private LinkVM ConvertToLinkVM(dynamic obj)
            var result = new LinkVM();

            if (obj != null)
                result.Url  = obj.Value;
                result.Text = obj.Text;
        public void StoreInspectExpandoFields(List <ContentPart> listpart, string key, object value)
            var fields = listpart.SelectMany(x => x.Fields.Where(f => f.Name == key));

            if (fields != null)
                var fieldObj = fields.FirstOrDefault();
                if (fieldObj != null)
                    // provo a registrare il dato in uno dei fields
                    // non posso fare questo
                    //      fieldObj.GetType().GetProperty("Value").SetValue(fieldObj, value, null);
                    // perchè non regge il tipo nullabile
                    var    theContentItem = listpart.ElementAt(0).ContentItem;
                    string tipofield      = fieldObj.GetType().Name;
                    if (tipofield == typeof(EnumerationField).Name)
                        RegistraValoreEnumerator(fieldObj, "SelectedValues", value);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(DateTimeField).Name)
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "DateTime", value);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(ContentPickerField).Name || tipofield == typeof(MediaLibraryPickerField).Name)
                        RegistraValoreContentPickerField(fieldObj, "Ids", value);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(TaxonomyField).Name)
                        var taxobase = _taxonomyService.GetTaxonomyByName(fieldObj.PartFieldDefinition.Settings["TaxonomyFieldSettings.Taxonomy"]);

                        List <TaxoVM> second = null;
                        if (value is List <TaxoVM> )
                            second = (List <TaxoVM>)value;
                            second = ConvertToVM((List <dynamic>)value);

                        List <Int32>    ElencoCategorie   = second.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                        List <TermPart> ListTermPartToAdd = new List <TermPart>();
                        if (_taxonomyService.GetTerm(ElencoCategorie.FirstOrDefault()) == null && ElencoCategorie.Count > 0)
                            throw new Exception("Field " + key + " Taxonomy term with id=" + ElencoCategorie[0].ToString() + " not exist");
                            #region [ Tassonomia in Lingua ]
                            foreach (Int32 idtermine in ElencoCategorie)
                                if (_taxonomyService.GetTerm(idtermine) != null)
                                    var      taxo_sended_user    = _taxonomyService.GetTaxonomy(_taxonomyService.GetTerm(idtermine).TaxonomyId);
                                    TermPart termine_selezionato = taxo_sended_user.Terms.Where(x => x.Id == idtermine).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (theContentItem.As <LocalizationPart>() == null || theContentItem.ContentType == "User")  // se il contenuto non ha localization oppure è user salvo il mastercontent del termine
                                        Int32 idmaster = 0;
                                        if (termine_selezionato.ContentItem.As <LocalizationPart>() == null)
                                            idmaster = termine_selezionato.ContentItem.Id;
                                        else if (termine_selezionato.ContentItem.As <LocalizationPart>().MasterContentItem == null)
                                            idmaster = termine_selezionato.ContentItem.As <LocalizationPart>().Id;
                                            idmaster = termine_selezionato.ContentItem.As <LocalizationPart>().MasterContentItem.Id;
                                        TermPart toAdd = taxobase.Terms.Where(x => x.Id == idmaster).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (toAdd == null)
                                            toAdd = taxobase.Terms.Where(x => x.ContentItem.As <LocalizationPart>().MasterContentItem.Id == idmaster).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (ListTermPartToAdd.Contains(toAdd) == false)
                                    else     // se il contenuto ha localization e non è user salvo il termine come mi viene passato
                                             // TODO: testare pertinenza della lingua Contenuto in italianao=>termine in italiano
                                        TermPart toAdd = termine_selezionato;
                                        if (ListTermPartToAdd.Contains(toAdd) == false)
                            #endregion [ Tassonomia in Lingua ]
                        _taxonomyService.UpdateTerms(theContentItem, ListTermPartToAdd, fieldObj.Name);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(LinkField).Name)
                        LinkVM second = null;
                        if (value is LinkVM)
                            second = (LinkVM)value;
                            second = ConvertToLinkVM(value);
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Value", second.Url);
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Text", second.Text);
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Value", value);
                //provo a registrare il dato nella proprieta del current user
                if (!(key.IndexOf(".") > 0) && key.ToLower() != "contenttype" && key.ToLower() != "id" && key.ToLower() != "language")
                    throw new Exception("Field " + key + " not in contentitem");
예제 #3
        public void StoreInspectExpandoFields(List <ContentPart> listpart, string key, object value)
            var fields = listpart.SelectMany(x => x.Fields.Where(f => f.Name == key));

