private static string jxhl7(string rtn_msg, string Ssbz, string Sslbx, string isbrxx, string WebUrl, string debug, string BBXml, string BBmc) { string yh = f.ReadString("yh", "yhmc", "0"); int xh = 0; PT_XML px = new PT_XML(); readhl7 r7 = new readhl7(); int count = 0; try { r7.Adt01(rtn_msg, ref count); if (r7.MSA[1].Trim() == "AA") { try { if (count > 1) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataColumn dc0 = new DataColumn("序号"); dt.Columns.Add(dc0); DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("申请序号"); dt.Columns.Add(dc1); DataColumn dc2 = new DataColumn("姓名"); dt.Columns.Add(dc2); DataColumn dc3 = new DataColumn("病人类别"); dt.Columns.Add(dc3); DataColumn dc4 = new DataColumn("送检科室"); dt.Columns.Add(dc4); DataColumn dc5 = new DataColumn("送检医生"); dt.Columns.Add(dc5); DataColumn dc6 = new DataColumn("医嘱项目"); dt.Columns.Add(dc6); DataColumn dc7 = new DataColumn("费用"); dt.Columns.Add(dc7); DataColumn dc8 = new DataColumn("标本名称"); dt.Columns.Add(dc8); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dt.Rows.Add(dr1); dt.Rows[x][0] = x; //申请序号 dt.Rows[x][1] = r7.ORC[x, 2].Trim(); //姓名 dt.Rows[x][2] = r7.PID[5].Split('^')[0].Trim(); //病人类型 dt.Rows[x][3] = r7.QRF[4].Trim(); if (dt.Rows[x][3].ToString() == "I") { dt.Rows[x][3] = "住院"; } else { dt.Rows[x][3] = "门诊"; } //科室 dt.Rows[x][4] = r7.ORC[xh, 13].Trim().Split('^')[0]; //医生 dt.Rows[x][5] = r7.ORC[x, 12].Trim(); //项目 dt.Rows[x][6] = r7.OBR[x, 4].Trim(); //费用 dt.Rows[x][7] = r7.OBR[x, 23].Trim(); //标本名称 string bbmc = r7.OBR[x, 15].Trim(); if (bbmc.Trim() == "^") { bbmc = ""; } dt.Rows[x][8] = bbmc; } Frm_FJSFYBJY ffj = new Frm_FJSFYBJY(dt, "30^80^80^40^120^100^250^70^150"); ffj.ShowDialog(); if (ffj.xh == "") { MessageBox.Show("未选择病人检查记录"); return("0"); } xh = int.Parse(ffj.xh); } px.myDictionary["姓名"] = r7.PID[5].Split('^')[0].Trim(); string xb = r7.PID[8].Trim(); if (xb == "F") { xb = "女"; } else if (xb.Trim() == "M") { xb = "男"; } else { xb = "女"; } px.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; string brlb = r7.QRF[4].Trim(); if (brlb == "I") { brlb = "住院"; } else { brlb = "门诊"; } px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = brlb; px.myDictionary["出生日期"] = r7.PID[7].Trim(); if (r7.PID[13].Trim() != "") { px.myDictionary["地址"] = r7.PID[11].Trim(); } if (r7.PID[11].Trim() != "") { px.myDictionary["电话"] = "^" + r7.PID[13].Trim(); } string hy = r7.PID[15].Trim(); switch (hy) { case "D": hy = "离婚"; break; case "M": hy = "已婚"; break; case "W": hy = "丧偶"; break; case "V": hy = "未婚"; break; default: hy = ""; break; } px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = hy; foreach (string pid3 in r7.PID[3].Trim().Split('~')) { try { //身份证号 if (pid3.Split('^')[4] == "PN") { px.myDictionary["身份证号"] = pid3.Split('^')[0].Trim(); } } catch { } try { //PI patientid if (pid3.Split('^')[4] == "PI") { px.myDictionary["病人编号"] = pid3.Split('^')[0].Trim(); } } catch { } try { //病案号 if (pid3.Split('^')[4] == "MR") { px.myDictionary["民族"] = pid3.Split('^')[0].Trim(); } } catch { } try { //医保号 if (pid3.Split('^')[4] == "VN") { px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = pid3.Split('^')[0].Trim(); } } catch { } } if (px.myDictionary["民族"].Trim() == "") { px.myDictionary["民族"] = px.myDictionary["就诊ID"].Substring(0, px.myDictionary["就诊ID"].Length - 3); } string bah = px.myDictionary["民族"]; if (brlb == "门诊") { px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = bah; } if (brlb == "住院") { px.myDictionary["住院号"] = bah; } px.myDictionary["床号"] = r7.NTE[3].Trim(); px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = r7.ORC[xh, 13].Trim().Split('^')[0]; px.myDictionary["病区"] = r7.ORC[xh, 13].Trim().Split('^')[0]; px.myDictionary["申请序号"] = r7.ORC[xh, 2].Trim(); px.myDictionary["送检医生"] = r7.ORC[xh, 12].Trim().Split('^')[1].Trim(); string sqx = r7.OBR[0, 2].Trim(); px.myDictionary["医嘱项目"] = r7.OBR[xh, 4].Trim(); string bbmc1 = r7.OBR[xh, 15].Trim(); if (bbmc1.Trim() == "^") { bbmc1 = ""; } px.myDictionary["标本名称"] = bbmc1; px.myDictionary["收费"] = "";// r7.OBR[xh, 23].Trim(); //try //{ // px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = r7.OBR[xh, 46].Trim().Split('~')[1].Replace("2^", "").Trim(); //} //catch //{ // px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = ""; //} foreach (string lczd in r7.OBR[xh, 46].Trim().Split('~')) { //lczd try { if (lczd.Split('^')[0] == "6") { px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = lczd.Split('^')[1]; } } catch { } //主诉 try { if (lczd.Split('^')[0] == "1") { px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = px.myDictionary["临床病史"] + lczd.Split('^')[1]; } } catch { } // 病史 try { if (lczd.Split('^')[0] == "2") { px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = px.myDictionary["临床病史"] + lczd.Split('^')[1]; } } catch { } } if (px.myDictionary["年龄"].Trim() == "") { px.myDictionary["年龄"] = ZGQClass.CsrqToAge(px.myDictionary["出生日期"]); } string exep = ""; // MessageBox.Show(px.rtn_XML(ref exep)); //获取标本列表 if (BBXml.Trim() == "") { if (tqbblb == "1") { string applyNo = ""; string patientId = ""; string visitNo = ""; string visitType = ""; string examItemCode = ""; string examItemName = ""; BBXml = GetBbxx(px.myDictionary["申请序号"].Trim(), "", WebUrl, debug, ref applyNo, ref patientId, ref visitNo, ref visitType, ref examItemCode, ref examItemName, ref BBmc); } } if (BBmc != "") { px.myDictionary["标本名称"] = BBmc; } return(px.rtn_XML(BBXml, ref exep)); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show(e2.Message); return("0"); } } else { //取基本信息 if (isbrxx == "1") { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("未取得申请单信息,提取病人基本信息"); } if (Sslbx.Trim() == "住院号" || Sslbx.Trim() == "就诊号") { string rtn_msg2 = ""; if (Sslbx.Trim() == "住院号") { //if (isbrxx.Trim() != "1") //{ // MessageBox.Show(r7.MSA[1].Trim() + "|" + r7.MSA[3].Trim()); // return "0"; //} string XML2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><root><visitNo></visitNo><inpNo>" + Ssbz + "</inpNo><patientId></patientId><wardCode></wardCode><deptCode></deptCode></root>"; rtn_msg2 = rtn_CallInterface("XML", "GetPatientInHospital", XML2, "", WebUrl, debug); } else { //if (isbrxx.Trim() != "1") //{ // MessageBox.Show(r7.MSA[1].Trim() + "|" + r7.MSA[3].Trim()); // return "0"; //} string XML2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><root><icCardNo>" + Ssbz + "</icCardNo><executeDept></executeDept></root>"; rtn_msg2 = rtn_CallInterface("XML", "GetDispPatientInfo", XML2, "", WebUrl, debug); } if (rtn_msg2 == "") { return("0"); } readhl7 rr7 = new readhl7(); int xy = 0; rr7.Adt01(rtn_msg2, ref xy); if (rr7.MSA[1].Trim() != "AA") { MessageBox.Show(rr7.MSA[3].Trim()); return("0"); } else { XmlNode xmlok = null; XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); try { xd.LoadXml(rtn_msg2); xmlok = xd.SelectSingleNode("/root/patients"); if (xmlok.InnerXml.Trim() != "") { DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmlok.InnerXml); XmlReader xr = new XmlTextReader(sr); ds1.ReadXml(xr); px.myDictionary["姓名"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientName"].ToString().Trim(); string xb = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientSex"].ToString().Trim(); if (xb == "1") { xb = "女"; } else if (xb.Trim() == "0") { xb = "男"; } else { xb = ""; } px.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; if (Sslbx.Trim() == "住院号") { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "住院"; px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["visitCount"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["住院号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["visitNo"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["床号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bedCode"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["病区"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wardName"].ToString().Trim(); } else { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "门诊"; px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["icCardNo"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["病区"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["deptName"].ToString().Trim(); } if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientAge"].ToString().Trim() != "") { try { px.myDictionary["年龄"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientAge"].ToString().Trim() + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ageUnit"].ToString().Trim(); } catch { px.myDictionary["年龄"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientAge"].ToString().Trim(); } } px.myDictionary["地址"] = "电话:" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["telephone"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["电话"] = "^地址:"; px.myDictionary["病人编号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientId"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["deptName"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["申请序号"] = ""; px.myDictionary["送检医生"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["doctorInCharge"].ToString().Trim().Split('/')[0].Trim(); px.myDictionary["费别"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["rateTypeName"].ToString().Trim(); try { px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["diagnosisname"].ToString().Trim(); } catch { px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = ""; } string exep = ""; return(px.rtn_XML(ref exep)); } else { MessageBox.Show("未能查询到病人记录"); return("0"); } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("XML解析错误:" + ee.Message); log.WriteMyLog(rtn_msg2 + "--" + ee.Message); return("0"); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show(r7.MSA[1].Trim() + "|" + r7.MSA[3].Trim()); } return("0"); } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.Message); return("0"); } }
public static string return_xml(DataSet ds, string Sslbx, string brlb_1) { try { PT_XML pt = new PT_XML(); pt.myDictionary["病人编号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientid"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = ""; ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cardno"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["申请序号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sendno"].ToString().Trim(); if (Sslbx == "住院申请号" || Sslbx == "住院号" || Sslbx.Contains("住院")) { pt.myDictionary["门诊号"] = ""; pt.myDictionary["住院号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hospno"].ToString().Trim(); } else { pt.myDictionary["门诊号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hospno"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["住院号"] = ""; } pt.myDictionary["姓名"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patname"].ToString().Trim(); string xb = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sex"].ToString().Trim(); if (xb == "1") { xb = "男"; } else if (xb == "2") { xb = "女"; } else { xb = ""; } pt.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; pt.myDictionary["年龄"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["age"].ToString().Trim() + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ageunit"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["婚姻"] = ""; pt.myDictionary["地址"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["电话"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["phone"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["病区"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bqmc"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["床号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bedno"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["身份证号"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["idnum"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["民族"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Nation"].ToString().Trim();; pt.myDictionary["职业"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["career"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["送检科室"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["deptName"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["送检医生"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["todoc"].ToString().Trim(); pt.myDictionary["收费"] = ""; pt.myDictionary["标本名称"] = ""; pt.myDictionary["送检医院"] = "本院"; pt.myDictionary["医嘱项目"] = ""; pt.myDictionary["备用1"] = ""; pt.myDictionary["备用2"] = ""; pt.myDictionary["费别"] = ""; if (brlb_1 == "1") { pt.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "住院"; } else if (brlb_1 == "3") { pt.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "体检"; } else { pt.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "门诊"; } pt.myDictionary["临床病史"] = ""; try { pt.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ClincName"].ToString().Trim(); } catch { } string ex = ""; return(pt.rtn_XML(ref ex)); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("解析xml异常:" + e.Message); return("0"); } }
