public override int harvestStand(Stand stand)
            SitesCut += stand.numberOfActiveSites();
            Ldpoint pt = new Ldpoint();
            int     i;
            int     j;
            double  TmpBasalAreaS;
            double  TmpBasalAreaS_avg;
            double  BA_toCut;
            double  shareCut_ACell;

            TmpBasalAreaS = 0;

            for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                pt             = it.getCurrentSite();
                i              = pt.y;
                j              = pt.x;
                TmpBasalAreaS += GetBAinACell(i, j);
            TmpBasalAreaS_avg = TmpBasalAreaS / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize / stand.numberOfActiveSites() * 10000;

            if (TmpBasalAreaS_avg <= Mininum_BA)
            { //Cut trees here
                //printf("Enough to Harvest\n");
                itsStands.Add(stand.getId()); //Add By Qia on June 01 2012
                BA_toCut = TmpBasalAreaS_avg - TargetVolume;
                if (BA_toCut < 0.0)
                    BA_toCut = TmpBasalAreaS_avg;
                BA_toCut = BA_toCut * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize * stand.numberOfActiveSites() / 10000;

                for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                    pt             = it.getCurrentSite();
                    i              = pt.y;
                    j              = pt.x;
                    shareCut_ACell = GetBAinACell(i, j) / TmpBasalAreaS * BA_toCut;
                    if (shareCut_ACell > 0)
                        double shareCut = 0.0;
                        shareCut = CutShareBAinACell_LifeSpanPercent(i, j, shareCut_ACell);
                        BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].harvestType = (short)GetUserInputId();
                        BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].lastHarvest = (short)BoundedPocketStandHarvester.currentDecade;
                        BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites.SetValueHarvestBA(i, j, shareCut_ACell);
            //return StandsCut;

예제 #2
        public bool getRandomStartPoint(ref Ldpoint startPoint)
            Ldpoint pt    = new Ldpoint();
            bool    found = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                pt    = getStand().getRandomPoint();
                found = isValidStartPoint(pt);
                if (found)
            if (!found)
                Debug.Assert(getStand() != null);
                for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(getStand()); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                    pt    = it.getCurrentSite();
                    found = isValidStartPoint(pt);
                    if (found)
            startPoint = pt;
예제 #3
        public double computeStandBA(Stand stand)
            Ldpoint  p = new Ldpoint();
            Site     site;
            double   count = 0;
            int      m;
            int      k;
            double   TmpBasalAreaS = 0;
            Landunit l;

            for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                p      = it.getCurrentSite();
                site   = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites[p.y, p.x];
                l      = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.locateLanduPt(p.y, p.x);
                count += 1;
                for (k = 1; k <= BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.specNum; k++)
                    for (m = 1; m <= site.specAtt(k).longevity / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep; m++)
                        TmpBasalAreaS += BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetGrowthRates(k, m, l.ltID) * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetGrowthRates(k, m, l.ltID) / 4 * 3.1415926 * site.SpecieIndex(k).getTreeNum(m, k) / 10000.00;
            if (count > 0)
                TmpBasalAreaS = TmpBasalAreaS / count;
예제 #4
        public override int harvestStand(Stand stand)
            //printf("before harvest standID: %d, stocking: %lf\n",stand->getId(),computeStandStocking(stand));
            SitesCut += stand.numberOfActiveSites();
            //printf("sitesinstand:%d SitesCut:%d Target:%d\n",stand->numberOfActiveSites(),SitesCut,itsTargetCut);
            Ldpoint pt = new Ldpoint();
            int     m;
            int     k;
            int     i;
            int     j;
            double  TmpStockingS;
            double  TmpStockingS_avg;
            double  Stocking_toCut;
            double  shareCut_ACell;