            if (fields != null)
                var fieldObj = fields.FirstOrDefault();
                if (fieldObj != null)
                    // provo a registrare il dato in uno dei fields
                    // non posso fare questo
                    //      fieldObj.GetType().GetProperty("Value").SetValue(fieldObj, value, null);
                    // perchè non regge il tipo nullabile
                    var    theContentItem = listpart.ElementAt(0).ContentItem;
                    string tipofield      = fieldObj.GetType().Name;
                    if (tipofield == typeof(EnumerationField).Name)
                        RegistraValoreEnumerator(fieldObj, "SelectedValues", value);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(DateTimeField).Name)
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "DateTime", value);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(ContentPickerField).Name || tipofield == typeof(MediaLibraryPickerField).Name)
                        RegistraValoreContentPickerField(fieldObj, "Ids", value);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(TaxonomyField).Name)
                        var taxobase = _taxonomyService.GetTaxonomyByName(fieldObj.PartFieldDefinition.Settings["TaxonomyFieldSettings.Taxonomy"]);

                        List <TaxoVM> second = null;
                        if (value is List <TaxoVM> )
                            second = (List <TaxoVM>)value;
                            second = ConvertToVM((List <dynamic>)value);

                        List <Int32>    ElencoCategorie   = second.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                        List <TermPart> ListTermPartToAdd = new List <TermPart>();
                        if (_taxonomyService.GetTerm(ElencoCategorie.FirstOrDefault()) == null && ElencoCategorie.Count > 0)
                            throw new Exception("Field " + key + " Taxonomy term with id=" + ElencoCategorie[0].ToString() + " not exist");
                            #region [ Tassonomia in Lingua ]
                            foreach (Int32 idtermine in ElencoCategorie)
                                var term = _taxonomyService.GetTerm(idtermine);
                                if (term != null)
                                    var      taxo_sended_user    = _taxonomyService.GetTaxonomy(_taxonomyService.GetTerm(idtermine).TaxonomyId);
                                    TermPart termine_selezionato = taxo_sended_user.Terms.Where(x => x.Id == idtermine).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (theContentItem.As <LocalizationPart>() == null || theContentItem.ContentType == "User")             // se il contenuto non ha localization oppure è user salvo il mastercontent del termine
                                        var termTranslations = _localizationServices.GetLocalizations(term).Select(x => x.As <TermPart>()); //get all translations for the term
                                        ListTermPartToAdd.Add(term);                                                                        //adds the original term
                                        ListTermPartToAdd.AddRange(termTranslations);                                                       // adds the translations of term
                                    else                                                                                                    // se il contenuto ha localization e non è user salvo il termine come mi viene passato
                                                                                                                                            // TODO: testare pertinenza della lingua Contenuto in italianao=>termine in italiano
                                        TermPart toAdd = termine_selezionato;
                                        if (ListTermPartToAdd.Contains(toAdd) == false)
                            ListTermPartToAdd = ListTermPartToAdd.Distinct().ToList(); //removes duplicated
                            #endregion [ Tassonomia in Lingua ]
                        _taxonomyService.UpdateTerms(theContentItem, ListTermPartToAdd, fieldObj.Name);
                    else if (tipofield == typeof(LinkField).Name)
                        LinkVM second = null;
                        if (value is LinkVM)
                            second = (LinkVM)value;
                            second = ConvertToLinkVM(value);
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Value", second.Url);
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Text", second.Text);
                    else if (tipofield == "SecureFileField")
                        // Using value as dynamic because value is a dynamic ExpandoObject.
                        // The RegistraValore routine throws an exception otherwise (Object must implement IConvertible).
                        // I need to check if the ExpandoObject (inheriting IDictionary) contains the property I'm looking for.
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Url"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Url", (value as dynamic).Url);
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("AlternateText"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "AlternateText", (value as dynamic).AlternateText);
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Class"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Class", (value as dynamic).Class);
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Style"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Style", (value as dynamic).Style);
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Alignment"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Alignment", (value as dynamic).Alignment);
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Width"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Width", (value as dynamic).Width);
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Height"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Height", (value as dynamic).Height);
                        if (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Upload"))
                            RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Upload", (value as dynamic).Height);
                        if ((((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("Base64File")) &&
                            (((IDictionary <string, object>)((dynamic)value)).ContainsKey("FileName")))
                            RegistraFile(fieldObj, (value as dynamic).Base64File, (value as dynamic).FileName);
                        RegistraValore(fieldObj, "Value", value);
                //provo a registrare il dato nella proprieta del current user
                if (!(key.IndexOf(".") > 0) && key.ToLower() != "contenttype" && key.ToLower() != "id" && key.ToLower() != "language")
                    throw new Exception("Field " + key + " not in contentitem");