public static string ptxml(string Sslbx, string Ssbz, string debug) { if (Sslbx.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("无此" + Sslbx); return("0"); } #region 获取SZ或T_SZ配置 string xtdm = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "xtdm", "2060000").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); string WebUrl = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "WebUrl", "").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); debug = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "debug", "").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); string certificate = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "certificate", "ZmmJ9RMCKAUxFsiwl/08iiA3J17G0OpI").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); #endregion #region 提取基本信息 string OSQ = ""; if (Sslbx == "卡号") { if (Ssbz.Length > 19) { try { Ssbz = Ssbz.Substring(9, 10); } catch { log.WriteMyLog("截取卡号异常Substring(9, 10):" + Ssbz); } } if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("卡号:" + Ssbz); } string rtn = SP_SELECT.ptxml2(Sslbx, Ssbz, debug, ""); if (rtn != "0") { return(rtn); } if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("未查询到申请单记录,获取基本信息"); } OSQ = "<root><patientId></patientId><visitNo>" + Ssbz + "</visitNo></root>"; } else if (Sslbx == "门诊号") { string rtn = SP_SELECT.ptxml2(Sslbx, Ssbz, debug, ""); if (rtn != "0") { return(rtn); } if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("未查询到申请单记录,获取基本信息"); } OSQ = "<root><patientId></patientId><visitNo>" + Ssbz + "</visitNo></root>"; } else if (Sslbx == "住院号") { string rtn = SP_SELECT.ptxml2(Sslbx, Ssbz, debug, ""); if (rtn != "0") { return(rtn); } if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("未查询到申请单记录,获取基本信息"); } OSQ = "<root><patientId></patientId><visitNo>" + Ssbz + "</visitNo></root>"; } else { MessageBox.Show("无此识别类型" + Sslbx); return("0"); } aydefyweb.WSInterface ayd2yy = new LGHISJKZGQ.aydefyweb.WSInterface(); if (WebUrl.Trim() != "") { ayd2yy.Url = WebUrl; } string msgHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><root><serverName>GetPatientBaseInfoIndex</serverName>" + "<format>xml</format><callOperator></callOperator><certificate>" + certificate + "</certificate></root>"; if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("入参:msgHeader:" + msgHeader + "\r\nmsgBody" + OSQ); } try { string rtn = ""; try { rtn = ayd2yy.CallInterface(msgHeader, OSQ); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("连接webservice异常:" + e1.Message); return("0"); } if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回:" + rtn); } if (rtn == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><root/>") { MessageBox.Show("未查询到病人信息"); return("0"); } PT_XML px = new PT_XML(); XmlNode xmlok = null; XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); try { xd.LoadXml(rtn); xmlok = xd.SelectSingleNode("/root/patients/patient"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("未查询到病人信息"); return("0"); } px.myDictionary["姓名"] = xmlok["patientName"].InnerText; string xb = xmlok["patientSex"].InnerText; if (xb == "1") { xb = "女"; } else if (xb.Trim() == "0") { xb = "男"; } else { xb = ""; } px.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; if (Sslbx.Trim() == "住院号") { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "住院"; px.myDictionary["住院号"] = xmlok["visitNo"].InnerText; try { px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = xmlok["admissionDept"].InnerText; } catch { } px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = xmlok["visitNum"].InnerText; } else { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "门诊"; px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = xmlok["visitNo"].InnerText; try { px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = xmlok["cureDept"].InnerText; } catch { } if (Sslbx.Trim() == "卡号") { px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = Ssbz; } } px.myDictionary["年龄"] = ZGQClass.CsrqToAge(xmlok["patientBirthdate"].InnerText); px.myDictionary["地址"] = xmlok["commPostCode"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["电话"] = xmlok["telephone"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["病人编号"] = xmlok["patientId"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["申请序号"] = ""; px.myDictionary["送检医生"] = ""; px.myDictionary["费别"] = ""; px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = ""; px.myDictionary["民族"] = ""; px.myDictionary["身份证号"] = xmlok["identityNo"].InnerText; string exep = ""; return(px.rtn_XML(ref exep)); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.Message); return("0"); } #endregion }