            TmpStockingS = 0;
            for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                pt            = it.getCurrentSite();
                i             = pt.y;
                j             = pt.x;
                TmpStockingS += GetStockinginACell(i, j);
            TmpStockingS = TmpStockingS / stand.numberOfActiveSites();
            //TmpStockingS_avg = TmpStockingS / pCoresites->CellSize/pCoresites->CellSize/stand->numberOfActiveSites()*10000;
            TmpStockingS_avg = TmpStockingS / stand.numberOfActiveSites();
            if (TmpStockingS <= Mininum_Stocking)
            { //Cut trees here
                //printf("Enough to Harvest\n");
                itsStands.Add(stand.getId()); //Add By Qia on June 01 2012
                Stocking_toCut = TmpStockingS - TargetStocking;
                //Stocking_toCut = Stocking_toCut * pCoresites->CellSize * pCoresites->CellSize * stand->numberOfActiveSites()/10000;
                for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                    pt             = it.getCurrentSite();
                    i              = pt.y;
                    j              = pt.x;
                    shareCut_ACell = GetStockinginACell(i, j) / TmpStockingS * Stocking_toCut;
                    if (shareCut_ACell > 0.0)
                        CutShareStockinginACell_LifeSpanPercent(i, j, shareCut_ACell);
                        BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].harvestType = (short)GetUserInputId();
                        BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].lastHarvest = (short)BoundedPocketStandHarvester.currentDecade;
            //return StandsCut;
            //printf("after harvest standID: %d, stocking: %lf\n",stand->getId(),computeStandStocking(stand));
        public double computeStandStocking(Stand stand)
            Ldpoint  p = new Ldpoint();
            Site     site;
            double   count = 0;
            int      m;
            int      k;
            double   num_trees        = 0; //N
            double   Diameters        = 0; //D
            double   Diameters_square = 0; //D^2
            double   x = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.stocking_x_value;
            double   y = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.stocking_y_value;
            double   z = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.stocking_z_value;
            Landunit l;

            for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                p      = it.getCurrentSite();
                l      = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.locateLanduPt(p.y, p.x);
                site   = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites[p.y, p.x];
                count += 1;
                for (k = 1; k <= BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.specNum; k++)
                    for (m = 1; m <= site.specAtt(k).longevity / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep; m++)
                        num_trees        += site.SpecieIndex(k).getTreeNum(m, k);
                        Diameters        += BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetGrowthRates(k, m, l.ltID) * site.SpecieIndex(k).getTreeNum(m, k) / 2.54;
                        Diameters_square += BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetGrowthRates(k, m, l.ltID) * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetGrowthRates(k, m, l.ltID) * site.SpecieIndex(k).getTreeNum(m, k) / 2.54 / 2.54;
            return((x * num_trees + y * Diameters + z * Diameters_square) / (BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize / 4046.86) / stand.numberOfActiveSites());
예제 #6
        public void update()
            //static int count_update = 0;

            Ldpoint pt = new Ldpoint();

            Site site;

            if (itsUpdateFlag == 1)
                if (itsActiveSites == 0)
                    itsMeanAge           = 0;
                    itsHarvestableSites  = 0;
                    itsRecentHarvestFlag = 0;
                    //static int get_updatecount = 0;
                    int sum    = 0;
                    int rcount = 0;
                    itsHarvestableSites = 0;
                    Ldpoint tmp_pt    = this.getMinPoint();
                    Ldpoint tmp_ptmax = this.getMaxPoint();
                    int     temp_id   = this.getId();
                    for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(this); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                        pt   = it.getCurrentSite();
                        site = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites[pt.y, pt.x];
                        if (BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.locateLanduPt(pt.y, pt.x).active())                                                                                              //original landis4.0: site->landUnit->active()
                            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites.BefStChg(pt.y, pt.x);                                                                                                         //Add By Qia on Nov 10 2008
                            sum += BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[pt.y, pt.x].getMaxAge(pt.y, pt.x);
                            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites.AftStChg(pt.y, pt.x);                                                                                                         //Add By Qia on Nov 10 2008
                            if (BoundedPocketStandHarvester.standMap.getvalue32out((uint)pt.y, (uint)pt.x) > 0 && BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[pt.y, pt.x].canBeHarvested(pt.y, pt.x)) //change by Qia on Nov 4 2008
                            if (BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[pt.y, pt.x].wasRecentlyHarvested())
                    itsMeanAge = sum / numberOfActiveSites();
                    if ((float)rcount / numberOfActiveSites() < BoundedPocketStandHarvester.fParamharvestThreshold)
                        itsRecentHarvestFlag = 0;
                        itsRecentHarvestFlag = 1;
                itsUpdateFlag = 0;
        public void reharvest()
            Stand stand = new Stand();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < itsStands.Count; ii++)
                SitesCut += stand.numberOfActiveSites();
                Ldpoint pt = new Ldpoint();
                int     m;
                int     k;
                int     i;
                int     j;
                double  TmpBasalAreaS;
                double  TmpBasalAreaS_avg;
                double  BA_toCut;
                double  shareCut_ACell;
                TmpBasalAreaS = 0;
                for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                    pt             = it.getCurrentSite();
                    i              = pt.y;
                    j              = pt.x;
                    TmpBasalAreaS += GetBAinACell(i, j);
                TmpBasalAreaS_avg = TmpBasalAreaS / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize / stand.numberOfActiveSites() * 10000;

