public Game() { player = new Entity(64 * 3, 64 * 16, 32, 32, 63); target = new Target(64, 64); target.ID = 46; graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = (800 / 16) * 16; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = (600 / 16) * 16; graphics.ApplyChanges(); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; instructions = " You are a contract scarer, similiar to a contract killer, you scare people\n" + "for money. You must adjust your scariness for each target or else you\n" + "may scare them too much or not enough, adjust your scariness\n" + "levels at the bottom left. The amount needed to scare them depends on \n" + "thier age and gender: women, children, and the eldery scare more easily. \n" + "By the way you are wanted by the police so make sure to watch out for\n" + "them. You are given information about each target which appears\n" + "in the upper right hand corner. The controls are very simple: W,A,S,D\n" + "for movement and E to scare once you are near you're target.\n" + "Good Luck :)"; }
public void LoadMap(int i) { if (points > bestScore) bestScore = points; points = 0; playerFailed = false; string[] mapData = File.ReadAllLines("Content/Maps/Map" + i + ".map"); foreach (string blockData in mapData) { try { string[] properties = blockData.Split(','); int x = Convert.ToInt32(properties[0]); int y = Convert.ToInt32(properties[1]); int ID = Convert.ToInt32(properties[2]); bool hasPhysics = ID > 15; tiles.Add(new Tile(x, y, ID, hasPhysics)); } catch { } } entities.Clear(); target = new Target(rand.Next(2, 15) * 64, rand.Next(2, 14) * 64); entities.Add(player); player.x = 64 * 3; player.y = 64 * 4; offset = new Vector2((((800 / 16) * 16) / 2) - (64 * 3), (((600 / 16) * 16) / 2) - (64 * 4)); entities.Add(target); for (int it = 0; it < 32; it++) { entities.Add(new Entity(rand.Next(2, 15) * 64, rand.Next(2, 14) * 64, 32, 32, rand.Next(56, 63))); } }
public void Scare() { if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(player.x - target.x, 2) + Math.Pow(player.y - target.y, 2)) < 64) { if (Math.Abs((frightness.percentFull / 10) - target.fear) > 2) { playerFailed = true; if ((frightness.percentFull / 10) < target.fear) { reasonForFailure = "Not Scary Enough! Target was unnerved"; } else { reasonForFailure = "Too Scary! Target had a heart attack"; } } if (!playerFailed) { notifications.Add(new Notification(target.x, target.y, "+" + target.worth)); points += target.worth; } entities.Remove(target); target = new Target(rand.Next(2, 15) * 64, rand.Next(2, 14) * 64); entities.Add(target); } }