div, (int)currentGame.Participants[i].ChampionId, champPlayed.Icon, summoners[i].Region)); } else if (currentGame.Participants[i].TeamId == 200) { redTeam.Add(new CurrentGamePlayers(summoners[j].Name, ranked5v5League.Tier + " " + div, (int)currentGame.Participants[i].ChampionId, champPlayed.Icon, summoners[i].Region)); } } catch { if (currentGame.Participants[i].TeamId == 100) { blueTeam.Add(new CurrentGamePlayers(summoners[j].Name, "Level " + summoners[i].Level, (int)currentGame.Participants[i].ChampionId, champPlayed.Icon, summoners[i].Region)); } else if (currentGame.Participants[i].TeamId == 200) { redTeam.Add(new CurrentGamePlayers(summoners[j].Name, "Level " + summoners[i].Level, (int)currentGame.Participants[i].ChampionId, champPlayed.Icon, summoners[i].Region)); } } } } } grouped.Add(blueTeam); grouped.Add(redTeam); list.ItemsSource = grouped; list.IsGroupingEnabled = true; list.GroupDisplayBinding = new Binding("LongName"); list.ItemTemplate = currentTemplate; list.ItemTapped += async(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) => { var myListView = (ListView)sender; var myItem = (CurrentGamePlayers)myListView.SelectedItem; try { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading " + myItem.Name, MaskType.Black); var summonerAsync = await api.GetSummonerAsync(myItem.Region, myItem.Name); var page = SearchPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Last(); var test = new SearchedSummonerPage(summonerAsync, myItem.Region); UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); await SearchPage.Navigation.PushAsync(test); SearchPage.Navigation.RemovePage(page); } catch { UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Whoops", "Something went wrong", "Okay"); } }; if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou")) { var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; list.Header = adView; } gameView.Content = list; } catch { gameView.Content = new Label { Text = summoner.Name + " is not in an active game. Please try again later if the summoner is currently in game." }; } return(gameView); }
public static async Task <ListView> loadRanked(Summoner summoner, Region region, Page SearchPage) { var allItems = App.itemList; var allSummonerSpells = App.summonerSpellList; var previousMatches = new List <MatchDetail>(); var prevMatchList = await api.GetMatchListAsync(summoner.Region, summoner.Id, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 9); foreach (var match in prevMatchList.Matches) { var tempMatch = await api.GetMatchAsync(region, match.MatchID); previousMatches.Add(tempMatch); } var previousRanked = new List <PreviousMatchesFile>(); for (int i = 0; i < previousMatches.Count; i++) { var gameType = "Ranked"; var playerId = previousMatches[i].ParticipantIdentities.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Player.SummonerId == summoner.Id).ParticipantId; var player = previousMatches[i].Participants.FirstOrDefault(j => j.ParticipantId == playerId); var champPlayed = App.championList.First(x => x.Id == player.ChampionId); var summonerSpellList = new List <UriImageSource> { allSummonerSpells.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == player.Spell1Id).Icon, allSummonerSpells.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == player.Spell2Id).Icon }; var itemList = new List <ItemStatic> { allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == player.Stats.Item0), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == player.Stats.Item1), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == player.Stats.Item2), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == player.Stats.Item3), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == player.Stats.Item4), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == player.Stats.Item5), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == player.Stats.Item6) }; var itemNameList = new List <UriImageSource>(); for (int j = 0; j < itemList.Count; j++) { if (itemList[j] != null) { itemNameList.Add(itemList[j].Icon); } else { itemNameList.Add(App.emptyIcon); } } var prev = new PreviousMatchesFile( gameType, player.ChampionId, (int)player.Stats.ChampLevel, player.Stats.Winner, App.FormatNumber((int)player.Stats.GoldEarned), player.Stats.MinionsKilled.ToString(), itemNameList, summonerSpellList, champPlayed.Icon, previousMatches[i].MatchCreation.ToString("g"), player.Stats.Kills + "/" + player.Stats.Deaths + "/" + player.Stats.Assists, previousMatches[i] ); previousRanked.Add(prev); } var imageTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(PreviousGameCell)); var listView = new ListView { ItemTemplate = imageTemplate, HasUnevenRows = true, ItemsSource = previousRanked }; listView.ItemTapped += async(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) => { var myListView = (ListView)sender; var myItem = (PreviousMatchesFile)myListView.SelectedItem; UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading Game", MaskType.Black); try { Debug.WriteLine(myItem.ThisGame.MatchId); var previousPage = await PreviousRankedPage.loadPrevious(myItem.ThisGame, Region, Summoner, myItem.champId, myItem.ThisGame.Participants, myItem.ThisGame.ParticipantIdentities); UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); await SearchPage.Navigation.PushAsync(previousPage); } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); Debug.WriteLine(ex); await UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Are you connected to the internet?\nTry again", "An Error Occured", "Okay"); } }; if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou")) { var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; listView.Header = adView; } return(listView); }
