예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recalculates the facing of a given quad. Assumes that the two long edges of the quad are parrallel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshData">Mesh data.</param>
        /// <param name="verts">Verts.</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">Normal.</param>
        /// <param name="append">If set to <c>true</c> append.</param>
        public static void RecalculateQuadFacing(ref MeshData meshData, Vector3[] verts, Vector3 camera, float width, bool append = false)
            if (verts.Length != 4)
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Verts array must be of length 4.");

            if (!append)

            Vector3 surfaceNormal = Vector3.Cross(verts[3] - verts[0], verts[1] - verts[0]).normalized;

            Vector3 startCapVector = verts [3] - verts [0];
            Vector3 endCapVector   = verts [2] - verts [1];

            Vector3     startDirection = Vector3.Cross(surfaceNormal, startCapVector).normalized;
            Vector3     endDirection   = Vector3.Cross(surfaceNormal, endCapVector).normalized;
            Vector3     p1             = Vector3.Lerp(verts [2], verts [1], 0.5f);
            Vector3     p2             = Vector3.Lerp(verts [3], verts [0], 0.5f);
            float       p1Dist         = (camera - p1).magnitude;
            float       p2Dist         = (camera - p2).magnitude;
            LineSegment segment        = new LineSegment(p1, p2, width * p1Dist, width * p2Dist, startDirection, endDirection);

            GenerateMeshDataFromSegmentData(ref meshData, segment, Vector3.zero, append);
예제 #2
        public static void GenerateMeshDataFromPoints(ref MeshData meshData, Vector3[] points, Vector3 camera, Vector3 worldCentroid, float width, bool continuous = false, bool append = false)
            if (points.Length < 2)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Points array must contain at least two points.");

            if (!append)

            Vector3 lastEndDirection = (points[1] - points[0]).normalized;

            for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                Vector3 p1 = points[i - 1];
                Vector3 p2 = points[i];

                if (p1 == p2)

                if (lastEndDirection.magnitude == 0.0f)
                    lastEndDirection = (p2 - p1).normalized;

                float p1Dist = (camera - p1).magnitude;
                float p2Dist = (camera - p2).magnitude;

                LineSegment segment;
                if (continuous)
                    Vector3 endDirection = (p2 - p1).normalized;
                    if (i + 1 < points.Length)
                        Vector3 nextDirection = (points[i + 1] - p2).normalized;
                        endDirection = Vector3.Lerp(endDirection, nextDirection, 0.5f);
                    segment = new LineSegment(p1, p2, width * p1Dist, width * p2Dist, lastEndDirection, endDirection);
                    segment = new LineSegment(p1, p2, width * p1Dist, width * p2Dist);

                GenerateMeshDataFromSegmentData(ref meshData, segment, worldCentroid, true);
예제 #3
        public static void GenerateMeshDataFromPoints(ref MeshData meshData, Vector3[] points, Vector3 camera, Vector3 worldCentroid, float width, bool continuous = false, bool append = false)
            if ( points.Length < 2 ) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Points array must contain at least two points."); }

              if (!append) {
            meshData.Clear ();

              Vector3 lastEndDirection = (points[1] - points[0]).normalized;
              for(int i=1; i < points.Length; i++) {
            Vector3 p1 = points[i-1];
            Vector3 p2 = points[i];

            if ( p1 == p2 ) { continue; }

            if ( lastEndDirection.magnitude == 0.0f ) {
              lastEndDirection = (p2 - p1).normalized;

            float p1Dist = (camera - p1).magnitude;
            float p2Dist = (camera - p2).magnitude;

            LineSegment segment;
            if ( continuous ) {
              Vector3 endDirection = (p2 - p1).normalized;
              if ( i + 1 < points.Length ) {
            Vector3 nextDirection = (points[i+1] - p2).normalized;
            endDirection = Vector3.Lerp(endDirection, nextDirection, 0.5f);
              segment = new LineSegment(p1, p2, width * p1Dist, width * p2Dist, lastEndDirection, endDirection);
            else {
              segment = new LineSegment(p1, p2, width * p1Dist, width * p2Dist);

            GenerateMeshDataFromSegmentData(ref meshData, segment, worldCentroid, true);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the mesh data for a single line segent via the given LineSegment struct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshData">Reference to the MeshData object in which to store the generated data.</param>
        /// <param name="segmentData">The line segment data from which to generate the mesh data.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal direction of the mesh to be generated</param>
        /// <param name="uCoordinateStart">The U coordinate of the mesh UV to be assinged to the starting point end-cap verticies.</param>
        /// <param name="uCoordinateEnd">The U coordinate of the mesh UV to be assinged to the ending point end-cap verticies.</param>
        /// <param name="append">If set to <c>true</c> the generated mesh data will be appended to the mesh data reference. If set to <c>false<c> the data will be overritten. Defaults to <c>false</c></param>
        public static void GenerateMeshDataFromSegmentData(ref MeshData meshData, LineSegment segmentData, Vector3 worldOffset, float uCoordinateStart, float uCoordinateEnd, bool append = false)
            if (!segmentData.Valid)
                Debug.Log("Segment: ");
                Debug.Log("p1: " + segmentData.P1);
                Debug.Log("p2: " + segmentData.P2);
                Debug.Log("startD: " + segmentData.StartDirection);
                Debug.Log("endD: " + segmentData.EndDirection);
                Debug.Log("startWidth: " + segmentData.StartWidth);
                Debug.Log("endWidth: " + segmentData.EndWidth);
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Segment data must be valid");

