private void CargarEvaluacionAnterior() { tb_cxc_evalcredBL BL = new tb_cxc_evalcredBL(); tb_cxc_evalcred BE = new tb_cxc_evalcred(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); BE.filtro = "1"; dt = BL.GetAll(Session["ssEmpresaID"].ToString(), BE).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { es_persjuridica.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["es_persjuridica"].ToString()); copia_constitucionempresa.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_constitucionempresa"].ToString()); copia_ruc.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_ruc"].ToString()); copia_dni.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_dni"].ToString()); lic_func.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["lic_func"].ToString()); titulo_localcom.Checked= Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_ruc"].ToString()); contra_localcom.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["contra_localcom"].ToString()); recibo_agualuz.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["recibo_agualuz"].ToString()); tiene_letraprotestada.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["tiene_letraprotestada"].ToString()); tiene_morosidad.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["tiene_morosidad"].ToString()); moroso_infocorp.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["moroso_infocorp"].ToString()); refe_comerc.Value = dt.Rows[0]["refe_comerc"].ToString(); refe_banca.Value = dt.Rows[0]["refe_banca"].ToString(); bienes_bienmueble.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["bienes_bienmueble"].ToString()); bienes_inmuebles.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["bienes_inmuebles"].ToString()); eval_cxcob.Value = dt.Rows[0]["eval_cxcob"].ToString(); obs_cxcob.Text = dt.Rows[0]["obs_cxcob"].ToString(); } }
void CargarEvaluacion() { tb_cxc_evalcredBL BL = new tb_cxc_evalcredBL(); tb_cxc_evalcred BE = new tb_cxc_evalcred(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); BE.ctacte = txt_ctacte.Value.ToString(); BE.vendorid = txt_vendorid.Value.ToString(); if(chk_estado.Checked) BE.aprob_gerencial = cmbestado.SelectedValue.ToString(); BE.filtro = "2"; dt = BL.GetAll(Session["ssEmpresaID"].ToString(), BE).Tables[0]; dgb_evalcred.DataSource = dt; dgb_evalcred.DataBind(); }
private void CargarEvaluacion() { tb_cxc_evalcredBL BL = new tb_cxc_evalcredBL(); tb_cxc_evalcred BE = new tb_cxc_evalcred(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); BE.tipdoc = Session["xtipdoc"].ToString(); BE.serdoc = Session["xserdoc"].ToString(); BE.numdoc = Session["xnumdoc"].ToString(); dt = BL.GetAll(Session["ssEmpresaID"].ToString(), BE).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { es_persjuridica.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["es_persjuridica"].ToString()); copia_constitucionempresa.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_constitucionempresa"].ToString()); copia_ruc.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_ruc"].ToString()); copia_dni.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_dni"].ToString()); lic_func.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["lic_func"].ToString()); titulo_localcom.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["copia_ruc"].ToString()); contra_localcom.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["contra_localcom"].ToString()); recibo_agualuz.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["recibo_agualuz"].ToString()); tiene_letraprotestada.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["tiene_letraprotestada"].ToString()); tiene_morosidad.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["tiene_morosidad"].ToString()); moroso_infocorp.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["moroso_infocorp"].ToString()); refe_comerc.Value = dt.Rows[0]["refe_comerc"].ToString(); refe_banca.Value = dt.Rows[0]["refe_banca"].ToString(); bienes_bienmueble.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["bienes_bienmueble"].ToString()); bienes_inmuebles.Value = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["bienes_inmuebles"].ToString()); eval_cxcob.Value = dt.Rows[0]["eval_cxcob"].ToString(); obs_cxcob.Text = dt.Rows[0]["obs_cxcob"].ToString(); if (dt.Rows[0]["aprob_gerencial"].ToString().Length > 0) { aprob_gerencial.Value = dt.Rows[0]["aprob_gerencial"].ToString(); } obs_gerencial.Text = dt.Rows[0]["obs_gerencial"].ToString(); lblpuntos.Text = dt.Rows[0]["puntaje"].ToString(); lblitem.Text = dt.Rows[0]["item"].ToString(); lblnumdoc.Text = Session["xtipdoc"].ToString() + "-" + Session["xserdoc"].ToString() + Equivalencias.Right(Session["xnumdoc"].ToString(),5); } }
private void Rpt_EvalCrediticia() { try { //Se crea el documento PDF PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); //Se configura los datos dela pagina document.Info.Title = "»» EVALUACIÓN CREDITICIA ««"; document.Info.Author = "HVR"; //Se crea la pagina A4 PdfPage page = document.AddPage(); page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Portrait; //Se crea el objeto dibujo XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Navy, 1); string anio = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now).Substring(6, 10); XRect rect; XFont fontB18 = new XFont("Times", 20, XFontStyle.Bold); XFont fontB12 = new XFont("Times", 12, XFontStyle.Bold); XFont fontB9 = new XFont("Times", 9, XFontStyle.Bold); XFont font9 = new XFont("Times", 9); #region OBTENIENDO VALORES DE SESSION // DECLARANDO VARIBALES QUE RECIBIMOS DE SESSION string