public static async Task <ListView> loadMatchHistory(Summoner summoner, Region region, Page SearchPage) { var allItems = App.itemList; var allSummonerSpells = App.summonerSpellList; var previousMatches = await summoner.GetRecentGamesAsync(); var previousAll = new List <Previous>(); for (int i = 0; i < previousMatches.Count; i++) { var gameType = App.gameTypeName(previousMatches[i].GameSubType); var champPlayed = App.championList.First(c => c.Id == previousMatches[i].ChampionId); var summonerSpellList = new List <UriImageSource> { allSummonerSpells.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == previousMatches[i].SummonerSpell1).Icon, allSummonerSpells.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == previousMatches[i].SummonerSpell2).Icon }; var itemList = new List <ItemStatic> { allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == previousMatches[i].Statistics.Item0), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == previousMatches[i].Statistics.Item1), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == previousMatches[i].Statistics.Item2), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == previousMatches[i].Statistics.Item3), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == previousMatches[i].Statistics.Item4), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == previousMatches[i].Statistics.Item5), allItems.FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Id == previousMatches[i].Statistics.Item6) }; var itemNameList = new List <UriImageSource>(); for (int j = 0; j < itemList.Count; j++) { if (itemList[j] != null) { itemNameList.Add(itemList[j].Icon); } else { itemNameList.Add(App.emptyIcon); } } var prev = new Previous( gameType, previousMatches[i].Level, previousMatches[i].Statistics.Win, App.FormatNumber(previousMatches[i].Statistics.GoldEarned), previousMatches[i].Statistics.MinionsKilled.ToString(), itemNameList, summonerSpellList, champPlayed.Icon, previousMatches[i].CreateDate.ToString("g"), previousMatches[i].Statistics.ChampionsKilled + "/" + previousMatches[i].Statistics.NumDeaths + "/" + previousMatches[i].Statistics.Assists, previousMatches[i] ); previousAll.Add(prev); } var imageTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(PreviousGameCell)); var listView = new ListView { ItemTemplate = imageTemplate, HasUnevenRows = true, ItemsSource = previousAll }; listView.ItemTapped += async(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) => { var myListView = (ListView)sender; var myItem = (Previous)myListView.SelectedItem; UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading Game", MaskType.Black); try { Debug.WriteLine(myItem.ThisGame.GameId); var match = await api.GetMatchAsync(Region, myItem.ThisGame.GameId); var previousPage = await PreviousGamePage.loadPrevious(match, myItem.ThisGame, Region, Summoner, myItem.ThisGame.FellowPlayers); UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); await SearchPage.Navigation.PushAsync(previousPage); } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); Debug.WriteLine(ex); await UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Are you connected to the internet?\nTry again", "An Error Occured", "Okay"); } }; if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou")) { var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; listView.Header = adView; } return(listView); }
public ListView LoadAbilities(ChampionStatic champion) { var abilityListView = new ListView { HasUnevenRows = true }; if (!DependencyService.Get <ISaveAndLoad>().FileExists("haveyou")) { var adView = new AdMobView { WidthRequest = 320, HeightRequest = 50 }; abilityListView.Header = adView; } var abilityTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(AbilityCell)); var abilityList = new List <abilityView>(); if (champion.Id != 420) { var stringId = champion.Id.ToString(); if (champion.Id == 2 || champion.Id == 3 || champion.Id == 4 || champion.Id == 8) { abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id) }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[0].Name, Description = champion.Spells[0].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[0].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 1) }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[1].Name, Description = champion.Spells[1].