                if (TmpBasalAreaS_avg <= Mininum_BA)
                { //Cut trees here
                    BA_toCut = TmpBasalAreaS_avg - TargetVolume;
                    BA_toCut = BA_toCut * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.CellSize * stand.numberOfActiveSites() / 10000;
                    for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                        pt             = it.getCurrentSite();
                        i              = pt.y;
                        j              = pt.x;
                        shareCut_ACell = GetBAinACell(i, j) / TmpBasalAreaS * BA_toCut;
                        // Console.WriteLine(shareCut_ACell);
                        if (shareCut_ACell > 0)
                            CutShareBAinACell_LifeSpanPercent(i, j, shareCut_ACell);
                            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].harvestType = (short)GetUserInputId();
                            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].lastHarvest = (short)BoundedPocketStandHarvester.currentDecade;
                            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites.SetValueHarvestBA(i, j, shareCut_ACell);
        public BoundedPocketStandHarvester(int targetCut, Ldpoint startPoint, SiteHarvester siteHarvester, HarvestPath path)
            int standId = (int)standMap.getvalue32out((uint)startPoint.y, (uint)startPoint.x); //changed By Qia on Nov 4 2008

            itsTargetCut  = targetCut;
            itsStartPoint = startPoint;
예제 #9
        public Ldpoint getRandomPoint()
            Ldpoint pt = new Ldpoint();

                pt.x = system1.irand(itsMinPoint.x, itsMaxPoint.x);
                pt.y = system1.irand(itsMinPoint.y, itsMaxPoint.y);
            } while (!inStand(pt.y, pt.x));
예제 #10
        public void reharvest()
            Stand stand = new Stand();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < itsStands.Count; ii++)
                SitesCut += stand.numberOfActiveSites();
                double  stocking_debug = computeStandStocking(stand);
                Ldpoint pt             = new Ldpoint();
                int     m;
                int     k;
                int     i;
                int     j;
                double  TmpStockingS;
                double  TmpStockingS_avg;
                double  Stocking_toCut;
                double  shareCut_ACell;
                TmpStockingS = 0;
                for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                    pt            = it.getCurrentSite();
                    i             = pt.y;
                    j             = pt.x;
                    TmpStockingS += GetStockinginACell(i, j);
                TmpStockingS = TmpStockingS / stand.numberOfActiveSites();
                if (TmpStockingS <= Mininum_Stocking)
                { //Cut trees here
                    Stocking_toCut = TmpStockingS - TargetStocking;
                    for (StandIterator it = new StandIterator(stand); it.moreSites(); it.gotoNextSite())
                        pt             = it.getCurrentSite();
                        i              = pt.y;
                        j              = pt.x;
                        shareCut_ACell = GetStockinginACell(i, j) / TmpStockingS * Stocking_toCut;
                        if (shareCut_ACell > 0.0)
                            CutShareStockinginACell_LifeSpanPercent(i, j, shareCut_ACell);
                            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].harvestType = (short)GetUserInputId();
                            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[i, j].lastHarvest = (short)BoundedPocketStandHarvester.currentDecade;
        public void addSiteNeighbor(int r, int c)
            Debug.Assert(currentHarvestEventId > 0);
            Debug.Assert(currentHarvestEventId < 65535);
            bool first_val = getStand().inStand(r, c);

            if (first_val && visitationMap[(uint)r, (uint)c] != currentHarvestEventId)
                Ldpoint p = new Ldpoint(c, r);
                visitationMap[(uint)r, (uint)c] = currentHarvestEventId;
예제 #12
 public Stand()
     itsId = 0;
     itsManagementAreaId  = 0;
     itsTotalSites        = 0;
     itsActiveSites       = 0;
     itsHarvestableSites  = 0;
     itsMeanAge           = 0;
     itsUpdateFlag        = 1;
     itsRecentHarvestFlag = 0;
     itsRank        = 0;
     itsReserveFlag = 0;
     itsMinPoint    = new Ldpoint();
     itsMaxPoint    = new Ldpoint();
예제 #13
        public override int Harvest()
            Ldpoint startPoint      = new Ldpoint();
            int     targetPocketCut = 0;
            BoundedPocketStandHarvester pocketHarvester;
            int pocketCut = 0;
            int sumCut    = 0;

