protected void ForgotUsername(string EmailAddress) { string strBody; string FirstName = ""; string LastName = ""; string LoginUsername = ""; Classes.cLogin Username = new Classes.cLogin(); Username.GetUsernameByEmail(EmailAddress); FirstName = Username.FirstName; LastName = Username.LastName; LoginUsername = Username.Username; string strSubject = "Your LARP Portal Username"; strBody = "Hi " + FirstName + ",<p></p><p></p>Your LARP Portal username is <b>" + LoginUsername + "</b>. If you need further assistance please contact us "; strBody = strBody + "via email at [email protected].<br><br>"; strBody = strBody + @"Click <u><a href="""">here</a></u> to log in."; Classes.cEmailMessageService MailServer = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { MailServer.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, EmailAddress, "", "", "ForgotUsername", "System"); mvInfoRequest.SetActiveView(vwSentEmail); } catch (Exception) { mvInfoRequest.SetActiveView(vwIssue); } }
protected void btnSupportSendEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strBody; string strSubject = "Trouble with username / password"; strBody = "From: " + txtSupportName.Text + "<br>Email: " + txtSupportEmail.Text + "<br><br>Issue Details:<br><br>"; strBody = strBody + txtSupportBody.Text; strBody = strBody + "<br><br>Answers Provided:<br>Email Address: " + txtEmailAddress.Text + "<br>"; strBody = strBody + "Username: "******"<br>"; string strCCAddress = ""; if (chkSupportCCMe2.Checked) { strCCAddress = txtSupportEmail.Text; } Classes.cEmailMessageService MailServer = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { MailServer.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, txtEmailAddress.Text, strCCAddress, "", "ForgotPasswordSupportRequest", "System"); lblSupportSentEmail.Text = "An email has been sent to LARP Portal support."; lblSupportSentEmail.Visible = true; } catch (Exception) { lblSupportSentEmail.Text = "An email has been sent to LARP Portal support."; lblSupportSentEmail.Visible = true; } }
protected void GenerateWelcomeEmail(string FirstName, string LastName, string Username, string strTo, string ActivationKey) { string strBody; string strSubject = "Your LARP Portal Activation Key"; strBody = "Hi " + FirstName + "<p></p>Welcome to LARP Portal. The activation key for your new account is " + ActivationKey + ". To activate your "; strBody = strBody + "account return to Enter your username and password into the Member Login section and click the Login "; strBody = strBody + "button. When the site prompts you for your activation key, enter it and click the Login button again.<p></p>If you have "; strBody = strBody + "any questions please email us at [email protected]."; Classes.cEmailMessageService NotifyStaff = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { NotifyStaff.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, strTo, "", "", "ActivationKey", Username); } catch (Exception) { lblEmailFailed.Text = "There was an issue. Please contact us at [email protected] for assistance."; lblEmailFailed.Visible = true; } }
protected void NotifyOfNewRegistration() { string strBody; //string strFromUser = "******"; //string strFromDomain = ""; //string strFrom = strFromUser + "@" + strFromDomain; //string strSMTPPassword = "******"; string strSubject = "New Silverfire event registration - " + lblPlayerName.Text; string strTeam = ""; if (ddlTeams.SelectedIndex >= 0) { strTeam = ddlTeams.SelectedItem.Text; } strBody = lblPlayerName.Text + " has just registered for the upcoming Silverfire event. <br>Email: " + lblPlayerEmail.Text + "<br>Character: " + lblCharacterAKA.Text + "<br>Team: "; strBody = strBody + strTeam + "<br>Payment Method: " + ddlPaymentType.SelectedItem.Text + "<br>Player Comments: " + tbComment.Text; //string EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**"; //MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(strFrom, EmailAddress); //mail.Bcc.Add("*****@*****.**"); //SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 80); //client.EnableSsl = false; //client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; //client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(strFrom, strSMTPPassword); //client.Timeout = 10000; //mail.Subject = strSubject; //mail.Body = strBody; //mail.IsBodyHtml = true; Classes.cEmailMessageService RegistrationEmail = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { //client.Send(mail); RegistrationEmail.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, "*****@*****.**", lblPlayerEmail.Text, "", "Registration", Session["Username"].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { //lblUsernameISEmail.Text = "There was an issue. Please contact us at [email protected] for assistance."; //lblUsernameISEmail.Visible = true; } }