            Vector3[] verts;
            int[]     tris;
            Vector3[] normals;
            Vector2[] uvs;

            if (!append)

            int vertsStartIndex   = meshData.Verts.Length;
            int trisStartIndex    = meshData.Tris.Length;
            int normalsStartIndex = meshData.Normals.Length;
            int uvStartIndex      = meshData.UVs.Length;

            verts   = new Vector3[meshData.Verts.Length + 8];
            tris    = new int[meshData.Tris.Length + 24];
            normals = new Vector3[normalsStartIndex + 8];
            uvs     = new Vector2[meshData.UVs.Length + 8];

            Array.Copy(meshData.Verts, verts, meshData.Verts.Length);
            Array.Copy(meshData.Tris, tris, meshData.Tris.Length);
            Array.Copy(meshData.Normals, normals, normalsStartIndex);
            Array.Copy(meshData.UVs, uvs, meshData.UVs.Length);

            const int vertexCountPerRing = 4;
            const int rings = 2;

            Vector3[] tubeVerts = QuadTubeVerts(new Vector3[] { segmentData.P1, segmentData.P2 }, new float[] { segmentData.StartWidth, segmentData.EndWidth }, vertexCountPerRing, worldOffset);

            Array.Copy(tubeVerts, 0, verts, vertsStartIndex, tubeVerts.Length);

            //int[] tris = new int[vertexCountPerRing * 6 * (rings-1)];
            //Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[verts.Length];

            for (int ringIndex = 0; ringIndex < rings; ringIndex++)
                float vComponent = ringIndex / (float)rings;

                for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < vertexCountPerRing; faceIndex++)
                    int ringBase  = ringIndex * vertexCountPerRing;
                    int vertIndex = (ringIndex * vertexCountPerRing) + faceIndex;

                    if (ringIndex < rings - 1) // No more tris to make after the second to last ring
                        int triIndex = (ringIndex * vertexCountPerRing * 6) + (faceIndex * 6);

                        // bottom-left, top-left, top-right
                        tris[trisStartIndex + triIndex]     = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + faceIndex;
                        tris[trisStartIndex + triIndex + 1] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + vertexCountPerRing + (faceIndex % vertexCountPerRing);
                        tris[trisStartIndex + triIndex + 2] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + vertexCountPerRing + ((faceIndex +  +1) % vertexCountPerRing);

                        // bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right
                        tris[trisStartIndex + triIndex + 3] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + ((faceIndex + 1) % vertexCountPerRing);
                        tris[trisStartIndex + triIndex + 4] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + faceIndex;
                        tris[trisStartIndex + triIndex + 5] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + vertexCountPerRing + ((faceIndex + 1) % vertexCountPerRing);

                    float uComponent = faceIndex / (float)(vertexCountPerRing - 1);

                    uvs[uvStartIndex + vertIndex] = new Vector2(uComponent, vComponent);

            meshData.Verts   = verts;
            meshData.Tris    = tris;
            meshData.Normals = normals;
            meshData.UVs     = uvs;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the mesh data for a single line segent via the given LineSegment struct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshData">Reference to the MeshData object in which to store the generated data.</param>
        /// <param name="segmentData">The line segment data from which to generate the mesh data.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal direction of the mesh to be generated</param> 
        /// <param name="uCoordinateStart">The U coordinate of the mesh UV to be assinged to the starting point end-cap verticies.</param>
        /// <param name="uCoordinateEnd">The U coordinate of the mesh UV to be assinged to the ending point end-cap verticies.</param>
        /// <param name="append">If set to <c>true</c> the generated mesh data will be appended to the mesh data reference. If set to <c>false<c> the data will be overritten. Defaults to <c>false</c></param>
        public static void GenerateMeshDataFromSegmentData(ref MeshData meshData, LineSegment segmentData, Vector3 worldOffset, float uCoordinateStart, float uCoordinateEnd, bool append = false)
            if (!segmentData.Valid) {
            Debug.Log ("Segment: ");
            Debug.Log ("p1: " + segmentData.P1);
            Debug.Log ("p2: " + segmentData.P2);
            Debug.Log ("startD: " + segmentData.StartDirection);
            Debug.Log ("endD: " + segmentData.EndDirection);
            Debug.Log ("startWidth: " + segmentData.StartWidth);
            Debug.Log ("endWidth: " + segmentData.EndWidth);
            throw new System.ArgumentException("Segment data must be valid");