XEMPRESANAME = Session["ssEmpresaName"].ToString(); string XEMPRESARUC = Session["ssEmpresaRuc"].ToString(); string XGERENTEGENE = Session["ssGerenteGeneral"].ToString(); string XGERENTEDNI = Session["ssGerenteNrodni"].ToString(); string XPARTELECTRO = Session["ssPartElectro"].ToString(); string XUSUAR = Session["ssUsuar"].ToString(); int XPUNTAJE = 0; Boolean XESJURIDICA = false, XCOPIACONST = false, XCOPIARUC = false, XCOPIADNI = false, XLICFUNC = false, XTITLOCAL = false, XCONTLOCAL = false, XRECIBO = false, XTIENLETR = false, XTIENMORO = false, XMOROSO = false, XBIENMUEB = false, XBIENINMUEB = false; string XNUMDOC = "", XSERDOC = "", XCTACTENAME = "", XCLINMRUC = "", XFECHA = "", XREFCOMER = "", XREFBANCA = "",XEVALCXCOB ="",XOBSCXCOB="",XOBSGEREN="",XAPROBGERE=""; tb_cxc_evalcredBL BL = new tb_cxc_evalcredBL(); tb_cxc_evalcred BE = new tb_cxc_evalcred(); DataTable TablaEval = new DataTable(); BE.tipdoc = Session["xtipdoc"].ToString(); BE.serdoc = Session["xserdoc"].ToString(); BE.numdoc = Session["xnumdoc"].ToString(); TablaEval = BL.GetAll(Session["ssEmpresaID"].ToString(), BE).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow fila in TablaEval.Rows) { XNUMDOC = fila["numdoc"].ToString(); XSERDOC = fila["serdoc"].ToString(); XCTACTENAME = fila["ctactename"].ToString(); XCLINMRUC = fila["nmruc"].ToString(); XFECHA = fila["fechdoc"].ToString(); XESJURIDICA = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["es_persjuridica"].ToString()); XCOPIACONST = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["copia_constitucionempresa"].ToString()); XCOPIARUC = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["copia_ruc"].ToString()); XCOPIADNI = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["copia_dni"].ToString()); XLICFUNC = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["lic_func"].ToString()); XTITLOCAL = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["titulo_localcom"].ToString()); XCONTLOCAL = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["contra_localcom"].ToString()); XRECIBO = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["recibo_agualuz"].ToString()); XTIENLETR = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["tiene_letraprotestada"].ToString()); XTIENMORO = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["tiene_morosidad"].ToString()); XMOROSO = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["moroso_infocorp"].ToString()); XREFCOMER = fila["refe_comerc"].ToString(); XREFBANCA = fila["refe_banca"].ToString(); XBIENMUEB = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["bienes_bienmueble"].ToString()); XBIENINMUEB = Convert.ToBoolean(fila["bienes_inmuebles"].ToString()); XPUNTAJE = Convert.ToInt32(fila["puntaje"].ToString()); XEVALCXCOB = fila["eval_cxcob"].ToString(); XOBSCXCOB = fila["obs_cxcob"].ToString(); XAPROBGERE = fila["aprob_gerencial"].ToString(); XOBSGEREN = fila["obs_gerencial"].ToString(); } #endregion //define margins double leftMargin = 40.0; double rightMargin = 570.0; double topMargin = 20.0; double lineTop = 0d; double lineFooter = 780d; double rowStep = 12d; double newRow = topMargin + rowStep; double beginRow = newRow; double currentRow = beginRow; double currentRowCol2 = 0; double firstCustomerRow = 100d; double txtShift = 8d; string hcString = string.Empty; //---added 6-26-13 string sim1 = "["; string sim2 = "]"; string space = " "; // TITULO gfx.DrawString("EVALUACION CREDITICIA", fontB18, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 20, topMargin + 40); pen = new XPen(XColors.Black, 2); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(pen, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 15, 240, 50, 15, 15); // CUADRO gfx.DrawString("PROFORMA", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 310, topMargin + 30); gfx.DrawString(": PD-"+XSERDOC+Equivalencias.Right(XNUMDOC,4), font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 370, topMargin + 30); gfx.DrawString("FECHA", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 440, topMargin + 30); gfx.DrawString(": " + Equivalencias.Left(XFECHA, 10), font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 480, topMargin + 30); gfx.DrawString("CLIENTE", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 310, topMargin + 40); gfx.DrawString(": "+Equivalencias.Left(XCTACTENAME,30) , font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 370, topMargin + 40); gfx.DrawString("RUC", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 310, topMargin + 50); gfx.DrawString(": "+XCLINMRUC, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 370, topMargin + 50); gfx.DrawString("VENDEDOR", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 310, topMargin + 60); gfx.DrawString(": "+XUSUAR, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 370, topMargin + 60); // CONTENIDO gfx.DrawString("I.", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 20, topMargin + 80); gfx.DrawString("DOCUMENTACION PARA LA EVALUACION CREDITICIA :", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 80); gfx.DrawString("1.", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 95); gfx.DrawString("CONDICION JURIDICA DEL CLIENTE :", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 95); if (XESJURIDICA) { gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 108); gfx.DrawString("PERSONA NATURAL", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 108); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 118); gfx.DrawString("PERSONA JURIDICA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 