public override DataTable List(ClsQueryCondition Condition, string Sort = "", int Top = 0, int Page = 0)
            if (Condition == null)
            { Condition = this.mDa.CreateQueryCondition(); }
            Condition.Add("IsApproved", "0", typeof(bool).ToString(), "0");

            this.mDt_List = base.List(Condition, Sort, Top, Page );
            this.mDt_List.Columns.Add("IsSelected", typeof(bool));
            return this.mDt_List;
        public override long List_Count(ClsQueryCondition Condition = null)
            if (Condition == null)
            { Condition = this.mDa.CreateQueryCondition(); }

            Condition.Add("IsDeleted", "= 0", typeof(bool).ToString(), "0");

            if (!this.mCurrentUser.CheckAccess(Layer02_Constants.eSystem_Modules.Question, Layer02_Constants.eAccessLib.eAccessLib_View))
            { Condition.Add("RecruitmentTestUserID_CreatedBy", "= " + this.mCurrentUser.pUserID, typeof(Int64).ToString(), "0"); }

            return base.List_Count(Condition);
        public override long List_Count(ClsQueryCondition Condition = null)
            if (Condition == null)
            { Condition = this.mDa.CreateQueryCondition(); }
            Condition.Add("IsApproved", "0", typeof(bool).ToString(), "0");

            return base.List_Count(Condition);
        // Gets the table data that meet certain conditions.
        // @param Condition The condition object where filter parameters for the questions are set.
        // @param Sort The sort expression, or the column to which the table is sorted.
        // @param Top For paging, define the number of results returned for.
        // @param Page The selected index (page) if pagination is enforced.
        public override DataTable List(ClsQueryCondition Condition, string Sort = "", int Top = 0, int Page = 0)
            if (Condition == null)
            { Condition = this.mDa.CreateQueryCondition(); }

            Condition.Add("IsDeleted", "= 0", typeof(bool).ToString(), "0");

            if (!this.mCurrentUser.CheckAccess(Layer02_Constants.eSystem_Modules.Question, Layer02_Constants.eAccessLib.eAccessLib_View))
            { Condition.Add("RecruitmentTestUserID_CreatedBy", "= " + this.mCurrentUser.pUserID, typeof(Int64).ToString(), "0"); }

            return base.List(Condition, Sort, Top, Page);