public bool ConnectToServer(List <ServerListEntry> publicServers, string hash) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hash)) { return(false); } ClientStartData data = null; for (int i = 0; i < publicServers.Count; i++) { ServerListEntry entry = publicServers[i]; if (entry.Hash != hash) { continue; } data = new ClientStartData(Session.Username, entry.Mppass, entry.IPAddress, entry.Port, entry.Name); Client.Start(data, true, ref ShouldExit); return(true); } // Fallback to private server handling try { data = Session.GetConnectInfo(hash); } catch (WebException ex) { ErrorHandler.LogError("retrieving server information", ex); return(false); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return(false); } Client.Start(data, true, ref ShouldExit); return(true); }
static bool StartImpl( ClientStartData data, bool classicubeSkins, string args, ref bool shouldExit) { Process process = null; string path = Path.Combine( Program.AppDirectory, "ClassicalSharp.exe" ); if( !File.Exists( path ) ) return false; CheckSettings( data, classicubeSkins, out shouldExit ); if( Configuration.RunningOnMono ) { // We also need to handle the case of running Mono through wine if( Configuration.RunningOnWindows ) { try { process = Process.Start( "mono", "\"" + path + "\" " + args ); } catch( Win32Exception ex ) { if( !((uint)ex.ErrorCode == 0x80070002 || (uint)ex.ErrorCode == 0x80004005) ) throw; // File not found HRESULT, HRESULT thrown when running on wine process = Process.Start( path, args ); } } else { process = Process.Start( "mono", "\"" + path + "\" " + args ); } } else { process = Process.Start( path, args ); } return true; }
void ResumeClick(int mouseX, int mouseY) { if (!resumeValid) { return; } ClientStartData data = new ClientStartData(resumeUser, resumeMppass, resumeIp, resumePort); Client.Start(data, resumeCCSkins, ref game.ShouldExit); }
public static bool Start( ClientStartData data, bool classicubeSkins, ref bool shouldExit ) { if( (DateTime.UtcNow - lastJoin).TotalSeconds < 1 ) return false; lastJoin = DateTime.UtcNow; string skinServer = classicubeSkins ? "" : ""; string args = data.Username + " " + data.Mppass + " " + data.Ip + " " + data.Port + " " + skinServer; return StartImpl( data, classicubeSkins, args, ref shouldExit ); }
void SaveToOptions(ClientStartData data, bool ccSkins) { if (!Options.Load()) { return; } Options.Set("launcher-dc-username", data.RealUsername); Options.Set("launcher-dc-ip", data.Ip); Options.Set("launcher-dc-port", data.Port); Options.Set("launcher-dc-mppass", Secure.Encode(data.Mppass, data.RealUsername)); Options.Set("launcher-dc-ccskins", ccSkins); Options.Save(); }
public static bool Start(ClientStartData data, bool classicubeSkins, ref bool shouldExit) { if ((DateTime.UtcNow - lastJoin).TotalSeconds < 1) { return(false); } lastJoin = DateTime.UtcNow; string skinServer = classicubeSkins ? "" : ""; string args = data.Username + " " + data.Mppass + " " + data.Ip + " " + data.Port + " " + skinServer; return(StartImpl(data, classicubeSkins, args, ref shouldExit)); }
public bool ConnectToServer(List <ServerListEntry> publicServers, string hash) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hash)) { return(false); } ClientStartData data = null; for (int i = 0; i < publicServers.Count; i++) { ServerListEntry entry = publicServers[i]; if (entry.Hash != hash) { continue; } data = new ClientStartData(Username, entry.Mppass, entry.IPAddress, entry.Port, entry.Name); Client.Start(data, true, ref ShouldExit); return(true); } // Fallback to private server handling try { // TODO: Rewrite to be async FetchServerTask task = new FetchServerTask(Username, hash); task.RunAsync(this); while (!task.Completed) { task.Tick(); Thread.Sleep(10); } if (task.WebEx != null) { throw task.WebEx; } data = task.Info; } catch (WebException ex) { ErrorHandler.LogError("retrieving server information", ex); return(false); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return(false); } Client.Start(data, true, ref ShouldExit); return(true); }
internal static void CheckSettings( ClientStartData data, bool classiCubeSkins, out bool shouldExit ) { shouldExit = false; // Make sure if the client has changed some settings in the meantime, we keep the changes if( !Options.Load() ) return; shouldExit = Options.GetBool( OptionsKey.AutoCloseLauncher, false ); if( data == null ) return; Options.Set( "launcher-username", data.RealUsername ); Options.Set( "launcher-ip", data.Ip ); Options.Set( "launcher-port", data.Port ); Options.Set( "launcher-mppass", Secure.Encode( data.Mppass, data.RealUsername ) ); Options.Set( "launcher-ccskins", classiCubeSkins ); Options.Save(); }
static bool StartImpl(ClientStartData data, bool ccSkins, string args, ref bool shouldExit) { if (!Platform.FileExists("ClassicalSharp.exe")) { return(false); } CheckSettings(data, ccSkins, out shouldExit); try { StartProcess(args); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { if ((uint)ex.ErrorCode != 0x80004005) { throw; // HRESULT when user clicks 'cancel' to 'are you sure you want to run ClassicalSharp.exe' } shouldExit = false; return(false); } return(true); }
