private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { stu = db.Students.First(x => x.studentnumber == studentID); stu.firstname = this.txtFirst.Text.ToLower().Trim(); stu.middleinitial = this.txtMI.Text.ToLower().Trim(); stu.lastname = this.txtLast.Text.ToLower().Trim(); = this.txtEmail.Text.ToLower().Trim(); = this.txtPhone.Text.ToLower().Trim(); stu.cardnumber = this.txtCard.Text.ToLower().Trim(); stu.pinnumber = this.txtPIN.Password.ToString(); bool problem = false; if (db.Students.Where(x => == && x.studentnumber != studentID).Any()) { problem = true; } else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCard.Text)) { if (db.Students.Where(x => x.cardnumber == stu.cardnumber && x.studentnumber != studentID).Any()) { problem = true; } } if (problem) { UniversalError ue = new UniversalError("Error!", "Some of the information you've entered is already associated with another account."); ue.ShowDialog(); } else { db.SaveChanges(); SignIn si = new SignIn(); UniversalSuccess us = new UniversalSuccess("Yay!", "Your information has been saved."); us.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); si.Show(); } }
private void btnReturn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool isConfirmed = db.Admins.Where(x => == txtPIN.Password.ToString()).Any(); int recordID; bool isRecord; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtID.Text)) { txtID.Background = Brushes.LightPink; UniversalError ue = new UniversalError("Error!", "Please enter the ID of the record that's being returned"); ue.ShowDialog(); } else { recordID = Int32.Parse(txtID.Text); isRecord = db.Loans.Where(x => == recordID && x.studentID == studentId).Any(); if (!isRecord) { UniversalError ue = new UniversalError("Error!", "Either that's an invalid record ID, or that record doesn't belong to this student."); ue.ShowDialog(); } else { if (!isConfirmed) { txtPIN.Background = Brushes.LightPink; UniversalError ue = new UniversalError("Error!", "The Admin's password is incorrect."); ue.ShowDialog(); } else { Loan ln = db.Loans.Where(x => == recordID).First(); = false; db.SaveChanges(); UniversalSuccess us = new UniversalSuccess("Success!", "The item has been returned."); us.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } } } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtFirst.Text) || txtFirst.Text == "REQUIRED") { txtFirst.Background = Brushes.LightPink; txtFirst.Text = "REQUIRED"; } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtLast.Text) || txtLast.Text == "REQUIRED") { txtLast.Background = Brushes.LightPink; txtLast.Text = "REQUIRED"; } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtEmail.Text) || txtEmail.Text == "REQUIRED") { txtEmail.Background = Brushes.LightPink; txtEmail.Text = "REQUIRED"; } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtID.Text) || txtID.Text == "REQUIRED") { txtID.Background = Brushes.LightPink; txtID.Text = "REQUIRED"; } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtPIN.Password.ToString())) { txtPIN.Background = Brushes.LightPink; } else { alreadyRegistered = false; if (db.Students.Where(x => x.studentnumber == txtID.Text).Any()) { alreadyRegistered = true; } else if (db.Students.Where(x => == txtEmail.Text).Any()) { alreadyRegistered = true; } else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCard.Text)) { if (db.Students.Where(x => x.cardnumber == txtCard.Text).Any()) { alreadyRegistered = true; } } if (alreadyRegistered) { UniversalError ue = new UniversalError("Error!", "Some of the information you included is already associated with another account."); ue.ShowDialog(); } else { stu = new Student(); stu.firstname = txtFirst.Text.ToLower().Trim(); stu.lastname = txtLast.Text.ToLower().Trim(); stu.middleinitial = txtMI.Text.ToLower().Trim(); = txtEmail.Text.ToLower().Trim(); = txtPhone.Text.Trim(); stu.studentnumber = txtID.Text.Trim(); stu.cardnumber = txtCard.Text.Trim(); stu.pinnumber = txtPIN.Password.ToString().Trim(); db.Students.Add(stu); db.SaveChanges(); txtFirst.Text = ""; txtMI.Text = ""; txtLast.Text = ""; txtMI.Text = ""; txtEmail.Text = ""; txtPhone.Text = ""; txtID.Text = ""; txtCard.Text = ""; txtPIN.Clear(); txtFirst.Background = Brushes.White; txtLast.Background = Brushes.White; txtEmail.Background = Brushes.White; txtID.Background = Brushes.White; txtPIN.Background = Brushes.White; UniversalSuccess us = new UniversalSuccess("Account Created!", "To sign in, enter your student number or card number on the home screen."); SignIn signIn = new SignIn(); us.