private void AddCondition(Rotation rotation, AdvTree advTree) { var node = new Node(); node.Text = rotation.Name; node.Tag = rotation; AddNode(node, advTree); }
public void Load(string fileToLoad) { try { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileToLoad); _doc = new XmlDocument(); _doc.Load(fileToLoad); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Write("Error loading the rotation manager: " + e); return; } try { foreach (XmlNode childNode in _doc.GetElementsByTagName("RotationManager")[0]) { switch (childNode.Name) { case "Rotation": var rotation = new Rotation(); rotation.Load(childNode); Rotations.Add(rotation); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Write("Error loading the rotation manager: " + e); } }
private void BeComAddRuleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var rotation = new Rotation(); var rotationForm = new RotationForm(rotation); rotationForm.Location = Location; rotationForm.ShowDialog(); if (rotationForm.Save) { rotation = rotationForm.Rotation; if (BeTabs.SelectedTab.Name.Equals("TabRotations")) { AddCondition(rotation, BeRotations); } } }
private void BtnCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_selected != null && _selectedTree != null) { if (_selected.Tag is Rotation) { var rotation = (Rotation) _selected.Tag; var rotationCopy = new Rotation(); rotationCopy.Active = rotation.Active; rotationCopy.Alt = rotation.Alt; rotationCopy.Ctrl = rotation.Ctrl; rotationCopy.GlobalCooldown = rotation.GlobalCooldown; rotationCopy.Key = rotation.Key; rotationCopy.Name = rotation.Name + " - copy"; rotationCopy.Shift = rotation.Shift; rotationCopy.Windows = rotation.Windows; foreach (Rule rule in rotation.Rules.GetRules) { rotationCopy.Rules.AddRule(rule); } AddCondition(rotationCopy, BeRotations); } } }
private void StartRotation(string name) { if (_rotationThread != null && _rotationThread.IsAlive) { _rotationThread.Abort(); _rotationThread = null; } if (RotationManagerController.Rotations.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == name) != _rotation) { _rotation = RotationManagerController.Rotations.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == name); _rotationThread = new Thread(DoRotation) {IsBackground = true}; _rotationThread.Start(); Logging.Write(LogType.Info, "Started rotator"); UpdateStatus(true); } else { _rotation = null; Logging.Write(LogType.Info, "Stopped rotator"); UpdateStatus(false); } }
public RotationForm(Rotation rotation) { InitializeComponent(); Rotation = rotation; Geometry.GeometryFromString(GeomertrySettings.RotationForm, this); }