public static bool Day(Lab4Service.Lab4ServiceClient client) { Console.Write("\nInput the Date in next format:\n" + "DD/MM/YYYY : "); string dateinp = Console.ReadLine(); DateTime date1; while (!(DateTime.TryParse(dateinp, out date1))) { Console.WriteLine(" Unable to parse '{0}'.", dateinp); Console.Write("\nInput the Date in next format:\n" + "DD/MM/YYYY : "); dateinp = Console.ReadLine(); } try { Console.WriteLine(client.Day(date1)); } catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException e) { Console.WriteLine("There is no Host right now!"); Console.ReadKey(); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool Check(Lab4Service.Lab4ServiceClient client) { Console.Write("\nInput the year in next format:\n" + "YYYY : "); string yearInput = Console.ReadLine(); int year; while (!int.TryParse(yearInput, out year) || !(year >= 1 && year <= 9999)) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong input, Year must be in interval (1, 9999), Try again"); yearInput = Console.ReadLine(); } try { Console.WriteLine(client.Check(year)); } catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException e) { Console.WriteLine("There is no Host right now!"); Console.ReadKey(); return(false); } return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Please enter the ip address: "); string addressinp = Console.ReadLine(); var client = new Lab4Service.Lab4ServiceClient("NetTcpBinding_ILab4Service", "net.tcp://" + addressinp + ":282/LAB4Service.Service1"); try { client.Test(); } catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("You have entered the wrong address!"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } bool myProgramIsRunning = true; int Call; while (myProgramIsRunning) { Console.WriteLine("1.Check if year is leap" + "\n2.Calculate interval between dates " + "\n3.Get the name of day of week" + "\n4.Serialize interval from last query" + "\n5.Quit"); while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out Call)) { ; } switch (Call) { case 1: myProgramIsRunning = Check(client); break; case 2: myProgramIsRunning = Calc(client); break; case 3: myProgramIsRunning = Day(client); break; case 4: myProgramIsRunning = LastQuery(client); break; case 5: myProgramIsRunning = Quit(); break; default: break; } } }
public static bool LastQuery(Lab4Service.Lab4ServiceClient client) { try { Console.WriteLine(client.SerializeFrom()); } catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException e) { Console.WriteLine("There is no Host right now!"); Console.ReadKey(); return(false); } return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new Lab4Service.Lab4ServiceClient("NetTcpBinding_ILab4Service"); bool myProgramIsRunning = true; int Call; while (myProgramIsRunning) { Console.WriteLine("1.Check if year is leap" + "\n2.Calculate interval between dates " + "\n3.Get the name of day of week" + "\n4.Serialize interval from last query" + "\n5.Quit"); while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out Call)) { ; } switch (Call) { case 1: myProgramIsRunning = Check(client); break; case 2: myProgramIsRunning = Calc(client); break; case 3: myProgramIsRunning = Day(client); break; case 4: myProgramIsRunning = LastQuery(client); break; case 5: myProgramIsRunning = Quit(); break; default: break; } } }
public static bool Calc(Lab4Service.Lab4ServiceClient client) { Console.Write("\nInput the first Date in next format:\n" + "DD/MM/YYYY : "); string dateinp = Console.ReadLine(); DateTime date1; while (!(DateTime.TryParse(dateinp, out date1))) { Console.WriteLine(" Unable to parse '{0}'.", dateinp); Console.Write("\nInput the first Date in next format:\n" + "DD/MM/YYYY : "); dateinp = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Write("Input the second Date in next format:\n" + "DD/MM/YYYY : "); dateinp = Console.ReadLine(); DateTime date2; while (!(DateTime.TryParse(dateinp, out date2))) { Console.WriteLine(" Unable to parse '{0}'.", dateinp); Console.Write("Input the second Date in next format:\n" + "DD/MM/YYYY : "); dateinp = Console.ReadLine(); } try { Console.WriteLine(client.Calc(date1, date2)); } catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("There is no Host right now!"); Console.ReadKey(); return(false); } return(true); }