예제 #1
        public Story Read(Stream stream)
            var story = new Story();

            using (var reader = new OsiReader(stream, story))
                var header = new SaveFileHeader();
                reader.MinorVersion = header.MinorVersion;
                reader.MajorVersion = header.MajorVersion;
                story.MinorVersion  = header.MinorVersion;
                story.MajorVersion  = header.MajorVersion;

                if (reader.Ver > OsiVersion.VerLastSupported)
                    var msg = String.Format(
                        "Osiris version v{0}.{1} unsupported; this tool supports loading up to version 1.12.",
                        reader.MajorVersion, reader.MinorVersion
                    throw new InvalidDataException(msg);

                if (reader.Ver >= OsiVersion.VerScramble)
                    reader.Scramble = 0xAD;

                if (reader.Ver >= OsiVersion.VerAddTypeMap)
                    story.Types = ReadTypes(reader);
                    foreach (var type in story.Types)
                        if (type.Value.Alias != 0)
                            reader.TypeAliases.Add(type.Key, type.Value.Alias);
                    story.Types = new Dictionary <uint, OsirisType>();

                if (reader.Ver >= OsiVersion.VerExternalStringTable && reader.Ver < OsiVersion.VerRemoveExternalStringTable)
                    story.ExternalStringTable = ReadStrings(reader);
                    story.ExternalStringTable = new List <string>();

                story.Types[0] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(0, "UNKNOWN");
                story.Types[1] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(1, "INTEGER");

                if (reader.Ver >= OsiVersion.VerEnhancedTypes)
                    story.Types[2] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(2, "INTEGER64");
                    story.Types[3] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(3, "REAL");
                    story.Types[4] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(4, "STRING");
                    story.Types[5] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(5, "GUIDSTRING");
                    story.Types[2] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(2, "FLOAT");
                    story.Types[3] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(3, "STRING");

                story.DivObjects    = reader.ReadList <OsirisDivObject>();
                story.Functions     = reader.ReadList <Function>();
                story.Nodes         = ReadNodes(reader);
                story.Adapters      = ReadAdapters(reader);
                story.Databases     = ReadDatabases(reader);
                story.Goals         = ReadGoals(reader, story);
                story.GlobalActions = reader.ReadList <Call>();

                foreach (var node in story.Nodes)

예제 #2
        public Story Read(Stream stream)
            var story = new Story();

            using (var reader = new OsiReader(stream, story))
                var header = new SaveFileHeader();
                reader.MinorVersion = header.MinorVersion;
                reader.MajorVersion = header.MajorVersion;
                story.MinorVersion  = header.MinorVersion;
                story.MajorVersion  = header.MajorVersion;

                if (reader.Ver > OsiVersion.VerLastSupported)
                    var msg = String.Format(
                        "Osiris version v{0}.{1} unsupported; this tool supports loading up to version 1.12.",
                        reader.MajorVersion, reader.MinorVersion
                    throw new InvalidDataException(msg);

                if (reader.Ver >= OsiVersion.VerScramble)
                    reader.Scramble = 0xAD;

                story.Types = ReadTypes(reader, story);

                if (reader.Ver >= OsiVersion.VerExternalStringTable && reader.Ver < OsiVersion.VerRemoveExternalStringTable)
                    story.ExternalStringTable = ReadStrings(reader);
                    story.ExternalStringTable = new List <string>();

                story.Types[0] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(0, "UNKNOWN");
                story.Types[1] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(1, "INTEGER");

                if (reader.Ver >= OsiVersion.VerEnhancedTypes)
                    story.Types[2] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(2, "INTEGER64");
                    story.Types[3] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(3, "REAL");
                    story.Types[4] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(4, "STRING");
                    // BG3 defines GUIDSTRING in the .osi file
                    if (!story.Types.ContainsKey(5))
                        story.Types[5] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(5, "GUIDSTRING");
                    story.Types[2] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(2, "FLOAT");
                    story.Types[3] = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(3, "STRING");

                    // Populate custom type IDs for versions that had no type alias map
                    if (reader.Ver < OsiVersion.VerAddTypeMap)
                        for (byte typeId = 4; typeId <= 17; typeId++)
                            story.Types[typeId]       = OsirisType.MakeBuiltin(typeId, $"TYPE{typeId}");
                            story.Types[typeId].Alias = 3;
                            reader.TypeAliases.Add(typeId, 3);

                story.DivObjects    = reader.ReadList <OsirisDivObject>();
                story.Functions     = reader.ReadList <Function>();
                story.Nodes         = ReadNodes(reader);
                story.Adapters      = ReadAdapters(reader);
                story.Databases     = ReadDatabases(reader);
                story.Goals         = ReadGoals(reader, story);
                story.GlobalActions = reader.ReadList <Call>();

                story.FunctionSignatureMap = new Dictionary <string, Function>();
                foreach (var func in story.Functions)
                    story.FunctionSignatureMap.Add(func.Name.Name + "/" + func.Name.Parameters.Types.Count.ToString(), func);

                foreach (var node in story.Nodes)