public static string ptxml(string Sslbx, string Ssbz, string Debug) { string pathWEB = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "url", "").Trim(); //获取sz.ini中设置的webservicesurl string debug = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "debug", ""); string yq = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "yq", "2"); if (yq.Trim() == "十梓街") { yq = "1"; } if (yq.Trim() == "平江") { yq = "2"; } if (Sslbx != "") { if (Sslbx == "住院号" || Sslbx == "门诊号" || Sslbx == "发票号" || Sslbx == "十梓街住院号" || Sslbx == "十梓街门诊号" || Sslbx == "十梓街发票号" || Sslbx == "平江住院号" || Sslbx == "平江门诊号" || Sslbx == "平江发票号") { string Request_xml = ""; if (Sslbx == "住院号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>" + yq + "</yq>" + "<paitent_id></paitent_id>" + "<real_no></real_no>" + "<inpatient_no>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</inpatient_no>" //住院号 + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "门诊号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>" + yq + "</yq>" //院区(1:十梓街;2:平江) + "<paitent_id>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</paitent_id>" //门诊号(必填) + "<real_no></real_no>" //发票号(可选) + "<inpatient_no></inpatient_no>" + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "发票号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>" + yq + "</yq>" //院区(1:十梓街;2:平江) + "<paitent_id></paitent_id>" //门诊号(必填) + "<real_no>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</real_no>" //发票号(可选) + "<inpatient_no></inpatient_no>" + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "十梓街住院号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>1</yq>" + "<paitent_id></paitent_id>" + "<real_no></real_no>" + "<inpatient_no>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</inpatient_no>" //住院号 + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "十梓街门诊号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>1</yq>" //院区(1:十梓街;2:平江) + "<paitent_id>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</paitent_id>" //门诊号(必填) + "<real_no></real_no>" //发票号(可选) + "<inpatient_no></inpatient_no>" + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "十梓街发票号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>1</yq>" //院区(1:十梓街;2:平江) + "<paitent_id></paitent_id>" //门诊号(必填) + "<real_no>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</real_no>" //发票号(可选) + "<inpatient_no></inpatient_no>" + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "平江住院号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>2</yq>" + "<paitent_id></paitent_id>" + "<real_no></real_no>" + "<inpatient_no>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</inpatient_no>" //住院号 + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "平江门诊号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>2</yq>" //院区(1:十梓街;2:平江) + "<paitent_id>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</paitent_id>" //门诊号(必填) + "<real_no></real_no>" //发票号(可选) + "<inpatient_no></inpatient_no>" + "</Request>"; } if (Sslbx == "平江发票号") { Request_xml = "<Request>" + "<yq>2</yq>" //院区(1:十梓街;2:平江) + "<paitent_id></paitent_id>" //门诊号(必填) + "<real_no>" + Ssbz.Trim() + "</real_no>" //发票号(可选) + "<inpatient_no></inpatient_no>" + "</Request>"; } if (Request_xml.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("传出参数为空"); return("0"); } jssfyweb.PathologyService sfysev = new jssfyweb.PathologyService(); sfysev.Url = pathWEB; if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("传入参数XMl:" + Request_xml); } string Response_xml = ""; try { Response_xml = sfysev.GetPatientInfo(Request_xml); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("提取信息异常:" + e1.Message); log.WriteMyLog("提取信息异常:" + sfysev.Url + "\r\n" + e1.Message); return("0"); } if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回XMl:" + Response_xml); } if (Response_xml == "") { MessageBox.Show("返回XML数据为空,提取信息失败"); return("0"); } //------------------------------- XmlNode xmlok = null; XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); try { xd.LoadXml(Response_xml); xmlok = xd.SelectSingleNode("/Response"); } catch (Exception e2) { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("XML解析错误:" + e2.Message); } MessageBox.Show("XML解析错误:" + e2.Message); return("0"); } //-返回xml---------------------------------------------------- PT_XML px = new PT_XML(); try { px.myDictionary["病人编号"] = xmlok["bl_no"].InnerText; if (Sslbx.Contains("发票号")) { px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = Ssbz.Trim(); } else { px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = ""; } px.myDictionary["申请序号"] = ""; if (Sslbx.Contains("门诊号")) { px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = xmlok["patient_id"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["住院号"] = ""; } else { px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = ""; px.myDictionary["住院号"] = xmlok["inpatient_no"].InnerText; } px.myDictionary["姓名"] = xmlok["name"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["年龄"] = xmlok["age"].InnerText + "岁"; px.myDictionary["性别"] = xmlok["sex"].InnerText; if (px.myDictionary["性别"].Trim() == "1") { px.myDictionary["性别"] = "男"; } if (px.myDictionary["性别"].Trim() == "2") { px.myDictionary["性别"] = "女"; } px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = xmlok["marry"].InnerText; if (px.myDictionary["婚姻"] == "1") { px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = "已婚"; } if (px.myDictionary["婚姻"] == "2") { px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = "未婚"; } if (px.myDictionary["婚姻"] == "3") { px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = "丧偶"; } if (px.myDictionary["婚姻"] == "4") { px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = "离异"; } if (px.myDictionary["婚姻"] == "5") { px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = "其他"; } px.myDictionary["地址"] = xmlok["address"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["电话"] = xmlok["mobile"].InnerText; try { px.myDictionary["病区"] = xmlok["ward_name"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["床号"] = xmlok["bed_no"].InnerText; } catch { } px.myDictionary["身份证号"] = xmlok["social_no"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["民族"] = "";// xmlok["nation"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["职业"] = xmlok["occupation"].InnerText; if (Sslbx.Contains("门诊号")) { px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = xmlok["unit_name"].InnerText; } else { px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = ""; } px.myDictionary["送检医生"] = ""; px.myDictionary["收费"] = ""; px.myDictionary["标本名称"] = ""; px.myDictionary["送检医院"] = "本院"; px.myDictionary["医嘱项目"] = ""; px.myDictionary["备用1"] = ""; px.myDictionary["备用2"] = ""; try { px.myDictionary["费别"] = xmlok["response_type"].InnerText; } catch { try { px.myDictionary["费别"] = xmlok["responce_type"].InnerText; } catch { } } if (px.myDictionary["费别"].Trim() == "9") { px.myDictionary["费别"] = "医保"; } if (px.myDictionary["费别"].Trim() == "1") { px.myDictionary["费别"] = "自费"; } px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = xmlok["type"].InnerText; if (px.myDictionary["病人类别"].Trim() == "1") { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "门诊"; } if (px.myDictionary["病人类别"].Trim() == "2") { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "住院"; } px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = xmlok["medical_record"].InnerText; px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = xmlok["diag_name"].InnerText; if (px.myDictionary["姓名"].Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("未查询到相关记录数据"); return("0"); } string exep = ""; return(px.rtn_XML(ref exep)); } catch (Exception ee4) { MessageBox.Show(ee4.Message); if (Debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("生成xml异常:" + ee4.Message); } return("0"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("无此" + Sslbx); return("0"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Sslbx不能为空"); return("0"); } }
//private static string jxhl7(string rtn_msg, string Ssbz) //{ // PT_XML px = new PT_XML(); // readhl7 r7 = new readhl7(); // r7.Adt01(rtn_msg); // try // { // if (r7.MSA[1].Trim() == "AA") // { // try // { // px.myDictionary["姓名"] = r7.PID[5].Split('^')[0].Trim(); // string xb = r7.PID[8].Trim(); // if (xb == "F") xb = "女"; // else if (xb.Trim() == "M") xb = "男"; // else xb = ""; // px.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; // string brlb = r7.QRF[4].Trim(); // if (brlb == "I") brlb = "住院"; // else brlb = "门诊"; // px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = brlb; // px.myDictionary["出生日期"] = r7.PID[7].Trim(); // //地址电话位置互换 // px.myDictionary["地址"] ="电话:"+ r7.PID[13].Trim() + "^";// r7.PID[11].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["电话"] ="地址:"+ r7.PID[11].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = r7.PID[15].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = r7.PID[17].Trim();//医保卡号 // px.myDictionary["病人编号"] = r7.PID[3].Trim().Split('^')[0].Trim(); // if (brlb == "门诊") // px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = Ssbz; // else // px.myDictionary["住院号"] = Ssbz; // try // { // px.myDictionary["身份证号"] = r7.PID[3].Trim().Split('^')[8].Trim().Split('~')[1].Trim(); // } // catch // { // px.myDictionary["身份证号"] = ""; // } // px.myDictionary["床号"] = r7.NTE[3].Trim(); // if (brlb == "门诊") // px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = r7.ORC[13].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["病区"] = r7.ORC[13].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["申请序号"] = r7.ORC[2].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["申请医生"] = r7.ORC[12].Trim().Split('^')[1].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["医嘱项目"] = r7.OBR[4].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["标本名称"] = r7.OBR[15].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["收费"] = r7.OBR[23].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = r7.OBR[46].Trim(); // px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = r7.DG1[3].Split('^')[1].Trim(); // string exep = ""; // return px.rtn_XML(ref exep); // } // catch(Exception e2) // { // MessageBox.Show(e2.ToString()); // return "0"; // } // } // else // { // MessageBox.Show(r7.MSA[1].Trim() + "|" + r7.MSA[3].Trim()); // return "0"; // } // } // catch(Exception ee) // { // MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); // return "0"; // } //} private static string jxhl7(string rtn_msg, string Ssbz, string Sslbx) { int xh = 0; PT_XML px = new PT_XML(); readhl7 r7 = new readhl7(); int count = 0; try { r7.Adt01(rtn_msg, ref count); if (r7.MSA[1].Trim() == "AA") { try { if (count > 1) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataColumn dc0 = new DataColumn("序号"); dt.Columns.Add(dc0); DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("姓名"); dt.Columns.Add(dc1); DataColumn dc3 = new DataColumn("病人类别"); dt.Columns.Add(dc3); DataColumn dc4 = new DataColumn("病人编号"); dt.Columns.Add(dc4); DataColumn dc5 = new DataColumn("送检科室"); dt.Columns.Add(dc5); DataColumn dc6 = new DataColumn("申请医生"); dt.Columns.Add(dc6); DataColumn dc7 = new DataColumn("申请序号"); dt.Columns.Add(dc7); DataColumn dc8 = new DataColumn("医嘱项目"); dt.Columns.Add(dc8); DataColumn dc9 = new DataColumn("收费"); dt.Columns.Add(dc9); DataColumn dc10 = new DataColumn("标本名称"); dt.Columns.Add(dc10); DataColumn dc11 = new DataColumn("临床诊断"); dt.Columns.Add(dc11); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow(); dt.Rows.Add(dr1); dt.Rows[x][0] = x; dt.Rows[x][1] = r7.PID[5].Split('^')[0].Trim(); // dt.Rows[x][2] = r7.PID[8].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][2] = r7.QRF[4].Trim(); if (dt.Rows[x][2].ToString() == "I") { dt.Rows[x][2] = "住院"; } else { dt.Rows[x][2] = "门诊"; } dt.Rows[x][3] = r7.PID[3].Trim().Split('^')[0].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][4] = r7.ORC[x, 13].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][5] = r7.ORC[x, 12].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][6] = r7.ORC[x, 2].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][7] = r7.OBR[x, 4].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][8] = r7.OBR[x, 23].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][9] = r7.OBR[x, 15].Trim(); dt.Rows[x][10] = r7.DG1[x, 3].Trim(); // MessageBox.Show(x.ToString()+"&"+r7.DG1[x,1].Trim()+"/"+r7.DG1[x,2].Trim()+"/"+r7.DG1[x,3].Trim()+"/"+r7.DG1[x,4].Trim()); } Frm_FJSFYBJY ffj = new Frm_FJSFYBJY(dt, "30^80^50^100^100^100^100^150^40^100^150"); ffj.ShowDialog(); if (ffj.xh == "") { MessageBox.Show("未选择病人检查记录"); return("0"); } xh = int.Parse(ffj.xh); } px.myDictionary["姓名"] = r7.PID[5].Split('^')[0].Trim(); string xb = r7.PID[8].Trim(); if (xb == "F") { xb = "女"; } else if (xb.Trim() == "M") { xb = "男"; } else { xb = "女"; } px.