              Vector3[] verts;
              int[] tris;
              Vector3[] normals;
              Vector2[] uvs;

              if ( !append ) { meshData.Clear(); }

              int vertsStartIndex = meshData.Verts.Length;
              int trisStartIndex = meshData.Tris.Length;
              int normalsStartIndex = meshData.Normals.Length;
              int uvStartIndex = meshData.UVs.Length;

              verts = new Vector3[meshData.Verts.Length + 8];
              tris = new int[meshData.Tris.Length + 24];
              normals = new Vector3[normalsStartIndex + 8];
              uvs = new Vector2[ meshData.UVs.Length + 8];

              Array.Copy (meshData.Verts, verts, meshData.Verts.Length);
              Array.Copy (meshData.Tris, tris, meshData.Tris.Length);
              Array.Copy (meshData.Normals, normals, normalsStartIndex);
              Array.Copy (meshData.UVs, uvs, meshData.UVs.Length);

              const int vertexCountPerRing = 4;
              const int rings = 2;

              Vector3[] tubeVerts = QuadTubeVerts (new Vector3[] {segmentData.P1, segmentData.P2}, new float[] { segmentData.StartWidth, segmentData.EndWidth }, vertexCountPerRing, worldOffset);

              Array.Copy (tubeVerts, 0, verts, vertsStartIndex, tubeVerts.Length);

              //int[] tris = new int[vertexCountPerRing * 6 * (rings-1)];
              //Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[verts.Length];

              for ( int ringIndex=0;ringIndex<rings;ringIndex++ ) {
            float vComponent = ringIndex / (float)rings;

            for ( int faceIndex=0;faceIndex<vertexCountPerRing;faceIndex++ ) {

              int ringBase = ringIndex * vertexCountPerRing;
              int vertIndex = (ringIndex * vertexCountPerRing) + faceIndex;

              if ( ringIndex < rings-1 ) { // No more tris to make after the second to last ring
            int triIndex = (ringIndex * vertexCountPerRing * 6) + (faceIndex * 6);

            // bottom-left, top-left, top-right
            tris[trisStartIndex+triIndex]   = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + faceIndex;
            tris[trisStartIndex+triIndex+1] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + vertexCountPerRing + (faceIndex % vertexCountPerRing);
            tris[trisStartIndex+triIndex+2] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + vertexCountPerRing + ((faceIndex +  + 1) % vertexCountPerRing);

            // bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right
            tris[trisStartIndex+triIndex+3] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + ((faceIndex + 1) % vertexCountPerRing);
            tris[trisStartIndex+triIndex+4] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + faceIndex;
            tris[trisStartIndex+triIndex+5] = vertsStartIndex + ringBase + vertexCountPerRing + ((faceIndex + 1) % vertexCountPerRing);

              float uComponent = faceIndex / (float)(vertexCountPerRing - 1);

              uvs[uvStartIndex+vertIndex] = new Vector2(uComponent, vComponent);


              meshData.Verts = verts;
              meshData.Tris = tris;
              meshData.Normals = normals;
              meshData.UVs = uvs;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Recalculates the facing of a given quad. Assumes that the two long edges of the quad are parrallel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshData">Mesh data.</param>
        /// <param name="verts">Verts.</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">Normal.</param>
        /// <param name="append">If set to <c>true</c> append.</param>
        public static void RecalculateQuadFacing(ref MeshData meshData, Vector3[] verts, Vector3 camera, float width, bool append = false)
            if (verts.Length != 4) {
            throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("Verts array must be of length 4.");

              if (!append) {
            meshData.Clear ();

              Vector3 surfaceNormal = Vector3.Cross (verts[3] - verts[0], verts[1] - verts[0]).normalized;

              Vector3 startCapVector = verts [3] - verts [0];
              Vector3 endCapVector = verts [2] - verts [1];

              Vector3 startDirection = Vector3.Cross (surfaceNormal, startCapVector).normalized;
              Vector3 endDirection = Vector3.Cross (surfaceNormal, endCapVector).normalized;
              Vector3 p1 = Vector3.Lerp (verts [2], verts [1], 0.5f);
              Vector3 p2 = Vector3.Lerp (verts [3], verts [0], 0.5f);
              float p1Dist = (camera - p1).magnitude;
              float p2Dist = (camera - p2).magnitude;
              LineSegment segment = new LineSegment (p1, p2, width * p1Dist, width * p2Dist, startDirection, endDirection);
              GenerateMeshDataFromSegmentData (ref meshData, segment, Vector3.zero, append);