118); } else { gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 108); gfx.DrawString("PERSONA NATURAL", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 108); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 118); gfx.DrawString("PERSONA JURIDICA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 118); } gfx.DrawString("2.", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 133); gfx.DrawString("DOCUMENTOS PRESENTADOS POR EL CLIENTE :", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 133); // COLUMNA 1 if(XCOPIACONST) gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 146); else gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 146); gfx.DrawString("CONSTITUCION DE LA EMPRESA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 146); if(XCOPIARUC) gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 156); else gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 156); gfx.DrawString("RUC", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 156); if(XCOPIADNI) gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 166); else gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 166); gfx.DrawString("DNI", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 166); // COLUMNA 2 if(XLICFUNC) gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 146); else gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 146); gfx.DrawString("LIC. DE FUNCIONAMIENTO", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 146); if(XTITLOCAL) gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 156); else gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 156); gfx.DrawString("TITULO DE PROPIEDAD", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 156); if(XCONTLOCAL) gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 166); else gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 166); gfx.DrawString("CONTRATO DE LOCAL", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 166); if(XRECIBO) gfx.DrawString(sim1 + "X" + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 176); else gfx.DrawString(sim1 + space + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 176); gfx.DrawString("RECIBO AGUA O LUZ", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 176); gfx.DrawString("II.", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 20, topMargin + 200); gfx.DrawString("FACTORES DE EVALUACION CREDITICIA:", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 200); // COLUMNA 1 gfx.DrawString("3.", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 215); gfx.DrawString("COMPORTAMIENTO DE PAGO", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 215); gfx.DrawString("3.1", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 228); gfx.DrawString("PROTESTOS DE LETRA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 228); string x1 = space, x2 = space; if (XTIENLETR) x1 = "X"; else x2 = "X"; gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x1 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 241); gfx.DrawString("SI TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 110, topMargin + 241); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x2 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 251); gfx.DrawString("NO TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 110, topMargin + 251); gfx.DrawString("3.2", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 264); gfx.DrawString("INCUMPLIMIENTO DE PAGO", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 264); string x3 = space, x4 = space; if (XTIENMORO) x3 = "X"; else x4 = "X"; gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x3 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 277); gfx.DrawString("SI TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 110, topMargin + 277); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x4 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 287); gfx.DrawString("NO TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 110, topMargin + 287); gfx.DrawString("4.", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 310); gfx.DrawString("ANTECEDENTES INFOCORP", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 310); string x5 = space, x6 = space; if (XMOROSO) x5 = "X"; else x6 = "X"; gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x5 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 323); gfx.DrawString("SI TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 110, topMargin + 323); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x6 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 333); gfx.DrawString("NO TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 110, topMargin + 333); // COLUMNA 2 gfx.DrawString("5.", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 215); gfx.DrawString("REFERENCIAS COMERCIALES", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 215); string xva1 = space, xva2 = space, xva3 = space; if (XREFCOMER.Length > 0) { if (XREFCOMER.ToString() == "B") xva1 = "X"; else if (XREFCOMER.ToString() == "R") xva2 = "X"; else if (XREFCOMER.ToString() == "M") xva3 = "X"; } gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xva1 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 228); gfx.DrawString("BUENA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 228); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xva2 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 238); gfx.DrawString("REGULAR", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 238); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xva3 