protected void NotifyOfNewRegistration() { string strBody; string strSubject = "New Wrathborn event registration - " + lblPlayerName.Text; string strTeam = ""; if (ddlTeams.SelectedIndex >= 0) { strTeam = ddlTeams.SelectedItem.Text; } strBody = lblPlayerName.Text + " has just registered for the upcoming Wrathborn event. <br>Email: " + lblPlayerEmail.Text + "<br>Character: " + lblCharacterAKA.Text + "<br>Team: "; strBody = strBody + strTeam + "<br>Payment Method: " + ddlPaymentType.SelectedItem.Text + "<br>Player Comments: " + tbComment.Text; Classes.cEmailMessageService RegistrationEmail = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { RegistrationEmail.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, "*****@*****.**", lblPlayerEmail.Text, "", "Registration", Session["Username"].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } }
protected void SendApprovalEmail(int CampaignID, int UserID, int Role, string RequestEmail) { string strFromUser = "******"; string strFromDomain = ""; string strFrom = strFromUser + "@" + strFromDomain; string strTo = RequestEmail; //string strSMTPPassword = "******"; string strSubject = ""; string strBody = ""; string CampaignName = ""; string Username = ""; if (Session["Username"] != null) { Username = Session["Username"].ToString(); } string PlayerFirstName = ""; // Needs defining - Look up based on UserID string PlayerLastName = ""; // Needs defining string PlayerEmailAddress = ""; // Needs defining Classes.cCampaignBase Campaign = new Classes.cCampaignBase(CampaignID, "Username", UserID); CampaignName = Campaign.CampaignName; Classes.cUser UserInfo = new Classes.cUser(Username, "Password"); PlayerFirstName = UserInfo.FirstName; PlayerLastName = UserInfo.LastName; PlayerEmailAddress = Session["MemberEmailAddress"].ToString(); switch (Role) { case 6: strSubject = "Request to be a Permanent NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be a permanent NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 7: strSubject = "Request to be an Event NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be an Evnet NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 8: strSubject = "Request to PC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to PC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 10: strSubject = "Request to NPC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; default: break; } Classes.cEmailMessageService NotifyStaff = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { NotifyStaff.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, strTo, "", "", "PointsEmail", Username); } catch (Exception) { //lblEmailFailed.Text = "There was an issue. Please contact us at [email protected] for assistance."; } //MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(strFrom, strTo); //SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 80); //client.EnableSsl = false; //client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; //client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(strFrom, strSMTPPassword); //client.Timeout = 10000; //NotifyStaff.SendMail() //mail.Subject = strSubject; //mail.Body = strBody; //mail.IsBodyHtml = true; //if (strSubject != "") //{ // try // { // client.Send(mail); // } // catch (Exception) // { // } //} }
protected void SendApprovalEmail(int CampaignID, int UserID, int Role, string RequestEmail) { string strFromUser = "******"; string strFromDomain = ""; string strFrom = strFromUser + "@" + strFromDomain; string strTo = RequestEmail; //string strSMTPPassword = "******"; string strSubject = ""; string strBody = ""; string CampaignName = ""; string PlayerFirstName = ""; // Needs defining - Look up based on UserID string PlayerLastName = ""; // Needs defining string PlayerEmailAddress = ""; // Needs defining Classes.cCampaignBase Campaign = new Classes.cCampaignBase(CampaignID, "Username", UserID); CampaignName = Campaign.CampaignName; Classes.cUser UserInfo = new Classes.cUser(hidUsername.Value, "Password", Session.SessionID); PlayerFirstName = UserInfo.FirstName; PlayerLastName = UserInfo.LastName; PlayerEmailAddress = hidMemberEmailAddress.Value; switch (Role) { case 6: strSubject = "Request to be a Permanent NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be a permanent NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 7: strSubject = "Request to be an Event NPC for " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to be an Evnet NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 8: strSubject = "Request to PC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to PC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; case 10: strSubject = "Request to NPC " + CampaignName; strBody = "A request to NPC " + CampaignName + " has been received through LARP Portal. The player information is below.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + PlayerFirstName + " " + PlayerLastName + "<p></p>" + PlayerEmailAddress + "<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Please reply to the player's request within 48 hours.<p></p><p></p>"; strBody = strBody + "Thank you<p></p><p></p>LARP Portal staff"; break; default: break; } Classes.cEmailMessageService NotifyStaff = new Classes.cEmailMessageService(); try { NotifyStaff.SendMail(strSubject, strBody, strTo, "", "", "PointsEmail", hidUsername.Value); } catch (Exception) { //lblEmailFailed.Text = "There was an issue. Please contact us at [email protected] for assistance."; } }