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); signIn.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void btnCheckOut_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtID.Text)) { txtID.Background = Brushes.LightPink; } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmbEquipment.Text)) { cmbEquipment.Background = Brushes.LightPink; } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtPin.Password.ToString())) { txtPin.Background = Brushes.LightPink; } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtAdminPin.Password.ToString())) { txtAdminPin.Background = Brushes.LightPink; } else { Student stu = new Student(); bool isConfirmed = false; stu = db.Students.Where(x => x.studentnumber == txtID.Text || x.cardnumber == txtID.Text).First(); if (txtPin.Password.ToString() != stu.pinnumber) { UniversalError ue = new UniversalError("Error!", "This is not the correct pin number for " + stu.firstname + "'s account."); ue.ShowDialog(); txtPin.Background = Brushes.LightPink; } else { isConfirmed = db.Admins.Where(x => == txtAdminPin.Password.ToString()).Any(); if (!isConfirmed) { UniversalError ue = new UniversalError("Error!", "The Admin's password is incorrect."); ue.ShowDialog(); txtAdminPin.Background = Brushes.LightPink; } else { //Create a new loan here and add it to the database. Loan loan = new Loan(stu.studentnumber); loan.studentID = stu.studentnumber; loan.description = txtNote.Text; loan.tagnumber = txtTag.Text; loan.loandate = DateTime.Today.Date; loan.serialnumber = txtSerial.Text; loan.equipmenttype = cmbEquipment.Text; = true; db.Loans.Add(loan); db.SaveChanges(); SignIn pop = new SignIn(); UniversalSuccess us = new UniversalSuccess("Success!", "The item has been checked out."); us.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); pop.Show(); } } } }
private void btnGo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtFirst.Text)) { //Do nothing, because the user didn't input anything. } else { bool isRegistered = db.Students.Where(x => x.studentnumber == txtFirst.Text || x.cardnumber == txtFirst.Text).Any(); if (isRegistered) { Student stu = new Student(); Session ses = new Session(); stu = db.Students.Where(x => x.studentnumber == txtFirst.Text || x.cardnumber == txtFirst.Text).First(); bool activeSession = db.Sessions.Where(x => x.studentID == stu.studentnumber && == true).Any(); if (activeSession) { ses = db.Sessions.Where(x => x.studentID == stu.studentnumber && == true).First(); var sessionDate =; var sessionStateTime = ses.starttime; var studentID = ses.studentID; var kioskID = ses.kioskID; Session ses2 = new Session(); ses2.kioskID = kioskID; ses2.starttime = sessionStateTime; = sessionDate; ses2.studentID = studentID; ses2.endtime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; = false; db.Sessions.Remove(ses); db.Sessions.Add(ses2); db.SaveChanges(); txtFirst.Text = ""; UniversalSuccess us = new UniversalSuccess("Signed Out!", "You have been signed out."); us.ShowDialog(); } else { ses.studentID = stu.studentnumber; ses.kioskID = 1; = DateTime.Today.Date; ses.starttime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; ses.endtime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; = true; db.Sessions.Add(ses); db.SaveChanges(); txtFirst.Text = ""; UniversalSuccess us = new UniversalSuccess("Signed In!", "You are now signed in."); us.ShowDialog(); } } else { MainWindow registerWindow = new MainWindow(); this.Close(); registerWindow.ShowDialog(); } } }