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; string brlb = r7.QRF[4].Trim(); if (brlb == "I") { brlb = "住院"; } else { brlb = "门诊"; } px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = brlb; px.myDictionary["出生日期"] = r7.PID[7].Trim(); px.myDictionary["地址"] = "电话:" + r7.PID[13].Trim() + "^";// r7.PID[11].Trim(); px.myDictionary["电话"] = "地址:" + r7.PID[11].Trim(); px.myDictionary["婚姻"] = r7.PID[15].Trim(); //px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = r7.PID[17].Trim();//医保卡号 px.myDictionary["病人编号"] = r7.PID[3].Trim().Split('^')[0].Trim(); if (brlb == "门诊") { px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = Ssbz; //卡号 // r7.PID[3].Split('^')[1].Trim(); px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = r7.PID[3].Split('^')[1].Trim();; //门诊流水号 } if (brlb == "住院") { px.myDictionary["住院号"] = r7.PID[3].Split('^')[1].Trim(); px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = r7.PID[17].Trim();//医保卡号 } try { px.myDictionary["身份证号"] = r7.PID[3].Trim().Split('^')[8].Trim().Split('~')[1].Trim(); } catch { px.myDictionary["身份证号"] = ""; } px.myDictionary["床号"] = r7.NTE[3].Trim(); px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = r7.ORC[xh, 13].Trim().Split('^')[0]; px.myDictionary["病区"] = r7.ORC[xh, 13].Trim().Split('^')[0]; px.myDictionary["申请序号"] = r7.ORC[xh, 2].Trim(); px.myDictionary["送检医生"] = r7.ORC[0, 12].Trim().Split('^')[1].Trim(); string sqx = r7.OBR[0, 2].Trim(); px.myDictionary["医嘱项目"] = r7.OBR[xh, 4].Trim(); px.myDictionary["标本名称"] = r7.OBR[xh, 15].Trim(); px.myDictionary["收费"] = r7.OBR[xh, 23].Trim(); try { px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = r7.OBR[xh, 46].Trim().Split('~')[1].Replace("2^", "").Trim(); } catch { px.myDictionary["临床病史"] = ""; } try { px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = r7.DG1[xh, 3].Split('^')[1].Trim(); } catch { px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = r7.DG1[xh, 3].Trim(); } string exep = ""; // MessageBox.Show(px.rtn_XML(ref exep)); return(px.rtn_XML(ref exep)); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show(e2.ToString()); return("0"); } } else { if (Sslbx.Trim() == "住院号" || Sslbx.Trim() == "卡号") { string rtn_msg2 = ""; if (Sslbx.Trim() == "住院号") { string isbrxx = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "isbrxx", "1").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); if (isbrxx.Trim() != "1") { MessageBox.Show(r7.MSA[1].Trim() + "|" + r7.MSA[3].Trim()); return("0"); } string XML2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><root><visitNo></visitNo><inpNo>" + Ssbz + "</inpNo><patientId></patientId><wardCode></wardCode><deptCode></deptCode></root>"; rtn_msg2 = rtn_CallInterface("XML", "GetPatientInHospital", XML2, "", "FHcsj1KMiIZrotKcdKfy4vzmPhE8GRpr"); } else { string isbrxx = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "isbrxx", "1").Replace("\0", "").Trim(); if (isbrxx.Trim() != "1") { MessageBox.Show(r7.MSA[1].Trim() + "|" + r7.MSA[3].Trim()); return("0"); } string XML2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><root><icCardNo>" + Ssbz + "</icCardNo><executeDept></executeDept></root>"; rtn_msg2 = rtn_CallInterface("XML", "GetDispPatientInfo", XML2, "", "FHcsj1KMiIZrotKcdKfy4vzmPhE8GRpr"); } if (rtn_msg2 == "") { return("0"); } if (rtn_msg2.Contains("error") && !rtn_msg2.Contains("|")) { MessageBox.Show(rtn_msg2); log.WriteMyLog(rtn_msg2); return("0"); } else { XmlNode xmlok = null; XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); try { xd.LoadXml(rtn_msg2); xmlok = xd.SelectSingleNode("/root/patients"); if (xmlok.InnerXml.Trim() != "") { DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmlok.InnerXml); XmlReader xr = new XmlTextReader(sr); ds1.ReadXml(xr); px.myDictionary["姓名"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientName"].ToString().Trim(); string xb = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientSex"].ToString().Trim(); if (xb == "1") { xb = "女"; } else if (xb.Trim() == "0") { xb = "男"; } else { xb = ""; } px.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; if (Sslbx.Trim() == "住院号") { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "住院"; px.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["visitCount"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["住院号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["visitNo"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["床号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bedCode"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["病区"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wardName"].ToString().Trim(); } else { px.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "门诊"; px.myDictionary["门诊号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["icCardNo"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["病区"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["deptName"].ToString().Trim(); } if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientAge"].ToString().Trim() != "") { try { px.myDictionary["年龄"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientAge"].ToString().Trim() + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ageUnit"].ToString().Trim(); } catch { px.myDictionary["年龄"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientAge"].ToString().Trim(); } } px.myDictionary["地址"] = "" + ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["telephone"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["电话"] = " "; px.myDictionary["病人编号"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["patientId"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["送检科室"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["deptName"].ToString().Trim(); px.myDictionary["申请序号"] = ""; px.myDictionary["送检医生"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["doctorInCharge"].ToString().Trim().Split('/')[0].Trim(); px.myDictionary["费别"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["rateTypeName"].ToString().Trim(); try { px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["diagnosisname"].ToString().Trim(); } catch { px.myDictionary["临床诊断"] = ""; } string exep = ""; return(px.rtn_XML(ref exep)); } else { MessageBox.Show("未能查询到病人记录"); return("0"); } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("XML解析错误:" + ee.ToString()); log.WriteMyLog(rtn_msg2 + "--" + ee.ToString()); return("0"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show(r7.MSA[1].Trim() + "|" + r7.MSA[3].Trim()); } return("0"); } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return("0"); } }
