public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { base.OnLoad(node); if (Settings == null) { Settings = new CrewHandlerSettings(); foreach (ConfigNode stg in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("CREWHANDLERSETTINGS")) { Settings.Load(stg); } } KerbalRetireTimes.Clear(); ConfigNode n = node.GetNode("RETIRETIMES"); if (n != null) { foreach (ConfigNode.Value v in n.values) { KerbalRetireTimes[] = double.Parse(v.value); } } KerbalRetireIncreases.Clear(); n = node.GetNode("RETIREINCREASES"); if (n != null) { foreach (ConfigNode.Value v in n.values) { KerbalRetireIncreases[] = double.Parse(v.value); } } _retirees.Clear(); n = node.GetNode("RETIREES"); if (n != null) { foreach (ConfigNode.Value v in n.values) { _retirees.Add(v.value); } } _expireTimes.Clear(); n = node.GetNode("EXPIRATIONS"); if (n != null) { foreach (ConfigNode eN in n.nodes) { _expireTimes.Add(new TrainingExpiration(eN)); } } ConfigNode FSData = node.GetNode("FlightSchoolData"); if (FSData != null) { //load all the active courses ActiveCourses.Clear(); foreach (ConfigNode courseNode in FSData.GetNodes("ACTIVE_COURSE")) { try { ActiveCourses.Add(new ActiveCourse(courseNode)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } } TrainingDatabase.EnsureInitialized(); GenerateOfferedCourses(); KACWrapper.InitKACWrapper(); }
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { base.OnLoad(node); if (Config == null) { Config = new LRTRHomeWorldParameters(); foreach (ConfigNode stg in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("HOMEWORLDPARAMETERS")) { Config.Load(stg); } } if (Settings == null) { Settings = new CrewHandlerSettings(); foreach (ConfigNode stg in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("CREWHANDLERSETTINGS")) { Settings.Load(stg); } Settings.retireIncreaseCap = Settings.retireIncreaseCap * Config.hoursPerDay * Config.daysPerYear * 3600; } KerbalRetireTimes.Clear(); ConfigNode n = node.GetNode("RETIRETIMES"); if (n != null) { _isFirstLoad = false; foreach (ConfigNode.Value v in n.values) { KerbalRetireTimes[] = double.Parse(v.value); } } KerbalRetireIncreases.Clear(); n = node.GetNode("RETIREINCREASES"); if (n != null) { foreach (ConfigNode.Value v in n.values) { KerbalRetireIncreases[] = double.Parse(v.value); } } _retirees.Clear(); n = node.GetNode("RETIREES"); if (n != null) { foreach (ConfigNode.Value v in n.values) { _retirees.Add(v.value); } } _expireTimes.Clear(); n = node.GetNode("EXPIRATIONS"); if (n != null) { foreach (ConfigNode eN in n.nodes) { _expireTimes.Add(new TrainingExpiration(eN)); } } ConfigNode FSData = node.GetNode("FlightSchoolData"); if (FSData != null) { //load all the active courses ActiveCourses.Clear(); foreach (ConfigNode courseNode in FSData.GetNodes("ACTIVE_COURSE")) { try { ActiveCourses.Add(new ActiveCourse(courseNode)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } } TrainingDatabase.EnsureInitialized(); KACWrapper.InitKACWrapper(); }