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[1].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 2) }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[2].Name, Description = champion.Spells[2].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[2].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 3) }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[3].Name, Description = champion.Spells[3].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[3].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, 4) }); } else if (champion.Id == 240 || champion.Id == 164) { abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = "No Video" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[0].Name, Description = champion.Spells[0].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[0].Image.Full), Video = "No Video" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[1].Name, Description = champion.Spells[1].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[1].Image.Full), Video = "No Video" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[2].Name, Description = champion.Spells[2].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[2].Image.Full), Video = "No Video" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[3].Name, Description = champion.Spells[3].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[3].Image.Full), Video = "No Video" }); } else if (champion.Id == 12 || champion.Id == 36 || champion.Id == 9 || champion.Id == 120 || champion.Id == 126 || champion.Id == 85 || champion.Id == 82 || champion.Id == 25 || champion.Id == 78 || champion.Id == 33 || champion.Id == 102 || champion.Id == 27 || champion.Id == 134 || champion.Id == 91 || champion.Id == 77 || champion.Id == 45 || champion.Id == 106 || champion.Id == 62) { abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = champion.Passive.Image.Full, Video = "No Video" }); for (int i = 0; i < champion.Spells.Count; i++) { switch (stringId.Length) { case 1: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; case 2: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; case 3: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; case 4: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; } } } else { switch (stringId.Length) { case 1: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id) }); break; case 2: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id) }); break; case 3: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id) }); break; case 4: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/passive/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Passive.Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_01.mp4", champion.Id) }); break; } for (int i = 0; i < champion.Spells.Count; i++) { switch (stringId.Length) { case 1: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; case 2: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; case 3: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; case 4: abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[i].Name, Description = champion.Spells[i].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[i].Image.Full), Video = string.Format("{0}_0{1}.mp4", champion.Id, i + 2) }); break; } } } } else { abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Passive.Name, Description = champion.Passive.Description, Image = champion.Passive.Image.Full, Video = "" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[0].Name, Description = champion.Spells[0].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[0].Image.Full), Video = "" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[1].Name, Description = champion.Spells[1].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[1].Image.Full), Video = "" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[2].Name, Description = champion.Spells[2].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[2].Image.Full), Video = "" }); abilityList.Add(new abilityView { Name = champion.Spells[3].Name, Description = champion.Spells[3].Description, Image = string.Format("{0}/img/spell/{1}", App.appVersion, champion.Spells[3].Image.Full), Video = "" }); } abilityListView.ItemTemplate = abilityTemplate; abilityListView.ItemsSource = abilityList; abilityListView.ItemTapped += (sender, e) => { abilityListView.IsEnabled = false; var myListView = (ListView)sender; var myItem = (abilityView)myListView.SelectedItem; if (myItem.Video == "No Video") { UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Sadly, the ability " + myItem.Name + " doesn't have a video associated with it.", "Unable To Load", "Okay"); abilityListView.IsEnabled = true; return; } var webview = new WebView { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Source = new UrlWebViewSource { Url = myItem.Video } }; var contentPage = new ContentPage { Content = webview, Title = myItem.Name }; abilityListView.IsEnabled = true; Navigation.PushAsync(contentPage); }; return(abilityListView); }