private WebSiteResult RunWebSite(RunParameters args) { if (!Path.IsPathRooted(args.WebSitePath)) { args.WebSitePath = Path.Combine(FileSystem.CurrentDirectory, args.WebSitePath); } if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(args.WebSitePath)) { return(new WebSiteResult() { Passed = false, Log = String.Format("Path to website '{0}' not found.", args.WebSitePath) }); } string webSiteName = Path.GetFileName(args.WebSitePath); WriteLineToConsole(String.Format("Creating virtual directory for '{0}' website...", webSiteName)); WebServer.CreateVirtualDirectory(webSiteName, args.WebSitePath, "localhost"); FileSystem.AddDirectoryAccessRule(args.WebSitePath, new FileSystemAccessRule("NETWORK SERVICE", FileSystemRights.FullControl, InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit, PropagationFlags.InheritOnly, AccessControlType.Allow)); WriteLineToConsole(String.Format("Executing tests for '{0}' website...", webSiteName)); string vdirUrl = "http://localhost/" + webSiteName; WebSiteResult webResult = this.RunLTAFAndWait(args, vdirUrl); webResult.WebSiteName = webSiteName; return(webResult); }
public int Run(string[] arguments) { RunParameters p = new RunParameters(); p.Parse(arguments); return(Run(p)); }
public int Run(RunParameters args) { if (args.PrintHelp) { this.PrintHelp(); return(0); } WebSiteResult result = null; try { result = RunWebSite(args); } catch (Exception e) { WriteLineToConsole("Error: " + e.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red); } if (result == null) { return(1); } else { WriteLog(result); if (result.Passed) { WriteLineToConsole(String.Format("Website '{0}' passed!", result.WebSiteName), ConsoleColor.Green); return(0); } else { WriteLineToConsole(String.Format("Website '{0}' failed!", result.WebSiteName), ConsoleColor.Red); return(1); } } }
private WebSiteResult RunLTAFAndWait(RunParameters args, string vdirUrl) { string startupPath = Path.Combine(args.WebSitePath, @"Test\" + LTAF_STARTUPFILENAME); string logPath = Path.Combine(args.WebSitePath, @"Test\" + LTAF_TESTLOGNAME); if (FileSystem.FileExists(startupPath)) { FileSystem.DeleteFile(startupPath); } if (FileSystem.FileExists(logPath)) { FileSystem.DeleteFile(logPath); } WebSiteResult result = new WebSiteResult(); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(vdirUrl.TrimEnd(new char[1] { '/' }) + "/Test/Default.aspx?"); // append tag name if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(args.TagName)) { url.Append(String.Format("tag={0}&filter=true&", args.TagName)); } //append auto run and auto log url.Append("run=true&log=true&console=false"); args.Browser.Open(OperatingSystem, url.ToString()); string content = String.Empty; if (WaitForStartup && !WaitForFile(startupPath, StartupTimeoutInMilliseconds, PollForLogInMilliseconds)) { result.Passed = false; result.Log = String.Format("Timed out waiting for browser to start up. Time out: {0} ms.", StartupTimeoutInMilliseconds); } else if (WaitForLog && !WaitForFile(logPath, args.ExecutionTimeout, PollForLogInMilliseconds, out content)) { result.Passed = false; result.Log = String.Format("Execution timed out. Time out: {0} ms.", args.ExecutionTimeout); } else { result.Log = content; result.Passed = false; if (result.Log.Contains(LTAF_WEBSITE_FAILED)) { //if any test failed, then the whole suite failed. result.Passed = false; } else if (result.Log.Contains(LTAF_WEBSITE_PASSED)) { //at least must have one testcase result.Passed = true; } } args.Browser.Close(OperatingSystem); return(result); }