private void AddDDL() { ExplorerItem item = this._node.ExplorerItem; if (item.SupportsDDLEditing) { this._schemaName = "dbo"; ExplorerItemNode parent = this._node.Parent.Parent as ExplorerItemNode; if ((parent != null) && (parent.ExplorerItem.Kind == ExplorerItemKind.Schema)) { this._schemaName = parent.ExplorerItem.SqlName ?? (parent.ExplorerItem.DragText ?? parent.ExplorerItem.Text); } this._constructName = (item.Icon == ExplorerIcon.StoredProc) ? "PROCEDURE" : ((item.Icon == ExplorerIcon.View) ? "View" : "FUNCTION"); string str = (item.Icon == ExplorerIcon.StoredProc) ? "Stored Proc" : "Function"; if (this.Items.Count > 0) { this.Items.Add("-"); } this.Items.Add("Edit " + str + " Definition", null, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewQueryArgs args = new NewQueryArgs(new Func <string>(this.SpHelpText)) { Language = 8, QueryName = "(" + item.SqlName + ")" }; this._tree.OnNewQuery(args); }); this.Items.Add("Drop " + str, null, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Drop " + item.SqlName + " - are you sure?", "LINQPad", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes) { this.DropObject(); } }); } }
internal bool ProcessClick() { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. if (this._explorerItem.HyperlinkTarget == null) { return(false); } for (TreeNode node = base.Parent; node == null; node = node.Parent) { Label_0024: if (0 == 0) { RepositoryNode node2 = node as RepositoryNode; if (node2 == null) { return(false); } ExplorerItemNode node3 = node2.FindExplorerItemNode(this._explorerItem.HyperlinkTarget); if (node3 == null) { return(false); } base.TreeView.SelectedNode = node3; if (node3.Nodes.Count > 0) { node3.Nodes.Cast <TreeNode>().Take <TreeNode>(7).Last <TreeNode>().EnsureVisible(); } return(true); } } goto Label_0024; }
private ExplorerItemNode FindExplorerItemNode(TreeNode parent, ExplorerItem item) { foreach (ExplorerItemNode node in parent.Nodes.OfType <ExplorerItemNode>()) { if (node.ExplorerItem == item) { return(node); } } foreach (TreeNode node3 in parent.Nodes) { ExplorerItemNode node4 = this.FindExplorerItemNode(node3, item); if (node4 != null) { return(node4); } } return(null); }
public ExplorerItemContextMenu(SchemaTree tree, ExplorerItemNode node) { this._tree = tree; this._node = node; this._item = node.ExplorerItem; string dragText = node.ExplorerItem.DragText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dragText)) { dragText = node.Text; } if (this._item.Children != null) { } bool flag = (CS$ < > 9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate5 == null) && this._item.Children.Any <ExplorerItem>(CS$ < > 9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate5); if (((this._item.Icon == ExplorerIcon.StoredProc) || (this._item.Icon == ExplorerIcon.ScalarFunction)) || (this._item.Icon == ExplorerIcon.TableFunction)) { string paramQuery = dragText = dragText + (!flag ? "()" : " (...)"); QueryLanguage exprLanguage = UserOptions.Instance.IsVBDefault ? QueryLanguage.VBExpression : QueryLanguage.Expression; this.Items.Add(paramQuery, null, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewQueryArgs args = new NewQueryArgs(paramQuery, new QueryLanguage?(exprLanguage)) { ShowParams = true }; tree.OnNewQuery(args); }); if (this._item.Icon != ExplorerIcon.TableFunction) { this.AddDDL(); return; } } IEnumerable <string> columnNames = from n in node.Nodes.OfType <ExplorerItemNode>() where (n.ExplorerItem.Kind == ExplorerItemKind.Property) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.DragText) select n.DragText; QueryableMenuHelper.AddQueryableItems(tree, node, this, dragText, columnNames); this.AddDDL(); }