public Car GetInfo() { Console.Write("Make:"); string make = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Model:"); string model = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("year:"); int year = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Price:"); decimal price = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("if mileage is over 100 car will be considered used"); Console.Write("Milage:"); int mileage = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (mileage > 100) { UsedCar car = new UsedCar(make, model, year, price, mileage); return(car); } else { Car car = new Car(make, model, year, price); return(car); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CarLot Kathryn = new CarLot("Kat's Kars"); CarLot Dave = new CarLot("Dave's Cars"); int location = 0; Car newcar = new UsedCar(); CarLot.Lots[location].AddCar(newcar); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { Car recentvette = new Car("Chevy", "Corvette", 2000 + i, 50000m); Car recentMustang = new Car("Ford", "Mustang", 2000 + i, 50000m); CarLot.Lots[1].AddCar(recentvette); CarLot.Lots[0].AddCar(recentMustang); } do { int input = 0; location = LotChoice(CarLot.Lots); if (location == 1 || location == 0) { do { Console.Clear(); CarLot.Lots[location].DisplayMenu(); input = GetInteger("Select an ID: ", CarLot.Lots[location]); if (input <= CarLot.Lots[location].Inventory.Count) { CarLot.Lots[location].BuyaCar(input); } else if (input == CarLot.Lots[location].Inventory.Count + 2) { Console.WriteLine("Thank you for shopping"); } else if (input == CarLot.Lots[location].Inventory.Count + 1) { CarLot.Lots[location].AddCar(CarLot.Lots[location].GetInfo()); } } while (input != CarLot.Lots[location].Inventory.Count + 2); } } while (location != CarLot.Lots.Count); Console.WriteLine("Thank you foor using the car lot shopping app"); }