예제 #1
파일: Schedule.cs 프로젝트: compil3/LGFA
        public WeeklySchedule()
            Action update = new Action(() =>
                Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                             .WriteTo.Console(theme: AnsiConsoleTheme.Code)
                             .WriteTo.Seq("http://*****:*****@"logs\lgfa.txt", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day))

                #region Update recent player stats
                Log.Logger.Warning("Updating Database");

                var playerWatach = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                #region Current Season
                PlayerEngine.GetField("xbox", "playerstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("xbox")), "reg", "schedule");
                PlayerEngine.GetField("psn", "playerstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("psn")), "reg", "schedule");

                GoalieEngine.GetGoalie("xbox", "goaliestats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("xbox")), "reg", "schedule");
                GoalieEngine.GetGoalie("psn", "goaliestats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("psn")), "reg", "schedule");
                Console.WriteLine("Player & Goalie Stats updated to most recent.");

                #region Pre-season
                //PlayerEngine.GetField("xbox", "playerstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("xbox")), "pre", "schedule");
                //PlayerEngine.GetField("psn", "playerstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("psn")), "pre", "schedule");
                Log.Logger.Warning("Players Pre updated");

                //GoalieEngine.GetGoalie("xbox", "goaliestats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("xbox")), "pre", "schedule");
                //GoalieEngine.GetGoalie("psn", "goaliestats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("psn")), "pre", "schedule");
                Console.WriteLine("Player & Goalie Pre-Season Stats updated to most recent.");

                #region Team

                TeamEngine.GetTeam("xbox", "teamstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("xbox")), "reg", "schedule");
                TeamEngine.GetTeam("psn", "teamstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("psn")), "reg", "schedule");
                Console.WriteLine("Current team stats updated");
                //TeamEngine.GetTeam("xbox", "teamstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("xbox")), "pre", "schedule");
                //TeamEngine.GetTeam("psn", "teamstats", int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason("psn")), "pre", "schedule");

                Log.Logger.Warning($"Database updated to most recent.\nUpdated time: {playerWatach.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}");


예제 #2
파일: DataSaver.cs 프로젝트: compil3/LGFA
        public static bool SaveTeam(int Id, int rank, string teamName, string gamesPlayed, string gamesWon,
                                    string gamesDrawn, string gamesLost, string Points, string Streak, string goalsFor, string goalsAgainst,
                                    string cleanSheets,
                                    string lastTenGames, string homeRecord, string awayRecord, string oneGoalGames, string teamIcon,
                                    string teamUrl, string system, int seasonId, string seasonType, string Command)
            var dbName    = "";
            var tableName = "";

            if (Command == "schedule")
                dbName = "LGFA_Current.db";
                if (system == "xbox" || system == "psn")
                    var currentSeasonId = int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason(system));
                    if (currentSeasonId == seasonId)
                        if (seasonType == "regular")
                            tableName = "CRS_Team";
                        else if (seasonType == "pre-season")
                            tableName = "CPS_Team";
            else if (Command == "uh")
                if (system == "xbox" || system == "psn")
                    var historicalSeason = seasonId;
                    if (seasonType == "regular")
                        tableName = "Regular" + seasonId;
                        dbName    = "Historical_Reg_Team.db";
                    else if (seasonType == "pre-season")
                            tableName = "Pre-season" + seasonId;
                            dbName    = "Historical_Pre_Team.db";

            using (var database = new LiteDatabase(dbName))
                var teamCollection = database.GetCollection <TeamProp>(tableName);
                var teamStats      = new TeamProp()
                    Id           = Id,
                    Rank         = rank,
                    SeasonId     = seasonId,
                    SeasonTypeId = seasonType,
                    System       = system,
                    TeamName     = teamName,
                    GamesPlayed  = gamesPlayed,
                    GamesWon     = gamesWon,
                    GamesDrawn   = gamesDrawn,
                    GamesLost    = gamesLost,
                    Points       = Points,
                    Streak       = Streak,
                    GoalsFor     = goalsFor,
                    GoalsAgainst = goalsAgainst,
                    CleanSheets  = cleanSheets,
                    LastTenGames = lastTenGames,
                    HomeRecord   = homeRecord,
                    AwayRecord   = awayRecord,
                    OneGoalGames = oneGoalGames,
                    TeamIconUrl  = teamIcon,
                    TeamURL      = teamUrl
                    if (teamCollection.FindById(Id) != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Logger.Error(ex, "Error saving team stats.");
예제 #3
파일: DataSaver.cs 프로젝트: compil3/LGFA
        public static bool SaveGoalie(int ID, string System, string playerName, string gamesPlayed, string record,
                                      string goalsAgainst, string shotsAgainst, string saves, string savePercentage, string goalsAgainstAvg,
                                      string cleanSheets, string manOfTheMatch, string avgMatchRating, string playerURL, string iconURL, string Command, int SeasonId, string SeasonTypeId)
            var dbName    = "";
            var tableName = "";

