static void Main(string[] args) { // simple test AbstractCANHandle handle = null; // init handle = new handle.ActiveSeatHandle(); handle.SelectDevice(); handle.InitSocket(0); (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).BeginSession(); for (uint i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).BeginTrial(); (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).Start( AngularAcceleration: /* rad/s^2 (SI) */ 6.8 + i, AngularSpeedSaturation: /* rad/s (SI) */ -2.5 + i, MaxStimDuration: /* ms (SI) */ 2.70 + i ); (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).Stop(); (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).Reset(); (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).EndTrial(); } (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).EndSession(); //handle.onHandleDeactivationRequested(); }
public static int Main(String[] args) { // instantiate backend implementation AbstractCANHandle handle = new handle.ActiveSeatHandle(); Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : instantiated generic CANHandle" ); // initialize it handle.SelectDevice(); handle.InitSocket(0); Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : backend CANHandle intialized" ); // instantiate a client connection with the first non-ipv6 address Int32 client_port = 0, // any server_port = 8888; // same as server System.Net.IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint( System.Net.IPAddress.Loopback, client_port ); System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint( System.Net.IPAddress.Loopback, server_port ); System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient(localEndPoint); client.Connect(remoteEndPoint); //System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient("", port); // some status boolean bool bEndSession = false; // Get a client stream for reading and writing. System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); // double slot byte[] data = new byte[256]; // until end session do { // Wait for 'messages' from the unity app server. Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : Wait for messages..." ); // Read the batch of the TcpServer response bytes. switch ((messageID)System.Convert.ToInt16(stream.ReadByte())) { case messageID.BeginSession: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : received [BeginSession]." ); //(handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).BeginSession(); } break; case messageID.BeginTrial: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : received [BeginTrial]." ); //(handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).BeginTrial(); } break; case messageID.Start: { // 3 messages /* 1st - [ in: rad/s^2 (SI) | out: deg/s^2 ] */ stream.Read(data, 0, 8); System.Double dAngularAcceleration /* extract */ = System.BitConverter.ToDouble(data, 0) /* rad -> deg */ * (180.0 / System.Math.PI) /* trigo. way */ * -1.0; /* 2nd - [ in: rad/s (SI) | out: deg/s ] */ stream.Read(data, 0, 8); System.Double dAngularSpeedSaturation /* extract */ = System.BitConverter.ToDouble(data, 0) /* rad -> deg */ * (180.0 / System.Math.PI) /* trigo. way */ * -1.0; /* 3rd - [ in: ms (SI) | out: s ] */ stream.Read(data, 0, 8); System.Double dMaxStimDuration /* extract */ = System.BitConverter.ToDouble(data, 0) /* ms -> s */ * 1000.0; Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : received [Start] with args [dAngularAcceleration:" + dAngularAcceleration + "], [dAngularSpeedSaturation:" + dAngularSpeedSaturation + "], [dMaxStimDuration:" + dMaxStimDuration + "] !" ); (handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).Start( dAngularAcceleration, dAngularSpeedSaturation, dMaxStimDuration ); } break; case messageID.Stop: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : received [Stop]." ); //(handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).Stop(); } break; case messageID.Reset: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : received [Reset]." ); //(handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).Reset(); } break; case messageID.EndTrial: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : received [EndTrial]." ); //(handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).EndTrial(); } break; case messageID.EndSession: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : received [EndSession]." ); //(handle as handle.ActiveSeatHandle).EndSession(); bEndSession = true; } break; case messageID.NoMoreData: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- INFO : waiting for fresh data." ); } break; default: { Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") + " - [Apollon-feature-IxxatCAN-client] -- ERROR : received [UNKNOWN]." ); bEndSession = true; } break; } /* switch() */ } while (!bEndSession); // stop stream.Close(); client.Close(); return(0); } /* static Main */