            itsTargetCut = (int)(getStand().numberOfActiveSites() * itsProportion);
            while (sumCut < itsTargetCut)
                if (!getRandomStartPoint(ref startPoint))
                targetPocketCut = getRandomGroupSize();
                pocketHarvester = new BoundedPocketStandHarvester(targetPocketCut, startPoint, getSiteHarvester(), null);
                pocketCut       = pocketHarvester.Harvest();
                sumCut         += pocketCut;
                pocketHarvester = null;
                pocketHarvester = null;
예제 #14
 public int inManagementArea(Ldpoint p)
     return(inManagementArea(p.y, p.x));
예제 #15
 public static bool canBeHarvested(Ldpoint thePoint)
     return(BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[thePoint.y, thePoint.x].canBeHarvested(thePoint.y, thePoint.x));
예제 #16
 public bool isValidStartPoint(Ldpoint pt)
     return(GlobalFunctions.canBeHarvested(pt) && (BoundedPocketStandHarvester.visitationMap[(uint)pt.y, (uint)pt.x] != BoundedPocketStandHarvester.currentHarvestEventId));
예제 #17
        public void construct()
            int  i;
            int  r;
            int  c;
            uint id;
            uint nid;
            int  snr;
            int  snc;
            uint mid;
            uint currMid;

            Ldpoint pmin        = new Ldpoint();
            Ldpoint pmax        = new Ldpoint();
            string  errorString = "";

            numStands = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.standMap.high();
            if (stands != null)
                stands = null;
            stands = new Stand[numStands];
            for (int k = 0; k < numStands; k++)
                stands[k] = new Stand();

            snr = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.numRows();
            snc = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.numColumns();

            for (i = 0; i < numStands; i++)
                stands[i].itsId         = i + 1;
                stands[i].itsMinPoint.x = snc;
                stands[i].itsMinPoint.y = snr;
                stands[i].itsMaxPoint.x = 1;
                stands[i].itsMaxPoint.y = 1;

            for (r = 1; r <= snr; r++)
                for (c = 1; c <= snc; c++)
                    id = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.standMap.getvalue32out((uint)r, (uint)c);
                    if (id > 0)
                        pmin = stands[id - 1].itsMinPoint;
                        pmax = stands[id - 1].itsMaxPoint;
                        if (r < pmin.y)
                            pmin.y = r;
                        if (r > pmax.y)
                            pmax.y = r;
                        if (c < pmin.x)
                            pmin.x = c;
                        if (c > pmax.x)
                            pmax.x = c;
                        stands[id - 1].itsMinPoint = pmin;
                        stands[id - 1].itsMaxPoint = pmax;
                        //Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}",id, pmin.x, pmin.y, pmax.x, pmax.y);
                        mid = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.managementAreaMap[(uint)r, (uint)c];
                        if (mid <= 0)
                            errorString = string.Format("No management area defined at (x,y) = ({0:D},{1:D}) StandID: {2:D}", c, r, id);
                            throw new Exception(errorString);
                        if ((currMid = stands[id - 1].itsManagementAreaId) > 0 && currMid != mid)
                            errorString = string.Format("Stand {0:D} crosses management area boundary at (x,y):currMid:{1:D}, mid: {2:D} = ({3:D},{4:D})", id, c, r, currMid, mid);
                            throw new Exception(errorString);
                        stands[id - 1].itsManagementAreaId = mid;
                        if (c < snc)
                            if ((nid = stands[id - 1].isNeighbor(r, c + 1)) > 0)
                                stands[id - 1].addNeighbor(nid);
                                stands[nid - 1].addNeighbor(id);
                        if (r > 1)
                            if ((nid = stands[id - 1].isNeighbor(r - 1, c)) > 0)
                                stands[id - 1].addNeighbor(nid);
                                stands[nid - 1].addNeighbor(id);
                        stands[id - 1].itsTotalSites++;
                        if (BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.locateLanduPt(r, c).active())
                            stands[id - 1].itsActiveSites++;
        public int harvest_EVENT_GROUP_SELECTION_REGIME_70(Ldpoint pt)
            //int i, k;
            int k = 0;

            int[] r       = new int[4];
            int   siteCut = 0;
            int   sumCut  = 0;
            int   c       = 0;

            visitationMap[(uint)itsStartPoint.y, (uint)itsStartPoint.x] = currentHarvestEventId;

            while (sumCut < itsTargetCut && itsNeighborList.Count > 0)
                c  = itsNeighborList.Count;
                pt = itsNeighborList[0];

                if (GlobalFunctions.canBeHarvested(pt))
                    siteCut = EVENT_GROUP_SELECTION_REGIME_70_clear_cut(pt.y, pt.x);
                    sumCut += siteCut;

                    if (siteCut > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            r[i] = i;
                        for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--)
                            k = (int)(i * system1.frand());

