private Rect BaseType(Rect full, Rect previous) { if ((ObjectKind)kind.value == ObjectKind.Class) { var genericsHeight = GetGenericArgumentsHeight(GenericBaseTypeConstruct.Base, full.width, 14); var baseTypeRect = previous; baseTypeRect.y += previous.height - 1; baseTypeRect.height = genericsHeight + 40 + 9; // Draw a rectangle that contains a border and is light grey. Color usage for differentiating sections. UtilityGUI.Container(baseTypeRect,, 0.6f.Grey(), 1, 10, (container) => { UtilityGUI.Container(container,, 0.8f.Grey(), 1, 4, (_container) => { var icon = UAliveIcons.SetWhenNull("Type", UAliveIcons.IconFromPathLudiq("System.Type", UAliveIcons.IconSize.Large)); UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(container.x, container.y, container.width, 24), 1, 0.3f.Grey(),, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside); Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(container.x + 5, container.y + 4, 16, 16), icon); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_container.x + 20, _container.y, _container.width - 26, 16), "Base Type", new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel) { normal = new GUIStyleState() { textColor = Color.white } }); LudiqGUI.Inspector(baseType, new Rect(_container.x + 14, _container.y + 32, _container.width - 20, genericsHeight - 6), GUIContent.none); }); }); return(baseTypeRect); } return(previous); }
public static Texture2D FindIcon(this System.Type type) { var name = type.IsPrimitive ? type.CSharpName(false) : type.CSharpFullName(false); var icon = UAliveIcons.IconFromPathLudiq(name, UAliveIcons.IconSize.Medium); if (icon != null) { return(icon); } icon = UAliveIcons.IconFromPathBoltFlow(name, UAliveIcons.IconSize.Medium); if (icon == null) { return(icon); } icon = UAliveIcons.IconFromPathBolt(name, UAliveIcons.IconSize.Medium); return(icon); }