ClientStartData GetStartData(string user, string mppass, string ip, string port) { SetStatus(""); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { SetStatus("&ePlease enter a username"); return(null); } IPAddress realIp; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ip, out realIp) && ip != "localhost") { SetStatus("&eInvalid ip"); return(null); } if (ip == "localhost") { ip = ""; } ushort realPort; if (!UInt16.TryParse(port, out realPort)) { SetStatus("&eInvalid port"); return(null); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mppass)) { mppass = "******"; } ClientStartData data = new ClientStartData(user, mppass, ip, port); if (user.ToLowerInvariant() == "rand()" || user.ToLowerInvariant() == "random()") { rnd.NextBytes(rndBytes); data.Username = Convert.ToBase64String(rndBytes).TrimEnd('='); } return(data); }
internal static void CheckSettings(ClientStartData data, bool ccSkins, out bool shouldExit) { shouldExit = false; // Make sure if the client has changed some settings in the meantime, we keep the changes if (!Options.Load()) { return; } shouldExit = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.AutoCloseLauncher, false); if (data == null) { return; } Options.Set("launcher-username", data.Username); Options.Set("launcher-ip", data.Ip); Options.Set("launcher-port", data.Port); Options.Set("launcher-mppass", Secure.Encode(data.Mppass, data.Username)); Options.Set("launcher-ccskins", ccSkins); Options.Save(); }
static bool StartImpl(ClientStartData data, bool classicubeSkins, string args, ref bool shouldExit) { Process process = null; string path = Path.Combine(Program.AppDirectory, "ClassicalSharp.exe"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { return(false); } CheckSettings(data, classicubeSkins, out shouldExit); if (Configuration.RunningOnMono) { // We also need to handle the case of running Mono through wine if (Configuration.RunningOnWindows) { try { process = Process.Start("mono", "\"" + path + "\" " + args); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { if (!((uint)ex.ErrorCode == 0x80070002 || (uint)ex.ErrorCode == 0x80004005)) { throw; // File not found HRESULT, HRESULT thrown when running on wine } process = Process.Start(path, args); } } else { process = Process.Start("mono", "\"" + path + "\" " + args); } } else { process = Process.Start(path, args); } return(true); }
static bool StartImpl(ClientStartData data, bool classicubeSkins, string args, ref bool shouldExit) { string path = Path.Combine(Program.AppDirectory, "ClassicalSharp.exe"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { return(false); } CheckSettings(data, classicubeSkins, out shouldExit); try { StartProcess(path, args); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { if ((uint)ex.ErrorCode != 0x80004005) { throw; // HRESULT when user clicks 'cancel' to 'are you sure you want to run ClassicalSharp.exe' } shouldExit = false; return(false); } return(true); }
void StartClient(int mouseX, int mouseY) { string address = Get(1); int index = address.LastIndexOf(':'); if (index <= 0 || index == address.Length - 1) { SetStatus("&eInvalid address"); return; } string ipPart = address.Substring(0, index); string portPart = address.Substring(index + 1, address.Length - index - 1); ClientStartData data = GetStartData(Get(0), Get(2), ipPart, portPart); if (data == null) { return; } bool ccSkins = ((LauncherBooleanWidget)widgets[skinsIndex]).Value; SaveToOptions(data, ccSkins); Client.Start(data, ccSkins, ref game.ShouldExit); }
public bool ConnectToServer( List<ServerListEntry> publicServers, string hash ) { if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( hash ) ) return false; ClientStartData data = null; foreach( ServerListEntry entry in publicServers ) { if( entry.Hash == hash ) { data = new ClientStartData( Session.Username, entry.Mppass, entry.IPAddress, entry.Port ); Client.Start( data, true, ref ShouldExit ); return true; } } // Fallback to private server handling try { data = Session.GetConnectInfo( hash ); } catch( WebException ex ) { ErrorHandler.LogError( "retrieving server information", ex ); return false; } catch( ArgumentOutOfRangeException ) { return false; } Client.Start( data, true, ref ShouldExit ); return true; }
void ResumeClick( int mouseX, int mouseY ) { if( !resumeValid ) return; ClientStartData data = new ClientStartData( resumeUser, resumeMppass, resumeIp, resumePort ); Client.Start( data, resumeCCSkins, ref game.ShouldExit ); }
ClientStartData GetStartData( string user, string mppass, string ip, string port ) { SetStatus( "" ); if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( user ) ) { SetStatus( "&ePlease enter a username" ); return null; } IPAddress realIp; if( !IPAddress.TryParse( ip, out realIp ) && ip != "localhost" ) { SetStatus( "&eInvalid ip" ); return null; } if( ip == "localhost" ) ip = ""; ushort realPort; if( !UInt16.TryParse( port, out realPort ) ) { SetStatus( "&eInvalid port" ); return null; } if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( mppass ) ) mppass = "******"; ClientStartData data = new ClientStartData( user, mppass, ip, port ); if( user.ToLowerInvariant() == "rand()" || user.ToLowerInvariant() == "random()") { rnd.NextBytes( rndBytes ); data.Username = Convert.ToBase64String( rndBytes ).TrimEnd( '=' ); } return data; }
void SaveToOptions( ClientStartData data, bool ccSkins ) { if( !Options.Load() ) return; Options.Set( "launcher-dc-username", data.RealUsername ); Options.Set( "launcher-dc-ip", data.Ip ); Options.Set( "launcher-dc-port", data.Port ); Options.Set( "launcher-dc-mppass", Secure.Encode( data.Mppass, data.RealUsername ) ); Options.Set( "launcher-dc-ccskins", ccSkins ); Options.Save(); }