예제 #1
         * static void CreateCharacter()
         * {
         *  bool isValid = false;
         *  string input;
         *  string name = "placeholder";
         *  Console.WriteLine("Creating new character.");
         *  Character newCharacter = new Character();
         *  while (!isValid)
         *  {
         *      Console.WriteLine("Enter character name.");
         *      input = Console.ReadLine();
         *      //TODO: check party list dictionary and make sure name doesn't conflict with an existing member
         *      if (input.Length < 2)
         *      {
         *          input = "Sir Douchebag";
         *      }
         *      name = input;
         *      isValid = true;
         *  }
         *  isValid = false;
         *  while (!isValid)
         *  {
         *      Console.Write("Enter character class. (Current options:");
         *      foreach (string job in PlayerClass.classNames)
         *      {
         *          Console.Write(" [{0}]", job);
         *      }
         *      Console.Write(")");
         *      Console.Write(Environment.NewLine);
         *      input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
         *      switch (input)
         *      {
         *          case "warrior":
         *              {
         *                  PlayerClass_Old.Warrior tempChar = new PlayerClass_Old.Warrior();
         *                  newCharacter = (Character)tempChar;
         *                  isValid = true;
         *                  break;
         *              }
         *          case "berserker":
         *              {
         *                  PlayerClass_Old.Berserker tempChar = new PlayerClass_Old.Berserker();
         *                  newCharacter = (Character)tempChar;
         *                  isValid = true;
         *                  break;
         *              }
         *          case "mage":
         *              {
         *                  PlayerClass_Old.Mage tempChar = new PlayerClass_Old.Mage();
         *                  //TODO: Delete or modifiy this if ever expanded beyond testing purposes
         *                  tempChar.magic.elemental = MagicList.elemental;
         *                  newCharacter = (Character)tempChar;
         *                  isValid = true;
         *                  break;
         *              }
         *          default:
         *              {
         *                  Console.WriteLine("Invalid command.");
         *                  break;
         *              }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  newCharacter.name = name;
         *  newCharacter.hp = newCharacter.hpmax;
         *  newCharacter.mp = newCharacter.mpmax;
         *  Party.AddMember(newCharacter);
         * }


        static void BattleTest()
            if (Party.memberList.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Make a party first (command \"party\")");
                //enemy builder
                Goblin2 preGoblin = new Goblin2();
                Creature goblin = (Creature)preGoblin;
                goblin.id = "goblin1";

                Creature goblin2 = (Creature)preGoblin;
                goblin2.id = "goblin2";

                Creature[] mobArray = { goblin, goblin2 };

                //char array setup because I can't be arsed to change code in several other areas
                Character[] charArray = new Character[Party.memberList.Count];
                Party.memberList.Values.CopyTo(charArray, 0);

                Battle battle = new Battle();
                battle.Start(charArray, mobArray);
예제 #2
        static void StatTests()
            Character hero = new Character();

            Console.WriteLine("Input character name.");
            hero.name = Console.ReadLine();
            if (hero.name.Length < 2)
                hero.name = "Sir Douchebag";
            else if (hero.name.ToLower() == "exit")
                hero.name = "irrelevant. Good bye.";
                exit      = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Your name is {0}.", hero.name);

            Console.WriteLine("Creature test:");
            //ICreature goblin = new Creature(Goblin.name, 1, Goblin.level, Goblin.hpmax, Goblin.mpmax, Goblin.atk, Goblin.def, Goblin.speed);

            //Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} Level: {1} ID: {2} Max HP: {3} Current HP: {4} Max MP: {5} Current MP: {6} ATK: {7} DEF: {8} SPD: {9}", goblin.name, goblin.level, goblin.id, goblin.hpmax, goblin.hp, goblin.mpmax, goblin.mp, goblin.atk, goblin.def, goblin.speed);

            //Goblin2 goblin2 = new Goblin2();
            //Creature gob2 = (Creature)goblin2;

            //with explicit casting:
            Goblin2 preGoblin = new Goblin2();

            Creature goblin = (Creature)preGoblin;

            goblin.id = "placeholderID";
            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} Level: {1} ID: {2} Max HP: {3} Current HP: {4} Max MP: {5} Current MP: {6} ATK: {7} DEF: {8} SPD: {9}", goblin.name, goblin.level, goblin.id, goblin.vitals.hpmax, goblin.vitals.hp, goblin.vitals.mpmax, goblin.vitals.mp, goblin.vitals.atk, goblin.vitals.def, goblin.vitals.speed);

            Battle testBattle = new Battle();

            //testBattle.RollInitiative(hero, goblin);
예제 #3
        static void MagicTest()
            //Build mage, build enemy, implement Magic

            //mage builder
            //Character newCharacter = new Character();
            //PlayerClass_Old.Mage tempChar = new PlayerClass_Old.Mage();
            //newCharacter = (Character)tempChar;
            //newCharacter.name = "Mage";
            //newCharacter.hp = newCharacter.hpmax;
            //newCharacter.mp = newCharacter.mpmax;
            Character newCharacter = new Character();

            newCharacter.name        = "Mage";
            newCharacter.playerClass = PlayerClass.Mage;

            //newCharacter.magic.elemental.Add(MagicList.elemental["fire"].name, MagicList.elemental["fire"]);
            newCharacter.magic.elemental.Add("fire", MagicList.elemental["fire"]);


            //enemy builder
            Goblin2 preGoblin = new Goblin2();

            Creature goblin = (Creature)preGoblin;

            goblin.id = "placeholderID";

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", goblin.name, goblin.vitals.hp, goblin.vitals.hpmax, goblin.vitals.mp, goblin.vitals.mpmax);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", newCharacter.name, newCharacter.vitals.hp, newCharacter.vitals.hpmax, newCharacter.vitals.mp, newCharacter.vitals.mpmax);

            //Console.WriteLine("{0} casts {1}.", newCharacter.name, MagicList.elemental["fire"].name);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} casts {1}.", newCharacter.name, newCharacter.magic.elemental["fire"].name);

            Creature[] creaArr;

            //creaArr = MagicList.elemental["fire"].Cast((Creature)newCharacter, goblin);
            creaArr = newCharacter.magic.elemental["fire"].Cast((Creature)newCharacter, goblin);

            newCharacter.vitals.mp = creaArr[0].vitals.mp;
            goblin = creaArr[1];

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", goblin.name, goblin.vitals.hp, goblin.vitals.hpmax, goblin.vitals.mp, goblin.vitals.mpmax);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", newCharacter.name, newCharacter.vitals.hp, newCharacter.vitals.hpmax, newCharacter.vitals.mp, newCharacter.vitals.mpmax);

            //that... actually works?


            #region nope
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", goblin.name, goblin.hp, goblin.hpmax, goblin.mp, goblin.mpmax);
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", newCharacter.name, newCharacter.hp, newCharacter.hpmax, newCharacter.mp, newCharacter.mpmax);

            ////with testdict:
            //Console.WriteLine("{0} casts {1}.", newCharacter.name, MagicList.test["test"].name);

            //creaArr = MagicList.test["test"].Cast((Creature)newCharacter, goblin);

            //newCharacter.mp = creaArr[0].mp;
            //goblin = creaArr[1];

            //Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", goblin.name, goblin.hp, goblin.hpmax, goblin.mp, goblin.mpmax);
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}: HP {1}/{2} MP {3}/{4}", newCharacter.name, newCharacter.hp, newCharacter.hpmax, newCharacter.mp, newCharacter.mpmax);