public static string ptxml(string Sslbx, string Ssbz, string debug) { debug = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "debug", ""); int ljfs = f.ReadInteger(Sslbx, "ljfs", 1); weburl = f.ReadString(Sslbx, "wsurl", ""); if (Sslbx != "") { if (Sslbx == "门诊号(新)") { string putcmsg = "<ESBEntry><AccessControl><UserName></UserName><Password></Password><Fid>BS10020</Fid></AccessControl><MessageHeader><Fid>BS10020</Fid><SourceSysCode>S45</SourceSysCode><TargetSysCode>S01</TargetSysCode><MsgDate>" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</MsgDate></MessageHeader><MsgInfo><onceFlag>0</onceFlag><startNum></startNum><endNum></endNum><Msg></Msg><query item=\"IC_CARD_ID\" compy=\"=\" value=\"'" + Ssbz + "'\" splice=\"and\"/><order item=\"\" sort=\"\"/></MsgInfo></ESBEntry>"; return(getmzbrxx("BS10020", putcmsg, debug, ljfs)); } if (Sslbx == "住院号(新)") { PT_XML pt = new PT_XML(); string putcmsg = "<ESBEntry><AccessControl><UserName></UserName><Password></Password><Fid>BS10001</Fid></AccessControl><MessageHeader><Fid>BS10001</Fid><SourceSysCode>S45</SourceSysCode><TargetSysCode>S01</TargetSysCode><MsgDate>" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</MsgDate></MessageHeader><MsgInfo><onceFlag>0</onceFlag><startNum></startNum><endNum></endNum><Msg></Msg><query item=\"Pat_Admit_ID\" compy=\" like \" value=\"'" + Ssbz + "%'\" splice=\"and\"/><order item=\"\" sort=\"\"/></MsgInfo></ESBEntry>"; return(getzybrxx("BS10001", putcmsg, debug, ref pt, ljfs)); } if (Sslbx == "住院号(申请)" || Sslbx == "住院号") { string putcmsg = "<ESBEntry><MessageHeader><Fid>BS25016</Fid><SourceSysCode>S45</SourceSysCode><TargetSysCode>S01</TargetSysCode><MsgDate>" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</MsgDate></MessageHeader><MsgInfo><Msg> and residence_no like '" + Ssbz + "%'</Msg></MsgInfo></ESBEntry>"; string rtnxml = getsqdxx("BS25016", putcmsg, debug, ljfs, Ssbz); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回的xml字符串:" + rtnxml); } return(rtnxml); } if (Sslbx == "卡号" || Sslbx == "门诊号(申请)" || Sslbx == "门诊号") { string putcmsg = "<ESBEntry><MessageHeader><Fid>BS25017</Fid><SourceSysCode>S45</SourceSysCode><TargetSysCode>S01</TargetSysCode><MsgDate>" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</MsgDate></MessageHeader><MsgInfo><Msg> and ic_card_id= '" + Ssbz + "' </Msg></MsgInfo></ESBEntry>"; string rtnxml = getsqdxx("BS25017", putcmsg, debug, ljfs, Ssbz); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回的xml字符串:" + rtnxml); } return(rtnxml); } if (Sslbx == "住院申请号") { string putcmsg = "<ESBEntry><MessageHeader><Fid>BS25016</Fid><SourceSysCode>S45</SourceSysCode><TargetSysCode>S01</TargetSysCode><MsgDate>" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</MsgDate></MessageHeader><MsgInfo><Msg> and apply_no= '" + Ssbz + "'</Msg></MsgInfo></ESBEntry>"; string rtnxml = getsqdxx("BS25016", putcmsg, debug, ljfs, Ssbz); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回的xml字符串:" + rtnxml); } return(rtnxml); } if (Sslbx == "门诊申请号") { string putcmsg = "<ESBEntry><MessageHeader><Fid>BS25017</Fid><SourceSysCode>S45</SourceSysCode><TargetSysCode>S01</TargetSysCode><MsgDate>" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</MsgDate></MessageHeader><MsgInfo><Msg> and apply_no= '" + Ssbz + "'</Msg></MsgInfo></ESBEntry>"; string rtnxml = getsqdxx("BS25017", putcmsg, debug, ljfs, Ssbz); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回的xml字符串:" + rtnxml); } return(rtnxml); } if (Sslbx == "门诊列表") { fzs2y_mzlb mzlb = new fzs2y_mzlb(); if (mzlb.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { string IC_CARD_ID = mzlb.IC_CARD_ID; if (IC_CARD_ID.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("所选择的病人卡号为空,无法获取信息!"); return("0"); } else { string putcmsg = "<ESBEntry><MessageHeader><Fid>BS25017</Fid><SourceSysCode>S45</SourceSysCode><TargetSysCode>S01</TargetSysCode><MsgDate>" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "</MsgDate></MessageHeader><MsgInfo><Msg> and ic_card_id= '" + IC_CARD_ID + "'</Msg></MsgInfo></ESBEntry>"; string rtnxml = getsqdxx("BS25017", putcmsg, debug, ljfs, Ssbz); if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回的xml字符串:" + rtnxml); } return(rtnxml); } } else { MessageBox.Show("未选择病人,无法获取信息!"); return("0"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("无此" + Sslbx); } return("0"); } else { MessageBox.Show("识别号不能为空"); return("0"); } }