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 248); gfx.DrawString("MALA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 248); gfx.DrawString("6.", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 271); gfx.DrawString("REFERENCIAS BANCARIAS", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 271); string xva4 = space, xva5 = space, xva6 = space; if (XREFBANCA.Length > 0) { if (XREFBANCA.ToString() == "B") xva4 = "X"; else if (XREFBANCA.ToString() == "R") xva5 = "X"; else if (XREFBANCA.ToString() == "M") xva6 = "X"; } gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xva4 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 284); gfx.DrawString("BUENA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 284); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xva5 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 294); gfx.DrawString("REGULAR", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 294); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xva6 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 304); gfx.DrawString("MALA", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 304); gfx.DrawString("7.", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 327); gfx.DrawString("EVALUACION PATRIMONIAL", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 327); gfx.DrawString("7.1", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 340); gfx.DrawString("BIENES MUEBLES", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 340); string x7 = space, x8 = space; if (XBIENMUEB) x7 = "X"; else x8 = "X"; gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x7 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 351); gfx.DrawString("SI TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 360, topMargin + 351); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x8 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 361); gfx.DrawString("NO TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 360, topMargin + 361); gfx.DrawString("7.2", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 374); gfx.DrawString("BIENES INMUEBLES", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 374); string x9 = space, x10 = space; if (XBIENINMUEB) x9 = "X"; else x10 = "X"; gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x9 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 387); gfx.DrawString("SI TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 360, topMargin + 387); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x10 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 340, topMargin + 397); gfx.DrawString("NO TIENE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 360, topMargin + 397); //---------- gfx.DrawString("III.", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 20, topMargin + 420); gfx.DrawString("OPINION AREA DE VENTAS HORIZONTALES", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 420); string xcli1 = space, xcli2 = space, xcli3 = space; if (XEVALCXCOB.Length > 0) { if (XEVALCXCOB.ToString() == "CA") xcli1 = "X"; else if (XEVALCXCOB.ToString() == "CN") xcli2 = "X"; else if (XEVALCXCOB.ToString() == "CD") xcli3 = "X"; } gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xcli1 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 435); gfx.DrawString("CLIENTE ACEPTABLE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 435); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xcli2 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 445); gfx.DrawString("CLIENTE NO ACEPTABLE", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 445); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + xcli3 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 70, topMargin + 455); gfx.DrawString("CLIENTE DUDOSO", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 90, topMargin + 455); gfx.DrawString("OTROS COMENTARIOS:", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 475); gfx.DrawString("» "+XOBSCXCOB, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 80, topMargin + 490); gfx.DrawString("IV.", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 20, topMargin + 520); gfx.DrawString("APROBACIÓN GERENCIA GENERAL", fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 520); string x11 = space, x12 = space; if (XAPROBGERE == "32") x11 = "X"; else if (XAPROBGERE == "39") x12 = "X"; gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x11 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 200, topMargin + 533); gfx.DrawString("APROBADO", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 220, topMargin + 533); gfx.DrawString(sim1 + x12 + sim2, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 300, topMargin + 533); gfx.DrawString("NO APROBADO", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 320, topMargin + 533); gfx.DrawString("OBSERVACIONES:", font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 553); gfx.DrawString("» " + XOBSGEREN, font9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 80, topMargin + 568); string texto = "NOTA: A ESTE FORMATO SE DEBERA ANEXAR LA DOCUMENTACIÓN CORRESPONDIENTE"; gfx.DrawString(texto, fontB9, XBrushes.Black, leftMargin + 50, topMargin + 598); //SE ENVIA EL PDF AL BROWSER MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); document.Save(stream, false); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("content-length", stream.Length.ToString()); Response.BinaryWrite(stream.ToArray()); Response.Flush(); stream.Close(); Response.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { Label1.Text = ex.Message; } }