            if (Command == "schedule")
                dbName = "LGFA_Current.db";
                if (System == "xbox" || System == "psn")
                    var currentSeasonId = int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason(System));
                    if (currentSeasonId == SeasonId)
                        if (SeasonTypeId == "regular")
                            tableName = "CRS_Goalie";
                        else if (SeasonTypeId == "pre-season")
                            tableName = "CPS_Goalie";
            else if (Command == "uh")
                if (System == "xbox" || System == "psn")
                    var historicalSeason = SeasonId;
                    if (SeasonTypeId == "regular")
                        tableName = "HRS_Goalie" + SeasonId;
                        dbName    = "Historical_Reg_Goalie.db";
                    else if (SeasonTypeId == "pre-season")
                        tableName = "HPS_Goalie" + SeasonId;
                        dbName    = "Historical_Pre_Goalie.db";

            using (var database = new LiteDatabase(dbName))
                var goalieCollection = database.GetCollection <GoalieProps>(tableName);

                goalieCollection.EnsureIndex(x => x.SeasonId);
                var goalieStats = new GoalieProps
                    SeasonId        = SeasonId,
                    SeasonTypeId    = SeasonTypeId,
                    Id              = ID,
                    userSystem      = System,
                    playerName      = playerName,
                    gamesPlayed     = gamesPlayed,
                    record          = record,
                    goalsAgainst    = goalsAgainst,
                    goalsAgainstAvg = goalsAgainstAvg,
                    shotsAgainst    = shotsAgainst,
                    saves           = saves,
                    savePercentage  = savePercentage,
                    cleanSheets     = cleanSheets,
                    manOfTheMatch   = manOfTheMatch,
                    avgMatchRating  = avgMatchRating,
                    playerURL       = playerURL,
                    teamIcon        = iconURL
                    if (goalieCollection.FindById(ID) != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error(ex, "Error saving goalie stats to database");
예제 #4
파일: DataSaver.cs 프로젝트: compil3/LGFA
        public static bool Save(int ID, int SeasonId, string SeasonTypeId, string Position, string PlayerName,
                                string GamesPlayed, string Record, string AvgMatchRating, string Goals, string Assists, string CleanSheets,
                                string ShotsOnGoal,
                                string ShotsOnTarget, string ShotPercentage, string Tackles, string TackleAttempts, string TacklePercentage,
                                string PassPercentage, string KeyPasses, string Interceptions, string Blocks,
                                string YellowCards, string RedCards, string ManOfTheMatch, string PlayerURL, string System,
                                string TeamIconURL, string Command)
            var dbName    = "";
            var tableName = "";

            if (Command == "schedule")
                dbName = "LGFA_Current.db";
                if (System == "xbox" || System == "psn")
                    var currentSeasonId = int.Parse(Fetch.GetSeason(System));
                    if (currentSeasonId == SeasonId)
                        if (SeasonTypeId == "regular")
                            tableName = "CRS_Player";
                        else if (SeasonTypeId == "pre-season")
                            tableName = "CPS_Player";
            else if (Command == "uh")
                if (System == "xbox" || System == "psn")
                    var historicalSeason = SeasonId;
                    if (SeasonTypeId == "regular")
                        tableName = "HRS_Player" + SeasonId;
                        dbName    = "Historical_Reg_Player.db";
                    else if (SeasonTypeId == "pre-season")
                        tableName = "HPS_Player" + SeasonId;
                        dbName    = "Historical_Pre_Player.db";

            using (var database = new LiteDatabase(dbName))
                var playerCollection = database.GetCollection <StatProps>(tableName);
                playerCollection.EnsureIndex(x => x.SeasonId);

                var playerStats = new StatProps
                    SeasonId          = SeasonId,
                    Id                = ID,
                    TeamIcon          = TeamIconURL,
                    Position          = Position,
                    PlayerName        = PlayerName,
                    GamesPlayed       = GamesPlayed,
                    Record            = Record,
                    AvgMatchRating    = AvgMatchRating,
                    Goals             = Goals,
                    Assists           = Assists,
                    CleanSheets       = CleanSheets,
                    ShotsOnGoal       = ShotsOnGoal,
                    ShotsOnTarget     = ShotsOnTarget,
                    ShotPercentage    = ShotPercentage,
                    Tackles           = Tackles,
                    TackleAttempts    = TackleAttempts,
                    TacklePercentage  = TacklePercentage,
                    PassingPercentage = PassPercentage,
                    KeyPasses         = KeyPasses,
                    Interceptions     = Interceptions,
                    Blocks            = Blocks,
                    YellowCards       = YellowCards,
                    RedCards          = RedCards,
                    ManOfTheMatch     = ManOfTheMatch,
                    PlayerUrl         = PlayerURL,
                    PlayerSystem      = System,
                    SeasonTypeId      = SeasonTypeId,
                    var playerFound = playerCollection.FindById(ID);
                    if (playerFound != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error(ex, "Error saving Historical Stats to database");