//获取病人基本信息 private static string getzybrxx(string fid, string putcmsg, string debug, ref PT_XML pt, int ljfs) { if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("入参:" + putcmsg); } string getcmsg = ""; string err_msg = ""; bool rtn = false; if (ljfs == 0) { try { rtn = MQ(fid, putcmsg, debug, ref getcmsg); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); return("0"); } } else { EHSBMQWeb.Service ehsb = new LGHISJKZGQ.EHSBMQWeb.Service(); if (weburl.Trim() != "") { ehsb.Url = weburl; } try { rtn = ehsb.GETMQ(fid, putcmsg, ref getcmsg, ref err_msg); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); return("0"); } } if (!rtn) { MessageBox.Show(err_msg); return("0"); } if (debug == "1") { log.WriteMyLog("返回:" + getcmsg); } if (getcmsg.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("提取失败,返回为空"); return("0"); } string RetCon = ""; string Msg = ""; string RetCode = ""; XmlNode xmlok = null; XmlNode xmlok_msg = null; XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); try { xd.LoadXml(getcmsg); xmlok = xd.SelectSingleNode("/ESBEntry/RetInfo"); xmlok_msg = xd.SelectSingleNode("/ESBEntry/MsgInfo"); RetCon = xmlok["RetCon"].InnerText; RetCode = xmlok["RetCode"].InnerText; Msg = xmlok_msg["Msg"].InnerText; } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("提取住院信息异常,解析返回值异常:" + e1.Message); return("0"); } if (RetCode != "1") { MessageBox.Show(RetCon); return("0"); } StringReader xmlstr = null; XmlTextReader xmread = null; xmlstr = new StringReader(Msg); xmread = new XmlTextReader(xmlstr); XmlDocument readxml2 = new XmlDocument(); try { readxml2.Load(xmread); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show("读XML失败:" + e2.Message); return("0"); } XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(readxml2.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace("ns", "urn:hl7-org:v3"); XmlNode ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:id", nsMgr); //////姓名 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:patient/ns:name", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["姓名"] = ppp.InnerText; } catch { } //性别 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:patient/ns:administrativeGenderCode", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["性别"] = ppp.Attributes["displayName"].Value; } catch { } //出身日期 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:patient/ns:birthTime", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["出生日期"] = ppp.Attributes["value"].Value; } catch { } ///婚姻\ try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:patient/ns:maritalStatusCode", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["婚姻"] = ppp.Attributes["displayName"].Value; } catch { } //民族 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:patient/ns:ethnicGroupCode", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["民族"] = ppp.Attributes["displayName"].Value; } catch { } //////电话 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:telecom", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["电话"] = ppp.Attributes["value"].Value; } catch { } //地址 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:addr/ns:state", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["地址"] = ppp.InnerText; } catch { } //身份证 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:patient/ns:id", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["身份证号"] = ppp.Attributes["extension"].InnerText; } catch { } //年龄 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:patient/ns:age", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["年龄"] = ppp.Attributes["value"].InnerText + ppp.Attributes["unit"].InnerText; } catch { } //病区 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:componentOf/ns:encompassingEncounter/ns:location/ns:healthCareFacility/ns:serviceProviderOrganization/ns:asOrganizationPartOf/ns:wholeOrganization/ns:asOrganizationPartOf/ns:wholeOrganization/ns:name", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["病区"] = ppp.InnerText; } catch { } //科室 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:componentOf/ns:encompassingEncounter/ns:location/ns:healthCareFacility/ns:serviceProviderOrganization/ns:asOrganizationPartOf/ns:wholeOrganization/ns:asOrganizationPartOf/ns:wholeOrganization/ns:asOrganizationPartOf/ns:wholeOrganization/ns:name", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["送检科室"] = ppp.InnerText; } catch { } //医生 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:author/ns:assignedAuthor/ns:assignedPerson/ns:name", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["送检医生"] = ppp.InnerText; } catch { } //床号 try { ppp = readxml2.SelectSingleNode("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:componentOf/ns:encompassingEncounter/ns:location/ns:healthCareFacility/ns:serviceProviderOrganization/ns:asOrganizationPartOf/ns:wholeOrganization/ns:id", nsMgr); pt.myDictionary["床号"] = ppp.Attributes["extension"].Value; } catch { } try { XmlNodeList ppplist = readxml2.SelectNodes("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:recordTarget/ns:patientRole/ns:id", nsMgr); foreach (XmlNode ppp2 in ppplist) { if (ppp2.Attributes["root"].Value == "") { pt.myDictionary["住院号"] = ppp2.Attributes["extension"].Value.ToString(); } if (ppp2.Attributes["root"].Value == "") { //就诊卡号 pt.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = ppp2.Attributes["extension"].Value.ToString(); } //if (ppp2.Attributes["root"].Value == "") //{ // //病案号 // pt.myDictionary["病人编号"] = + ppp2.Attributes["extension"].Value.ToString(); //} if (ppp2.Attributes["root"].Value == "") { //padid pt.myDictionary["病人编号"] = ppp2.Attributes["extension"].Value.ToString(); } //if (ppp2.Attributes["root"].Value == "") //{ // //门诊号 // pt.myDictionary["门诊号"]=ppp2.Attributes["extension"].Value.ToString(); //} } //ppplist = readxml2.SelectNodes("/ns:ClinicalDocument/ns:component/ns:structuredBody/ns:component/ns:section/ns:entry/ns:observation", nsMgr); //foreach (XmlNode ppp2 in ppplist) //{ // //住院次数 // if (ppp2["code"].Attributes["code"].Value.ToString() == "DE02.10.090.00") // { // pt.myDictionary["就诊ID"] = ppp2["value"].Attributes["value"].Value.ToString(); // break; // } //} } catch { } string xb = pt.myDictionary["性别"].Trim(); if (xb == "1") { xb = "男"; } else if (xb == "2") { xb = "女"; } pt.myDictionary["性别"] = xb; pt.myDictionary["病人类别"] = "住院"; if (pt.myDictionary["年龄"].Trim() == "") { pt.myDictionary["年龄"] = ZGQClass.CsrqToAge(pt.myDictionary["出生日期"]); } if (pt.myDictionary["姓名"].Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("提取数据错误"); return("0"); } string ex = ""; string xml = pt.rtn_XML(ref ex); if (ex.Trim() != "") { log.WriteMyLog(ex); } return(xml); }