                            //orignal no control over k, potential out of bound err
                            //<Add By Qia on Nov 1 2012>
                            if (k < 0)
                                k = 0;
                            if (k > 3)
                                k = 3;
                            //</Add By Qia on Nov 1 2012>
                            switch (r[k])
                            case 0:
                                addSiteNeighbor(pt.y, pt.x - 1);

                            case 1:
                                addSiteNeighbor(pt.y, pt.x + 1);

                            case 2:
                                addSiteNeighbor(pt.y - 1, pt.x);

                            case 3:
                                addSiteNeighbor(pt.y + 1, pt.x);
                            r[k] = r[i - 1];
                            if (k < 0 || k > 3 || (i - 1) < 0 || (i - 1) > 3)
                                Console.Write("group selection index error\n");
예제 #19
        public int harvest(Ldpoint pt)
            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.BefStChg(pt.y, pt.x);
            //</Add By Qia on Oct 23 2008>
            Site     site = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites[pt.y, pt.x];
            Landunit l;

            l = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.locateLanduPt(pt.y, pt.x);
            agelist           a;
            CohortRemovalMask m;
            int cohortCut;
            int siteCut = 0;
            //by wei li
            int sitePlanted = 0;

            //by wei li
            for (int i = 1; i <= BoundedPocketStandHarvester.numberOfSpecies; i++)
                a = (agelist)site[i];
                m = itsRemovalMask[i];

                cohortCut = harvestCohorts(a, m);
                //<Add By Qia on Feb 16 2010>
                double tmpBiomass;
                double tmpCarbon;

                for (int age = BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep_Harvest; age <= 320; age += BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep_Harvest)
                    if (m.query(age) == 1 && a.query(age))
                        tmpBiomass = Math.Exp(BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetBiomassData(site.specAtt(i).BioMassCoef, 1) + BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetBiomassData(site.specAtt(i).BioMassCoef, 2) * Math.Log(BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetGrowthRates(i, age / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep, l.ltID))) * (BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites[pt.y, pt.x].SpecieIndex(i).getTreeNum(age / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep, i)) / 1000.00;
                        BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.Harvest70outputIncreaseBiomassvalue(pt.y, pt.x, tmpBiomass);
                        tmpCarbon = Math.Exp(BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetBiomassData(site.specAtt(i).BioMassCoef, 1) + BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetBiomassData(site.specAtt(i).BioMassCoef, 2) * Math.Log(BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.GetGrowthRates(i, age / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep, l.ltID))) * BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites[pt.y, pt.x].SpecieIndex(i).getTreeNum(age / BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep, i);
                        BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.Harvest70outputIncreaseCarbonvalue(pt.y, pt.x, tmpCarbon * site.specAtt(i).CarbonCoEfficient);

                //</Add By Qia on Feb 16 2010>
                itsReport.addToSpeciesTotal(i, cohortCut);
                if (cohortCut > 0)
                    siteCut = 1;
                //by wei li
                if (itsRemovalMask.plantingCode(i) > 0 && !a.query(BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.TimeStep_Harvest))
                    sitePlanted = 1;
                //end by wei li

            if (siteCut == 1)
                BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites.BefStChg(pt.y, pt.x); //Add By Qia on Nov 07 2008
                //update PDP
                BoundedPocketStandHarvester.m_pPDP.sTSLHarvest[pt.y, pt.x]   = 0;
                BoundedPocketStandHarvester.m_pPDP.cHarvestEvent[pt.y, pt.x] = (char)itsHarvestType;

                BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites[pt.y, pt.x].harvestExpirationDecade = (short)(BoundedPocketStandHarvester.currentDecade + itsDuration);
                BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pHarvestsites.AftStChg(pt.y, pt.x);
                GlobalFunctions.setUpdateFlags(pt.y, pt.x);
            //by wei li
            if (siteCut != 0 || sitePlanted != 0)
                GlobalFunctions.setUpdateFlags(pt.y, pt.x);
            //by wei li
            //<Add By Qia on Oct 23 2008>
            BoundedPocketStandHarvester.pCoresites.AftStChg(pt.y, pt.x);
            //</Add By Qia on Oct 23 2008>
예제 #20
 public void append(Ldpoint pt)
     Console.WriteLine("HarvestPath::append, pt.x={0}, pt.y={1}", pt.x, pt.y);